Comparison of positive ions formed in nickel-63 ... - ACS Publications

I. Dzidic, D. I. Carroll, R. N. Stillwell, and E. C. Horning*. Institute for Lipid Research, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77025. Ions wi...
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Comparison of Positive Ions Formed in Nickel-63 and Corona Discharge Ion Sources Using Nitrogen, Argon, Isobutane, Ammonia and Nitric Oxide as Reagents in Atmospheric Pressure Ionization Mass Spectrometry 1. Dzidic, D. 1. Carroll, R. N. Stillwell, and E. C. Horning" Institute for Lipid Research, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, Texas 77025

Ions with a short residence time were observed with an API (atmospheric pressure ionlratlon) corona discharge source by locating the discharge point 0.5 mm from the sampllng aperture. Nitrogen ions (N+ and N2+) and argon ions (Ar+) were observed when nitrogen and argon (0.1 YO in ultrahigh purity helium) were reagents. The nitrogen ion N4+ was the major reactant ion observed in nltrogen alone. Ions with long residence times in a corona source were observed by changing the distance from the discharge point to the sampling aperture to 4.0 mm. The formation and reactions of t-C4H9+,NO+, and NH4+ with several organlc compounds are described for both corona dlscharge (4 mm) and 63Nisources.

The technique of API (atmospheric pressure ionization) mass spectrometry using a 63Nior a corona discharge ionization source has been described in previous publications (1-9). Several methods of sample introduction have been employed. Samples may be introduced by direct injection in common organic solvents (1,2),or in the effluent stream from a liquid chromatograph ( 3 , 4 , 6 ) .Under these conditions, the reactant ion species are determined by the organic solvent. For example, CdHs+ is the major reactant ion produced when isooctane is used (6).The sample may also be introduced by volatization from a platinum wire probe inserted into the heated flowing gas stream ( 5 ) ,or in the effluent stream from a gas chromatograph. Previously, reactant ion species employed in the absence of solvents were generated from water or oxygen present as trace impurities in the carrier gas. As indicated in this paper, the addition of small amounts of isobutane, ammonia, or nitric oxide to the carrier gas yields the reactant ions t-C4H9+, NH4+,and NO+, and these ions can be used in the same manner at atmospheric pressure as in conventional chemical ionization (CI) mass spectrometry a t pressures around 1 Torr. The order of basicity is NH3 > C4Hs > HzO. It is possible to generate and to observe short lived reactant ions in a corona discharge source of new design. This source has an axially adjustable discharge point. Ion residence times can be effectively controlled by adjusting the distance from the discharge to the sampling aperture. With a distance of 0.5 mm, ions with very short residence times in the source can be observed. This circumstance makes it possible to demonstrate experimentally the presence of high energy reactant ions in an API source, and to define in greater detail the sequence of ion molecule reactions that are involved in the ionization of organic compounds in these sources. The work reported in this paper is primarily directed to defining reactions and conditions leading to the formation of useful reactant ions. It should be noted that product ions observed with both a 63Niand a corona discharge source, when the discharge is several mm distant from the aperture, are identical. The product ions observed under these conditions are stable and relatively long lived. With a corona discharge

source of appropriate design, however, initial, intermediate, and product ionic species involved in API processes can be detected.

