Combating HIV-1 Entry and Fusion with PeptideSynthetic Polymer

in large cell-like structures with multiple nuclei known as syncytia (59). To measure the anti-fusion efficacy of the PEGylated HR2 peptides, conjugat...
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Chapter 8

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Combating HIV-1 Entry and Fusion with Peptide–Synthetic Polymer Conjugates Maarten Danial1,2 and Harm-Anton Klok*,1 1École

Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Institut des Matériaux and Institut des Sciences et Ingénierie Chimiques, Laboratoire des Polymères, Bâtiment MXD, 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland 2Current affiliation: Key Centre for Polymers & Colloids, The University of Sydney, School of Chemistry, Building F11, Sydney NSW 2006, Australia *E-mail: [email protected].

This Chapter presents the preparation and properties of two families of peptide–synthetic polymer conjugates that are designed to combat HIV-1–host cell entry and fusion. In a first example, a post-polymerization modification strategy is used to prepare synthetic polymers that contain a large number of short peptides that can bind in a polyvalent fashion to the gp120 envelope proteins on HIV-1 and thereby prevent subsequent binding of the HIV-1 virion to the CD4 receptors on the host cell. In the second example, site-specific PEGylation is explored to modify peptide-based fusion inhibitors. Screening of a small library of PEGylated fusion inhibitors reveals that judicious selection of the site of PEGylation allows to increase the proteolytic stability of the peptides, while minimizing the loss of efficacy due to the attachment of the PEG chain. These two examples exemplify the power of the modern polymer chemistry toolbox, and more specifically of controlled radical polymerization in combination with site-specific chemo-selective coupling chemistry such as thiol-acrylate Michael addition and thiol-ene addition, to provide access to therapeutic peptide−synthetic polymer conjugates with improved efficacies and pharmacokinetics as compared to non-modified peptide and protein drugs.

