Comments on" Determination of Aspirin by Gas Chromatography" and

Comments on "Determination of Aspirin by Gas Chromatography" and "Quantitative Analysis of Aspirin, Phenacetin, and Caffeine Mixtures by Nuclear Magne...
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cut in the ?hap> described by Huhti and Gnrtaganis ( 5 ) , spot 100 ~ 1 of . the treated .solution, and let the paper dry. S u s p ~ n dthe paper, with the tip in the acid solvent, in a chromatographic tank maintained at l i ” C. Remove after 24 hours. dry for 5 minutes a t 60” C., spray with color-developing solution. and dry for 5 minutes a t 60’ C. Reduce the molybdophosphate to molybdenum blue by esposure to ultraviolet light, cut out the colored strips, and place each in a 125-ml. Erlenmeyer flask. -\dd 25 ml. of HSO3 and 2 ml. of HClO,, and heat to light fumes of HC1O4. Cool, wash down sides of fla.;k with H20, and again heat to light fumes of HC104. Cool, wash down sides of the flask with H20. add 1 drop of phenolphthalein indicator, and neutralize with S H I O H . Discharge the color with (1 9) HC‘lOj,transfer to a