EXPERIMENTAL Instrumentation. Details of the design and operation of the API mass spectrometer under a variety of conditions have been published (1-9). The spectra of high energy ions reported in this paper were obtained using a source designed for a gas chromatograph-mass spectrometer-computer (GC-MS-COM) analytical system. A schematic diagram of this source is shown in Figure 1. For this study, the' source was connected directly to the reagent gas supply, without a n intervening gas chromatograph. The distance from the corona discharge point to the sampling aperture was 0.5 mm, the corona potential was 800-1000 V, and the discharge current was maintained at 10-6 A. Under these conditions, the major reactant ion peaks saturated the electron multiplier. Single ion currents, measured using A. The high energy the multiplier as a Faraday cup, were up t o ion spectra were taken using the multiplier as a Faraday cup with a full scale recorder deflection of 10-lO A. The API source used for the comparison of 63Ni and corona discharge spectra, for ions with relatively long lifetimes, was designed for use in a prototype liquid chromatograph-mass spectrometercomputer (LC-MS-COM) analytical system ( 4 ) . The reaction chamber contained both a 63Ni and a corona discharge source. In this instance, the distance of the corona discharge point to the sampling aperture was 4 mm. Samples were introduced by platinum wire probe ( 5 ) .Spectra of the reactant ions t-C4H9+, NO+, and NH4+, and ionic products from these ions, were determined in conventional manner using pulse counting techniques ( 1 ) . Reagents. Nitrogen or argon (0.1% in ultrahigh purity helium), ammonia (0.01%in ultrahigh purity helium), ultrahigh purity helium, and high purity nitrogen were obtained from Linde Division, Union Carbide Corp. Research grade isobutane (0.1%in high purity nitrogen) was obtained from Matheson Gas Products. n-Heptylamine and 4heptanol were from Aldrich Chemical Co. Heptanoic-y-lactone was from Pfaltz and Bauer, Inc. Nicotine was from Eastman Organic Chemical Co.

RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Nitrogen Ions in Nitrogen and in Nitrogen/Helium. In the initial API study ( I ) it was proposed, primarily on the basis of kinetic data ( I O ) , that the Hf(H20), ions observed as reagent ions in an API source (with nitrogen as the carrier gas) were formed by a sequence of ion molecule reactions originating with the formation of Nz+by electron bombardment:

Nz + e Nz+


+ 2Nz

+ H20 HzO+ + HzO N4+


+ 2e

+ Nz H20+ + 2N2 H30+ + OH



(1) (2) (3)


The ions Nz+, N4+, and HzO+ can be observed only if ion residence times in the source are reduced to less than the half








\ %$& MfiuIKi






7€0 TORR-


Figure 1. Schematic diagram of a corona discharge source with an adjustable distance between point and sampling aperture




life of the reactions in which they participate. Assuming that the water concentration is 1 part per million (1.6 X 1013molecules ~ m at- 200 ~ "C), and using the experimentally determined reaction rate constant ( 1 0 ) of 1.8 X 10-9 cm3 molec u l e - ' ~ - ~the , half life of reaction 4 is: 1 (1.6 x 1013) x (1.8 x 10-9)

= 3.5 x 10-5 s

Thus, an experimental demonstration of the presence of HzO+ (the product of reaction 3) requires a sampling procedure that will remove ions from the source chamber in about 10-5 s or less. These conditions were achieved with a corona discharge source of the design shown in Figure 1,with a distance of 0.5 mm from the corona discharge point to the sampling aperture. With nitrogen as the carrier gas, and with this source, the major reactant ion at 200 O C was observed to be N4+. The ions present in the source chamber under this condition of operation are shown in Figure 2; Nz+ is also present, along with some N3+. It is generally assumed that ions formed at atmospheric pressure are brought to thermal equilibrium very rapidly. This may not be the case for a corona discharge. It is not possible at this time to determine directly the rate of transfer of ions from the corona point to the mass analyzer region, but estimates can be made. If the field from the corona discharge point to the aperture is uniform, the velocity of an N4+ ion generated with an applied voltage of lo3 and present in a field of 2 X lo4V cm-l would be 5 X lo4 cm s-l (II), and the transit time from the corona point to the aperture would be about s. This value can be compared with estimates for the half life of reaction 2. The forward reaction rate constant is 8 X cm6 molecule-2 s-l (12),and the half life is: 1764


14 16 I8




1 8X [N2I2 where [Nz] is the nitrogen gas density. At 200 "C the density molecules ~ m - leading ~, to a value for the reaction is 1.6 x s. These relationships suggest that half life of about 5 X at 200 O C , and with a transit time of about s, it should not be possible to observe Nz+ ions. If the equilibrium constant for reaction 2 is calculated from Figure 2, using the equation: tll2 =