© 2013 American Chemical Society In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Introduction The human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) has globally affected more than 33 million individuals with 1.8 million deaths and 2.6 million new infections estimated in 2009 (1). Although advances in the fundamental understanding of the HIV-1 life cycle have led to the availability of a range of effective antiretroviral inhibitors and broadly neutralizing antibodies, an effective vaccine against this virus that causes acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) remains to be developed (2). The HIV-1 life cycle (Figure 1) consists of four main events that ultimately lead to the release of new HIV-1 virions: (i) viral recognition and fusion that lead to viral entry into the host cell, (ii) reverse transcription of viral RNA into double stranded DNA, which is subsequently (iii) integrated into the host cell genome via integrase activity. Through cellular mechanisms, the infected host cell DNA is transcribed into messenger RNA that is translated into polypeptides, and is converted into functional proteins through (iv) protease activity. Therapeutics that prevent HIV-1 infection can intervene at each of these four stages by inhibiting (i) cellular attachment (entry) and membrane fusion, (ii) reverse transcription (iii) viral double stranded DNA integration, and (iv) maturation/proteolysis (Figure 1) (3). Fusion and entry inhibitors are particularly attractive therapeutics since they prohibit the virus from entering the host cell as opposed to the other classes of antivirals that only act after the virus has already penetrated the host cell membrane. As Figure 2 illustrates, HIV-1 entry and fusion is caused by the glycoprotein Env, which consists of a closely associated trimer of heterodimers (gp1203/gp413) on the virion surface (4, 5). An HIV-1 virion displays ~ 14 copies of the Env trimer on its surface, although a notable number of these glycoproteins adopt a non-functional form that is incapable of initiating viral entry (6, 7). HIV-1 cell infection starts with the interaction of the gp120 subunits with the CD4 receptor and a CXCR4 or CCR5 coreceptor on the host cell membrane. Binding of gp120 with CD4 and a coreceptor then leads to a series of conformational changes causing the exposure of the gp41 trimer. In its prefusogenic state, a glycine-rich region at the N-terminus of gp41 trimer anchors into the host cell membrane. Subsequently, the heptad repeat 1 domain (HR1) folds onto the HR2 domain on gp41 forming a trimer-of-hairpins (also known as a six-helix bundle), which brings the viral and host cell membrane into close proximity and ultimately leads to the fusion of the membranes releasing the viral contents in to the host cell (post-fusogenic state, Figure 2) (8). One approach in the development of HIV-1 entry inhibitors involves the use of small molecules that block the interaction of gp120 with the CD4 receptor and/or coreceptor. The FDA-approved drug maraviroc binds to the CCR5 coreceptor and thereby blocks its interaction with gp120 on HIV-1. A drawback of maraviroc is that it is only potent against CCR5-tropic HIV-1, which means that the drug is ineffective against HIV-1 that utilizes CXCR4 (9). In addition, broadly neutralizing antibodies that bind to gp120 envelope proteins are also attractive entry inhibitors since many of these interfere with gp120-CD4 receptor binding and thus prevent the virus from entering the host cell (10). One particular 106 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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example of a neutralizing antibody is IgG1 b12 that was developed from the bone marrow of an HIV positive patient (11). Elucidation of this IgG1 b12 antibody crystal structure revealed an unusual long CDR H3 loop located on both Fab regions of the antibody (12). The CDR H3 loop consists of 18 amino acids with a tryptophan residue located at its apex, which rises approximately 15 Å above the surface of the Fab domain. Computational docking studies between IgG b12 Fab (containing the CDR H3 loop) and gp120 suggested that the projected structure adopted by CDR H3 in Fab inserts into a polar pocket on gp120. Comparison of the model obtained between IgG1 b12 Fab and gp120 and the CD4-gp120 crystal structure revealed that a peptide loop in CD4 present binds to that same polar pocket on gp120. Binding to gp120 and entry inhibition was further confirmed with the ligation of the CDR H3 peptide to bovine serum albumin which was capable of HIV-1 neutralization (12). Several strategies to generate polyvalent HIV-1 entry inhibitors have been explored. Examples of polymeric compounds that have been used to prevent HIV-1 entry include polyanions such as natural sulfated polysaccharides (13, 14) or synthetic sulfated polymers (15–17) that bind to the positively charged residues on the gp120 envelope protein (18). In addition, attempts have also been made to develop target-specific polyvalent HIV-1 entry inhibitors. Li et al., for example developed bivalent CD4 miniproteins, which consist of polypeptides that mimic the CD4 receptor linked by a poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) spacer. The bivalent CD4 miniproteins were found to be 21-fold more effective against HIV-1 entry than the CD4 mimicking polypeptide alone (19). In a subsequent paper, these authors reported the development of trivalent CD4 miniproteins that consisted of CD4 mimicking peptides that were attached to Kemp’s acid or triazacyclododecane (20). The trivalent CD4 miniproteins, however, exhibited anti-HIV activities that were comparable to the bivalent CD4 miniproteins. More recently, effective multivalent anti-HIV inhibitors have been developed using methacrylamide-based polymers that have pendant benzoboroxole functionalities (21). The benzoboroxole moieties bind to the 4,6-diols on the mannopyranose residues present on gp120 and thus block the interaction between CD4 receptor and HIV-1. In a follow-up study, the efficacy of the benzoboroxole methacrylamide polymers against HIV-1 entry was further improved through the addition of 10 mole percent sulfonic acid pendant groups throughout polymer chain. These sulfonic acid pendant groups not only improved solubility but also improved electrostatic interactions between the polymer and the positively charged V3 loop on gp120 thereby mediating a higher efficacy (18, 22). Another approach to combat HIV-1 is to prevent virus–host cell fusion. One strategy to accomplish this, is by the use of peptides derived from the HR1 or HR2 regions of gp41, which act as competitive inhibitors by binding to the HR2 and HR1 domains on gp41, respectively (23–26). A prominent example of a HR2 derived fusion inhibitor is T-20 (Enfuvirtide or Fuzeon®), which was approved by the FDA in 2003. T-20 works by binding to the HR1 domain of gp41 on HIV-1, which prevents the formation of the trimer-of-hairpins between the HR1 and HR2 domains of gp41, thus abrogating virus and host cell membrane fusion (27–29). However, due to the high cost of production and requirement 107 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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for parenteral administration, it is primarily used as salvage therapy for HIV-1 patients, who show little response to standard antiretroviral therapy (9). Another drawback of T-20 is that its effectiveness is short lived due to its short plasma half-life (3.8 h) (30) and susceptibility to proteolytic degradation.

