Complexes of Copper (II) and Some 5-Substituted Tetrazoles

J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1961, 83 (18), pp 3779–3782. DOI: 10.1021/ja01479a012. Publication Date: September 1961. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an...
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Sept. 20, 1961




Complexes of Copper(II) and Some 5-Substituted Tetrazoles BY NED A. DAUGHERTY AND C. H. BRUBAKER, JR. RECEIVED APRIL4, 1961 The complexes of Cu(11) and 5-phenyltetrazole and some substituted 5-phenyltetrazoles have been studied. Bis-( 5phenyltetrazolato)copper( 11), Cu( CPH~N,)Z"ZO, has been characterized. Monotetrazole complexes CU(C,HsN,)OH and Cu(C7HsN,)C1 also have been prepared. Visible and ultraviolet spectra of C u f f 4- C ~ H K in N methanol ~ have been studied as have the infrared spectra of the solids. The 5-phenyltetrazolate ion seenis to satisfy two coordination positions on copper. 5-o-Chloro- and 6-m-chlorophenyltetrazoleand 5-o-tolyltetrazole give solids of the form CuTt ( T = tetrazole) but 5-p-nitro and 6-p-chlorophenyltetrazole form compounds of the type CuzTzSOd.2H20. With 5-p-methoxyphenyltetrazoleand 5-ptolyltetrazole solids form which do not correspond to any simple formula and probably are not pure. Studies of the effects of aqueous anions on the rapidity of formation and structure of precipitates of bis-( 5-arninotetrazolato)-copper( 11) were made. It was found that C1-, SO,' and NO,- cause the CU(CNIHZ)$ to form rapidly as the light green phase, while the dark green (blue) phase separated only very slowly when the anions were Clod-, NOa-, POI', CnHsOl-, Br-, HCOa-. With CI- and SO,' the amounts of solid depended on the concentrations of the anions, but the Cu(CNaH& contained only traces of CIor Sod'. The effect probably is due to nucleation of the light green solid by a trace of some solid chloro- or sulfatocomplex.

The preparation and properties of two crystalline copper complexes of 5-aminotetrazole have been reported recently.' The anion of the copper salt used determined which of the two complexes formed, but only trace amounts of the anion are found in the solids. Although 5-aminotetrazole is relatively stable in the presence of acids, the complexes are reported to decompose with rupture of the tetrazole ring in the presence of dilute acids. Although infrared spectra suggest that the amino group is not coiirdinated, the exact nature of the metal-tetrazole bond is unknown. The complexes are reported to be insoluble in a wide variety of solvents. These properties suggested that metal-tetrazole complexes are somewhat unusual and prompted the further investigation of tetrazole complexes. This paper reports the preparation and properties of some copper complexes of 5-aryltetrazoles. The anion effect in the formation of solid copper complexes of 5-aminotetrazole also was investigated.

Experimental Materials.-Reagent grade chemicals were used throughout this investigation. The tetrazoles used were either obtained from R. M. Herbstlor were prepared by the method of Finnegan and Henry.* The melting points and equivalent weights of the tetrazoles were determined to verify purity. Analytical Methods.-The copper content of the solid complexes was determined colorimetrically as described previously.1 Samples for analysis were decomposed either by treatment with hot nitric acid or by dissolution in 5 M NH, 5 M NH4CI. Determinations of C, H , N in the complexes were made by commercial analytical houses. The tetrazolate content of the complexes was determined gravimetrically by precipitation of the tetrazoles, a t pH 6.0-6.5, as their silver salts. Silver salts of &substituted tetrazoles have been used as a means of characterizing 5 substituted tetrazoles.' Samples for analysis were decomposed by treatment with alcoholic NaOH. The samples were filtered and the residues were washed repeatedly with distilled water. The filtrate and washings were acidified to pH 6.0-6.5 and a 10% excess of AgNOs was added to precipitate the tetrazole. The precipitates were digested, filtered and dried to constant weight a t 90". The sulfate content of the complexes was determined gravimetrically by precipitation of the sulfate as BaSO,.


