Comparison of Fourier self-deconvolution and maximum likelihood

The presence of noise, if it is the only source of error, is not expected to seriously affect the curve-fit unless either thenoise levels are very hig...
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Anal. &em. I W I , 63,2557-2563 (14) Fabry, P.; &OS, J. P.; Mlllbn-bcdaz, J. F.; Kleitz, M. Sens.Actuators 1986, 75, 33. (15) E m u , J. E.; M e n s e n , S. Radiometer Int. Patent WO 84/01829. 1984. (16) Zeiinskl, E. J. J.; Uhimann, D. R. J . phvs. Chem. SOMds 1984, 45, 1069. (17) Quon, D. H. H.; Wheat, T. A.; Nesbitt, W. Mater. Res. Bull. 1980, 75, 1533. (18) Gordon, R. S.; MRkr, 0. R.; McEntire. B. J.; Beck, E. D.; Rasmussen, J. R. Solid State I o n k 1981, 3-4, 243. (19) Bollot. J. P.: Colomban, Ph.; Blanchard, N. Solid State Ionics 1963, 9 - 70, 639. (20) Engell. J.: Mortensen, S.; Molier, L. Solid State Ionics 1963, 9-10, 877. (21) Colomban, Ph. Ceram. Int. 1969, 75, 23. (22) Bayard, M. L.; Barna, 0. 0. J . Electraenal. Chem. InterfaclelElectrochem. 1978, 97, 201. (23) Lloyd, 1. K.; Gupta, T. K.; Hall, B. 0. SolMState Ionics 1983, 1 7 , 39. (24) Ahmad, A.; Wheat, T. A.; Kuriakose, A. K.; Canaday, J. D.; McDonald, A. G. Solid State Ionics 1967, 24, 89. (25) Colomban, Ph. Solid State Ionics 1966, 2 7 , 97. (26) Bernier, J. C. GRECO Prburseurs Molbulalres de Matblaux Inorganiques 93. P r o c w s SOL-GEL. Bombannes, France, Sept 28-0ct 2, 1987; Part 11.

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RECEIVED for review January 2,1991. Accepted August, 12, 1991.

Comparison of Fourier Self-Deconvolution and Maximum Likelihood Restoration for Curve-Fitting Richard S.Jackson' and Peter R. Griff'iths* Department of Chemistry, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83843

The advantages of cmblnlng deconvdution and curve-mtlng for the analysk of spectra wlth heavily overlapped bands In the presence of nolse and basdlne errors are examined. Two methods of deconvolutlon are used, namely Fourkr selfdeconvolulkn (FSD) and maxl" Ilkellhood rertoratkm (MLR). It la shown that for spectra with heavlly overlapped bands and baseline errors there Is an Improvement In the condltknkrg I spectra are ckconvohred prkr to cwveflttlng, 80 that more accurate band parameters are derlved. This result Is

true for both FSD and MLR, bul It b m e d#llcun to determine the optlmun degree of deconvdution when MLR Is used. The comblnatkn of deconvduth and curvemthg atso allows the objectlve optlmlzatlon of the parameters used In elther FSD or MLR.

INTRODUCTION In a recent paper (I) we reported the advantages of curve-fitting unresolved or poorly resolved spectra for which the natural peak widths had been reduced using Fourier self-deconvolution (FSD). It was shown that the combination of FSD and subsequent least-squares curve-fitting allowed objective optimization of the parameters used in FSD, assisted in the determination of the number of bands, and significantly improved the mathematical conditioning of the curve-fitting when compared with fitting the original spectrum. This last advantage is perhaps the most significant, since curve-fitting is inherently ill-conditioned and even small errors in the input data or the assumptions can lead to very large errors in the fitted parameters (2-6). In our initial studies the synthetic spectra used were all noise free; in this paper those studies have been extended to include the effects of noise.