Figure 1. An illustration depicting the HIV-1 life cycle highlighting the different possibilities for therapeutic intervention. Strategies to combat HIV-1 infection include (i) entry and fusion inhibition, (ii) reverse transcriptase inhibition via nucleotide, nucleoside and non-nucleoside inhibitors; (iii) integrase inhibition and (iv) protease inhibition. 108 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Figure 2. An illustration showing entry and fusion inhibition. HIV-1 entry inhibition can be achieved by polyvalent polymer inhibitors or chemokine antagonists. Fusion inhibition can be achieved using peptide - synthetic polymer conjugates that form competitive inhibitors.

Several strategies have been developed to improve the pharmacokinetics and in vivo half-life of peptide-based HIV-1 fusion inhibitors. One approach encompasses the design of ‘third generation’ fusion inhibitors that contain stabilizing intramolecular salt-bridges (25) or covalent bonds (23, 31). Another 109 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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option is the use of small peptide inhibitors that contain D-amino acids (32) or β-amino acids (33) which are both resistant to proteases. Alternatively, conjugation of polymers such as poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) has proven an attractive strategy to improve the pharmacokinetics and stablitiy of peptide/protein drugs. PEGylation is widely used to prevent proteolytic degradation and reduce renal elimination of peptide/protein drugs (34–37) including HR2-derived peptides intended as anti-HIV fusion inhibitors (38, 39). Exemplified by the PEGylation of the HR2 derived peptides T-20 and T-1249, a common drawback of PEGylation is the reduction in biological activity of the peptide or protein drug (38, 39). However, through a judicial choice of PEGylation via site-specific chemistry the detrimental effects upon biological activity can be minimized. An example is the mono-PEGylation of erythropoiesis protein, which leads to a 2-fold increase in the plasma residence time and elimination time while maintaining the cell proliferation activity (40). From the short survey presented above, it is apparent that peptides and proteins are attractive therapeutics to fight HIV-1 entry and fusion. The efficacy of such peptide and protein based inhibitors, however, is often compromised due to their relatively short plasma half-life and susceptibility to proteolysis as well as due to the fact that virus-host cell recognition processes often involve multivalent interactions, which are challenging to antagonize with a monovalent ligand. Polymer chemistry provides a powerful toolbox to overcome these problems and improve the stability, half-life and activity of peptide and protein based therapeutics. This Chapter will present a summary of two recently published studies from our laboratory, which serve to illustrate this. The first example will present the design, synthesis and performance of multivalent HIV-1 entry inhibitors based on side-chain peptide–polymer conjugates (41). The second example will underline the importance of site-selective PEGylation to improve the stability of peptide-based HIV-1 fusion inhibitors while minimizing the loss of activity upon polymer modification (42).

