Communication from the chairman: Why the Division of Chemical

programs which encompass the Journal of Chemical. Education ... program, planning of institutes and conferences, pro- grams at ... An AG newsletter wi...
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Communication from the Chairman Why the Division of Chemical Education Needs You The ASC lionrd of Dirrrtors recrntly endorsrd thr Dissatisfaction with the status quo is not limitctl to concept. of the symposinm :ind olt'rrrd its :issist:u~ce to st,udents on campus. The Division is dissntisfied with thc qunlity of chemistry instruction and with the level the Division in planni~igfor tho symposium. Inciof rotnmit~ncnton the part of scholarly chen~iststo dentally, the 1970 symposium will ,-enre to con]improve the quality of instruction. About 3000 menlorate thr Xllh :irr~~ircrsal:v of tlrc founding of the Division of Chcmic:d IXucation. chemists rue involved to varying degrees in Division programs which encompass the JOURNAL OP CHEMIC'AT, >lost of you , ~ r cartlnaintrd with the i\dvisory Council on C!ollcgv C h r n ~ i s t ~(.\Q y E~UCATIOS! rurriculum studies, a national examination and knon- r ~ fits program, planning of instit,ut,es and conferences, proprogr:lms. I1:rny of you :ire u m r c thnt t l ~ rS:ltion:d Science I"ound:ilin~~11:rs :innounccd that it will not. grams a t national a national visiting scientist, program, two-year college conferences, and special fund ACI aftrr Jnnc ::0. 1970. Thc rurrmt espenditurc programs involving the classroom teacher :mi his ceiling nu NS1; funds rsscntially stopprd r\CI activities during the. currrnt ywv. AG :tnd Division of C h n i r a l work. Trailitionally, Division hnvc appealed to the academic chemist heavily involved in undervorl;ing together to Education Irudersliip now i assm.c that the most import:mt programs of ACI will gradi~atc instrurtion. The Division is justifiably proud of the accomplishments of these members and hc pcrpetuntcd ihrougli Divisiun ctrorts vhen S S F t,hcir programs. Those programs, including the .Torrnsupport ends. To :~rhirvcthis oh,ieetivcl yoilr :~ilvirc NAL,will cont~inueto serve effectively the arademic :~ndhclp nrr solicilc~l. Inridcnt:illy, :\CI funding for commu~~itg. FY 70 r i l l he at :I levrl which will pprnmit. an orderly The number of subscrihers to THIS .TOURXAL is a11 closing-nut of t:sisiing progrmts. An AC1 ncnslrttcr order of magnitude greater than the Division membermill be publishrd i n 1;iic sununcr or early f:dI this year ship. The scholnrly qnality of JOURNAL articles conand will providr tlotnils of p111ni;FIW nest yew. The Wcstlirinwr Report puhlishrd i l l 101% mas detinn:tlly inerenscs as more of you to whom this nlcmovoted to improvrmrr~tin rescwch. 011p ~ g c138 of the rarldum is addressed 6ntrihut:e articles and peruse its p:lgea. Similarly, t:he quality of Division programs nt rrport is the following statcrncnt nationnl meetings improves as more of you psrticipute. The Division's symposium cornmcn~nrat,ingthe 3Icriclel c w Centcuninl a t the spring meeting in 3Iinne:q)olis where Dr. Albert Ghiorso and Dr. Glenn Seahorg g n w the first, public report of the positive identification of two isotoprs of element 104 is hut one ertamplc of this. Otlirers of the Divisi~nrecognize that members who :ire prorluctivt. scho1:tr~are of rritical inipo~-t:lnccto the TTre ssncrt that now is the time nnil, witlr your hclp, nucerss of. new programs which rimy significantly inthe Division of Chcmical Ednc:itirm is thr org:rniz:lticm fluewr t l ~ cdirc4ou and quality of chemistry inin to pick up the CII:IIICII~C 1'01. 'ilonp-r:tng~ rcs(~:~reI~ ntr~~ctiot~. llrntbem from outside :>cndcmc ran conchemistry." trihutn prrsprctivc and halance sorely needed in curIn sumnxiry. Ihe Division plans lo csp:lnd its levrl rirulum pl:\nning and development,. Perhxps yon of activity nnd sphrrc of i~lfincnrcso :is to include :IS h:wr felt ur~neodcdor even unwant.ed iu programs inparticip:ruts in its prnpxlns rnscarrh chrmists from ynlving v:rrious ttspccts of instruct,ion aud curriculuni. acndetnc, govwnmclli, nnrl indt~stry. Pllrnninx for t l ~ c Tf so. Ict me :issr~rcyo11 thnt the Diviiiion of Chcmicnl OII I!Xurntin~~ First Biennial T ~ ~ t c r ~ i : i t iSynq~osi~nn ~~n:~l I