Comparison of Membrane Performance of PDMS-Based Membranes

Oct 31, 2011 - DOI: 10.1021/bk-2011-1078.ch005. ACS Symposium Series , Vol. 1078. ISBN13: 9780841226180eISBN: 9780841226203. Publication Date ...
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Chapter 5

Comparison of Membrane Performance of PDMS-Based Membranes during Ethanol/Water Pervaporation and Fermentation Broth Pervaporation S. Chovau,1 S. Gaykawad,2 A. J. J. Straathof,2 and B. Van der Bruggen*,1 1Department

of Chemical Engineering, Laboratory of Applied Physical Chemistry and Environmental Technology, K.U.Leuven, W. de Croylaan 46, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium 2Department of Biotechnology, Delft University of Technology, Julianalaan 67, 2628 BC Delft, The Netherlands *E-mail: [email protected]

In this study, fermentation broth pervaporation is compared to ethanol/water pervaporation. Laboratory unfilled en ZSM-5 filled PDMS membrane samples were used for this purpose. No significant changes were observed for the unfilled membrane, whereas water flux of the zeolite filled membrane was higher during fermentation broth pervaporation, which resulted in a lower permeate ethanol concentration. Subsequently this membrane was subjected to experiments with model ethanol/water mixtures in which the main fermentation by-products were individually added. It was found that carboxylic acids were responsible for the decreased membrane performance, their concentration rather than the nature of the acid itself determining the extent of membrane deterioration. An explanation was provided by interaction of the carboxylic acids with silanol end-groups of the zeolite surface rendering the membrane more hydrophilic. This was further confirmed by a decrease in water contact angle of the membrane after the experiments with acidic solutions. Membrane fouling could be avoided by increasing the pH to

© 2011 American Chemical Society In Modern Applications in Membrane Science and Technology; Escobar, I., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

more neutral environments since dissociated ions hardly adsorb on zeolite particles.

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Introduction Global warming and depletion of fossil fuels are the main factors which have increased interest research towards more sustainable energy sources (1). This is especially true in the transport sector, due to the high contribution of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, which is expected to increase even more in the future (2, 3). Bio-ethanol, or ethanol derived from biomass, has been recognized as a potential alternative to petroleum based transportation fossil fuels (4, 5). The main step in the production process of fuel grade bio-ethanol is the fermentation of simple sugars into ethanol (6). Since ethanol fermentation is inhibited by the ethanol product itself, rather low ethanol concentrations are reached in the final fermentation broths (7, 8). Lignocellulosic biomass was found to be the most promising feedstock for fermentation processes, due to its availability and low cost (9). However, if this feedstock is used final ethanol concentrations in the broths will be significantly lower (< 5 wt. %) than encountered for starch-based feedstocks (1, 10). So far, distillation is commonly used as the main separation step to purify the ethanol in the fermentation broth to anhydrous ethanol. However, energy requirements increase exponentially when ethanol concentration in the feed solution fall below 5 wt. % (11, 12). Moreover this technique has other disadvantages, such as batch-operation of the fermentor, low glucose-to-ethanol yield and no reuse of salts and microorganisms (8). Pervaporation is one of the most promising alternatives, due to the simplicity of operation, the absence of extra chemicals, low energy requirements and hence low operational cost (7, 8, 13–15). Furthermore, a pervaporation unit coupled to a fermentor will selectively remove ethanol from the broth, hence keeping the ethanol concentration below inhibitory levels for the microorganisms as demonstrated in several studies (16–19). This combination could possibly lead to a significant reduction in bio-ethanol cost in the future. While ethanol and water are the main components in a fermentation broth, often a variety of by-products are encountered, which could hinder the purification. It was found by several authors, that sometimes the membrane performance is strongly affected due to the presence of these by-products, which limits the commercial applicability of a pervaporation system. Hence the aim of this work is to compare fermentation broth pervaporation with general ethanol/water pervaporation, and to clarify the similarities and differences between the two processes.

52 In Modern Applications in Membrane Science and Technology; Escobar, I., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

Materials and Methods Membranes In this research, laboratory-made unfilled (M1) and ZSM-5 (CBV 3002) filled (M2) PDMS/PI composite membranes were investigated. The synthesis method of both PDMS-based membranes is described elsewhere (20).