Polyvalent Side Chain Peptide–Synthetic Polymer Conjugates as HIV-1 Entry Inhibitors In the mid 1990s, an antibody Fab b12 was identified from a combinatorial phage display library developed from the bone marrow of an HIV-1 infected individual (11). After the conversion of the Fab b12 to a whole immunoglobulin molecule, the resultant antibody IgG1 b12 proved to be effective against laboratory HIV-1 strains using a syncytial formation assay as well as against a set of 10 primary HIV-1 isolates using a p24 reporter assay (11). In 2001, Saphire et al. reported the crystal structure of IgG1 b12 and elucidated the molecular basis by which the antibody IgG1 b12 causes HIV-1 neutralization (12). In this study, an 18 amino acid sequence known as the CDR H3 region in the antibody IgG1 b12 was identified, which was proposed to dock onto the gp120 envelope protein on HIV-1 and prevent subsequent binding of the CD4 receptor on the host cell 110 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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thereby preventing virus-host cell membrane fusion (12). In addition, a bovine serum albumin conjugate that displays this peptide was shown to neutralize the virus. Based on the work by Saphire et al. (12), we hypothesized that the peptide derived from CDR H3 could be an attractive candidate for the development of polyvalent entry inhibitors. To explore the feasibility of the CDR H3 peptide for the development of polyvalent HIV-1 entry inhibitors, a library of 10 side chain peptide–synthetic polymer conjugates was prepared via a sequential post-polymerization modification strategy. As has been reviewed recently by Günay, Theato and Klok, the versatility of post-polymerization modification has been demonstrated as a facile route for the synthesis of (multi)functional polymers from well-defined, easy-modifiable polymeric precursors (43). In addition, sequential (or double) post-polymerization modifications have enabled diversification of chemical functionality and permit introduction of chemical moieties that are otherwise not accessible from direct polymerization (44, 45). Employing this strategy, the design of these polymer conjugates and in particular their degree of polymerization can be tailored towards the structure of the HIV-1 virion envelope proteins. The design of these polymer conjugates and in particular their degree of polymerization, takes into account the structure of the HIV-1 virion envelope proteins and the fact that polyvalent inhibition can occur at two length scales: (i) polymers with a low degree of polymerization with two of three pendant CDR H3 peptide ligands may span 15 nm (7) and bind simultaneously to a single envelope spike, while (ii) polymers with a high degree of polymerization could span at least two envelope spikes, which corresponds to a distance of 7–80 nm (7). The polymer conjugates were prepared following a 3-step ester-amide/thiol-ene post-polymerization modification strategy, which is illustrated in Scheme 1. In a first step, pentafluorophenyl methacrylate (PFMA) (46) was polymerized either via reversible addition-fragmentation chain transfer (RAFT) polymerization using a 4-cyanopentanoic acid dithiobenzoate as chain transfer agent (CTA) or by conventional free radical polymerization (FRP) to yield polymers with varying degrees of polymerization. Poly(pentafluorophenyl methacrylate) (PPFMA) precursor polymers with degrees of polymerization of 199, 269, 372 were obtained by RAFT, while a PPFMA polymer with a degree of polymerization of 539 was obtained by FRP (41). For the PPFMA precursor polymers synthesized by RAFT, the dithiobenzoate end-group was then replaced with an isobutyronitrile group using 30 mol % of the initiator azobisisobutyronitrile (AIBN) (47). Post-polymerization modification of the pendant active ester moieties on PPFMA can be easily achieved with primary amines in the presence of a base e.g. triethylamine (48). The PPFMA polymers presented here were reacted with 1 equivalent (relative to the PFMA moieties) of a 50/50 or 20/80 (mol/mol) mixture of allylamine and 2-hydroxypropylamine. In a final post-polymerization modification reaction, a thiol-ene coupling of the CDR H3 peptide via the thiol group on N-terminal cysteine residue to the pendant allyl side chains was performed (48). Table I presents the library of the CDR H3 pendant peptide–polymer conjugates that was prepared. In addition to polyvalent CDR H3 peptide–polymer conjugates, a peptide with a scrambled amino acid sequence was conjugated via thiol-ene addition to the poly(allyl 111 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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methacrylamide-co-2-hydroxypropyl methacrylamide) copolymer to create a negative control (11) for the HIV-1 entry inhibition assays (vide infra). All polyvalent peptide–polymer conjugates were analyzed by 1H-NMR to determine the number of peptides per polymer chain (Table I) (41). The side-chain peptide–synthetic polymer conjugates were evaluated with regards to their ability to inhibit infection of HOS CCR5 cells by single cycle HIV-1 viruses. For these experiments, HOS CCR5 cells were used that expressed the CD4 receptor as well as the CCR5 coreceptor and the CXCR4 coreceptor (49). The presence of both coreceptors on the HOS CCR5 cells permitted the evaluation of the infectivity inhibition of both X4- and R5-tropic strains of HIV-1 (pseudotyped HXB2 and JRFL, respectively). Both HIV-1 strains carried a luciferase reporter construct, which allowed luminescent detection of productive infection. Infection of the HOS CCR5 cells would lead to luciferase activity while complete inhibition of the HIV-1 would lead to no lucerifase activity. The inhibitory potencies of all the polyvalent conjugates along with the CDR H3 peptide, as well as the polyvalent scrambled peptide–polymer conjugate and IgG1 b12 controls are presented in Figure 3. While the side chain peptide–polymer conjugates showed efficacies in the low micromolar range, neither the polyvalent scrambled peptide–polymer conjugate (11) nor the CDR H3 peptide alone showed anti-HIV-1 activity up to 100 µM (Figure 3A). Comparison of the IC50 values derived from the titration experiments of the polyvalent peptide–polymer conjugates revealed a clear influence of the number-average degree of polymerization (DP) on antiviral activity. As shown in Figure 3B, the IC50 values are around 10 µM for the peptide–polymer conjugates with DP’s of 199 and 269, respectively, whereas the larger copolymer with a DP of 372 were the most effectitive with IC50 values ~ 2 µM. The largest polyvalent peptide–polymer conjugate with a DP of 539 yielded an IC50 value of ~ 10 µM. Performing the infection inhibition assays with the HIV-1JRFL viral strain lead to similar results, albeit with slightly higher IC50 values (~10–30 µM) as compared to the HIV-1HXB2 strain. The polyvalent peptide–synthetic polymer inhibitors have similar efficacies as compared to a variety of other polyvalent HIV-1 entry inhibitors. The bivalent CD4M9 entry inhbitors reported by Li et al. showed a maximum efficacy of 0.12 µM with an intermediate spacer length (19). Furthermore, trivalent entry inhibitors by the same group exhibited efficacies ranging from 0.4–3.0 µM (20). The chain length dependency observed in Figure 3, can be attributed to the opposing contributions of the enthalpy and entropy of binding to the overall free energy (50). While the polyvalent peptide–polymer conjugates 1–4 may not be sufficiently long to span the distance between two neighboring Env spikes, conjugates 5–9 are sufficiently long to bridge the distance between Env spikes. While conjugate 10 is sufficiently long to span the distance between multiple spikes, the IC50 value is higher as compared to 5–9, which is attributed to the increased entropic penalty that goes with polyvalent binding of these long chain polymer conjugates as compared to the lower molecular weight analogues.