(1) C. H. Bruhaker, J . Am. Chcnr. Soc., 8 2 , 82 (1960). (2) Deportment of Chemistry, Michigan State University. (3) W. Finnegan and R. Henry, J . Ant. Chem. Soc.. 81, 3250 (1950). (4) R . Herbst and J. Milrina, J . O r p . Ckcm., 16, 1082 (1850).

The samples were decomposed by treatment with alcoholic NaOH. The samples were filtered and the residues were washed thoroughly with distilled water. After acidification, a calculated excess of BaClt was added t o the filtrates to precipitate the sulfate. The precipitates were filtered and ignited to constant weight. Crystalline Copper Complexes of 5-Phenpltetrazole. Cu( C ~ H ~ N , ) Z . H-When ZO methanol solutions of CuSOc 6H20 and C&N, are mixed in any proportion, a dark blue solution results from which a dark blue, crystalline solid separates within a few hours. The blue solid seems to contain one or two waters per copper. Drying the blue solid to constant weight in vacuo over Mg(Cl0,)~yields the blue monohydrate, Cu( C,HKN&H,O. Anal. Calcd. for Cu(QH"4)t.HtO: Cu, 17.1; C, 45.2; H, 3.8; N, 30.2. Found: Cu, 17.1; C, 46.7; H, 3.7; N, 29.7. If the monohydrate is dried in an oven a t 110' for 2 or 3 days or i n vacuo over Mg(C104)~for several weeks, a bronze colored solid containing 18.0% Cu, corresponding to C U ( C ~ H S N is ~ )produced. ~, The anhydrous Cu(QH6N4)t rapidly turns blue upon exposure to moist air. Cu( CrHsN4)OH.--When a methanol solution prepared by mixing methanol solutions of CuS0,*5H10 and 5phenyltetrazole, C,HsN4, in a 1:2 ratio is uiluted with a large volume of water, a blue solid separates at once. The solid contains 16.5% Cu and yields an X-ray powder pattern identical with the pattern of C U ( C ~ H ~ N ~ ) Z . H I HowO. ever, if CuS04.5Hn0and C7HsN4dissolved in methanol are mixed in a 1:l mole ratio and diluted with water, a pale blue solid containing 28.5y0 Cu separates at once. Analyses indicate that the solid is Cu(C,H,N,)OH. Anal. Calcd. for Cu(C,H&N4)OH: Cu, 28.2; C, 37.3; H , 2.7; N, 24.8. Found: Cu, 28.5; C, 38.2; H, 2.8; N, 24.8. The reaction of CuCI*.2H20 and C,HaN, in 95% ethanol results in the slow formation of a pale blue solid. The blue solid gives the X-ray powder pattern of Cu(QHsN4)OH. The solid contains 27.7y0 Cu and 62.9% C,H'N4-. Calcd. for Cu(C7HaN,)OH: c u , 28.2; C7HsN4-, 64.3. The complex C U ( C ~ H K N ~ ) , . Nslowly Z O dissolves in 6 N HzSO~. Neutralization of the acid solution produces a pale blue solid which, after drying, gives an X-ray powder pattern identical with the pattern of Cu(C7HsNJOH. Stirring a suspension of CU(C,HKN~)Z.H~O in water for 20 hr. a t room temperature produces a solid, which when dried a t llOo, appears to be a mixture of two compounds, c u ( C,HbN4)2and Cu( C~HSN,)( OH). Cu( C7HbN,)C1.-when solutions of anhydrous CuC12 and Sphenyltetrazole, C&N4, in absolute alcohol are mixed and allowed to stand 3 or 4 weeks in a stoppered flask, a brown solid separates. The brown solid has an X-ray powder pattern different from the patterns obtained from C U ( C ~ H S N ~ ) ~ or . HCu(C7HsN4)OH. ZO Analyses indicate that the solid might be a mixture of Cu(C,IJ6N,)CI and CuCla. The Reactions of Cu( N0,),.3H20 and 5-Phenyltetrazole, CIHRN,.-If 40 nil. o f 0.10 Ai C7H6N4 and 20 ml. of 0.10 M cu(N0,)2.31320 in methanol solution are mixed, no