Figure 2. Mass spectrum of nitrogen obtained with the corona discharge point located at a distance of 0.5 mm from the sampling aperture. Source temperature, 200 OC

tll2 =


Figure 3. Mass spectrum of 0.1 % nitrogen in helium, obtained with the corona discharge point located at a distance of 0.5 mm from the sampling aperture. Source temperature, 200 OC

where IZand 1 4 are the observed ion intensities for N2+ and N4+, respectively, is the pressure of the nitrogen carrier gas (760 Torr), and K z , ~ is the equilibrium constant for Equation 2 in Torr-l, the value is found to be 0.1 Torr-1. The data of Payzant and Kebarle (12) give a value of K2,4 = 0.1 TorrM1for a temperature (at thermal equilibrium) of 540 "C. The ions are evidently not in thermal equilibrium with the ion source walls (which are at 200 "C). The high energy of the ions is probably due to the high electric field present in the discharge which leads to high ion velocities and thus through collisions to much higher vibrational and rotational energy, Le., "high effective temperature" of the ions. These ions have ion lifetimes that permit their observation when transit times of to s are attained through appropriate source design. A convenient way to reduce the concentration of nitrogen in the source is, to use a nitrogenhelium mixture; this reduces the concentration of N4+ ions, and Nz+ and N+ ions become the principal high energy reactant ions. Figure 3 shows the positive ions observed for a 0.1% nitrogen in helium reagent gas mixture. The initial reactant ions are He+ and He2+: He He+


+ 2He

+ 2e Hez+ + He




(7) (8)

and the N+ and Nz+ ions are produced by charge transfer: He+

+ Nz


He+ + Nz

+ He + N N2+ + He





The ions N3+ and N4+ are the products of subsequent reactions of N+ and Nz+ with N2. The equilibrium constant for reaction 2, calculated as described from the observed (Figure 3) ion intensities for Nz+ and N4+ indicates an effective temperature of 570 "C. This result is in agreement with observations made for nitrogen alone: the high energy, short











123H; Figure 4. Mass spectrum of 0.1 % argon in helium obtained with the corona discharge point located at a distance of 0.5 mm from the Sampling aperture. Source temperature, 200 OC


I - C Hf


> ,i

Flgure 5. API mass spectra (e3Niand 4-mm corona discharge) showing reactant ions obtained from isobutane (0.1 % in nitrogen) at 200 OC A P l MASS SPECTRA n-HEPTYLAMINE

lived reactant ions N+, N2+, and N4+ are not in thermal equilibrium within the source. These reactants will generate ions from any substance with an ionization potential below that of nitrogen that is introduced into the source. For example, Figures 2 and 3 show ions due to impurities in the gases. The ions a t 16 and at 32 amu are due t o O+ and 0 2 + ; ions a t 18 amu are due to H20+. The ion a t 46 amu was identified by Shahin (13)as being due to N02+. Other Highly Reactive Ions. When a reagent/carrier gas mixture of 0.1% argon in helium was employed, the major reactant ion was Ar+, as shown in Figure 4. Water was not added to nitrogen or helium to provide additional reactant ions, although this could be done. The initial ionic product from water is H20+ (reaction 3). Reactions of High Energy Ions. The use of 0.1% of nitrogen or argon in helium, as a reagent/carrier gas results in a sequence of ionization reactions. The initial step is the formation of helium ions (ionization potential, 24.6 eV) (reactions 7 and 8). This is followed by ionization of the reagent to yield argon ions (ionization potential, 15.7 eV) or nitrogen ions (N2+, ionization potential, 15.6 eV). These highly reactive, short lived ions will react by charge transfer with organic compounds introduced into the source. It is not yet known if argon charge transfer spectra will prove to be of practical value in applications of GC-MS(AP1)-COM analytical systems. Preliminary experiments with n-alkanes have shown that hydrocarbon radical ions can be observed, but this aspect of API processes remains to be investigated. Inorganic substances introduced into the source chamber may also be ionized under these conditions, but potential uses of API mass spectrometry in inorganic chemistry have not been investigated. The introduction of appropriate organic or inorganic reagents has the effect of providing a new ion or group of ions which in turn may serve as reactants. In these instances, the carrier gas may be helium, argon, or nitrogen, and reagents of current interest are isobutane, ammonia, and nitric oxide. The ions derived from isobutane, ammonia, and nitric oxide are relatively stable and long lived, but sufficiently reactive with most organic compounds to provide product ions that are also relatively stable and long lived. An advantage gained in using these reactants is that water, which is unavoidably present as a trace impurity, is not ionized to a detectable extent in the presence of these reagents. The reagent and product ions are in thermal equilibrium in 4-mm corona discharge and 63Ni sources. Formation of t-C4H9+ Ions in 0.1% Isobutane in Nitrogen. Figure 5 shows the reactant ions observed at 200 OC for nitrogen carrier gas containing 0.1% isobutane. The corona discharge (4 mm) and 63Ni spectra are essentially identical,