112 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.


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Scheme 1. Synthesis of side chain peptide–synthetic polymer conjugates via polymerization of pentafluorophenyl methacrylate and successive post-polymerization modification with allylamine/2-hydroxypropylamine and thiol-ene reaction of the cysteine containing peptide. Adapted with permission from Danial et al. (41) Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.

In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Table I. Properties of the peptide modified copolymers. Adapted with permission from Danial et al. (41) Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society. Peptidecopolymer

Copolymer DPa (-)

Peptide per copolymer (%)b

Number of peptides per copolymerc (-)













































Number-average degree of polymerization of the PPFMA precursor as determined from spectroscopy from comparison of the protons on the RAFT agent end group to the -CH2 backbone peaks. b Calculated from 1H-NMR spectra as: number of peptides per polymer /(total number of original allyl units prior to thiol-ene addition + number of HPMA units). c The number of peptide chains per copolymer based on the total polymer DP derived from 1H-NMR presented in Table I. d The number average degree of polymerization of copolymer 10 is determined by DMF SEC. e Copolymer 11 functions as a negative control with the scrambled peptide grafted on to the copolymer via thiol-ene reaction. a


Comparison of the IC50 values of 5–9, which are expressed in total peptide concentration, does not reveal a significant influence of the peptide content on the inhibitory activity of the conjugates. However, when the IC50 values are considered from the perspective of copolymer concentration, a small increase in efficacy was observed. For example, polyvalent peptide–polymer conjugates 5, 6, and 7, yielded IC50 values of 170, 78 and 64 nM respectively when based on copolymer concentration. Figure 3 indicates that all peptide–polymer conjugates are less active as the IgG1 b12 antibody, suggesting that the tertiary structure of the antibody plays a significant role when binding to gp120. While the CDR H3 domain on IgG1 b12 is presented in a defined conformation, the CDR H3 peptides pendant to the copolymer chain have more conformational freedom, which presents a higher entropic barrier toward binding. In addition, the domains located at the periphery of the CDR H3 domain on the antibody may also contribute towards effective binding to gp120 (12, 51), and could further add to the the differences 114 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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in efficacy between IgG1 b12 and the polyvalent peptide–polymer conjugates. Despite the lower efficacy compared to the IgG1 b12 antibody, the polyvalent peptide–polymer conjugates may present a cost-effective alternative to existing therapies, especially for microbicidal applications (52).

