Comment on “Calcium Precursors for the Production of CaO Sorbents

Apr 12, 2010 - Response to Comment on “Calcium Precursors for the Production of CaO Sorbents for Multicycle CO2 Capture”. Feng Bo and Liu Wenqiang...
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Environ. Sci. Technol. 2010, 44, 3638–3639

Comment on “Calcium Precursors for the Production of CaO Sorbents for Multicycle CO2 Capture” The recent article by Liu et al. (1) on screening of potential calcium precursors for the production of CaO sorbents for CO2 capture at high temperature was quite interesting and provided a lot of valuable data for comparison of capture capabilities of these sorbents. For the absorbents derived from the decomposition or thermal pretreatment of inorganic compounds (INORG-CaO) such as calcium carbonate, calcium hydroxide, nanosized (