MH* I'

Figure 6. API mass spectra of reaction products for mheptylamine and heptanoic-y-lactone in the presence of t-C4Hg+ at 200 OC (a3Ni source)

but the corona spectrum shows in addition a low concentration of the C3H3+ ion. This ion was also observed in the CI (1Torr) spectrum of isobutane (14);it is a relatively stable ion. In both sources the t-C4H9+ ion is probably produced by charge transfer with hydrogen radical loss: N4+

+ C4H10



+ 2N2 + H

The t-C4Hg+ ion is produced over a wide range of isobutane concentrations. The upper limit of useful concentration depends chiefly upon the impurities in the reagent; with research grade isobutane, the upper limit is around 1%.The lower limit of useful concentration is determined by the water present in the source. Reaction 3 forms HzO+ ions from traces of water present in the carrier gas. Assuming that the charge transfer reaction rates for reactions 3 and 11are of the same order of magnitude, a useful limit would be about lo2 above the water concentration. For this reason, a range of isobutane concentration from 0.01 to 1.0%is suitable for the generation of t C*Hg+ ions. The half-life of reaction 11is approximately 5 X 10-7 s for a 0.01% concentration of reactant. Reactions of t-C4Hg+ Ions. The usual reaction observed under conventional isobutane CI conditions with organic compounds containing nitrogen or oxygen atoms is ionization by proton transfer ( 1 5 ) .


+ t-C4H9+



+ C4H8


This reaction is illustrated in Figure 6 for two compounds with a 63Ni source; identical corona discharge spectra were observed. The t-C4H9+ ion will also participate in hydride abstraction reactions with saturated aliphatic hydrocarbons, and will add to some compounds to form (M 57)+ (15).These reactions were not investigated.







zoo* c




N , O+

I ,

Formation of NO+ Ions in 0.1% Nitric Oxide in Helium. Figure 7 shows the corona discharge and 63Nispectra of 0.1% nitric oxide in helium a t 200 "C. The NO+ ions are formed directly or by charge transfer from He+ ions: He+

+ NO



+ He


The ionization potential of nitric oxide (9.2 eV) is below that of water (12.5 eV) so that charge transfer from H20+ would also give NO+ ions. The concentration range of nitric oxide in helium is not highly critical; the lower limit should be several orders of magnitude greater than sample concentrations, while the useful upper limit is set by dimer ion formation. In the concentration range of 0.1 to 1%,the major reactant ion species is NO+. The concentration of cluster ions NO+(H20), will be dependent upon the source temperature and the water concentration. The expected ratios of NO+ to NO+HzO at different temperatures and partial pressures of water can be calculated from the data of French, Hills, and Kebarle (16). The variation in ion intensities for Nz/NO mixtures under CI conditions (0.9 Torr, 100 "C), as a function of NO concentration, was studied by Jelus, Munson, and Fenselau (17). A similar study cannot be made with a 4-mm corona discharge source, since the short lived nitrogen ions which are present in the source are not observed. Reactions of NO+ Ions. The use of NO+ ions in conventional CI mass spectrometry has been recommended as a means of identifying certain functional groups (18-22). For example, hydride abstraction from a secondary alcohol leads to (M-H)+: RICHOHRP + NO+






This reaction is illustrated in Figure 8 for 4-heptanol. Hydride transfer to NO+ from hydrocarbons has been studied (23-25); when the hydrocarbon contains a tertiary hydrogen atom, the reaction occurs readily. Reaction by addition may also occur. In instances where the reacting compound has a high dipole moment, NO+ may add: M

