Complex Ions. IX. Magnetic Susceptibilities of Nickel and Cobalt

Soc. , 1949, 71 (7), pp 2398–2401 ... Publication Date: July 1949 .... Efforts by companies to encourage women in science, technology, engineering, ...
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Vol. 71


Complex Ions. IX. Magnetic Susceptibilities of Nickel and Cobalt Complex Ions from 0 to 80'' BY FRANK H. FIELD^ The decrease in the effective magnetic moment of nickel and copper ions when complex ions are formed in solution has been ascribed by Russell, Cooper and Vosburgh3 to an increased quenching of the orbital contribution. In accord with this explanation Werbel, Dibeler and Vosburgh4 found no change in the moment of iron(II1) ion on complex formation, iron(II1) ion having no orbital moment. These conclusions were based on measurements a t one temperature only and an alternative explanation for the change in the nickel and copper effective moments based on the neglect of a changing Weiss constant is not excluded. This investigation was undertaken to explore that possibility for nickel ion and to investigate the behavior of cobalt(I1) ion under similar circumstances. It has been found that while the U'eiss constant of nickel ion seems to change a little on complex formation, the change is in the wrong direction to account for the decreasing moment calculated on the assumption of the Curie equation. For cobalt ion, on the other hand, a small increase in the effective moment on formation of the ethylenediamine complex in solution might be accounted for on the basis of a changing Weiss constant. Materials.-Kickel nitrate and nickel sulfate of reagent grade were recrystallized twice from water and found by the cobaltinitrite test to be free from cobalt. Stock solutions were prepared and analyzed by the dimethylglyoxime method. Cobalt nitrate of reagent grade, and low nickel content, was recrystallized twice and a stock solution prepared and analyzed by the electrolytic method as described by Hillebrand and Lundell.6 Ethylenediamine, Eastman Kodak Co., 95-10070, was twice distilled and a fraction boiling between 116.2 and 116.5' collected. Its composition was determined by titration with hydrochloric acid. Potassium oxalate of reagent grade was recrystallized. Phenanthroline was obtained from the G. Frederick Smith Chemical Company and was free from iron, as evidenced by absence of color. Apparatus.-The apparatus described by Russell, Cooper and Vosburgh3 was altered to make possible measurements a t several temperatures. A heater and thermoregulator were introduced into the water-bath, and the top of the bath was covered to reduce evaporation and heat losses a t high temperatures. The glass jacket within which the sample tube was hung in the earlier work was replaced by one of copper of one-eighth inch wall thickness. The water was stirred by an air stream and its temperature was measured by means of a calibrated three-junction (1) Part of a thesis submitted by Frank H. Field in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of Duke University, 1947. (2) Present address: Chemistry Department, University of Texas, Austin, Texas. JOURNAL, 66,1301 (1943). (3) Russell, Cooper and Vosburgh, THIS (4) Werbel, Dibeler and Vosburgh, i b i d . , 66, 2329 (1943). ( 5 ) Hillebrand and Lundell, "Applied Inorganic Analysis," John R'iley and Sons, Inc., Xew York. K.Y , 1929, p. 323



