Comparison between Back-Trajectory Based Modeling and

Comparison between Back-Trajectory Based Modeling and Lagrangian Backward Dispersion Modeling for Locating Sources of Reactive Gaseous Mercury...
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2005, 39, 1707-1714 Lance Wallace* and Ron Williams: Use of Personal-IndoorOutdoor Sulfur Concentrations to Estimate the Infiltration Factor and Outdoor Exposure Factor for Individual Homes and Persons Page 1710. The caption and y-axis of Figure 1 incorrectly refer to personal sulfur but should refer to indoor sulfur. ES0580082 10.1021/es0580082 Published on Web 05/12/2005

2005, Volume 39, Pages 1715-1723 Young-Ji Han, Thomas M. Holsen,* Philip K. Hopke, Seung-Muk Yi: Comparison between Back-Trajectory Based Modeling and Lagrangian Backward Dispersion Modeling for Locating Sources of Reactive Gaseous Mercury. Page 1715. Currently, Young-Ji Han is a faculty member of the Department of Environmental Science at Kangwon National University, 192-1, Hyoja-2-Dong, Chunchon, Kangwon-Do 200701, Korea. The work discussed in this article was primarily performed while she was a Ph.D. candidate at Clarkson University. ES058007+ 10.1021/es058007+ Published on Web 04/06/2005

2005, Volume 39, Pages 2500-2508

Meiping Tong, Xiqing Li, Christina N. Brow, and William P. Johnson*: Detachment-Influenced Transport of an Adhesion-Deficient Bacterial Strain within Water-Reactive Porous Media Page 2502. In Table 1, the values of kr and fr for the condition corresponding to 0.006 M ionic strength and 8 m day-1 fluid velocity for the microspheres are incorrect. The values for kr and fr should be 0.42 and 0.18, respectively. The incorrect values were 3.20 and 0.20, respectively. Additionally, for the condition corresponding to 0.02 M ionic strength and 4 m day-1 fluid velocity for the microspheres, an improved simulation was obtained by changing kr to 0.25 and fr to 0.02. The previously published values for kr and fr were 0.45 and 0.03, respectively. ES050582Q 10.1021/es050582q Published on Web 04/07/2005