Figure 3. (A) HIV-1HXB2 viral infectivity inhibition by the IgG1 b12 antibody and side chain peptide-synthetic polymer conjugates 1, 3 and 5. As controls, a copolymer containing a scrambled peptide (11) and the CDR H3 peptide alone are included. The error bars are the standard error observed within one experiment. (B) Efficacy of the polyvalent peptide copolymers against HIV-1 HXB2 wild type on HOS CCR5 cells. The error bars depict the standard error over three or more independent experiments. Adapted with permission from Danial et al. (41) Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society. 115 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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PEGylation of HIV-1 Fusion Inhibiting Peptides As depicted in Figure 2, HIV-1–host cell membrane fusion proceeds via the formation of a trimer of antiparallel coiled coil dimers between the HR1 and HR2 domains on the gp41 glycoprotein (53, 54). Inhibition of the formation of this trimer-of-hairpins using peptides derived from either HR1 (23) or HR2 (27) domains is an attractive strategy to inhibit HIV-1 virus-host cell fusion. As with all peptide and protein drugs, however, a drawback of these peptide based fusion inhibitors is that they typically possess relatively short plasma half-lives. For the HR2 derived peptide T-20 (Fuzeon®), for example, a plasma half-life of 3.8 hours have been reported (30). Despite being a well-established approach to increase the stability and plasma half-life of peptide and proteins, site-specific polymer conjugation (or poly(ethylene glycol (PEG) modification) of HR2-derived peptides to prolong the lifetime of HIV-1 fusion inhibitors has only been reported in a few instances. Bailon and Won have reported that N-terminal conjugation of a 10kDa PEG to T-20 lowers HIV-1 fusion efficacy by one order of magnitude relative to the unmodified T-20 peptide (38). Similarly, in a second patent, Bailon and Won describe synthesis and potency of an N-terminal PEGylated version of T1249 (a more potent HR2-derived variant of T-20) and showed that the T1249-PEG20k conjugates had 13.7–56.7 fold lower efficacy relative to the unmodified T1249 peptide (39). In addition to PEG, also various other, biological macromolecules have been conjugated to HR2-derived peptide fusion inhibitors to prolong their life-time (55, 56). Stoddart et al., for example, have shown that conjugation of human serum albumin to the C-terminus of C34 (an HR2-derived peptide) resulted in an order of magnitude loss in fusion inhibition efficacy, while N-terminal conjugation yielded only a minor loss in HIV-1 fusion inhibition efficacy (55). In another example, Huet et al. described the synthesis and HIV-1 fusion inhibition efficacy of T-20 modified at the N-terminus with an anti-thrombin binding carrier pentasaccharide (56). Although the N-terminal pentasaccharide conjugates showed up to a six-fold reduction in HIV-1 fusion inhibition efficacy, a moderate increase in plasma half-life in rats from 2.8 hours for the unmodified T-20 to 10.4 hours for the conjugates was shown. None of the above studies, however, systematically examine the effect of the site of polymer conjugation and its effect upon HIV-1 fusion inhibition and proteolytic stability. To study the effect of the site of PEGylation as well as PEG molecular weight on HIV inhibition properties, a series of PEGylated variants of an HR2 derived fusion inhibitor (C41) was prepared (Figure 4). The design of the HR2 derived peptide C41 was based on the peptide T-20 (27) but adding an N-terminal extension that includes Trp-2 and Ile-6 that bind to the deep-pocket on HR1 (57), while truncating the C-terminal residues of T-20 that are not part of the HR2 region (58). The HR2 derived peptide C41 was PEGylated at the c and f sites of the helical wheel located at the periphery of the six-helix bundle, so as to minimize interference of the PEG chain with the formation of the six-helix bundle (Figure 4C). To enable site-specific PEGylation of C41, cysteine mutants were synthesized to which a PEG-acrylate could easily be 116 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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conjugated via a Michael addition reaction (Scheme 2). Moreover, cysteine residues replaced the amino acids at positions 4, 11, 15, 18, 22 and 29 of the C41 peptide that are present on the c and f positions of the heptad repeat to allow for site-specific PEGylation (Figure 4B, C). In addition, N- and C-terminal cysteine extended variants were prepared as well as a negative control where cysteine was placed at position a of the heptad repeat in order to assess the impact of the PEGylation site with respect to PEGylation at the c and f positions of the heptad repeat. Table II presents the library of cysteine peptide mutants and the original HR2-derived peptide C41 that was PEGylated with PEG750 or PEG2000 (DP ~ 17 or ~ 45 respectively). All PEGylated cysteine mutant peptides were purified by reverse phase HPLC and characterized by matrix assisted laser desorption–ionization–time of flight (MALDI-ToF) mass spectrometry, circular dichroism and analytical ultracentrifugation (42).