visible reaction occurs a t the time of mixing. If the reaction mixture is allowed to stand overnight, a small amount of a bluish-purple solid separates. If the solution stands for several more weeks no significant additional amount of solid is found. The purple solid gave an X-ray pattern different frum any copper complex previously prepared. Analyses failed to establish the material as a pure compound. If 9570 ethanol is used as the solvent, the niixing of 40 nil. of 0.10 M C&NI and 20 nil. of C u ( N O i ) ~ . 3 H ~pro0 duces a blue solution which rapidly becomes turbid. h green solid separates within 5 minutes and after 10 more minutes, the green solid turns blue. The blue solid contains 30.5% Cu, but comparison of X-ray powder patterns indicates that it is primarily Cu(C7HbN4)0H (which contains only 28.2% Cu). I n a duplicate experiment, the green solid turned blue as i t was sucked dry in the filter. The solid gave an X-ray powder pattern identical with the pattern of the solid obtained from the reaction in niethanol. When the reaction is carried out in absolute alcohol a t O", a green solution is obtained. A purple solid slowly separates from the cold methanol solution. The purple, blue crystals also give a n X-ray pattern identical with the pattern of the solid obtained, usingmethanol as the solvent. Copper and tetrazolate analyses indicate the solid contains 17.9% Cu and 73.1% C ~ H ~ N I corresponding -, to a C,H&N,-:Cu++ molar ratio of 1.79. I t is probably not a pure compound. Infrared Spectra of the Copper-CtHeN, Complexes.-The infrared spectra of C7HsN4, NaC7HiN4, Cu(C!I&,NI)?. Hz0, Cu( C7HiN4)OH and CU(C7HsN4)CI were obtained by use of the KBr disc technique. Several bands i n the 307'7.2519 ern.-' region of the spectrum of Ci&N4 are missing in the spectrum of the sodium salt. Apparently these bands are due t o the ring N-H group. These hands are also missing in the spectra of the copper complexes, indicating loss of the ring hydrogen during complex formation. Lieber, et d . , 6 have examined the infrared spectra of some tetrazoles and have attributed bands in the 1100-900 cm.-l region t o tetrazole ring vibration. The spectra of the complexes differ from the spectrum of the simple sodiuni salt in this region. These data are given in Table I.




s, strong;


rnediuni; w, weak absorption


3226n1rv 3155111 3077m

2985ms 2915ms 2755s 2653s 2584s 2519s 2000mw 1923m 1880ni 1776w

2309w 1972w 1008w

1061u' 1K98w

196 1w 1 Rfl5w

1639w 1613w



1724w 1675W 1623ms 1577s

1704m 1658w

1650m 1626m

1527rn 1479m. 1453s



1381mm 1306m



2112w 1285mw 1287inw 1282inw 1266w 1267mw 1266mw 1815w

1149ni 1 lHin 1127m 1105w lW6w 1075m

1217m 118:3m

1809in 118lniw

llBlmw 1180m IlOlw 1081ni

1 127ni 1096mw 1075m

1027111w 1036w 1012mw 1014m 99RW Rliw


909w 786rnw 72% 703s

789ni 731s 694s

1031mw 1008in

956 broad hand (s) 914 in 781mw i22s 698nis


12,53u 1242w 12n9111~ 1195ni 1 I'i8lKlW 1156mw 11.75m 10731rl 1066m 1014w 1033mw 1015ms


