Nov 6, 2010 - COLUMBIA-SOUTHERN CHEMICALS ANSWER. Chem. Eng. News , 1959, 37 (37), pp 86–87. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v037n037.p086. Publication ...
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PROFITS . . . however


analyze it, dollars saved in processing show u p clearly on the balance sheet. T h a t ' s the big reason you look so closely a t t h e total "package" you get when you buy such essential materials as chemicals. P r o d u c t p u r i t y ? M e e t i n g or exceeding y o u r tightest specifications, shipment after shipment. Dependability of supply? Delivery from plants or terminals meshed exactly t o your schedules. Geared to your handling and use? Widest range of forms,

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DOLLAR-DRAINING PROCESSING PROBLEMS CAUSTIC SODA and its voracious appe­ tite work thriftily to produce textiles, packaging films, petroleum products, innumerable goods.

CHLORINATED SOLVENTS are used in such divergent operations as degreasing metal pro­ ducts and dry clean­ ing delicate gowns.

SODA ASH is indis­ pensable to the manufacture o f glass, soaps a n d detergents, metals, pigments, other chemicals.

CHLORINE regroups molecules for eco­ nomical processing of paper products, solvents, plastics, wonder drugs, hun­ d r e d s of products-


C O L U M B I A - S O U T H E R N CHEMICAL CORPORATION A Subsidiary of Pittsburgh Plate Glass


Anhydrous A m m o n i a . Barium Chemicals. Benzene Hexachloride. Calcium Chloride. Calcium Hypochlorite (Pittchlor», Pittabs*), Carbon Tetrachloride, Caustic Potash, Caustic Soda, Chlorine. Chlorinated Benzenes. Chloro-IPC. Chrome Chemicals. Hydrogen Peroxide. Muriatic Acid, Pacific Crystals, Perchlorethylene,Rubber Pigments(Calcene*,Hi-Sil».Silene»).SodaAsh,Sodium Bicarbonate.Sodium Sulfate.Titanium Tetrachloride,Trichlorethylene CS-5170-8