thermoelement and potentiometer. Without the magnet5 field the temperature could be held constant within 0.1 . The field interfered with the operation of the regulator, and manual regulation of the heating current was necessary during the relatively brief periods when the field was on. The most convenient procedure was to allow the temperature to drift downward in measurements a t 50 and 60" and upward in measurements a t the higher temperatures while the field was on. The temperature was measured frequently and the driftoduring measurements seldom amounted to more than 0.2 . It is believed that errors resulting from temperature drifts are not appreciable. For measurements a t 28" the temperature was regulated as described by Russell, Cooper and Vosburgh and a t room temperature the water was stirred, but was not heated or cooled. At 0" the tank was packed full of crushed ice, after sweeping moisture from within the copper jacket by a stream of dry air. By means of a thermoelement the difference in temperature between the air in the copper jacket and the bathwater was found to be less than 0.1' when equilibrium was established. Water in a glass tube suspended in the copper jacket attained in a short time a temperatyre within 0.1" of the bath-water when the latter was a t 90 With the bath packed with ice it was found that the temperature of a sample would pass slowly through a minimum of about 0.5 * 0.2' between approximately thirty and fifty minutes after packing the ice. The procedure owas arranged accordingly and the temperature taken as 0.5 Sample tubes of Pyrex glass, 9 mm. inside diameter, similar to those of Russell, Cooper and Vosburgh and Freed and Casper6 were used, except that the lower chamber was left empty instead of being filled with water. The tube used in most of the measurements was calibrated a t four different times and a t six temperatures. The apparent increase in weight of the water on application of the field, AWwster-air, varied with temperature from -34.46 to -32.83 mg. with an average deviation from the mean values of h0.04 mg. Nickel, tris-(Ethylenediamine)-nickel, and tris-(oPhenanthroline) -nickel Ions.-To test the apparatus and method, some measurements were made on solutions of nickel nitrate. Then, since the effect of complex formation in solution on the effective moment has been studied a t only one temperature, some measurements were made on the ethylenediamine and phenanthroline complex ions. While dissolved air would not make serious errors in these measurements, it was desired to develop a procedure for its elimination for use with cobalt complexes. Accordingly, considerable care t o exclude air was taken. The procedure was later found inadequate when very sqall amounts of oxygen were objectionable. Solutions were prepared by dilution of the stock solution with or without inclusion of ethylenediamine or phenanthroline in excess. Dissolved air was removed by alternate evacuation and bubbling of purified nitrogen through the solution. A correction was made for the water lost in the process by weighing before and after. A portion of the solution was then transferred to the sample tube with a minimum of exposure t o air. The value of AWaaiution--air was then determined a t various temperatures. The mass susceptibilities of ethylenediamine and phenanthroline in water solution a t concentrations of 0.0349 and 0.0320 g. per ml., respectively, were determined a t 28" and found to be 0.75 and 0.63 X These values were used in the calculation of diamagnetic corrections. The densities of the solutions were determined in a pyc-



(6) Freed and Casper, P h y s . Rev., 36, 1002 (1930).


July, 1949

nometer made from a 25-ml. flask by sealing a 7-cm. length of 8-mm. tubing t o its neck. Ten equally spaced marks were made on the neck and the volume between them determined. The pycnometer was filled by a hypodermic syringe. I t was calibrated by water a t 0, 26 and go", an$ then used for measuring the solutions a t 0, 28, 50 and The densities were plotted against temperature and 90 from the graph densities were read a t the exact temperatures a t which A Wsolution-air values had been determined.


The molal paramagnetic susceptibility, was calculated by means of the equation Xrn =

10OO(Kw - K a ) A W p m a ( AWwater-air) C

xm, (1)

in which K~ and K~ are the volume susceptibilities of water and air, C is the concentration in moles per liter, and A W p r a is given by = ( AWaolution-air)


The value of equation


A Wsolverit-air =

in which Ksol,ent






was calculated by the

- Ks.


- ( AWaolvent-air) Ka

+ taxa +

( AWwater-air)


+ ... .




TABLE I MAGNETIC MOMENTS OF NICKELIONAND NICKEL COMPLEX IONS ,\i(2j02)n,0.1016 -11a t 23.7" Ni(N03)2, 0.1017 M a t 23.7" l / X m = 0.7527 T 2.5; l/Xm = 0.7189 T A = -3°K. 11.7; A = -16°K.




X m X lo6 c. g. s. u.


X m x 106 c. g. s. u.

