Committee ence Manual on Sci Job

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Committee on Science Job Manual The committee facilitates the advancement of the science of chemistry, focuses the attention of ACS on new developing areas and also facilitates the formulation of Science policies

Joint Board and Council  Committee 

Committee on Science Job Manual



Table of contents

Chair’s message Committee Purpose Committee Mission Description of Duties Committee Structure Formation of Subcommittee and Taskforces Science & Technology Subcommittee Education Subcommittee Policy & Communication Subcommittee Awards Subcommittee ComSci Program Chair Taskforces Roles and Responsibilities ComSci Members’ Roles and Responsibilities Chair of ComSci Chairs of Subcommittees Chairs of Taskforces Committee on Science Liaisons to Other Governance Bodies Liaisons from other Governance Bodies to ComSci ACS Staff Liaison to ComSci Committee Members’ Appointments Policies How Does ComSci Fit in ACS ACS Governance Structure Committees of the Council Committees of the Board of Directors and Council Committees of the Board of Directors Acknowledgments Guide to Acronyms Often Used Within ComSci ACS Committees ACS Divisions

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Message from the Chair

I would like to welcome you to the ACS Committee on Science (ComSci). The committee has developed this Job Manual to introduce new members to the efforts at ComSci, the organizational structure of the committee, and roles and responsibilities of the various Subcommittees, and Taskforces. These Subcommittees and Taskforces are established based on the needs of the society and the membership, consistent with the strategic goals and mission of ComSci. The committee members can be actively engaged in any of the Subcommittees or Taskforces based on the match of their interests and expertise to best serve the society. The Subcommittees are typically engaged in various initiatives during the year and may have monthly conference calls to guide progress. These conference calls are facilitated by the ACS staff liaison. The entire committee also meets on Saturday’s before each national meeting. This allows members of the subcommittees to have face-to-face meetings and also present formal reports to the entire committee on their plans and activities during the year, and to have a broader conversation on ideas and initiatives. These reports may include the past accomplishments during the year and also future plans for new initiatives. I am delighted to have you as an engaged member of the society and an active member of ComSci, and I am looking forward to working with you as a team so that we can make a difference for the society at-large.

Sadiq Shah Committee on Science Chair, 2011

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Committee on Science Purpose The purpose of the committee is to facilitate the advancement of the science of chemistry and the formulation of science policy.

Mission The mission of ComSci is to focus the attention of ACS on new and developing areas in which chemical scientists will play an important role, by: • • •

Identifying new frontiers for the science of chemistry and making recommendations for its advancement, Facilitating understanding of the emerging disciplinary challenges and opportunities in which chemical sciences are practiced, Examining the scientific basis of public policies related to the chemical sciences and making recommendations to appropriate ACS entities.

Description of Duties The purpose of the Joint Board-Council Committee on Science is to provide an organizational framework to facilitate policy formulation, actions, and planning in several areas of ACS activity directly related to the science of chemistry. It is structured to provide a forum for consideration and coordination of science activities of many diverse units of the Society and to provide an interface between and among such units. Among the areas of Committee concern are: Divisional and other scientific and technical activities; scientific meetings and expositions; science-oriented grants and awards; scientific publications; nomenclature, and other communications; and science policy. a. Formulate and recommend broad, long-range goals for programs within the primary cognizance of the Committee, and coordinate with and provide encouragement to ACS units that are engaged in activities, aimed at achieving these goals. b. Provide a forum for coordination & discussion of views of science related bodies or persons. c. Review and/or draft statements of ACS policy in applicable areas of Committee concern for Committee on Chemistry & Public Affairs or Board consideration. d. Provide guidance in the development of support for science related activities of the Society.

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e. Receive reports from, and be cognizant of, activities and deliberations of those bodies in the Society involved in science and science-related activities. f. Advise the Board, Council, and other appropriate Society bodies on long-term financial planning for the Committee's areas of concern. g. Receive and evaluate requests for unbudgeted funds for science-related activities for presentation to the Board. h. Identify long-range needs and trends in the area of scientific meetings and expositions and other areas of non-publication scientific communication; provide overall guidance in the area of science-oriented awards, and participate in nominations for broader based non-ACS awards. i. Coordinate and provide assistance with the formulation of ACS science-oriented grant proposals for projects within the purview of the Committee, for which funds are sought from non-ACS sources. j. Approve expenditures from annually budgeted committee funds for special projects, study groups, taskforces, etc., need in meeting the Committee's responsibilities.