Two methods of deconvolution, FSD and maximum likelihood restoration (MLR), are compared in this paper. The method used for FSD was the same as that described in the first paper and was originally developed by Kauppinen et al. (7,8). The application of MLR to this problem was also studied because MLR deals explicitly with noise and has been shown to provide greater resolution enhancement than FSD if the spectrum has a moderate or high noise level (9, IO). Fourier Self-Deconvolution. FSD is the method of deconvolution that is most commonly used in spectroscopy. If an infrared spectrum is assumed to consist of N Lorentzian bands, then the absorbance at wavenumber 'v can be represented as N

where A?, yi, and 'v? are the height, full width at half-height (FWHH), and center peak position, respectively, of the ith band. The inverse Fourier transform of A(?) is N

Y(x) = 0.25Z~~A/-'exp(-P?rjTt$)

for 1x1 5 R-' (2) where j = v'(-1), R is the nominal resolution, and x is the spatial frequency. In FSD, Y(x)is multiplied by exp(?ry'x), where y' < y, to yield Y'(x): N

Y'(x) = 0.25ZyiA? exp(-2?rj?$)

exp[-?r(yi - ?')XI


for 1x1 5

R-' (3)

When the forward Fourier transform of Y'(x) is calculated, we obtain

To whom corres ondence should be addressed. Current address: b a t t s o n Instruments, Inc., Madison, WI 53717. 0003-2700/91/0363-2557$02.50/0



0 1991 American Chemical Society



(This equation has not been simplified, to permit comparison with eq 1.)This "deconvolved" spectrum still has Lorentzian bands in the same positions, but the width of each band has been decreased by an amount y' and the peak absorbance has been increased by the factor y i / ( y i- 7'). Although originally developed for infrared spectra in which each band has a Lorentzian shape (7,8), FSD is equally valid for spectra in which the band shapes can be represented as the convolution of a Lorentzian and some other function. In the Fourier domain array, Y(x),the signal decreases exponentially as the spatial frequency increases, whereas the noise level remains constant. Thus multiplication by exp(ry'x) to yield Y'(r) can result in the signal at high spatial frequencies having a very high noise level. This can seriously degrade the quality of the deconvolved spectrum after the forward Fourier transform. In practice Y'(x) is therefore truncated a t some fraction, F,of the Fourier domain array, which is equivalent to multiplying Y'(x) by a boxcar truncation function, D ( x ) , where

D(x) = 1

for 1x1 5 FR-'

D(x) = 0

for 1x1 > FR-'


The spectrum is therefore convolved with a sinc function, [sin (~TFR'?)]/(ZTFR'?), which is the Fourier transform of D(x). When F is significantly less than unity, the maximum achievable resolution is reduced from R to R/F. In addition side lobes appear in the spectrum that may either mask real weak spectral features or appear as artifacts ( 7 , I I ) . If F is too large, however, the noise level in the spectrum becomes excessive. I t has been shown (8)that the use of a suitable apodization function, A ( x ) ,instead of simple boxcar truncation, can reduce the noise and/or side lobe amplitude, but these effects cannot be completely suppressed. Bessel apodization has been shown to be a good choice for FSD (8) and was used in all the work presented here. In this case the deconvolved spectrum is convolved with a Bessel function, which has smaller side lobes than a sinc function but a greater FWHH. In the previous paper (1) the choice of F was somewhat arbitrary because the spectra were noise free, and the method described therefore involved the optimization only of y'. The present studies were carried out on noisy data and extend the method described earlier (I)to allow optimization of both y' and F such that the maximum possible resolution enhancement concomitant with the absence of side lobes or excessive noise is obtained. Maximum Likelihood Restoration. Unlike FSD, maximum likelihood restoration is based on a statistical approach (12,13). If a data set (yl, y2,y3,...,y,) is measured, with noise components (e1, c p , t3, ..., e,], then we can write yi = (0 0 S ) i