Figure 4. (A) Heptad repeat domains HR1 and HR2 located within the glycoprotein41 (gp41) polypeptide. (B) Helical wheel representation of the HR2 derived C41 wild-type peptide and the residues present at each position. The residues in the c and f mutated to cysteine are highlighted. (C) The helical wheel representation of the six-helix bundle formed between 3 N45 peptides and 3 C41 peptides. The sequences of the peptides N45 and C41 are derived from HR1 and HR2 domains defined as published in Ref (58). Adapted with permission from Danial et al. (42) Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society. 117 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.


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Scheme 2. Michael addition of the cysteine containing mutant HR2 peptides to PEG-acrylate, where n is ~ 18 for PEG750 and ~ 44 for PEG2000. Adapted with permission from Danial et al. (42) Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.

In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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Table II. The HR2 peptide–PEG conjugates discussed in this contribution. Reprinted with permission from Danial et al. (42) Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society.

The influence of the site of PEGylation as well as the PEG chain length on the membrane fusion inhibition was assessed using a model cell-cell fusion assay, which involved adherent Chinese Hamster Ovarian cells expressing the HIV-1 gp120 and gp41 envelope glycoproteins (CHO-WT) (59) and CD4 positive SupT1 (60) cells. Addition of SupT1 cells to CHO-WT cells in the absence of a peptide fusion inhibitor leads to multiple fusion events resulting in large cell-like structures with multiple nuclei known as syncytia (59). To measure the anti-fusion efficacy of the PEGylated HR2 peptides, conjugates at 119 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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concentrations between 0 and 500 nM were added to a mixture of CHO-WT and SupT1 cells and the syncytia were counted after 4 hours. From these titration experiments a dose-response curve, which represents the relative number of syncytia as a function of conjugate concentration, could be generated. From these dose-response curves the inhibitory concentration at which 50 % of the relative number of syncytia was inhibited (IC50) was determined. Figure 5 represents the results of the syncytia assay for the investigated peptides and peptide conjugates.

Figure 5. Efficacy of the HR2 mutant peptide–PEG conjugates compared to the non-modified HR2 wild-type peptide (WT) against cell-cell membrane fusion. Reprinted with permission from Danial et al. (42) Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society. As illustrated by Figure 5, all PEGylated HR2 peptide conjugates inhibited the formation of syncytia with IC50 values between 4 and 40 nM. For the S20C-PEG750 and S20C-PEG2000 conjugates (data not included in Figure 5), however, IC50 values exceeded 400 nM, which is not surprising since this peptide mutant was PEGylated at position a of the heptad repeat, which was suggested to interfere with the interaction of HR1 domain on gp41. In comparison to the unmodified wild-type peptide C41, all the PEGylated HR2 peptide conjugates had lower membrane fusion inhibition potencies. However, the site of PEGylation has a significant effect on the in the inhibitory potency. PEGylation at or near the N- or C-terminus seemed to negatively influence the membrane fusion inhibition potency the most, while PEGylation along the middle of the chain at positions 11, 15, 18, 22, and 29 seemed to yield higher efficacies than their N- or C-terminated conjugate counterparts. The IC50 values of both C-terminal-PEG750 and C-terminal-PEG2000 were significantly higher than all other conjugates synthesized. This observation can be attributed to the antiparallel nature of the six-helix bundle, which places the C-terminus in close proximity 120 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