784m 745s 6FlYms

694ms Copper Corn lexes of C7HeN, in Solution. The Visible Spectrum of &SO4.5HzO 4- C&N4 in Methanol.-The addition of C&N, t o methanol solutions of CuSO4.5HzO shifts the 830 mp peak of the copper solution t o a shorter wave length. A 2 0 : l tetrazole t o copper ratio gives an absorption maximum a t 730 inp. but i t appears that further addition of CiH6Nd would shift the maximum to a still shorter wave length. The addition of the tetrszole produces a very strong absorptkn in the ultraviolet. A s with CU(11) and 5-aminotetrazolel a n isosbestic point occurs a t 830 mp, the maximum for uncomplexed copper ion. The absorption in the ultraviolet is similar to that of the tetrazolate ion but is more intense. No maxitriuni is observed down t o 218 mp, but only a general increase in absorption. Continuous Variation Studies in the CuS046Hz0C&N( System .-Continuous variation studies, in methanol, of CUSO4.5HoO and C7€16N4 were carried out at both 720 and 380 nip. Samples were prepared from stock niethanol solutions of CuS04.5Hz0 and c7!16N4. The ahsorhanees of the samples were measured, using a Beckman DU spectrophotometer, about 30 minutes after the samples had been prepared. No variation of absorbancy with time was observed. Studies at both wave lengths indicate a 1: 1 coppertetrazole interaction. Crystalline Copper Complexes of Other 5-Aryltetrazo1es.The copper complexes of several 5-aryltetrazoles were prepared in a n identical manner t o those of 5-phenyltetrazole. The complexes were prepared by mixing 2.4 X mole of CuS04.5Hz0 dissolved in about 10 ml. of methanol with 10-2 mole of the tetrazole dissolved in 100 nil. of methanol. The resulting solutions were allowed to statirl in stoppered flasks until crystallization of the complexes occurred. T l l c z solid complexes were separated by filtration and washed with methanol until the washings were SO,' free. The solids were dried iiz vacuo over Mg(ClO,),. The solid complexes are described below. 5-o-Chlorophenyltetrazole.-Dark blue crystals separate from a methanol solution of the reactants a week to 10 days after the reactants are combined. After having been dried, the crystals are bronze colored. Anal. Calcd. for Cu(C7€T4N,Cl)!: Cu, 15.0; CIHIN~CI-, 85.0. Found: Cu, 15.0; CiH4iY4C1-,84.3. 5-~ir-Chlorophenyltetrazole.---The dark hlue cryct:ds oht:iined Ti-clni the re:tctinli b e r o n ~ eblue-grey when they iirr

Sept. 20, 1961




dried. Analyses indicate that the material probably is added were comparable t o or less than the amounts of C U + + impure Cu( C7H,h;Cl)~.H20. present. Since turbidity appeared slowly with Cl-, some studies of Anal. Calcd. for C U ( C ~ H ~ N , C I ) Z . H ~Gu, O : 14.4; C, 38.0; H, 2.3; N, 25.4. F O U I I ~Cu, : 15.5; C, 37.0; H, turbidity ws. time were made as a function of ((21-). 2.5; N,24.8. Results 5-p-Chlorophenyltetrazole.-Mixing methanol solutions Three crystalline copper complexes of 5-phenylof the reactants produces a blue solutioii. After 48 hr. pale tetrazole, Cu (C7HbN4)2 HzO, Cu (C7H6N4)OH and blue crystals begin t o separate from the solution. When ~ , been prepared and characthe crystals are sucked dry on a filter, the color of the solid C U ( C ~ H & ~ ) Chave terized. Copper complexes of other 5-aryltetrachanges to green. After repeated washings with methanol, the solid still contains SOr-. zoles also have been isolated as crystalline solids Copper, tetrazolate atid SO4- aiialyses suggest a coinfrom niethanol solutions of CuSO4.5Hn0 and the position of Cu( C7H4N4Cl)z.CuS0,~2H~0. tetrazoles. In general, copper ion and 5-aryltetraAnal. Calcd. for C~(C~HIN~CI)Z.C~SO,.~H~O: Cu, zoles form complexes of the general formula CuT2, 20.6; C7H,NrCI-, 58.2; Sod', 15.5. Found: Cu, 20.4; where T = a tetrazolate anion. However, 5-pC I H ~ N ~ C I58.0; -, sod', 15.3. a

