Comparison of Endogenous Currents in and Around Cells with Those

one of these a set of discrete values for the Fourier series components ... scribing them as a Fourier series of frequency components (harmonic analys...
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Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on July 24, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0250.ch006

6 Comparison of Endogenous Currents in and Around Cells with Those Induced by Exogenous Extremely Low Frequency Magnetic Fields Howard Wachtel Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0425

Several epidemiological studies have led to the suggestion that 60­ -Hz magneticfieldshavingfluxdensities of 1 μΤ or less could have adverse effects on human health. In this chapter I explore the ques­ tion of whether currents induced by such magneticfieldsare likely to be of consequence in comparison to ambient bioelectricfieldsin the human body. This comparison is accomplished in terms of extremely low frequency current densities at three levels of biological interest: (1) bulk tissue currents, (2) transcellular currents, and (3) extracellu­ lar (or pericellular) currents around cell surfaces. At all three levels, current densities likely to be induced by exposure to vertical 60-Hz, 1-μΤ magneticfieldsare found to be much smaller than currents from biological background sources (such as active nerve and mus­ cle). This conclusion still applies when only endogenous current components in the bandwidth near 60 Hz are taken into considera­ tion.


XPOSURE TO 60-Hz MAGNETIC FIELDS having a flux density (B) on the order of 0.1-1 μΤ (1-10 mG) could have dire consequences on human health, such as an increase in the occurrence of childhood cancers, according to some epidemiological studies (1-4). These studies have relied mainly on "surrogate indicators" of magnetic field strength (such as distribution-line wire configura0065-2393/95/0250-O099$12.00/0 ©1995 American Chemical Society

In Electromagnetic Fields; Blank, M.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on July 24, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0250.ch006



tions), and thus the statistical associations reported may not be intrinsically linked to magnetic fields. Nevertheless, these epidemiological studies have led to the notion that these commonly found 60-Hz magnetic field exposure levels constitute a type of threshold for producing deleterious bioeffects. Can exposure to a 10-mG, 60-Hz magnetic field plausibly produce mean­ ingful changes in human physiology (i.e., changes leading to health effects)? One approach to exploring this question is to compare the strength of these fields to those of ambient bioelectric fields, which are a vital part of the human body's natural operation. If the internal fields produced by exogenous sources (e.g., appliances or power lines) are adjudged to exceed the level of ambient bioelec­ tric fields, then the notion that they could have meaningful physiological effects (either good or bad) is plausible. However, i f the induced fields were determined to be well below ambient bioelectric levels, this finding would detract from the plausibility of their being bioeffective, or at least it would require a very cogent argument that shows how cells could detect and respond to such weak fields in the presence of much stronger ambient fields. What is the appropriate anatomic level at which to make such a compari­ son between exogenously induced fields and ambient (biological background) fields? Mathematically this comparison is most simply made at the "bulk tissue level", that is, by calculating average current densities at various locales in the body and treating tissue as a homogeneous material. This sort of macrocomparison is, however, of very limited validity because the field intensity in and around particular cells determines the bioeffectiveness of an exogenous (or of an ambi­ ent) field. Therefore, in this chapter, I have attempted to compare the strength of the two field types at three anatomic levels of organization: (1) bulk tissue cur­ rent densities; (2) current densities (and transmembrane potentials) across cells (and cell membranes); and (3) current densities in tight extracellular spaces that characterize most human tissue (e.g., muscle, nerve, and bone).

