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Vol. 70


trated solution within the liquid, regardless of total dilution. The polycation configuration will, We are studying polyelectrolytes in which chain however, depend on dilution : with decreasing atoms carry ionic charges. Typical is the poly- total concentration, probability of escape of electrolyte (I) formed by the addition of methyl bromide ions from the field of the polycation will bromide to the polyester obtained from methyldi- increase, and intramolecular mutual repulsion between unpaired charges on chain nitrogens will ethanolamine and succinic anhydride then cause the chain to uncoil. (I) HOICO(CH~)~COO(CH&N+Me~(CH~)zO].H--nBr' CHEMISTRY LABORATORY Theoretical bromide for n infinite is 26.99%; STERLING YALEUNIVERSITY DAVIDEDELSON two different preparations gave 22.73 and 23.38Q/,, NEWHAVEN,CONNECTICUT RAYMOND M. Fuoss indicating incomplete addition of methyl bromide. RECEIVED JULY19, 1948 End-group titrations gave molecular weights of 3515 and 2720. The salt hydrolyzes in water but is stable in methanol. ULTRAVIOLET ABSORPTION BANDS OF IODINE IN AROMATIC HYDROCARBONS At 1.2 g./lOO cc. in methanol, (I) has a reduced viscosity of 0.091. For comparison, polyvipylpy- Sir: ridine with molecular weight 80,000 has an intnnIn the course of an investigation of the nature sic viscosity of only 0.15. High viscosities thus of the solvent-solute interaction in solutions of seem to be characteristic of polyelectrolytes2 iodine now in progress, new evidence has been regardless of the location of the charges. found for the presence of addition compounds of Conductance curves in methanol are shown in iodine and the solvent molecyle. We find that Fig. 1, where concentration is stoichiometric nor- the absorption spectrum of the violet-red solution mality of bromide. The marked curvature indi- of iodine in benzene shows in addition to the well known absorption maximum a t 5000 k. with a molar extinction coefficient of 1010, an absorption maximum in the ultraviolet region a t 2970 A. having a molar extinction coefficient (based on the iodine concentration) of 9600. This new absorption peak does not appear in solutions of iodine in hexane and carbon tetrachloride which are a pure violet with absorption peaks a t 5200 k. in the visible region. The evidence therefore points to the presence of an iodine-benzene complex. Preliminary measurements show that the height of the absorption peak at 2970 directly proportional to both the iodine concentration and the benzene concentration, indicating that the addition compound consists of one molecule of 0.00 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 iodine bound to one molecule of benzene. dr. A possible explanation for the presence of such a Fig. 1.-Conductance of salts I and I1 in methanol. complex appears to lie in an acid-base interaction cates a high degree of association of counter ions in the electron donor-acceptor sense such as we to the polycations. Ordinary electrolytes, such see in the union of I-, the base, with 12, the acid, form IS-. Evidence of basic character in as the addition product (11) of methyl bromide to to benzene is its union with boron trifluoride, boron methyldiethanolamine, are only slightly associtrichloride and with concentrated sulfuric acid. ated in solvents with high dielectric constant, as Additional evidence support of this hypothesis shown by the approach to the Onsager limiting is to be found in the inrecent work of Fairbrother,' slope. In our polysalts, ten positive charges are constrained to remain near each other, regardless who reports that iodine has an abnormally high of dilution. A bromide ion has a potential energy dielectric polarization in such solvents as benzene, large compared to kT in the resulting field and p-xylene, dioxane and di-isobutylene. If this therefore a t finite concentrations, a certain frac- basic character of benzene is also responsible for tion of bromide ions accompany the polycations. its union with iodine, then the substitution of methyl groups should increase basic strength and The polycations thus act like droplets of concen- ability to interact with iodine. This is borne

Sir :

(1) Office of Naval Research ProjectNR054-002. (2) R.M.Fuoss and U. P. Strouss, J . Polymsr Sd.,8, ud (194s).


F. Fairbrother, NcJura, 160, 87 (1947).