nitro and 5-p-chlorophenyltetrazole react with CUsO4.5Hzo in methanol to yield crystalline complexes having the formulas CuzT2S04.2H20. In all of Anal. Calcd. for CU(C~H~NLOZ-)ZCUSO~.~HZO: CU, 19.9; C7H4N602-, 59.5; SOr", 15.0. Found: Cu, 19.3; the cases studied, the tetrazole coordinates as an anion and there is no evidence that more than two C,H,NsOz-, 59.9; sot-=, 14.9. 5-o-Tolyltetrazole.-A crystalline hemi-hydrate of Cu- tetrazoles coordinate per copper ion. An experimental difficulty encountered in the mole of (CsH7Nb)z was prepared by combining 5.0 X C u S 0 4 6 H ~ 0dissolved in 50 ml. of methanol with 1.0 X preparation of pure, solid complexes is that no mole of the tetrazole dissolved in 100 ml. of methanol. The resulting dark blue solution begins to deposit dark methods for purification of the solids have been The solids cannot be recrystallized, blue crystals 12 hr. after the solutions have been mixed. found. After having been dried over Mg(C104)~the color of the solid since they are insoluble in a wide variety of solchanges to brown. The brown solid is very hygroscopic vents such as water, alcohols, dimethylformamide, and turns blue on brief exposure to moist air. Drying the benzene, dioxane, acetone, acetonitrile, chlorobrown solid to constant weight at 110' results in a weight loss of 2.1% and produces an ash green solid. The brown form and ethyl acetate. The complexes are decomposed by aqueous acids and aqueous or liquid solid appears to be Cu(G H ~ N ~ ) z J / z H z O . Anal. Calcd. for C U ( C ~ H . I N , ) Z . ~ / Z HCu, ~ O :16.3; CsH7- ammonia. The solids decompose when heated N4-, 81.3; HlO? 2.3. Found: Cu, 16.3; CsH7N4-, 81.3; and cannot be sublimed or distilled. Washing the wt. loss on heating, 2.1. solids with excess solvent sometimes converts one 5-p-Methoxyphenyltetrazole.-A green crystalline solid crystalline form of a complex to another' or results is obtained from a methanol solution of CuS04.5Hp0 and in extensive hydrolysis of the complex. CsHsN40. The green solid contains 20.1% Cu, 61.8% Continuous variation studies of the reaction of C~H~NIO and - 11.3%SOI-. This composition corresponds to a CU:C~H~NIO-:SO,' molar ratio of 2.8:3.0:1. No CuSO4.5Hz0 and 5-phenyltetrazole point to the definite formula can be assigned on the basis of these ana- existence of a 1:1 copper-tetrazole complex species lytical results. Although the solid appears to be homo- in solution. However, it should be mentioned that geneous, it is probably a mixture of compounds. It is ideal conditions for such a study do not exist a t interesting to note that the composition calculated for an equimolar mixture of Cu( CsH7N4O)OH and Cuz(CsH7- either 720 or 380 mp. At 720 mp the absorption N40)$3O4.2H20 (Calcd: Cu, 22.0; C s H ~ N 4 0 - , 60.7; peak of the complex overlaps the absorption peak Sod-, 11.1) is in fair agreement with the observed values. of uncomplexed Cu++ and 380 mp does not cor5-p-Tolyltetrazole.-A light green solid complex was ob- respond to an absorption maximum but is merely tained. The solid contains 20.8% Cu, 69.9% CsH?N,a convenient wave length at which the complex is and 7.5y0SO,' corresponding t o a Cu: CeH7N4- molar ratio the only strongly absorbing species. of 1 : 1.34. A formula has not been assigned to this solid, which is probably a mixture of compounds. In the previous paper,' it was reported that the Effects of Some Anions on the Formation of Bis-(5- light green compound, bis-(5-aminotetrazolato)aminotetrazo1ato)-copper(II).-In a previous paper,' it copper(II), could be decomposed by dilute acids was reported that some anions, such as sod' and CI-, caused bis-( 5-aminotetrazolato)-copper( 11).Cu(C N ~ H Z )lZ/ ~. - and that the tetrazole ring was broken in the procHzO, to precipitate rapidly as green crystals, slightly con- ess. This reaction has been investigated, and it taminated with CuSO4 or CuCl2. However, NOa- or Clodwas found that only a small amount of the 5had no such effects and CU(CNF,HZ)Zprecipitated only aminotetrazole was decomposed ; at least 90% after standing for a week or more and then appeared as a blue solid which changed to dark green Cu( CN~HZ)ZJ/ZHZOwas recovered. Some HCN and what was probafter being dried over BaO. The X-ray powder patterns ably N2 were formed. 5-p-Nitrophenyltetrazole.-The

complex was obtained

as bright blue crystals which also contain SO,'.

of the two Cu( C N ~ H Z )l/zH20 Z compounds were different. Therefore, the effects of other anions were studied and attempts were made to study quantitatively the effects of

S04-and C1-.