+ ti


where {oil is the more highly resolved spectrum, (si)is some peak shape function, and 8 denotes convolution. There are, however, many possible spectra, {oil, that will satisfy this equation to within experimental error. The maximum likelihood principle requires that we find the most likely restored spectrum, {oil, that when convolved with the peak shape function, {si],and added to the noise, ( e i ) , yields our measured data set, {yiJ. If the statistics of the noise are known and the peak shape function is defined, the probability of obtaining the measured spectrum,hi},is clearly conditional upon the choice of restored spectrum, {oil. The probability P(yl, ,..,ynJol,..., 0,) (where I denotes conditional upon) must therefore be maximized by some suitable choice of loi). T o define P(yl, ...,ynlol,..., on), we consider the fact that, for a given restored spectrum, {oil, and peak shape, {si],this probability is equal to the probability of obtaining the noise, (ti):




0,)' =

***, e n J o 1 ,



Furthermore, if it is decided, a priori, that all possible restored spectra, [oi),are equally likely, then P(t1,

..., t,lOl, ..., 0,) = P ( q , ..., t,)


To define the probability, P(tl,...,e,), of obtaining the noise,

Iti), it must be assumed that all the errors in the data can be represented statistically and the statistics of the noise must be defined. If we assume that the noise is random, normally distributed with position-dependent variance ($1, and independent of the signal and that noise component ei is uncorrelated with noise component t, for all ij (i # j ) , then the probability of obtaining a noise set (ti) is given by

The assumption that the noise is independent of signal is valid for the synthetic spectra described here, and for FT-Raman spectra. For infrared spectra that are output linear in absorbance, this assumption is not strictly true, but if the absorbances are small (Aio < 0.5) it is an adequate approximation. Combining eqs 6-9 yields

T o obtain the restored spectrum, the probability P(yl,..., ynlol,...,0,) must be maximized, under an appropriate set of constraints, by a suitable choice of (oil.

EXPERIMENTAL SECTION The programs used to perform FSD,MLR, and curve-fitting were all run under the Spectra Calc software package from Galactic Industries Corp. (Salem, NH).The curve-fitting program uses an iterative least-squares criterion for optimization based on the method of Levenberg (14). Convergence was deemed to have been achieved when the change in the standard deviation was less than 0.01%. The MLR program was a proprietary algorithm supplied by Spectrum Square Associates, Inc. (Ithaca, NY). This program imposes the constraint that the solution must always be positive and assumes that all the standard deviations, G = {ui),are equal. The user is required to supply an estimate of the standard deviation at run time. The shape of the peak, s, used in this work was Lorentzian, with a FWHH of y'. To investigate the potential advantages of combining deconvolution and curve-fitting techniques for the analysis of noisy spectra, several spectra were synthesized from two or more Lorentzian bands. Moderate amounts of noise were then added to these spectra. The presence of noise, if it is the only source of error, is not expected to seriously affect the curve-fit unless either the noise levels are very high or there is a large number of overlapping bands. This is because, if the only source of error is noise which is normally distributed, we-fitting not only yields a statistically valid solution but it can also be shown to yield the maximum likelihood solution (15). Other systematic errors, such as a poor knowledge of the baseline, can seriously reduce the accuracy of the parameters obtained by curve-fitting, however. The main advantage of performing FSD prior to curve-fitting in our previous work (I)was an improvement in the conditioning of the curve-fitting, and this will probably also be the main advantage if other forms of deconvolution (e.g. MLR) are applied prior to curve-fitting. Baseline errors were therefore introduced into some of the spectra. A linear baseline was included as a variable in each curve-fit, but this cannot, of course compensate for nonlinear baseline errors. Although it was shown in our first paper (I) that the more quantitativelyaccurate results were obtained by we-fitting using a Lorentzian band shape with some Gaussian character, a pure Lorentzian band shape was used in all the curve-fitsin this work to reduce the number of variables and thereby simplify the