0 28 80

4805 4363 3727

3.240 3.241 3.244

4805 4382 3765



3.240 3.248 3.261

Ni(en)3(N03)z,0.1018 J4 a t 23.6' 3.0; l / X m = 0.8402 T A = 4OK. 0 4414 3.105 28 4000 3.104 80 3405 3.102

Si(en)3(NO&, 0.1013 M a t 25.7" l / X m = 0.8196 2" 2.9; A = -3'K. 4417 3.107 4003 3.105 3413 3.104

Si(phen)3(SO&; 0.05054 -11 a t 22.5' l/Xm = 0.8496 T - 4.3; A = 5'K. 0 4390 3.096 28 3975 3.094 80 3381 3.090

Ni(phen)a (SO&, 0.05065 Af a t 21.3' l / X m = 0.8915 T 16.8; A = 19'K. 4409 3.104 3971 3.093 3355 3.078


+ ,


ca,and c b are the concentrations of water and the various components of the solution other than the paramagnetic component in grams per and x b are the corremilliliter, and sponding mass susceptibilities. Values of K~ The complex ions of nickel seem to have been were calculated from the mass susceptibility measured in solution previously a t only single data of Cabrera and Fahlenbrach' and values temperatures. From the measurements of of K~ from the equation of Klemm.!j Cambi, Cagnasso and Tremolada12 moments can An empirical equation of the form l/xm = be calculated for solid tris-(ethylenediamine) aT b was fitted t o the experimental data for nickel and tris-(phenanthro1ine)-nickel chlorides each solution by the method of least squares. of 3.02 and 3.14 a t 21'. Somewhat different valFrom the equation were calculated susceptibilities ues for these complexes were obtained with other a t 0, 28 and 80'. The effective moments, ~ ~ f f .anions. , Russell, Cooper and Vosburgh3found for were calculated from these susceptibility values the two complex ions in solution a t 28' effective by means of the equation moments (corrected) of 3.11 and 3.09, respecpeir. = 2.828 Z / Z T (5) tively, with which the results of this investigation The results are given in Table I in the form of are in good agreement. From Table I i t is apparthe least-squares equations, the interpolated sus- ent that the effective moments change very little ceptibilities a t 0, 28 and 80' and the corre- with temperature. These complex ions are unlike basic iron(II1) acetate for which in the solid sponding moments. The moment for nickel ion in solution is in state Cambi and SzegQ13found a very large Weiss agreement with 3.25 a t 23.3' calculated from the constant. The use of the Weiss equation for the calculation data of Nicolaug by Equation 5 , and 3.25 a t 28" by Russell, Cooper and V ~ s b u r g h ,the ~ latter of nickel ion moments does not seem to be justified corrected for a change in the value of the Bohr theoretically according to GorterI4 and it is immagneton. I t is in fair agreement with 3.20 practical because of the uncertainty of the Weiss calculated from the molar susceptibility 0.00436 constants. However, if the Weiss constants of of Fahlenbrach.'" The agreement of the values Table I are considered to have some significance relative to each other, because of having been of A in Table I with each other and with -21.2' K. of Nicolaug and zero of Foexll is as good as determined with the same apparatus and techcan be expected in view of the long extrapolation nique, a general trend can be noticed. The coninvolved. The data for nickel ion can be con- stants increase in the positive direction with the stability of the complex. This change is in the sidered a check on the apparatus and method. wrong direction to account for the decrease in (7) Cabrera and Fahlenbrach, 2. Physik, 89, 759 (1933).



( 8 ) Klemm, "Magnetochemie," Akademische Verlagsgesellschaft m. b. H., Leipsig, 1936, p. 45. (9) Nicolau, Compt. rend., P O I , 557 (1937). (10) Fahlenbrach, A n n . Physik, [ 5 ] 13, 270 (1432). (11) Foex, A n n . Bhys., [ R ] 16, 224 (1921)

(12) Cambi, Cagnasso and Tremolada, Gaze. chim. iful., 64, 767 (1934). (13) Cambi and Szego, Bcr., 66, 657 (1933). (14) Gorter, Physico, 11, 17 (1431); Physik. Z , 33, 346 (14:32), 34, 462 ( 1 933).