Bulk Tissue Current Densities Estimating bulk tissue current densities from exogenous 60-Hz magnetic fields is fairly straightforward and can be accomplished by using a variety of human body compartment models. A somewhat simplified example of this approach is illustrated in Figure 1 for an exogenous magnetic field of 1 μΤ. Here the body is considered to be roughly cylindrical and an approximate value of 0.5 m is taken for the maximum radius. This rather generous estimate for the maximum torso radius in humans (which corresponds to a circumference of over 3 m) leads to an overestimate of induced current. This overestimate suggests a maximum induced electric field of 10" V / m at the surface of the cylinder that drops off to zero at the center of the cylinder. Using a typical tissue resistivity of 1 Ω-m yields a maximum current density of 10~ A / m , which is actually a high-side estimate compared to those of other authors (5) and is probably attributable to two fac­ tors: using 1 μΤ rather than 0.1 μΤ, and using such a round body model. 4



In Electromagnetic Fields; Blank, M.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


WACHTEL Comparison of Endogenous and Induced Currents


Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on July 24, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0250.ch006

Β = 10 m G = 1 μ Τ

Figure 1. Estimation of bulk tissue electricfields(E^) and current densities (J%) produced in a prototypical human standing in a vertical 60-Hz magnetic field having a flux density (B)ofl μΤ. r is the approximate torso radius, ω is the sinu­ soidalfrequency (in radians per second), and ψ& is the average tissue resistivity.

Current Densities Across Cells Bulk current density is, however, of limited interest from a physiological point of view. The currents that flow in and around particular cells that constitute the tissue are of more relevance biologically. Determining such currents requires assumptions about cell size, shape, membrane impedance, and perhaps most importantly cell-packing tightness. Some modelers have chosen (5) to represent cells as essentially nonconducting spheres surrounded by much larger extracellu­ lar spaces. I believe, however, that the picture shown in Figure 2 is more repre­ sentative of the cellular structure of most human tissue. Figure 2 shows tightly packed cells of various shapes that leave only narrow serpentine passages for extracellular currents to flow through. Taking the cross-sectional area of the ex­ tracellular spaces to be 10% of the total area yields roughly a 10-fold enhance­ ment of current density in the extracellular (or "pericellular") spaces relative to bulk current because relatively little current flows across the cells themselves. How small is this transcellular current? The answer depends on the mem­ brane impedance ascribed to the cells (at 60 Hz). For resting cells (e.g., nerve or muscle) the typical membrane resistance (R ) is 1000 Ω-cm (or 0.1 Ω-m ). This value suggests a transmembrane (and thus transcellular) current density (J ) of only 10" A / m , which in turn suggests a transmembrane potential shift of only 10~ V (compared to roughly 10 to 10" V for ambient transmembrane poten­ tials). 2








In Electromagnetic Fields; Blank, M.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on July 24, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0250.ch006



Figure 2. The partitioning of bulk current density (J&J into extracellular (JJ and transcellular (J^ components. V is membrane potential; R is membrane resis­ tance for a unit area (dm ) m



Current Densities in Tight Extracellular Spaces Thus, exogenously induced currents are apparently much more dense outside cells than within (or across) the cell. However, endogenous (ambient) currents are also presumably stronger (denser) in these tight extracellular spaces. Estimat­ ing the strength of such ambient extracellular currents is a more difficult task, but we can approach the issue from the standpoint of some well-established electrophysiological principles, as follows. When at rest, electrically active cells are known to typically have trans­ membrane potentials of about 0.1 V (inside negative); during the peak of an ac­ tion potential this potential goes through a momentary reversal of polarity. The action potential therefore is a pulselike signal that ranges from about 1 ms in duration (typical of human nerve cells) to several hundred milliseconds (typical of human cardiac cells). As shown in Figure 3, a cell that is completely activated (depolarized) or is completely at rest generates virtually no field outside its own membrane. However, when a cell is in transition from rest to active (or vice versa), currents external to the cell will flow in accordance with extracellular potential gradients. For cells that approximate a long thin cylinder, which is a reasonable represen­ tation of nerve axons or of cardiac and skeletal muscle cells, the transition region looks rather like a dipolar current source, and it gives rise to a field that spreads out exponentially (as illustrated in Figure 4). What is the current density in this extracellular region? A n answer can be gleaned from the cable model, which neurophysiologists have long used to analyze action-potential propagation (6, 7). In this model the longitudinal current flow (from active to resting regions of the cell) is proportional to the spatial gradient of voltage, dV/dx, which can be ex­ pressed as the quotient, (dV/dt)/(dx/dt). However, dx/dt is simply the velocity θ