700 7

Table I. Parameters of Synthetic Band Multiplets Discussed in This Paper



spectrum A 1




B 1

C 2






position, cm-' 3003 2997 3003 2997 3007 3003 2997 2992

FWHH,cm-' height

12.0 14.0 12.0 14.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 12.0 1.50 1.00 1.50 1.00 1.00 0.75 1.30 0.90









analysis and reduce the overall time for this investigation. As in the first paper, two parameters were used to determine the goodness of fit. The first of these, the deviation in the fit, D, is defined as


2(di- f i ) 2



where di and f i are the ith data point and the ith point in the fitted spectrum, respectively, and n is the number of data points. When fitting real spectra, this is the only available measure of the goodness of fit. The second parameter, E, is the sum of the absolute percentage errors in the area of each band: (12)




, , , , , , , ,


, , , , , ,

100 01--------0.16 0.2

0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36




180 -

140 160


E (%no0 where A t and Aim are the true and the measured band areas, respectively, of the ith band and 1 is the number of bands. Obviously, this metric can only be used for synthetic spectra, for which the true areas of each band, A>, are known accurately. A comparison of these two parameters allows an assessment of the effectiveness of combining deconvolution and curve-fitting to be obtained. Of the various synthetic spectra used in this investigation, only representative examples will be discussed specificallyin this paper. Table I shows the band parameters used to synthesize these spectra. Spectra A and B were composed of two completely unresolved bands, with a separation of 6 cm-' and an average FWHH of 13 cm-I. Spectrum C was composed of four unresolved bands of varying heights and widths. In all cases the data point spacing was 0.5 cm-'. All spectra subsequently had 0.5% peakto-peak (-0.1 % root mean square) noise added to them. Spectra B and C also had baseline errors introduced. For spectrum B the "baseline" was a broad, small Lorentzian band centered at 2985 cm-' with a height of 0.05 and a FWHH of 50 cm-' (see later, Figure 4). This type of function was chosen because in a real spectrum it is unlikely that a small, broad band would be allowed for in a curve-fit. Spectrum C was "baseline-corrected" by subtraction of linear sections of baseline from regions of low absorbance, such that the ordinate points at 3200,3100,2900,and 2800 cm-' were zero (see later, Figure 7). This type of baseline correction is commonly applied to real spectra but will rarely be exactly right. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Effects of Noise i n Combined Deconvolution and Curve-Fitting. T o investigate the effects of noise on combined FSD and curve-fitting and to derive a method for optimizing the fraction, F, of the Fourier domain array retained during FSD, spectrum A was studied. This spectrum had 0.5% added noise, but no baseline errors. The two bands in this spectrum are completely unresolved prior to deconvolution. Although the effects of changing the values of y' and F used in FSD on the parameters D and E obtained from the subsequent curve-fit are clearly interrelated, they will be treated separately for clarity. As already pointed out, for any given value of y' there is an optimum value of F that gives the maximum possible resolution enhancement without leading to excessive noise in the deconvolved spectrum. This optimum value must lie between the values of F that lead to side lobe formation and serious degradation of the resolution (low F) or to excessive noise (large F). I t should be noted, however, that if the noise levels are high and a large value of

40 80















0.24 0.28 0.32 0.36








F Figure 1. Results of curvefitting spectrum A after deconvdutkm using FSD with y' = 8 cm-'. (a)Variation of D as the fraction of the Fourier domain array, F , retained during deconvoiution is changed. An expanded plot for 0.16 C F < 0.32 is shown in the insert. (b) Variation of E as the fraction of the Fourier domain array, F , retained during

deconvolution is changed.