Vol. 71

a t 0.5' since crystallization occurred, and a t this temperature another solution half as concentrated = 2.828 4 2(6) was used. Table I1 gives a summary of the reshould be used instead of Equation 5 . sults for the two solutions. Cobalt and Oxalatocobaltate(I1) Ions.-Since tris-(Ethylenediamine)-cobalt(11) Ion.-A new cobalt nitrate and potassium oxalatocobaltate technique was perfected in experiments on tris(11) are not oxidized by air, rigid exclusion of (ethylenediamine)-cobalt(I1) ion. The sample oxygen was not needed in the preparation of tube, which could be sealed a t the top during these solutions for measurement. The procedure measurements, was a t the beginning of the prowas the same as for the nickel compounds, both cedure made part C of the apparatus shown in solutions being made from the same stock cobalt Fig. 1. Some cobalt chloride solution was placed nitrate solution. For the oxalato compound in compartment A which was then sealed in place as shown. Some ethylenediamine was introTABLEI1 duced into B through stopcock D. Both liquids OF COBALT(II) AND OXALATOCOBALMAGNETIC MOMENTS were frozen by immersion in a bath of acetone and TATE(II)IONS Dry Ice, and the apparatus was evacuated as Co(N02)2, 0.1172 111 a t 28.6' K&o(C20&, 0.1175 M they melted. The freezing and evacuation were a t 21.9' repeated four times, and the cobalt nitrate solution l / X m = 0.3188 T + 1.7; was transferred to the sample tube without conl/Xm = 0.3191 T + 2.1; A = -7'K. A = -5". tact with air. The excess solution between Temp., XU X 10s X r n X 10' stopcocks E and F was cleaned out, and then the peff. fieff. c. g. 8. u. oc. c. g. s. u. ethylene'diamine in B was transferred to the 4.947 11,260 4.960 0 11,200 sample tube under vacuum. By means of calibra4.952 10,240 4.967 28 10,180 tion marks on the sample tube the volume of the 8,750 4.972 80 8,710 4.960 solution before and after the addition of the ethylenough potassium oxalate was included in the enediamine could be measured. As a check on solution to form the compound and leave an excess the procedure, a cobalt nitrate solution was of about 0.7 mole per liter. The stock cobalt carried through i t and measured without the nitrate solution was diluted in both cases to give addition of ethylenediamine. The results, shown a 0.1173 M solution. This was found t o be too in Table 111, were in agreement with the previous large a concentration for the oxalate compound measurement. hrAttempts to use some of the cobalt nitrate stock solution in the preparation of the ethylenediamine complex failed because of continuous variation in AW. This was ascribed to slow oxidation of the complex ion by the nitrate ion. With the nitrate ion replaced by chloride ion (by careful evaporation of a portion of the stock solution with an excess of hydrochloric acid) no evidence of oxidation was observed when an excess of ethylenediamine and a small amount of hydrochloric acid was added, in absence of F-oxygen. Measurements a t 28' made before and after those a t the other temperatures agreed, indicating absence of slow oxidation. A summary of the results is given in Table 111. the effective moment if the Weiss equation /.I






I1 I

MAGNETIC MOMENTS OF COBALT(II) A N D TRIS-ETHYLENEDIAMINECOBALT(II) IONS Co(NO&, 0.1172 M a t 28.6" [Co(en)a]Cl~0.1106 A I a t 28.6" l / X m = 0.3008 T 7.6; 1/X, = 0.3089 T A = -25'K. 3.6; A -12'K.




0 28 80 Fig. 1.-Apparatus used for rigid exclusion of air during preparation of the sample and its introduction into the (inverted) sample tube, C.


X m X lo8 c . g. s. u.


X m X 106 c . g. 5. u.