ComSci Structure

Committee on Science


Science & Technology


Policy & Communication


There are five subcommittees to support the mission of ComSci. The mission focuses on the Scientific Advancement and Advisement, Forces and Trends, and Policy. The subcommittees include Science & Technology, Education, Policy & Communication, Awards, Programming, and Taskforces established at times to address specific challenges and opportunities.

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CC Subcommittee and Taskforce Formation and Appointments

The ComSci chair in consultation with appropriate Committee members and/or the Executive Committee may, from time to time organize new subcommittees to carry out specific tasks consistent with the mission, strategy and goals of the Committee and the ACS. The subcommittees have a finite lifetime; and that they must report the results of their work in a timely manner to the ACS. The ComSci chair may from time to time organize taskforces to carry out specific tasks consistent with the strategy and goals of the Committee and the ACS.The taskforces have a finite lifetime, and that they must report the results of their work in a timely manner to the ACS. Science & Technology Subcommittee Purpose: Advise ACS entities on the state of the science of chemistry and make recommendations for its advancement Focus of Efforts: • Identify broad (and/or interdisciplinary) areas of concern/interest/innovation in the science and coordinate with ACS entities to ensure that the Society is addressing these issues • Develop novel ways to highlight and promote innovation in chemistry • Create ComSci communication plan for Board and membership • Develop a long term approach to pursuing initiatives by leveraging collaboration across divisions and committees Education Subcommittee Purpose: Identify scientific areas in chemistry that require in depth understanding of the challenges and opportunities for the society. Study, analyze the field, and develop recommendations and programs to advance education about these critical topics. Focus of Efforts: • Conduct environmental scan on major challenges and opportunities • Develop and communication plan for challenges and opportunities • Organize panel and discussion forums, publications to establish a baseline and facilitate conversation society-wide • Collaborate with other divisions on projects with broad implications for the society

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Purpose: Examine the scientific basis of public policies related to chemistry and make recommendations to appropriate ACS entities Focus of Efforts: • Organize symposia addressing policy issues that are critical both to the US and the world • Promote local section and regional discussion of key scientific policy issues such as energy, economics, health, and environmental sustainability • Identify science policy areas that ComSci can uniquely impact by serving on panels or sourcing panels of expertise • Suggest key public policy areas for the Society to address Awards Subcommittee Purpose: To collaborate with appropriate divisions and committees to identify and recommend distinguished scientists for recognition for their contributions and achievement by various national awards programs within ACS and outside ACS. Focus of Efforts: • Collaborate with appropriate committees within ACS to identify candidates for the National Medal of Science for ACS Board’s considerations • Work with ComSci membership to identify qualified candidates for nomination for the ACS Fellows program ComSci Program Chair The Program Chair serves as the coordinator and facilitator for national meeting programs including symposia, discussion forums and workshops, but may assign duties to others to coordinate various programs. The Program chair is the Chief Communicator with the national meeting session organizers. • • • • •

The Program Chair communicates ACS deadlines related to national meeting programming to the entire ComSci membership in advance The Program Chair facilitates setting up an account and access to PACS for national meeting session chairs and instructs session chairs on their responsibilities for meeting various deadlines The Program Chair guides and communicates the deadlines to session chairs and the committee membership about online submission of information about the session at the national meeting such as title, speaker information and abstract etc. The Program Chair communicates 6- months to a year in advance to help session organizers to plan their events, symposia as it relates to the ACS deadlines The Program Chair provides a table of various deadlines related to national programming for inclusion in the agenda book for ComSci meetings at each national meeting Page 7 of 16

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CC Taskforces

Purpose: Facilitate understanding of the changing forces and trends in disciplinary fields in which the science of chemistry is practiced. The Taskforces are appointed by the ComSci chair under any of the subcommittees where needed. The taskforces will be dissolved upon completion of the projects. Focus of Efforts: • • • • •

Develop ACS offerings focused on the forces and trends in chemistry Transform the anecdotal understanding of the changing nature of chemistry to a research based understanding Conduct forums on new, evolving, interdisciplinary fields, addressing educational needs of these fields and their societal and environmental impact Work with appropriate ACS entities to ensure that opportunities for participation in chemistry exist for all interested parties Work with DAC/Divisions/Committees to develop overarching themes for programming that further the chemical enterprise

Roles and Responsibilities ComSci Member Roles and Responsibilities • • • •

• •

Members of the committee attend ComSci meetings to participate in committee activities through their active role on various subcommittees. The activities may involve taking responsibilities for certain tasks on selected projects. These activities may involve serving on working groups or taskforces. The activities may involve gathering information, organizing symposia, discussion forums, developing reports or formulating policy drafts, participating in discussions and guiding and facilitating the conversation to build a consensus at subcommittee and committee meetings. Participate in subcommittee conference calls or face-to-face meetings at ACS national meetings. Advise Committee Chair of opportunities and challenges.

