Comparison of the in Situ and Desorption Sediment− Water

1995, 18, 141-151. (5) Hillery, B. R.; Girard, J. E.; Schantz, M. M.; Wise, S. A.J.High.Resolut. ... The units for the Henry's law constant. KH should...
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Additions and Corrections 1996, Volume 30, Pages 172-177 Susan E. McGroddy, John W. Farrington,* and Philip M. Gschwend: Comparison of the in Situ and Desorption Sediment-Water Partitioning of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Polychlorinated Biphenyls We thank Dr. Søren S. Bowat, University of North Dakota, for bringing to our attention an error of statement in our paper, providing references that we failed to find and cite (1-3), and also providing copies of two excellent recent reviews on chlorobiphenyl congener analyses (4, 5). The last sentence of the Materials and Methods section should read: The congeners reported here (CB101, CB138) may have some interference from coeluting congeners; CB 84 interfering with CB101 (up to 15% CB84 relative to CB101 in some PCB mixtures and environmental samples) and CBs 163 and 164 interfering with CB138 (up to 35-40% of CB163+164 in some PCB mixtures and environmental samples). We do not have data for the extent of interference by CBs 84, 163, and 164 in our sediment and water samples. However, we believe that any interference of this type will not appreciably change our results and interpretations since the GC-ECD response factor for CB138 is reported in one study to be 83% of CB163 and CB164 and in a second study to be 88% and 95% of that for CB163 and CB164, respectively (5), and there would be only a small amount of CB84 interference. We have noted a second error. Inadvertently, a Kocs was left out of the numerator in eq 2. The correct expression for eq 2 is

Kd′ ) focsKocs/(1 + foccKocc)


Literature Cited (1) Larsen, B. R.; Riego, D. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 1990, 40, 59-68. (2) Bøwadt, S.; Larsen, B. R. J. High Resolut. Chromatogr. 1992, 15, 377-380. (3) Larsen, B. R.; Bøwadt, S.; Tilio, R. Int. J. Environ. Anal. Chem. 1992, 47, 47-68. (4) Larsen, B. R. J. High. Resolut. Chromatogr. 1995, 18, 141-151. (5) Hillery, B. R.; Girard, J. E.; Schantz, M. M.; Wise, S. A. J. High. Resolut. Chromatogr. 1995, 18, 89-96.


1996, Volume 30, Pages 1652-1659 Martin Scheringer: Persistence and Spatial Range as Endpoints of an Exposure-Based Assessment of Organic Chemicals Page 1652. The units for the exposure e should be mol s m-3. Pages 1655 and 1657. The units for the Henry’s law constant KH should be Pa m3 mol-1. ES9620043




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 1996 American Chemical Society