+ NO+ + He



+ He


The extent of formation of NO+M depends upon the structure of M and the source temperature; increasing the temperature decreases the ion yield. An example of reaction 15 is in Figure 8 for heptanoic-y-lactone. Charge transfer may also occur (17);relatively few examples of this type have been studied. Identical spectra for all reactions were obtained with G3Ni and corona discharge sources. Formation of NH4+ Ions in Ammonia in Helium. For1766



Figure 7. API Mass spectra (63Ni and 4-mm corona discharge)showing reactant ions obtained from nitric oxide (0.1% in helium)at 200 "C


Figure 8. API mass spectra of reaction products for a secondary alcohol and for a lactone in the presence of NO+ at 200 O C (a3Ni source)

mation at 250 "C of the reactant ion NH4+, and the cluster ion NH4+NH3, in helium containing approximately 30 ppm of ammonia, is shown in Figure 9. This concentration was obtained by dilution of 0.01% ammonia in helium. The 63Niand corona discharge spectra are identical. The initial ionization reactions are assumed to involve charge transfer from He+ to form NH3+, NH2+, and NH+ ions. The reactant ion NH4+ is formed as a product of further reaction, for example: NH3+

+ NH3



+ NH2


The cluster ion NH4+NH3 is formed by the reaction: NH4+

+ NH3 + He



+ He


The cluster ion NH4+NH3 has a proton affinity that is 24.8 Kcal greater than that of NH4+, and it is not suitable for general use as a reactant ion species. For this reason, the concentration of ammonia in the carrier gas must be held within relatively narrow limits. The lower limit of concentration is set by the requirements that reaction 16 be completed. Assuming a reaction rate constant for reaction 16 of 10-9 cm2 molecule-l s-l, and a reaction half life of s for reaction 16, gives a lower limit of about 1013molecules cmV3 or about 0.6 ppm of ammonia. At this concentration, the ratio of NH4+NH3 to NH4+ ions can be calculated from the relationship:

where Z, is the cluster ion intensity, Z is the NH4+ ion intensity, P N His~ the ammonia pressure in Torr and KOJ is the equilibrium constant in Torr-l. The equilibrium constant at various source temperatures can be determined from the data of Payzant, Cunningham, and Kebarle (26). A t 250 "C, it is 100 Torr-l. Assuming an upper limit of 2:l for the ratios of NH4+NK3to NH4+,as shown in Figure 9, the upper limit of ammonia concentration is 27 ppm. At 200 "C, the equilibrium constant increases to 700 Torr-l and the upper limit would be reduced to 4 ppm, just slightly above the ugeful lower limit. Thus, in API studies, the useful range of ammonia concentration is rather limited. Reactions of NH*+ Ions. Figure 10 shows the ionization of n-heptylamine and nicotine by reaction with NH4+ ions. The C3Ni and corona discharge spectra were identical. Numerous examples have been published of the use of NH4+as a reactant ion in conventional CI mass spectrometry (27-33). The proton affinities of amines (34-37), amides (36), pyridines (34, 35) and some ketones (29) are higher than ammonia, so that a variety of compounds can be ionized by proton transfer from NH4+. Two examples of amine protonation are in Figure 10.







ions resulting from proton transfer. These spectra have been recommended for use in structural studies. The purpose of using mixed gases in API mass spectrometry is entirely different. Only small amounts of reagent are needed to produce a suitable reactant ion concentration. The ionization sequence is carrier gas reagent -.+ product ions, and concentrationg of 0.01-0.1% of reagent are adequate for this purpose. Other advantages in using a low concentration of reagent are that cluster ion formation is reduced (this is an important effect for ammonia) and that the effects of small amounts of impurities are minimized. The upper limit of reagent concentration is usually determined by the impurities in the reagent. There is no implication that a charge transfer and a proton transfer spectrum should be observed in composite form as a consequence of the use of mixed gases with a 63Nior 4-mm corona discharge source.




