Comparable levels of trace metal contamination in two semienclosed

Comparable levels of trace metal contamination in two semienclosed ... Dissolved Trace Element Concentrations in the East River−Long Island Sound Sy...
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Environ. Sci. Techno/. 1993. 27. 1934-1936

COMMUNICATIONS Comparable Levels of Trace Metal Contamination in Two Semi-Enclosed Embayments: San Diego Bay and South San Francisco Bay A. Russell Flegal'*+ and Serglo A. Safiudo-Wilhelmyt.* Earth Sciences, University' of California, Santa Cruz. California 95064. and lnstituto de Investigaciones Oceanodgicas, Universidad Autbnoma de Baja California, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico

Introduction The following preliminary analyses of total dissolved (


Station Figure 2. Spatial gradients of wpper conceniraitons in San Dlego Bay: f i b r e d (