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Contact Angle Measurements Contact angle measurements are performed by putting a liquid drop on the top layer of the membrane and examining the contact angle with a special camera (sessile drop method). Contact angles of a water drop were measured and analyzed at room temperature with a Krüss Drop Shape Analysis System (DSA 10 Mk2). Membrane samples were subjected to contact angle measurements before and after experiments to investigate the influence of the feed solution on the hydrophobicity degree. Every time five measurements were done on each membrane sample. Fermentation Fermentation medium was prepared in distilled water, which contained only glucose. After autoclaving the glucose solution at 121 °C for 20 min, baker’s yeast (Yeast from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Type II, Sigma-Aldrich) was added. Per liter of pure water, the mixture contained 65 g glucose and 1 g yeast. Ethanol fermentation was carried out at 30°C and homogeneous stirring (500 rpm) until the fermentation broth composition remained constant (~5 days). Experimental Section All experiments were carried out with a laboratory cross-flow pervaporation set-up (Lab Test Cell Unit, Sulzer Chemtech) as described by Dotremont et al. (21). The feed solution temperature was kept constant at 40°C, while the feed flow rate over the membrane was 250 l/h, resulting in a Reynolds number of approximately 12000 (turbulent flow) (22). Prior to analysis, membranes were allowed to equilibrate with feed solution for at least 12h. Every hour permeate was collected in a glass trap cooled in a Dewar flask containing liquid nitrogen. The permeate pressure was maintained below 3 mbar by a two-stage vacuum pump. The active membrane area of the investigated samples was 20 cm. The total amount of permeate was determined gravimetrically using a balance with an accuracy of 10−4 g from which the total flux was calculated. Fluxes were normalized by multiplication with the selective layer thickness of the membrane as determined elsewhere (20). Component concentrations were determined by a Shimadzu GC-14A gas chromatograph (column 80/120 Carbopack B/3% SP—1500, FID detector). Ethanol concentration of the fermentation broth was slightly adjusted to obtain exactly 3 wt. %, which allowed direct comparison with other model ethanol/water experiments at the same ethanol concentrations. The membrane selectivity factor, ethanol flux and water flux were calculated to quantify the membrane 53 In Modern Applications in Membrane Science and Technology; Escobar, I., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

performance. Based on the relative error of each measurement method (permeate mass, membrane diameter and component analysis), the experimental error of the reported performance factors was estimated to be 4 %.

Results and Discussion

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Membrane Characterization and Basic Pervaporation Performance The contact angle of a water drop on a dry membrane surface sample was found to be 113° and 114° M1 and M2 respectively, which is in good agreement with earlier studies (20). Subsequently fermentation broth pervaporation was compared with an ordinary ethanol/water mixture which will serve a reference for further comparison, and results are summarized in Table 1. The main by-products of the fermentation broth were determined to be glycerol (~0.2 wt. %), succinic acid (~0.04 wt. %) and acetic acid (~0.02 wt. %) From Table 1, it can be seen that no significant differences exist in membrane performance for the unfilled PDMS membrane (M1). However, during fermentation broth pervaporation, water flux of M2 was 11% higher compared to pure ethanol/water pervaporation, while the ethanol flux was more or less similar. This resulted in an 8 % lower permeate ethanol concentration and membrane performance which could not be restored afterwards. Moreover, contact angle of the M2 sample decreased from 114° to a value of 106° whereas no change was observed for M1. Hence the reason for this observed behavior must rely on the presence of by-products and their interaction with the membrane materials.

Influence of By-Products on Pervaporation Performance

Model ethanol/water mixtures were prepared in which each individual by-product was added at double concentration than present in the broth, to investigate their influence on the pervaporation performance. No significant changes in comparison to the reference scenario were observed when M1 was subjected to pervaporation experiments with all of these model mixtures. For M2, no changes were found for the model mixture with glycerol, while similar observations to the fermentation broth pervaporation where found for the carboxylic acid mixtures as presented in Table 2.