NN H ,H :,


Flgure 9. API mass spectra (63Niand 4-mm corona discharge) showing reactant ions obtained from ammonia (30 ppm in helium) at 250 OC API MASS 5 3 i C T R A


Y'COTINE 2%- c



y " 3

Figure 10,. API mass spectra of reaction products for n-heptylamine and for nicotine in the presence of NH4+ at 250 OC (63Ni source)

The cluster ion NH4+NH3 is relatively unreactive, since proton transfer from this ion is 24.8 Kcal/mol more endothermic than proton transfer from NH4+ (26);if the concentration of NH4+ ions is greatly depressed by the use of 0.1% ammonia in helium, the capability of ionization by NH4+ is virtually lost. Low Energy Ions as Reactants. No differences have been observed in 63Niand corona discharge (4 mm) spectra for reactions of relatively low energy ions with organic compounds. Both reactant and product ions are less reactive than ions such or Ar+. The transit time from the corona point to as N+, Nz+, to the sampling aperture is estimated to be about s, and highly reactive carrier gas ions, although present in the source, are not detectable under these conditions. Only a few representative reactions were studied; the results are in accord with present knowledge of CI reactions. The reactant ions t-C4H9+,NH4+, and NO+ should show the same chemical properties in an API source as in a conventional CI source. Comparison of Sensitivity of Detection with Different Sources. The sensitivity of detection observed with the usual 4-mm corona discharge source has been shown to be the same as that of a 63Nisource (6).The sensitivity of detection with the corona discharge source (0.5 mm) designed for studies of high energy ions has not been determined. The ion residence times are reduced, while the total ion current is increased by about loz. It is expected that the sensitivity of detection attainable with this source will probably be less than that observed for 63Ni and 4-mm corona discharge sources; this question is under investigation. Use OB Mixed Gases i n A P I Sources. The use of mixed gases in a conventional CI source has been proposed (38,39) in order to provide a composite spectrum made up of charge transfer fragmentation ions and one or more relatively stable

The reactant ions N2+ and N4+, whose formation in an API source was originally proposed on the basis of kinetic data, can be observed in a corona discharge source with a corona point-to-sampling aperture distance of 0.5 mm. Other high energy ions such as He+, Hez+, Ar+, N+, 0+,and HzO+ can also be observed under these conditions. With a corona point-to-sampling aperture distance of 4 mm or greater, the ion residence times are longer and the corona discharge and 63Nispectra of reactant ions are essentially identical. Ionization reactions in API mass spectrometry leading to positive ions me not limited to water- or solvent-mediated ion molecule reactions. The reactant ions t-C&+, NH4+, and NO+ can be generated easily in ""Ni and corona discharge (4 mm) API sources. Identical mass spectra of product ions were observed for these two sources when positive ions were generated by reaction of samples with reagent ions. Although only a limited number of reactions were investigated, the results suggest that reactions which have been observed under conventional CI conditions employing the same reagents will also be observed under API conditions. LITERATURE CITED (1) , , E. C. Hornina, M. G. Hornina, D. I.Carroll, I. Dzidic, and R. N. Stillwell, Anai. Chem., 45,336(1973). (2)D. I. Carroll, I. Dzidic, R. N. Stillwell, M. G. Horning,and E. C. Horning, Anal. Chem., 46,706 (1974). (3)E. C. Horning, D. I. Carroll, I. Dzidic, K. D. Haegele, M. G. Horning. and R. N. Stillwell, J. Chromatogr. Sci., 1 2 , 725 (1974). 1 \ 4) , E. - C. Hornino. D. I. Carroll. I. Dzidic. K. D. Haeaele. M. G. Hornina. and R. N. Stillwell, Chromatog;., 99, 13'(1974). (5) I. Dzidic, D. I. Carroll, R. N. Stillwell. and E. C. Horning, Anal. Chem., 47,