11,140 10,180 8,780

4.934 4.952 4.980

11,360 10,350 8,870

4.982 4.992 5.006

I t will be observed that the Weiss constant for cobalt nitrate given in Table I11 differs from that in Table 11. This is ascribed to the fact that

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240 1

different sample tubes were used in obtaining the gave for the average of two solutions 1/X, = 1.2 and effective moments of 5.340, two values, and i t was found in this work that it 0.2761 T was often impossible to reproduce Weiss constant 5.345, and 5.349 c. g. s. u. a t 0, 28, and 80") revalues if any changes were made in apparatus or spectively, and a A value of -4' K. Nicolad procedure. Because of the long extrapolation found a A value of -20.6' K., and from his susinvolved even minor changes in the experimental ceptibility the moment a t 22' calculated by conditions were found to affect the value obtained Equation 5 is 5.36. From the data of Foex" a t considerably. However, while some doubt exists 18' the moment 5.34 can be calculated. Solutions to which an excess of ethylenediamine as to the absolute values of the Weiss constants, it is believed that the Weiss constants of different was added were never entirely free from a substances determined in a given sample tube with small amount of precipitate. With the most rigid exclusion of oxygen the amount was very a given technique are roughly comparable. For cobalt(I1) ion the most reliable measure- small. I t appeared as a finely divided, light ments seem to be those of Chatillon,16 who found colored precipitate not long after the solution was a Weiss constant of -12" K, and a moment prepared, and under the influence of the magnetic of 4.94 calculated by Equation 5 . The effective field some collected on the glass in the regions of moments for cobalt ion given in Tables I1 and intense field. In time this precipitate turned I11 are in close agreement with those of Chatillon, dark in color and settled readily as a small black and the Weiss constants agree as well as can be precipitate. This suggests conversion to magexpected. The effective moment of the oxalato- netic iron oxide. If i t can be assumed that the first precipitate cobalt ion is practically the same as that of cobalt ion. This behavior is different from that of was not ferromagnetic, the error caused by its nickel and recalls the constancy of the moment of presence could not have been large compared with iron(II1) ion on formation of certain complexe~.~the effect of the ethylenediamine, since the The formation of the ethylenediamine complex effective moment for the ethylenediamine comcauses an increase in the effective moment, accord- plex was 5.54 c. g. s. u. a t 0.5" and 28.6') an ining to Table 111. The use of Equation 6 for the crease of 0.2 c. g. s. u. attributable to the formacalculation of moments may be justifiable theo- tion of the complex. After formation of the black retically for c0ba1t.l~ If calculated in this way precipitate the apparent moment increased to using the Weiss consfants of Table I11 the 5.7 c. g. s. u. Because of this change i t was not moment for the complex is less than that for possible to make reliable measurements a t more cobalt ion, namely, 5.09 as compared with 5.15 than one or two temperatures. c. g. s. u. If the use of Equation 6 can be justiSummary fied, and if the Weiss constants of Table I11 are not too much in error, the effect of complex formaThe magnetic susceptibility of nickel ion and its tion on the moment is in the same direction as for ethylenediamine and phenanthroline complexes nickel ion. While the Weiss constants are of and of cobalt(I1) ion and its oxalate and ethylenequestionable accuracy it is to be noted that the diamine complexes have been measured from 0' trend in them is the same as for nickel: toward to 80'. The decrease in effective magnetic moless negative values as the stability of the complex ment of nickel ion on complex formation cannot be increases. explained as the result of the use of the Curie Iron(I1) Complexes.-Attempts to measure equation instead of the 1Veiss equation in the iron(I1) complexes in alkaline solution were calculation of the moments. There was no only partially successful even by the technique significant change in the effective moment of developed for the cobalt(I1) complexes. Meas- cobalt(I1) ion on formation of the oxalate comurements on acidified iron ammonium sulfate plex, but a small increase on formation of the solutions which had been treated with hydrogen ethylenediamine complex. sulfide to ensure absence of appreciable iron(II1) DURHAM, NORTHCAROLINA


(15) Chatillon, A n n p h y s , [lo] 11, 187 (1928).