complete compatibility - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: January 20, 1958. Copyright © 1958 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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complete compat ib ility A R G U S Drapex plasticizers and Mark stabilizers have overcome annoying and time-consuming production problems for manufacturers of vinyl rain boots. Because Argus products bring about com plete compatibility among the ingredients in the mix, these boots are now being produced speedily in quantity. Costly delays caused by lack of heat stability in the plastisol, mold plate-out, and air bubbles trapped in the mix have been done away with. And manufacturers have increased their sales and profits with a quality product that has low temperature flexibility, greater weatherability, and is more durable. Whatever your vinyl formulation problems,Argus has the answer— either in "line"" products or in our research laboratory. Let u s help you, too, to speedier production, better end-products and bigger profits. Write for technical bulletins and samples.



Main Office: 633 Court Street, Brooklyn 3 1 , N..Y.

New York and Cleveland

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Branch: Frederick Building, Cleveland 15, Ohio

Rep's.: H. M . Royal, Inc., 4814 Loma Vista Ave., Los Angeles; Philipp Bros. Chemicals, Inc., 10 High St., Boston ; H. L. Blachford, L t d . , 977 Aqueduct St., Montreal.


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1958 C&EN