1308 (1975). (6)D. I. Carroll, I. Dzidic, R. N. Stillwell, and E. C. Horning, Anal, Chem.. 47, 2369 (1975). ( 7 ) D. I. Carroll, I. Dzidic, R. N. Stillwell, and E. C. Horning, Anal. Chem., 47, 1956 (1975). (8) I. Dzidic, D. I. Carroll, R. N. Stillwell, and E. C. Horning, J. Am. Chem. SOC., 96,5258 (1974). (9)E. C. Horning, M. G. Horning, D. I. Carroll, R. N. Stillwell, and I. Dzidic, Life Sci.. 13. 1331 (1973). - -, (IO) A.Good: D. A. Durden, and P. Kebarle, J. Chem. Phys., 52,212 (1970). (11) E. W. McDaniel, "Collision Phenomena in Ionized Gases", S.C. Brown, Ed., Wiley, New York, N.Y., 1964,p 476. (12)J. D. Payzant and P. Kebarle, J. Chem. Phys., 53, 5723 (1970). (13)M. M. Shahin, J. Chem. Phys., 45, 2600 (1967). (14)F. H. Field, "Ion Molecule Reactions", Vol. 1, J. L. Franklin, Ed., Plenum Press, New York, N.Y., 1972. (15) G. W. A. Milne, H. M. Fales, and T . Axenrod, Anal. Chem., 43, 1815 (1971). (16)M. A. French, L. P. Hills, and P. Kebarle, Can. J. Chem., 51,456 (1973). (17)B. L. Jelus, B. Munson, and C. Fenselau, Biomed. Mass Spectrom., 1 , 96 (1 974). ( 1 8 ) N. Einolf and B. Munson, lnt. J. Mass Spectrom. /on Phys., 9 , 141 (1972). (19)D. F. Hunt and J. F. Ryan, J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun., 620 (1972). (20)B. L. Jelus, B. Munson, and C. Fenselau, Anal. Chem., 46,729(1974). (21)B. L. Jelus, B. Munson, K. A. Babiak, and R. K. Murray, Jr., J. Org. Chem., 39,3250 (1974). (22)D. F. Hunt, C. N. McEwen, and T. M. Harvey, Anal. Chem., 47, 1730 (1975). \




(23) P, Ausloss and S.G. Lias. “Ion Molecule Reactions”, Vol. 2, J. L. Franklin, Ed,, Plenum Press, New York, N.Y., 1972. (24) S. K. Searles and L. W. Sleck, J. Chem. Phys., 53, 794 (1970), (25) A. D. Wllllamson and J. L. Beauchamp, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 97, 5714 (1975). (26) J. D. Payzant, A. J. Cunningham, and P. Kebarle, Can. J. Chem., 51,3242 (1973). (27) M. S.Wilson, I. Dzidic, and J. A. McCloskey. Biochim. Biophys. Acta, 240, 623(1971). (28) I. Dzidic, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 8333 (1972). (29) I. Dzidic and J. A. McCloskey, Org. Mass Spectrom., 8, 939 (1972). (30) D. F. Hunt, C. N. McEwen. and R . A. Upham. Tetrahedron Lett., 4539, (1971). (31) A. M. Hogg and T. L. Nagabhushan, Tefrahedron Lett., 4827 (1972). (32) K. D. Haegele and D. M. Desiderio, J. Antibiot., 26, 215 (1973). (33) R. C. Dougherty, J* D. Roberts, W. W. Blnkley, 0. S.Chizhov, V. I. Kadentsev, and A. A. Solovyov. J. Org. Chem., 39, 451 (1974).

(34) M. Taagepera, W. Q. Henderson,R. C. T. Brownless, J. L. Beauchamp, D. Holtz, and R. W. Taft, J Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 1369 (1972). (35) J. P. Briggs, R. Yamdagni, and P. Kebarle, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 5128 (1972). (36) R. Yamdagni and P. Kebarle. J. Am Chem. Soc., 95, 3504 (1973). (37) D. H. Aue, H. M. Webb, and M. T. Bowers, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 94, 4726 (1972). (38) D. F. Hunt and J. F. Ryan 111, Anal. Chem., 44, 1306 (1972). (39) D. F. Hunt, Adv. Mass Specfrom., 8 , 517 (1974).

RECEIVEDfor review October 31, 1975. Accepted June 21, 1976. This work was aided by Grant GM-13901of the National Institute of General Medical Sciences, Grants HL-05435 and HI,-17269 of the National Heart and Lung Institute, and Grant Q-125 of the Robert A. Welch Foundation.

