Communication from the chairman - American Chemical Society

themes. These position papers will be edited as quickly as possible and made ... Now we face the decade of the seventies. It is a propitioustime to ta...
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Communication from the Chairman the :iffairs of men which if taken at, .I l o fort,unr...". Timt: i d t,ell :is about t o SII.CCI) {hi: Divisio~iof I dong, but there are encouraging ns bern dcsignatcd by Utiitcd N:L~t.crnntio~l:~l Edt~cationYcnr. I t is rice our Division was i ~ l n u g ~ l m t e d g swiftly for :i Golden Annivers:rry of this yr:w with Chrmicid Ed11c:tand the Division irs its instignt,or. ' 1 ' 1 ~I~: I ~ P : I m ~ m 1 1 1 9 nf t,hc Americnn Chemical Societ,y or att,ention t,o problems and of chemical cd~~c:rtiorr. last. year's ch:rirman, William the Executive Committee of leering C,!omniittcc of disiinvctied t o cotisidcr pos.;ibilitias I C:hetnic:il 1X1ic:ttioli in 1970. atic(4or of t l ~ rUnivtwity of roi'cssor of Clicmistry al~,the rm (holi, :uiid t,he prcscnt Di: :in Executive (Group for the ins for the (:olden Sympc~sirim ~ 1 .Tlre Symposirim will coti~rkitigpnrtios ~vit,heach one pnsition papers on ilosigiinl cd >:ipcrs will he ~ d i t c d:IS qtiiclily llable in tirnr for 1,hc I\T:rtiotuI iri Septenibcr. P:irticipatioti ? by invitatioli :ind lirnit,al t o iopml tlint widcspre:id tlisciist and othcr ;rspects of cl:~:rnicnl d i n Chiengo n ~ i dnft,rrw:irds. Symposium lxrs her11t,hought, sinca gimd cliemicnl rducation ,711st hefore tlic S y m p o s i ~ ~ m nv Mass :it, A S I I ~in I I Ckh-ado, 'onrmil tce of tlir Int,errmt,inn:~l :rl C!licinisl.ry vill liold its rcgerit,ly its tnnmbrrs will p:i,rticiI

p t c i r ~tliv Synilmsium. 11 is Iiop~rdt h : ~ tothrr p:~rticipants fro111:rbro:rti will also hr, includrtl. The four pnticls and Ihrir elinirmrn :IT?: C'hrlnistry for thl: C o ~ ~ c r r i ~ cCiliar~i il i t I'roi'cssor I?icli:~vd Wolfgang of Y:~lr Univevsity~Grnilm~teEduc:tticln in Chemistry a11d licyotid with D r . \I-illiam Srlilictrr of Hell Tc1rl)lioiie 1,:thnr;ltorirs. I ' r q ~ : ~ r i t ~C'licrnists g t,i] Itespond to Society's IVr~lirrc Nerds d h I'rof~:ssor Franklin Lolig of Corlirll Univrrsity, a i d llic S t r t ~ c t u r ~ of Chctnistn. with frofcs.;or ( h r g r H:tniniot~dr ~ i 'C:ilifornia Insbilutc of Trri~tiolopy. I'ari~!l mcmhers :xnd co-chairmen from outsidr llic ITr~iledSi:ttw :I~I! tiow hririg s e l e c t ~ d . IIy arid lnrge t h r Syniposi~tniwill be Inon. n worliing srssiorr than a s c s s i ~ ~ofn sprrcli makin