y' is used, the ranges of F that lead to these two sources of error may overlap. In this case there is no good choice for the fraction of the Fourier domain array to be retained. Thus the value of y' at which this situation begins to occur effectively defines an upper limit on the level of resolution enhancement that can be achieved. As an example of the effects of the value of F used in FSD on the parameters D and E obtained from the subsequent curve-fit, a spectrum deconvolved with a moderately high value of y' will be considered. Parts a and b of Figure 1 show the effects on the parameters D and E of changing the fraction of the Fourier domain array, F, when the spectrum was deconvolved using a value of y' = 8 cm-'. The functional forms of these plots are not always the same for different spectra or even for the same spectrum deconvolved using different values of y', but they do always show certain characteristics. Both plots have always exhibited a minimum, although any occurrence of the minimum in D and the minimum in E at the same value of F is fortuitous. Both D and E also always show a very rapid and large rise if F is increased beyond a certain point. This latter characteristic is perhaps not surprising, since after multiplication by exp(7ry'x) the noise in the Fourier domain array increases exponentially with x , and therefore the noise level in the deconvolved spectrum will rise exponentially as F is increased. The result of deconvolving spectrum A using FSD with y' = 8 cm-' and various values of F is shown in Figure 2. A comparison of the spectra in this figure with the plots in Figure 1 shows that although there is a minimum in the parameter E that occurs a t the value of F that minimizes the errors in




2.2 1.8

4::: 1.2-



0.8 0.6 3100





Wavenumbers (cm-1) Flgure 2. Spectrum A deconvolved using MLR with y' = 8 cm-' and FSD with y' = 8 cm-' and various values of F (top to bottom): (A) original spectrum: (B) spectrum deconvolved using MLR; (C-F) spectra deconvoived using FSD with F = 0.17, F = 0.24, F = 0.33,and F =









5' 40

0.40, respectively.

the band areas (i.e. F = 0.40), this minimum occurs when the deconvolved spectrum has a very high noise level. It would therefore be difficult or impossible to estimate the number of bands from the lowest trace in Figure 2 correctly. This appears to be generally true, both for different spectra and different levels of deconvolution. This behavior occurs because the band shapes are closer to Lorentzian in spectra computed with higher values of F and the noise levels are still not sufficiently high to affect the curve-fit seriously. When a real spectrum is analyzed, the only parameter available is D. It would therefore not be possible to determine the value of F that would minimize the errors in the band areas. Consequently, it was decided to use the value of F that minimized the deviations in the fit; in this case F = 0.24. The choice of this value of F allows the correct number of component bands to be determined, and although it does not minimize the errors in the band areas, it will be shown later that these errors are still significantly smaller than if the original spectrum was curve-fitted. There is a second possible criterion for choosing the fraction of the Fourier domain array that is to be retained during FSD. Choosing the value of F that occurs just before the deviations begin to rise rapidly (in this case F = 0.30-0.35) gives a spectrum that does not have excessively high noise levels and shows the correct number of component bands. In practice this criterion would have the advantage that a good choice of F could be found by looking a t a series of deconvolved spectra and choosing the largest value of F that does not lead to excessive noise. For example, in the series of spectra seen in Figure 2C through 2F, the noise level in Figure 2C and 2D is low, leading to the conclusion that a higher value of F can be applied, while the noise level in Figure 2F is obviously excessive. The optimum value of F would be close to the one used to calculate the spectrum shown in Figure 2E. Small differences in the value of F used in the deconvolution do not greatly affect the errors in the band parameters found from the subsequent curve-fit. In this example, any value of F between 0.30 and 0.33 leads to a similar result, as can be seen from Figure 1B. Choosing F in this fashion would save a considerable amount of time and it would therefore be the method of choice if a large number of spectra must be analyzed. To investigate the magnitude of the errors incurred by curve-fitting as quantitatively as possible, however, it was decided to use a more precisely defined method of finding the optimum value of F. When a noisy spectrum is deconvolved by MLR, the noise level in the resultant spectrum is always lower than when the same degree of band narrowing is achieved by FSD. For example, deconvolution of spectrum A using MLR with y' =




















curve-fitting spectrum A after deconvolution using FSD, shown as plots of (a) D vs y' and (b) E vs y'.