In Electromagnetic Fields; Blank, M.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


WACHTEL Comparison of Endogenous and Induced Currents \- ~


-Ç+ +++++ +J v

+ ++ + + +

— ,___ _



Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on July 24, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0250.ch006





- - - ( ^












: - : > PART AT R E S T

Figure 3. Fields produced by active nerve or muscle cells. A resting cell (A) or fully activated cell (B) produces virtually nofieldawayfromits own membrane When the cell is in transitionfromresting to active (i.e., during the action pote tial propagation), currentsflowalong the outer surface of the cell (pericellular space) as well as through the membrane and within the cell (C). RECTANGULAR WAVE

t A











Figure 4. Thefrequencyspectra associated with a rectangular wave and a "half sine" wave approximation to a nerve or muscle action potential The curves a shown as continuous functions to encompass all values of duty factor, butfor a one of these a set of discrete values for the Fourier series components (harmonics) can be pinpointed. A is the wave amplitude; t is the wave durati and Τ is the interwave interval.

In Electromagnetic Fields; Blank, M.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.



with which the action potential is spreading along the cell. Thus the longitudinal current density J can be written as


dV( dx \ eJ

dt \ eJ



where θ is the propagation velocity (meters per second), R is the resistivity of the extracellular fluid (ohm meters), J is the longitudinal current density outside the cell (amperes per square meter), and ω is the radial frequency. For a realistic action potential the rate of change of the transmembrane potential (dVldt) depends on what point in the action potential is being referred to, and this dependence would lead to an analytically complex expression. For­ tunately, however, nerve or muscle action potentials occur repetitively, and they can be treated in terms of their (sinusoidal) frequency components. Thus, i f we represent each frequency component of transmembrane potential as V(t) = V sin ωί the corresponding extracellular current density would become

Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on July 24, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0250.ch006








eJ Some typical values for repetitively active nerve cells (such as those found in human cortex) are V = 0.1 V , θ = 10 m/s, and R = 5 Ω-m. Applying these values results in a current density of J = (2 χ 10~ )ω (cos ωή, which denotes a peak current density of (2 χ 10" )ω A / m . Thus, for ω = 500 (which would be a representative firing rate of 80 Hz), this equation predicts a current density of 1 A / m . m






Comparison with Exogenously Induced Tissue Current Densiti B y comparison the tissue current density induced by a l-μΤ, 60-Hz magnetic field impinging on the human brain is about 10" A / m . Because most of this extremely low frequency (ELF) current flows around cells, rather than through them, an intensification factor of perhaps 10-fold should be applied to estimate the induced extracellular current density. The resulting value of 10" A / m is still about 10,000 times lower than the 1 A / m estimate for extracellular current due to ambient neuroelectric activity. Representing a pulselike action potential by a single sine wave (whose frequency is the repetitive firing rate) may be too crude a model for these pur­ poses. The same concept can, however, be extended to other waveforms by de5




In Electromagnetic Fields; Blank, M.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.


Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on July 24, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0250.ch006


WACHTEL Comparison of Endogenous and Induced Currents


scribing them as a Fourier series of frequency components (harmonic analysis). This modeling can most readily be done by representing the action potential as a "standard" waveform. Figure 4 shows two waveforms that are reasonable fac­ similes of an action potential. Although these two waveforms (rectangular vs. "half-sine" waves) look quite different in the time domain, their spectral contents are really quite similar (for equal durations and repetition rates). The main dif­ ference is the small amount of energy falling into the higher harmonic ranges for the rectangular wave. Neither of these waveforms are exact representations of an action potential shape; however, the half-sine wave is more realistic for neural or skeletal muscle action potentials, and the square wave better represents cardiac action potentials. By using generalized Fourier transforms, these prototypical action poten­ tials can be translated into a specific set of frequency components for any given neural firing pattern simply by choosing an appropriate value for the duty cycle (i.e., the pulse duration as a fraction of the interpulse interval). For example, as shown in Figure 5, using a duty cycle of 10% (which might correspond, for ex­ ample, to a muscle action potential 10 ms long occurring every 100 ms) gives rise to the spectrum indicated by the dots connected by a dashed line. This spec­ trum is for the transmembrane signal per se; however, the extracellular current flow is proportional to the time derivative of V . Consequently, the frequency components of the extracellular current waveforms are somewhat exaggerated for the higher harmonics: in fact, a "two-humped" frequency spectrum is pro­ duced, and it gives peaks at the third and the tenth harmonics. This spectrum suggests that a nerve or a skeletal muscle firing at, for example, 10 pulses per m