54 In Modern Applications in Membrane Science and Technology; Escobar, I., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

Table 1. Comparison between ordinary ethanol/water pervaporation and fermentation broth pervaporation M1 Pure ethanol /water

Performance parameter

Fermentation broth

Pure ethanol/ water

Fermentation broth
















Permeate EtOH fraction [wt. %]





Selectivity factor





Flux [g/m2.h] Downloaded by STANFORD UNIV GREEN LIBR on June 19, 2012 | Publication Date (Web): October 31, 2011 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2011-1078.ch005


Table 2. Membrane performance of the ZSM-5 filled PDMS membrane (M2) during pervaporation experiments with added carboxylic acids Additive Performance Parameter

Succinic acid

Acetic acid










Permeate EtOH fraction [wt. %]



Selectivity factor





It was also found that the molar concentration of carboxylic acid determined the extent of decrease in membrane performance rather than the nature of the acid itself, as can be seen in Figure 1. From this figure it can be seen that the permeate ethanol concentration tends to go to a plateau level at high carboxylic acid concentration, corresponding to a maximum decrease in ethanol concentration of ~25 %. Furthermore, the water contact angle of M2 followed a similar trend, namely a lower value (more hydrophilic membrane) at higher molar concentration of acid in the feed.

55 In Modern Applications in Membrane Science and Technology; Escobar, I., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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Figure 1. Influence of carboxylic acid concentration on permeate ethanol concentration during pervaporation experiments with M2. Ikegami et al. (15) investigated addition of 0.3 wt. % to a 5 wt. % ethanol in water solution on the membrane performance of silicalite membranes. The authors found a slightly decreased permeate ethanol concentration, which is in agreement with our findings. By immersing silicalite powder in succinic acid and subsequent infrared analysis, stretching vibration peaks of carbonyl and carboxyl groups and deformed hydroxyl groups were observed. From this, the authors suggested that the membranes became more hydrophilic due to adsorption of succinic acid on the silicalite surface. No changes in infrared spectra were observed when a pure silicone rubber material was immersed in the same succinic acid solution, hence no changes for a pure PDMS membrane are expected. Bowen et al. (13) did research on stability of zeolite-filled (silicalite-1 and CBV-28014 ZSM-5) PDMS membranes during pervaporation experiments with ethanol/water mixtures. For an unfilled PDMS membrane, no significant changes in membrane performance where observed when 1 wt. % acetic acid was added to a 5 wt. % ethanol in water solution. However an irreversible decrease in selectivity factor was found when the zeolite-filled membranes were subjected to the same feed solution. The authors also explained this by the interaction of acetic acid with silanol (Si-OH) groups end groups of the external surface of the zeolite particle, forming more hydrophilic Si-O-COCH3 bonds. Not only are the observations of both studies in agreement with our findings, the suggestion of a more hydrophilic surface was confirmed in this research by contact angle measurements. It is thus clear that carboxylic acids render a zeolite-filled membrane more hydrophilic and are responsible for the decrease in membrane performance during fermentation broth pervaporation. Finally, the influence of pH of the acidic feed solutions on membrane fouling of M2 was investigated. It was found that the decrease in membrane performance 56 In Modern Applications in Membrane Science and Technology; Escobar, I., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2011.

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diminished by increasing the pH of the solution. At a pH of ~5.5 no change in fluxes was found in comparison to the reference scenario of pure ethanol/water pervaporation. Bowen et al. (13) observed similar behavior for a ZSM-5 filled PDMS membrane and explained this by the fact that the dissociated ions of carboxylic acids, which are mainly present above the dissociation constant of the weak acid, adsorb only marginally on zeolite particles. It is hence advisable to increase the pH towards neutral environments during fermentation process to minimize the impact of organic acids on the membrane performance of zeolite-filled membranes.

Conclusion The aim of this study was to compare fermentation broth pervaporation to ordinary ethanol/water pervaporation. Differences between the two processes were only found for the ZSM-5 filled PDMS membrane, which showed an 11 % higher water flux and 8 % lower permeate ethanol concentration during fermentation broth pervaporation. Furthermore water contact angle decreased from 114° before to106° after the experiments. Experiments with model mixtures in which the main by-products were individually added revealed that carboxylic acids were responsible for this irreversible membrane fouling, due to interaction of acids with the zeolite surface. The molar concentration of the acid determined the decrease in membrane performance, and maximum decrease in permeate ethanol fraction was estimated to be 25%. Furthermore, the extent of membrane fouling diminished by increasing the pH of the acidic solution to a value above the acid dissociation constants.

Acknowledgments The work leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement no. NMP3-SL-2009-228631, project DoubleNanoMem.

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