Figure 3. Results of

8 cm-' is shown in Figure 2 for comparison with the corresponding data obtained by FSD. The potential advantages of using MLR for the deconvolution of noisy spectra are evident: the two component bands have been clearly resolved, but without the high noise levels seen when FSD is used to achieve an equivalent level of band narrowing. Figure 3 shows the variation in the parameters D and E obtained from the curve-fit as the degree of deconvolution, y', is changed. For each point on these plots, the parameter F was chosen to give the minimum value of D in the subsequent curve-fit. The deviations begin to rise rapidly near the point at which there is no good choice for F , and side lobes and severe band shape distortion and f or noise are always present. Although not shown in this paper, the results for the parameter E obtained by curve-fitting spectrum A after deconvolution using MLR are very similar to the results obtained by FSD. (In fact, the results for the parameter D are very similar to those shown later in Figure 9a.) It should be noted that when either FSD or MLR was used, the errors in the fitted band areas were always greater than when the original spectrum was curve-fitted. Thus when noise constitutes the only error in the original data, there is no advantage in using deconvolution prior to curve-fitting, and the errors in the band areas increase considerably as the degree of deconvolution (using FSD or MLR) is increased and the band shapes deviate more from pure Lorentzian. Spectra with Added Noise and Baseline Errors. As noted above, spectrum B is identical to spectrum A, but with a small, curved baseline added as previously described. Figure 4 shows spectrum B, in the absence of noise, and the baseline to indicate their relative magnitudes. As with spectrum A, for any particular value of y' the fraction of the Fourier do-



1.4 , 1.3 1.21.1 10.9













0.8 0.70.6 0.5 0.4 -


0.3 0.2 -









W w o n "













Fl@ure4. Spectrum 8, in the absence of noise, and the baseline error



was introduced to this spectrum.

main array that was retained during deconvolution was chosen as the value that minimized the deviations in the subsequent curve-fit. This spectrum was chosen as an example because two minima, one global and one local, were found in some of the curve-fits. The convergence of the curve-fit to one or the other of these minima depended on the initial estimates for the peak parameters. If the original spectrum (Le., spectrum B) was curve-fitted, two minima were found with values of D = 0.0446 and D = 0.0592. The values of E found for these two curve-fits were E = 136.4% and 13.4%, respectively. The latter result gave an average error in each band area of only 6.7%, but this is obtained from the local minimum. In practice, when only the parameter D is available as a measure of the goodness of fit, the global minimum would be chosen as the best fit and the band areas would therefore be in error by an average of 68.2%. If spectrum B was Fourier-transformed and truncated in the Fourier domain array with a value of F chosen as described above, but with y' = 0 cm-l (Le. no deconvolution), and then transformed back to the spectral domain and curve-fitted, two minima, were also found. In this case values of D = 0.0365 and D = 0.0429 were obtained at the minima, with corresponding errors E = 116.3% and 15.5%, respectively. As with the original spectrum, the choice of the global minimum would lead to band areas that were seriously in error. Figure 5 shows the parameters D and E obtained from the curve-fit as a function of the value of y' used in the FSD. The most notable effect of curve-fitting the deconvolved spectra is that the two minima degenerate into a single minimum as the value of y' is increased much beyond y' = 5 cm-'. This is due to the improved conditioning of the curve-fit. It can also be seen that the errors in the band areas, E, are reduced significantly when compared to those obtained by curve-fitting the undeconvolved spectrum and taking the band parameters found at the global minimum as correct. As with the examples presented in the previous paper (I), in which noise-free spectra were used,the errors in the peak areas are minimized by fitting the spectrum deconvolved with the value of y' at which the deviations, D, in the curve-fit just begin to show a significant increase. A t this point the average percentage error in each peak area is only 8.6%. It is notable that this point is less well defined than in the examples given in the previous paper. This happens because the presence of noiso in the spectrum leads to more severe truncation requirements in the Fourier domain array, and therefore greater distortion of the peak shapes. Addition of a small, fixed Gaussian fraction to the fitted peaks, as was used in the first paper (I),would probably improve this situation and may also reduce the errors in the band areas.