V (volts) m


(A/m )


0.1 % v





Ν "•^ X






L 6












Figure 5. The harmonic content (Fourier series) for a halfsine wave action po­ tential model having a duty factor of 0.1 and a repetition rate of 10 pulses per second. The transmembrane potential (VjJ components are shown as dots con­ nected by a dashed line, whereas the harmonics of current density (J) are de­ noted by the χ marks.

In Electromagnetic Fields; Blank, M.; Advances in Chemistry; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 1995.

Downloaded by PENNSYLVANIA STATE UNIV on July 24, 2012 | Publication Date: May 5, 1995 | doi: 10.1021/ba-1995-0250.ch006



second would give rise to pericellular current densities on the order of several microamperes per square centimeter for frequency components ranging from 10 Hz to several hundred hertz. Several of these harmonics lie close to the 60-Hz frequency of power systems (and to the harmonics thereof). Thus, even i f we restrict the comparison to frequencies close to 60 Hz, the intensity of pericellular ambient fields (current densities) is found to be far greater than that inducible by exogenous magnetic fields (e.g., 1 μΤ at 60 Hz). Strictly speaking, the foregoing analysis applies to isolated cylindrical cells surrounded by large volumes of extracellular fluid. In reality, of course, brain tissue, and most other tissue as well, is made up of cells in tightly pack­ aged arrays, so that extracellular spaces are actually smaller than the intracellular ones. In these circumstances endogenous bioelectric currents near the cell sur­ face would actually be intensified, just as would currents exogenously induced by electromagnetic fields (EMFs); that is, they would be far more intense than the average (bulk tissue) current density for the overall tissue. This expectation is borne out by the fact that, within the brain, currents underlying the electroen­ cephalogram (EEG) are on the order of a few nanoamperes per square meter. This value is roughly 1% of the current density estimated from the cable equa­ tion analysis for the space immediately surrounding a cylindrical cell. In addi­ tion to lending support to the calculated extracellular current values, this E E G field current density can itself be compared to the bulk tissue currents induced by a 60-Hz magnetic field in a standing human (in a vertical l-μΤ field). This current is on the order of 10~ A / m , which is about 0.001 times the E E G current density. These comparisons of extracellular current densities along with the even more disparate values for transmembrane current density are summarized in Ta­ ble I, which shows that at each cellular level of interest the density of currents flowing in brain tissue due to endogenous neuroelectric activity far exceeds that induced by 60-Hz external magnetic fields (on the order of 1 μΤ). A similar analysis can be applied to bioelectric current generated by skeletal muscle, as well as cardiac muscle electric activity, and would suggest that all types of cells (including blood cells) within those tissues are routinely immersed in an endogenous "sea" of electric activity. Furthermore, the fields generated by dynamically loaded bone cells (most likely due to streaming po­ tentials) are also thought to be relatively strong. The bulk current density meas­ ured in such active bone is also on the order of a few milliamperes per square meter. These currents would impinge upon bone marrow cells as well as os­ teogenic cells, and thus they must be reckoned with in any theory that attempts to causally link leukemia with external magnetic fields (60-Hz, l-μΤ range). 5



Table I. Comparison of Bioelectric Current Densities (A/m ) Produced by Active Nerve or Muscle to Those Induced by a Magnetic Field Produced by Active Nerve Induced by 1-μΤ, 60Ήζ Tissue Level or Muscle Magnetic Field i