Company Manuals - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Company Manuals. Anal. Chem. , 1974, 46 (6), pp 537A–537A ... Published online 24 May 2012. Published in print 1 May 1974. Learn more about these me...
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the most important sources of drug literature, a discussion of specificity of methods, and a section on the ionpairing technique of Levine and Doyle.

Continuing Series Techniques of Electrochemistry: Vol 2. Ernest Yeager and Alvin J. Salkind, Eds. ix + 458 pages. John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 605 Third Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1973. $24.95

The second volume in this series contains articles on measurement and interpretation of electrolytic conduc­ tance, transference number measure­ ments, diffusion in electrolytes, stud­ ies of electrolytic solutions in X-ray diffraction and neutron inelastic scat­ tering, dielectric measurements in electrolytic solutions, relaxation tech­ niques for the study of fast processes in electrolytic solutions, and the study of compressibilities of solutions and molten salts by ultrasonic veloci­ ty measurements. There are author and subject indexes. Annual Reports on NMR Spectrosco­ py: Vol 5B. E. F. Mooney, Ed. xi + 441 pages. Academic Press Inc., (London) Ltd., 24-28 Oval Rd., Lon­ don, NW1 7DX, England. 1974. $31.50

This volume is completely devoted to a review on NMR studies of phos­ phorus compounds covering the years 1965 to 1969 and prepared by G. Mavel. The work discusses many ear­ lier problems which have now been solved, in particular those dealing with phosphorus coupling constants and the relationship of these J values to the hybridization of phosphorus and molecular geometry, as well as new puzzling points not yet solved. Applied Spectroscopy Reviews: Vol 7. Edward G. Brame, Jr., Ed. xv + 381 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1974. $25.50

Volume 7 of this series contains ar­ ticles on IR spectroscopy at subambient temperatures, NMR studies in gases, atomic fluorescence spectrosco­ py, pulsed source atomic fluorescence spectrometry, band assignment in UV photoelectron spectroscopy, high-res­ olution IR spectroscopy, Franck-Con­ don factor calculations, and molecu­ lar motion and band shapes in liq­ uids. Author and subject indices are included. Electroanalytical Chemistry: A Series of Advances, Vol 7. Allen J. Bard, Ed. χ + 294 pages. Marcel Dekker, Inc., 95 Madison Ave., New York, N.Y. 10016. 1974. $24.50

Topics included in this volume are spectroelectrochemistry at optically transparent electrodes—electrodes under semi-infinite diffusion condi­ tions, organometallic electrochemis­ try, and the faradaic rectification method and its applications in the study of electrode processes. Both au­ thor and subject indexes are included. Progress in Vacuum Microbalance Techniques: Vol 2. S. C. Bevan, S. J. Gregg, and N. D. Parkyns, Eds. xiv + 252 pages. Sadtler Research Lab­ oratories, Inc., Book Div., 3316 Spring Garden St., Philadelphia, Pa. 19104. 1973. $25

The proceedings of the Tenth Con­ ference on Vacuum Microbalance Techniques, held at Brunei Universi­ ty, Uxbridge, England, in 1972 are presented. Descriptions of new appa­ ratus, novel combinations of tech­ niques, and improvements or refine­ ments of apparatus are given.

Company Manuals Clinical Enzyme Primer. George M. Sims. 70 pages. Beckman Instru­ ments Inc., Clinical Instruments Divi­ sion, 2500 Harbor Blvd., Fullerton, Calif. 92634. 1973. $4.95

This book is designed as a basic laboratory text. The purpose is to clarify analytical principles and in­ strumental methods so that the read­ er will consistently derive better re­ sults in enzyme analysis. Discussions on evaluation of clinical enzymology; enzymes and their function; clinical diagnosis; instrumental and chemical principles; enzyme reactions; glucose, uric acid, and urea nitrogen as ana­ lytical tools; and isoenzymes are in­ cluded. Environmental Health Monitoring Manual. 193 pages. U.S. Steel Corp., P.O. Box 86, Pittsburgh, Pa. 15230. 1974. $15

Arranged in a three-ring binder, this publication includes information on the Federal occupational safety and health act, mathematics and units of industrial hygiene, chemical and physical agents, limits of air­ borne contaminants and harmful physical agents, strategy in monitor­ ing the environment, sampling equip­ ment, sampling for particulates, sam­ pling for gases and vapors, calibration and maintenance of air sampling in­ struments, noise and its measure­ ment, evaluation of heat stress, illu­ mination and its measurement, and recordkeeping. The purpose is to show you how to do your own in-plant Environmental Health Testing for OSHA compliance regulations.

INSTRUMENTATION IN ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY An ACS Reprint Collection comprising 43 articles from Volumes 41-44 of Analytical Chemistry. Collected by Alan J. Senzel, Associate Editor of Analytical Chemistry.

This u p - t o - d a t e collection of articles provides an extensive and authoritative account of the latest advances in the various fields of instrumentation.

Over forty articles deal w i t h four broad areas of analytical c h e m ­ istry—spectrometry, chromatog­ raphy, electrochemistry, and c o m b i n a t i o n and other techniques. Specific topics focus upon instru­ ment design, biomedical instru­ m e n t a t i o n , pollution measurement devices, and c o m p u t e r applica­ tions.

428 pages (1973) Hardback, $7.95; Paperback, $4.50. Postpaid in U.S. and Canada, plus 4 0 cents elsewhere.

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