120 110-


100 -


90 a0 70


: Global minimum. : Local minimum. : Single minimum.



E (%I60 -


50 40 30 20 -

10 0







Figure 5. Results of curvefiiing spectrum B after deconvolutii using FSD, shown as plots of (a) D vs y' and (b) E vs y'. The values of D found for the local and glohl minima (0 Iy' 5 5 cm-') at a particular value of y' are very close on this plot, and therefore only the averages are shown.

The variation of the parameters D and E as a function of B after deconvolution using MLR, is shown in Figure 6a,b. An estimate of u = 0.5% of the most intense band was used for all the restorations. This estimate of the standard deviation of the noise is actually somewhat high, since the peak-to-peak noise level of the original spectrum was 0.5% of the maximum intensity, so that the standard deviation was about 0.1 % . In practice, however, an estimate that is too low can produce artifacts or noise in the deconvolved spectrum and it was found that the estimate should always be conservative. It can be seen that the results are similar to those obtained using FSD, although there are certain notable differences. One obvious major difference is seen in the variation of D as a function of 7' (cf. Figure 5a). Although there is a rapid rise in the deviations in the curve-fit as y' is increased, it does not occur at the same value of y' that was found using FSD. There is also a maximum in D at approximately y' = 5.5 cm-'. The fact that this occurs at about the same value of y' that minimizes the errors in the band areas is fortuitous. The position of this maximum can vary considerably from one example to another and can even vary somewhat if the noise estimate, u, is changed. This maximum is caused by sharp features, in particular noise, being interpreted as real when low values of y' are used. Alternative MLR formulations are available (see for example Jansson (13))that may help solve this problem, but these still need to be investigated. The other major difference is that the minimum error in the peak areas is only an average of 1.770,compared to 8.6% when the spectra were deconvolved using FSD. Despite this y', obtained by curve-fitting spectrum



4 , 3.5





2.6 2.4






2.2 2.0 1.8 1.6



0 140 130 120


0.6 0.4 0.2


\ 2




: Global minimum.









Wavenumbers (cm-1) Figure 7. Spectrum C, in the absence of noise, and the baseline error that was introduced to this spectrum.


: Local minimum.

: Single minimum.

O.91 0.8



:1 0 0 0

0.0 3200

7060 50




iii -




2 of curve-fitting spectrum




0.7 0.6

D 0.6-

0.3 0.4

0.2 -


Flgure 6. Results B after deconvdution wing MLR, shown as plots of (a) D vs y' and (b) E vs y'. The values of D found for the and gbbai minima (05 y' 5 5 cm-') at a particular value of y' are very close on this plot, and therefore only the averages are shown. improvement in the accuracy of the band areas, however, the correspondence between the deviations in the tit and the errors in the band areas is not as clear as when the deconvolution is performed using FSD. Because of this, if a real spectrum (with noise and baseline errors) were being analyzed and only the parameter D were available, it would be very difficult to choose the optimum value of y'. One other example of a spectrum with added noise and baaeline errors will be considered. This is spectrum C in Table I and is somewhat more complex than those already considered. Figure 7 shows this spectrum, in the absence of noise, and the baseline that was added to it. The separations of adjacent bands of 4,5,and 6 cm-' were chosen so that after truncation of the Fourier domain array they were close to (or even less than) the nominal resolution. Because of the small band separations, both FSD and MLR were incapable of completely resolving all four bands. After FSD, bands 1 and 2 and bands 3 and 4 were still unresolved. After MLR only bands 1 and 2 remained unresolved. This spectrum therefore provides a good teat of the ability of spectral deconvolution to improve the conditioning of subsequent curve-fitting. The parameters D and E, obtained from the curve-fit, are shown as a function of the value of y' used in the FSD in Figure 8a,b. The results are not as good as in the previous example, but this is not surprising since after deconvolution some of the bands are still unresolved. An appreciable improvement in the accuracy to which the band areas could be estimated was nonetheless observed. When the original spectrum was curve-fitted, the average error in the band area was 50.2%, whereas if the optimally deconvolved spectrum (y' = 6 cm-9 was curve-fitted, the error in the band area was