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to the host-cell membrane and causes steric hindrance between the PEG chains and the cell membrane and ultimately leads to less efficient membrane fusion inhibition. PEG chain length when conjugated at positions 11, 15, 18, 22 and 29 of the HR2 derived peptide mutants did not influence the membrane fusion inhibitions significantly (IC50 ~ 4.5 nM). Taken together, the results presented in Figure 5 illustrate the importance of judicious control of the site of PEGylation and demonstrate that by careful conjugate design, loss in the membrane fusion inhibitory potency of the peptides can be minimized.

Figure 6. Degradation half-lives of the HR2 peptide–PEG conjugates measured in a trypsin assay and compared to the non-modified HR2 wild-type peptide (WT). Reprinted with permission from Danial et al. (42) Copyright 2012 American Chemical Society. To assess the influence of PEGylation on the proteolytic stability of the HR2 peptides, a model assay that involves the use of trypsin, which is a cheap enzyme and selectively cleaves amide bonds at the C-terminus of basic amino acids such as lysine and arginine (61) was set up. This assay involved the incubation of 10 µM of the peptide or PEGylated HR2 mutant peptide with 1 µM of trypsin at 37 °C, over a time-frame of about 100 minutes. At regular intervals, 50 µL aliquots were taken and added to 50 µL of a freshly prepared solution containing 5 % acetic acid and 5 mM phenylmethanesulfonyl fluoride (PMSF), which serves as an inhibitor to trypsin. The degradation products were subsequently analyzed by analytical reverse phase HPLC (42). From the HPLC analyses, degradation half-lives (t1/2) were determined, which are shown in Figure 6. While PEG750 conjugates only showed minor improvements in half-life, PEG2000 conjugation resulted in a 1.8 to 3.4-fold increase in the trypsin degradation half-life as compared to the unmodified peptide. Moreover, the degradation 121 In Tailored Polymer Architectures for Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Applications; Scholz, C., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2013.

half-life progressively increases the closer PEGylation occurs at the C-terminus, it is still unclear why C-terminal-PEG conjugates have higher trypsin degradation half-lives than the other conjugates.

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Concluding Remarks In this Chapter, two classes of novel peptide–polymer conjugates that target the fusion and entry of HIV-1 have been presented. Potent polyvalent entry inhibitors (IC50 2–15 µM) have been prepared, which show a more than 100 fold increase in efficacy relative to CDR H3 peptide alone (IC50 >100 µM). Although the potencies are not comparable to antibodies such as IgG1 b12, the polyvalent peptide–synthetic polymer conjugates could prove an interesting alternative in microbicidal applications. PEGylated peptides that are derived from the HR2 region of gp41 also form interesting, potentially longer lasting fusion inhibitors. One of the major drawbacks of PEGylation is the loss in biological activity. However, as demonstrated, judicial site-specific PEGylation allows access to PEGylated fusion inhibitors that show improved stability towards proteolyic degradation while minimizing loss of activity. Taken together, the two examples discussed in this Chapter nicely illustrate the power of controlled radical polymerization in combination with site-specific chemo-selective coupling chemistry such as thiol-acrylate Michael addition and thiol-ene addition to provide access to peptide–synthetic polymer therapeutics with improved efficacies and pharmacokinetics as compared to the non-modified peptides and protein drugs.

Acknowledgments This work was supported by the European Commission, FP6 project “NanoBioPharmaceutics” (NMP4-CT-2006-026723). Prof. Michael J. Root (Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, USA) and Dr. Andy J. G. Pötgens (Syntab Therapeutics GmbH, Aachen, Germany) are thanked for fruitful discussions and assistance with virological and cell biological assays.

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