Complete Emphasis on Youth - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 5, 2010 - Complete Emphasis on Youth. Two hundred to 250 young European chemists and chemical engineers from Marshall Plan countries will attend ...
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Chemical •ttliiqlreeerliisi WALTER J . M U R P H Y , Ed/for

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the Sloan-Kettering Institute lor Cancer Research, is vice chairman. Ε . Β. Peck, on loan from the Standard Oil Development Co., has been named program director. Under the O E E C - E C A project, participants from the JL wo hundred to 250 young European chemists and 18 Marshall Plan countries will p a y their own fare to chemical engineers from Marshall Plan countries will atand from N e w York, since this portion of the expense tend the World Chemical Conclave in New York early can be met with their local currencies. E C A assistance in September under the sponsorship of the Economic will begin and end in New York. Cooperation Administration and the Organization for European Economic Cooperation. The O E E C , which is the Marshall Plan agency of the participating European nations, has invited member A similar opportunity for 60 young chemists from countries' delegations t o submit t h e names of applicants other countries—in Asia, Africa, South America, Australia, hy May 31. Any young chemist or chemical engineer in and New Zealand, as well as in Europe—is provided a Marshall Plan country may obtain the proper forms through a grant by the Ford Foundation. T h e idea of approaching both ECA and the Ford Foundation origi- from t h e agency of his government which cooperates nated with Erwin Brand of Columbia University, and to with t h e O E E C . Application forms may also b e ob­ tained from M. Gerling, Chemistry Committee, Organiza­ him belongs a major share of the credit for the two plans tion for European Economic Cooperation, 2 rue Andre that will make it possible to bring to the United States Pascal, Paris 6, France. Participants should apply to several hundred top young chemists and chemical enUnited States Consul for an Exchange Visitor's Visa un­ gineers who are active in research. Applications are now being sought from persons wish- der Program No. P514. The Ford Foundation grant will be allotted to chem­ ing to participate in the OEEC—ECA and Ford projects, ists and chemical engineers in non-Marshall Plan coun­ which are designed to help chemists and chemical entries. I n view of the great distance of some of the nongineers u p to 40 years of age who, because of the world dollar shortage would not otherwise have the means to Marshall Plan countries from the United States, a limited amount of money is provided under the Ford project for visit the United States. The two projects will make availtravel to and from the United States. Application forms able the funds required to defray the scientist's subsistence and travel expenses in the United States. This as- will be distributed soon for non-Marshall Plan countries. Immediate inquiries should be addressed to Dr. Ε. Β. sistance is offered to young chemists and chemical enPeck, Program Director, ACS Young Chemists' Study gineers in industrial plants or laboratories, universities, government departments, and independent research in- Tours, 2 West 45th St., New York 19, Ν. Υ. As with the ECA project, participants i n the Ford program should stitutions. The focal point of the visit of the young scientists to apply to a United States Consul for an Exchange Visitor's Visa under Program N o . P514. the United States will be, of course, the World Chemical Conclave which includes the 75th Anniversary Meeting We are delighted that through E C A and Ford Founda­ of the AMERICAÎNT C H E M I C A L SOCIETY, Sept. 3 to 7, the tion assistance a thoroughly representative group of XVIth Conference of the International Union of Pure and young foreign chemists and chemical engineers will par­ Applied Chemistry, Sept. 8 to 9, and the Xllth Interna- ticipate in t h e important a n d historic meetings in Sep­ tional Congress of Pure and Applied Chemistrv, Sept. tember who otherwise would not be present. It will be 10 to 13. a stimulating experience for them and for us. Scierce After the conclave the young chemists and chemical and technology is not a one-way street as some of our engineers aided by the ECA and Ford grants will spend nontechnical brethren blithely suppose. c are to three to four weeks visiting chemical plants and governhelp friendly nations in their quest for improved tech­ ment, university, and industrial laboratories in the United nology, we must be willing to share our knowledge with States. T h e Society is arranging several different itinerthem. They in turn have much to share with us if w e aries so that specialists in each branch of chemistry may hut make possible the opportunities through such gather­ participate in a program particularly useful to them. ings as the World Chemical Conclave this fall. These study tours will be planned as far as possible to You will note that the emphasis has been placed on fit the specific interests of the participants, and to assure young chemists and chemical engineers. It is generally time for the necessary preparations, it is urged that ap- recognized that a large part of the original research con­ plications be submitted immediately. ducted in both fundamental and applied research is done Both the ECA and Ford projects will be supervised by by those w h o a r e in thc'r twenties and thirties. It is a special advisory committee of the AMERICAN CHEMIparticularly fitting that representatives of these age CAL SOCIETY, of which Erwin Brand is chairman and groups be present when w e gather together in Sep­ Frank A. Howard, president of the board of trustees of tember.

Complete Emphasis on Youth



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