200 4 180160140E(%)



100 80 -

60 -





Flgure 8. Results of curve-fftting spectrum C after deconvolution using FSD, shown as plots of (a) D vs y' and (b) E vs y'. reduced to an average of 12.0%. It is also clear from this example that complete resolution of the component peaks after deconvolution is not necessary for the conditioning of the curve-fitting to be improved significantly. Parts a and b of Figure 9 show the results of curve-fitting spectrum C after deconvolution using MLR. As in the previous example the estimate of the noise, u, was chosen as 0.5% of the most intense point of the spectrum. In this example there are clearly substantial differences between the results obtained using FSD and MLR. The most obvious of these is the difference in the minimum errors found in the band areas. Using MLR two minima were found, one at approximately y' = 4 cm-l and the other at y' = 9 cm-'. (Results for 0 cm-l < y' < 4 cm-' were not available because of restrictions


4 ,



3 2.5



1.5 1 0.5 0

220 -I








Flguro 9. Results of curve-frmng spectrum C after deconvdution using shown as plots of (a) D vs y‘ and (b) E vs y’.


imposed by the MLR algorithm.) These values of y’ gave average errors in the fitted band areas of 15.9% and 16.2%, respectively, compared with 12.0% found using FSD. As in the previous example, the deviations, D, in the curve-fit show a minimum, in this case a t y’ = 7 cm-l. Since the position of this minimum does not coincide with the position of either minimum in E, estimation of the optimum level of deconvolution using only the parameter D would be effectively impossible. Nevertheless, fitting the spectrum that had been deconvolved by MLR with a value of y’ = 7 cm-’ would produce more accurate band areas (an average error of 19.0%) than fitting the original spectrum.

CONCLUSIONS In a previous paper (I) we showed that the combination of Fourier self-deconvolutionand curve-fitting overcame many of the limitations of the individual methods when applied to noise-free synthetic spectra with highly overlapped bands. The value of y’ used in the FSD can be objectively optimized, the conditioning of the curve-fit is significantly improved, and quantitative information is available directly. In the present study, this work has been extended to include the effects of noise when deconvolution is effected using both


FSD and MLR. The combination of either FSD or MLR and curve-fitting for the analysis of overlapping bands in noisy spectra has been shown to provide more accurate band areas when compared to curve-fitting the original spectrum, if the original spectrum has small baseline errors. If noise is the only nonnegligible source of error in the measured spectrum, there is no advantage to using deconvolution prior to curvefitting, and the accuracy of the band areas calculated for unresolved multiplets will almost certainly be reduced. Although MLR can provide greater resolution enhancement than FSD, the errors in the band areas found by subsequent curve-fitting are not much lower, and in some cases may even be higher. It is also more difficult to identify the optimum value of y’ using the deviations from the curve-fit when MLR is used instead of FSD. In the context of combined deconvolution and curve-fitting, FSD is therefore the technique of choice, although MLR may be useful for the initial identification of the number of component bands and their approximate positions. It has also been shown that complete resolution of the overlapping bands is not necessary for quantitative information to be obtained, although the bands in the deconvolved spectrum have to show some structure for curve-fitting to be reasonably well conditioned. In this case the application of deconvolution prior to curve-fitting will lead to more accurate band areas than if the original spectrum were curve-fitted, unless there are no appreciable sources of error other than noise. The improvement in accuracy may not, however, be as great as would be achieved if the component bands were completely resolved after deconvolution.

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RECEIVEDfor review February 20,1991. Revised manuscript received August 14,1991. Accepted August 22,1991. This work was supported by Grant No. DE-FG22-87PC79907 from the U S . Department of Energy, Pittsburgh Energy Technology Center.