Chair of Committee on Science The chair of the committee works with the committee membership and the executive committee composed of the subcommittee chairs to plan, execute programs and activities of the committee. Provide a focus for the committee through consensus and report on the activities and progress of the committee to the Council at the national meeting. Organizes and conducts committee meetings at each national meeting and also conducts business via conference calls outside the national meeting schedule. Page 8 of 16

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Provides vision and guidance to the Committee on Science. In collaboration with the staff liaison and the executive committee develops an agenda book for the committee meetings at ACS national meeting. Coordinates committee activities and monitors progress on various initiatives by working closely with the executive committee. Conducts meetings in a business-like manner, following a printed agenda and ensuring that areas of concern are discussed and views of all committee members are heard. Appoints committee members to appropriate governance roles (leadership, committee and liaison assignments). Provides guidance and talking points for ComSci liaisons to share ComSci initiatives and actions with other ACS committees. Serves as the official representative of the Committee to the Council, Board and other ACS governance. Communicates with staff liaison and committee members on a regular basis regarding progress of programs. Initiates discussions on various aspects of ComSci programs and activities with committee members, staff, ACS governance, members at large and the public. Seeks opinions of committee members in areas of growth and concern. Interpret and carry out all rules and bylaws with the help of the Staff Liaison. Assume responsibility and accountability for committee strategic planning. Can serve as an ex-officio member of all standing subcommittees, working groups, taskforces, etc. Stewards action items generated by the subcommittees. Convenes special meetings as needed to conduct committee business between national meetings of the ACS. Monitors budget issues as appropriate.

Chairs of Subcommittees • • • • • • • •

Provide leadership, vision for the subcommittee programs, focus and activities. Maintain an active agenda of projects for the subcommittees consistent with ComSci’s strategic plan, goals and focus of the subcommittee. Collaborate with other subcommittees within ComSci and also with other society committees and divisions where appropriate. Track progress on activities, ensure that symposia being organized for national meetings are planned at least a year in advance, and information is communicated to the ComSci Program Chair to ensure all ACS PACS deadlines are met. Serve as a member of the ComSci Executive Committee and the Leadership Team. Participate in executive committee conference calls or meetings to update other subcommittee chairs on progress, challenges and opportunities. Provide vision and guidance to the subcommittee/working group. Chair subcommittee/working group meetings at ACS National Meetings.

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Coordinate volunteer efforts of the subcommittee/working group members to ensure timely completion of all action items, setting deadlines when necessary. Seek opinions of subcommittee members in areas of new services. Meet various deadlines as set forth including: o Submit agendas for National Meeting agenda books by the requested due date. o Ensure that all meeting minutes have been completed and approved by their respective subcommittees and working groups no later than four (4) weeks after each National Meeting. Provide a monthly report to the Committee Chair on the activities of the subcommittee. With the subcommittee, review all programs and activities for relevance; keep and improve those that add value and discontinue obsolete or less useful programs.

Chairs of Taskforces The Taskforce Chairs work closely with the relevant subcommittee chairs and members to organize and facilitate discussion, building a consensus, planning and execution of the programs. When appropriate generate a report for distribution to the entire ComSci committee. They actively participate in the sponsor subcommittee meetings and conference calls. Committee on Science Liaisons to other Governance Bodies When mutually agreed between ComSci and another Committee chair a members of ComSci may be appointed by the Chair of ComSci to serve as liaisons to other ACS committees. Provided, it makes sense to maintain a channel of communication between the committees, to avoid duplication of efforts and more importantly provide input and to leverage opportunities for synergy of efforts. Responsibilities of ComSci liaisons to other ACS bodies: • When possible, attend the executive and/or open session meetings of the assigned ACS body and take notes on actions relevant to the interests of ComSci. Attendance at these meetings must not supersede participation in ComSci-sponsored meetings and activities. Communication with the assigned ACS body off-line is encouraged. • Serve as a conduit for information exchange, resulting in both groups operating more efficiently and effectively. • Submit a written report of less than 1,000 words (approximately one page) no later than four (4) weeks after the meeting summarizing activities and actions of interest to ComSci. • Give oral reports during ComSci meetings. Content of oral reports should be limited to items of immediate interest to the business of ComSci. Routine or unrelated matters should be relayed through the liaison’s written report. • The liaison is not authorized to commit resources of the ComSci Committee without prior consultation with the Committee Chair and the Staff Liaison. Page 10 of 16