Large-Scale Mass Spectral Analysis by Simplex Pattern Recognition 1.Fa1 Lam, Charles L. Wilkins,’ Thomas I?.Brunner, Leonard d. Soltzberg, and Steven L. Kaberline Department of Chemistry, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, Neb. 68588

In the present work, the simplex optlmiratlon procedure is examined as a means of producing high quality linear discriminant functions for recognitlon of eleven functional group categories from low resolution mass spectra. Classifier performance Is evaluated with test sets totaling over 1900 compounds; and a new performance measure-the figure of merlt-Is employed In the evaluation. For linearly separable data, slmpiex-derived weight vectors are not superior to those obtained by the simpler error-correction-feedback methods. For inseparable data, however, a simplex with lnltial vertices at welght vectors derived by error-correction-feedback does indeed generally converge on a set of weight vectors with superior performance. It is found that those weight vectors showing poorest performance correspond to the more difficult chemical discriminations.

Studies o f chemical pattern recognition have shown the promise of the method for eventual routine application to spectral analysis (1-4). Previous work has been open to the criticism that it was based on relatively small data sets unrepresentative of practical analytical problems. Therefore, a primary objective of the work presented here was to investigate the applicability of linear discriminant analysis to a larger data set. Accordingly, 2140 mass spectra drawn from a larger collection of 18 806 spectra ( 5 ) ,were used in this study.

BACKGROUND The linear learning machine method of pattern recognition is an empirical approach to data analysis (6). Using error correction feedback (7) and known training sets, weight vectors are trained to make binary decisions. In principle, if enough different sets of sufficiently accurate weight vectors were accumulated, they could he used to identify molecular structures from mass spectra, even in the absence of knowledge of the theory of mass spectrometry. The linear learning machine method has been used with some success in determining empirical formulas (8) and for some substructure determinations ( 9 ) ,although with relatively small data sets. However, one problem of the technique is its inability to deal adequately with linearly inseparable data. The particular 1768

weight vector obtained is dependent in a complicated way upon the details of the feedback process and the order of pattern presentation during training. In the case of inseparable data, convergence to 100% recognition of the training set is impossible and, even worse, the final weight vector may bear little relationship to class identities. Consequently, unreliable predictions can result. Even for separable data, there is no assurance that a vector giving perfect recognition of a training set wili yield optimum prediction results. The simplex method, a procedure for optimization, has been used in several areas of analytical chemistry such as experimental design (IO),data reduction (11),and automated instrument control (12).More recently, this technique has been found attractive for pattern recognition because it may provide a means for generating near-optimum linear discriminant functions for inseparable data (13). Accordingly, it could be a more reliable tool for obtaining these functions €or use in mass spectral interpretation than previous methods (13).In this paper, that premise is examined using a large data set to develop functions for eleven structural questions.

EXPERIMENTAL Data Base. For initial training and testing, a set of 1252 mass spectra (Set A1 was drawn from a computer-readable file of 18 806 spectra (5). These spectra were so selected that each compound represented contained only one of eleven functional groups chosen for the development of weight vectors (an exception to this was the phenol category, which obviously contains a substituted phenyl). For each of the eleven categories, a training set containing up to 200 spectra was chosen from the 1252 spectrum set. Wherever possible, training sets were comprised of approximately equal numbers of class member and nonmember spectra. The remaining spectra, unused in training, were used as test sets to determine the prediction capabilities of the weight vectors developed. After weight vectors had been calculated, additional spectra were drawn from the 18 806 spectrum file t o serve as further unknowns. Spectra of deuterated cornpounds were rejected. In this way, a set of 888 additional unknowns was obtained. Computations. Programs for modified sequential gimplex and linear learning machine calculations were written in FORTRAN IV and all computations performed using an IBM 36@/65computer. The simplex method was that described previously (13)’ except that the spannixg constant, a,was 4000 for all questions except amine, where it was 100 Preprocessing and Feature Selection. Intensities in the master file were encoded to 1part in 9999, with the base peak in each spectrum being assigned the valde 9999 and the others assigned values