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Liaisons from Other Governance Bodies to ComSci When mutually agreed by two committee chairs and when it is appropriate a liaison from another governance committee, a member of the other committee may attend ComSci meeting at the national meeting. • • •

Respond to email inquiries regarding attendance at ComSci meetings, activities and events. Submit a written report of less than 1,000 words (approximately one page) no later than four (4) weeks after the meeting summarizing activities and actions of interest to ComSci. Give oral reports during ComSci meetings. Content of oral reports should be limited to items of immediate interest to the business of ComSci. Routine or unrelated matters should be relayed through the liaison’s written report.

ACS Staff Liaison to ComSci ACS national office will appoint a staff liaison to ComSci to support the committee in the administration of the programs at ComSci and facilitate interaction with other committees and divisions and the national office and to provide guidance related to the ACS policies on matters of relevance to the projects within ComSci.

Committee Members The members of the committee are appointed jointly by the Board of Directors and the Council (in practice this means the Chair of the Board and President-elect, who do receive input from the Committee on Committees). There are 15 members who serve 3year terms. Committee associates serve 1-year terms. The Chair is appointed in the same manner as the members. There are 5 “divisional representatives” who are nominated and elected by the leaders of technical divisions. Members may serve on ComSci for up to 9 years. Consultants are often former members of the committee who have served more than 9 years or those who express interest but are not able to serve as members. The Staff Liaison is an ACS staff member who has as one of their significant job responsibilities the administration of the committee. In practice and throughout the meeting, there is no attempt made to distinguish between committee members and associates. However, only committee members are officially allowed to vote on recorded votes. (This is most likely to happen for votes pertaining to policy or finances). In many cases, the chair will opt to allow everyone to speak on an issue and to vote. ComSci has liaisons to and from several other ACS Committees. This improves communication and partnering between different groups. A member of the Committee

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on Committees (CONC) is assigned to ComSci to observe committee meetings and make recommendations on appointments and activities.

Policies Reimbursement: The committee does not reimburse members or associates for travel to ACS national meetings. If a committee member is asked to participate in additional meetings (program planning, for example), they will be reimbursed per ACS guidelines.

How does ComSci fit in ACS? The ACS is a self-governed individual membership organization that consists of over 160,000 members—60% from industry, at all degree levels. This provides ample opportunity for peer interaction, regardless of your professional or scientific interests. There are 34 ACS technical divisions, representing a wide range of disciplines for chemists and chemical engineers. The American Chemical Society (ACS) is actually made up of a variety of pieces. First, there are the ACS Local Sections. There are 189 Local Sections of the ACS, all located within the United States and its territories. Local Sections enable members to communicate and interact with other chemists and technicians in their areas, participate in programs that will enhance their professional development, and contribute to the public understanding of chemistry in their communities. These are geographically based member groups. When a person joins the ACS, they automatically are assigned to their closest geographical Local Section. Local Sections elect their own officers and Councilors. Secondly, there are the ACS Technical Divisions. These are specific to a member’s discipline. There are presently 34 of these Divisions within the ACS. The Divisions are primarily responsible for programming at national meetings and offer awards, scholarships, workshops, and publications in their technical field. They cosponsor programs and work in a variety of ways with the Technical Divisions. Divisions elect their own officers and Councilors. Thirdly, there are the many and varying ACS Committees. Beginning on the next page, you will see the pieces of the ACS and how members may be part of those pieces. You will also find the classifications of Committees and where ComSci is located within those classifications. Appointments are made by the Board of Directors or the Council (elected or selected by President-elect). At the national level, ACS is governed by a Council and Board of Directors. The board is the legal representative and policy-setting body of the Society. The Council is the Society’s “House of Representatives”, made up of elected councilors from all local

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sections and divisions. As a Board/Council Committee, ComSci reports in writing to all Council and Board meetings and orally (at least annually) to the Council.

THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY Board of Directors: Membership is composed of the current Presidential Succession (President-elect, President, Past-President), 6 District Directors (elected from 6 geographic regions) and 6 Directors-at-Large. The Chair is elected by the Board at the last regular meeting of each year for a one year term.

Members of the ACS

Council Policy†


Committee on Committees†

Committee on Nominations & Elections†

• ** † ††

Society Committees††

Board of Directors**

Executive Committee

Executive Director


ACS Staff


Advisory Boards

The Council consists of the Local Sections Councilors, Division Councilors, Ex Officio Councilors, Bylaw Councilors, and Nonvoting Councilors. The Board of Directors consists of the President, President-elect, Immediate Past President, six District Directors, six Directorsat-Large, and the Executive Director, Ex Officio. Elected Committees Appointed Committees

Council: Of the elected members, 80% are elected by Local Sections, 20% elected by Divisions. Other members include the President, President-elect, Directors, Past Presidents, Executive Director, and Secretary. The President is elected by the members of the Society. There is a three year progression (President-elect, President, and PastPresident). Generally, the presidency alternates between members of academic and industrial/government institutions. Committees of the Council Elected: Committees on Committees, Council Policy, Nominations and Elections.

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Standing: Constitution and Bylaws, Divisional Activities, Economic and Professional Affairs, Local Section Activities, Meetings and Expositions, Membership Affairs. Other: Admissions, Analytical Reagents, Ethics, Nomenclature, Terminology, and Symbols, Project SEED. Committees of the Board of Directors and Council Society Committees: Budget and Finance, Education. Joint Committees: Chemical Abstracts Service, Chemical Safety; Chemistry and Public Affairs, Environmental Improvement, International Activities, Minority Affairs, Patents and Related Matters, Professional Training, Publications, Public Relations and Communications, Science, Younger Chemists, Women Chemists. Committees of the Board of Directors Executive Committee Standing Committee: Grants and Awards, Professional and Member Relations; Public Affairs and Public Relations. Special Committees: Audits, Corporation Associates, Governing Board for Publishing, Green Chemistry Institute, Pensions and Investments, Planning. Others: Board of Trustees (Group Insurance Plans for ACS Members), Chemists with Disabilities, Clinical Chemistry, National Chemistry Week Task Force, Petroleum Research Fund Advisory Board, ad hoc Committee on National Historic Chemical Landmarks, ad hoc Committee on Property Development.

Acknowledgments The Chair of the committee sincerely thanks the subcommittee chairs, members of the committee and the ACS staff liaison for their support in developing this Job Manual.

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American Chemical Society College Chemistry Consultants Services Chemical Abstracts Service Chemical Technology Program Approval Service International Chemistry Celebrations Legislative Action Network National Chemistry Week National Science Foundation Office of Legislative and Government Affairs Petroleum Research Fund Technician Affiliate Groups Two-Year College Chemistry Conferences


Budget and Finance Committee Corporation Associates Council Committee on Public Relations Committee on Economic and Professional Affairs Chemical Health and Safety Committee on Minority Affairs Committee on Science Committee on Committees Council Policy Committee Committee on Technician Affairs Committee on Chemists with Disabilities Divisional Activities Committee Committee on Grants & Awards Committee on Local Section Activities Meetings and Expositions Committee Membership Affairs Committee Nominations and Electronics Committee Board Committee on Public Affairs and Public Relations Society Committee on Education Women Chemist Committee Younger Chemists Committee

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ACS - DIVISIONS AGFD Agricultural & Food Chemistry AGRO Agrochemicals ANYL Analytical Chemistry BIOT BioChemical Technology BIOL Biological Chemistry BMGT Business Development & Management CARB Carbohydrate Chemistry CELL Cellulose, Paper & Textile CHED Chemical Education CHAL Chemistry & the Law CHAS Chemical Health & Safety CINF Chemical Information COLL Colloid & Surface Chemistry COMP Computers in Chemistry ENVR Environmental Chemistry FERT Fertilizer & Soil Chemistry FLUO Flourine Chemistry FUEL Fuel Chemistry GEO Geochemistry HIST History of Chemistry I&EC Industrial & Engineering Chemistry INOR Inorganic MEDI Medicinal Chemistry NUCL Nuclear Chemistry & Technology ORG Organic Chemistry PETR Petroleum Chemistry PHYS Physical Chemistry POLY Polymer Chemistry PMSE Polymeric Materials: Science & Engineering PROF Professional Relations RUBB Rubber SCHB Small Chemical Businesses TOXI Chemical Toxicology

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