Various amounts of Na2SO4, NaCI, KBr, NaaPO4, NaHCOr, NaNO2 and NaC2HaOz were added t o mixtures of Cu(NO8)z (0.02 M ) and CNsH3 .(0.04 M). Only Sod", Cl- and NO2- caused any precipitation. In the cases of SO4' and CI-, solutions were prepared at various concentrations of one part Cu(N0r)z plus two parts CNbH3 and varying amounts of the anions were added. The extent of precipitation was measurcd by weighing the precipitates (in the more concentrated. a.0.1 M Cui-+, solutions) and by using a Beckman. A~Iorlel DIT, spectrophotonietcr to measure turbidities of the more dilutc solution ( r n . 10-3 M Cu++). Tlic nniounts of SO4- aiid CI-

Discussion At present, little is known about the nature of the metal-tetrazole bond. Analytical results and infrared spectra indicate that 5-substituted tetrazoles coordinate as anions. However, Pope+ has isolated silver complexes of metrazole, indicating that loss of the ring hydrogen is not necessary in order for coordination to occur. There are a number of ways that coordination between metal ions and tetrazoles could occur. ( 6 ) .4 Popr,v a n d K. IIolnt,

J. A n t . C ~ C J Sor., I L . 81, 3%0 (1%3!l).


T. J. LANE,C.S.C.,


Perhaps the simplest type of bonding would be “simple” donation of an electron pair by one of the nitrogen atoms of the tetrazole ring to the metal ion. If bonding occurred in this manner, one might expect copper to coordinate four ligands, as it does in its imidazole c o m p l e ~ c s . ~ - ~ Since the tetrazolate anion seems to satisfy two coordination sites on the copper ion, coordination could occur by the formation of bonds to two distinct nitrogen atoms of the tetrazole ring. Coordination probably would not involve two adjacent nitrogen atoms of the tetrazole ring which means that if coordination occurs in this manner, the tetrazole rings would not be coplanar with the copper ion. The electronic structure of the tetrazole ring has a marked similarity to the electronic structure of cyclopentadiene. Another possible mode of bonding is coordination of the metal ion to the T electron system of the tetrazolate anion. If this type of bonding were encountered, one might expect the copper complexes t o be soluble in organic solvents. In fact, the almost complete lack of solubility of the copper complexes in a wide variety of solvents might suggest a polymeric structure in the solid state. There are several structures that one can visualize in which the tetrazolate anions are shared by more than one copper ion. A determination of the structure of the solid complexes from X-ray data has not been made. The patterns indicate that the unit cell is large. The dark blue solution obtained by mixing (7) J. T. Edsall, 0.Felsenfeld, D. Goodman and F. R. N. Gurd, 1. Am. Chem. SOC.,76, 3054 (1954). (8) N. Li. T. Chu, C . Fuji1 and J. White, ibid., 76, 6219 (1964). (9) H. Montgomery and E. Lingafelter, J . Pkus. Chcm., 64, 831 (1960).




Vol. 83

methanol solutions of CuS04.5Hz0 and C ’ I H ~ N ~ suggests that a soluble complex is formed on mixing the reactants. The intensity of the blue color remains constant until the solid complex begins to separate from the solution. The blue solid is not soluble in methanol. Such behavior suggests that the structure of the solid complex may be different from the structure of the complex in solution. The “anion effect” observed in the reaction of CU++ with CNsHa is not well understood. The fact that Soh is much more effective, in producing turbidity, than any of the other anions examined suggests that the anion plays a rather specific role in the reaction. The poor effectiveness of basic anions such as CZH802- and Po4“ compared to SO*- indicate that the effect is not an acid-base phenomenon. The lack of effect by P O 7 leads one to believe the effect is not entirely one of coagulation of a colloidal material. I t is suggested, therefore, that rapid nucleation of the C U ( C N & € requires ~)~ a small amount of some complex which contains SO*“, C1- or NOz- and which may be insoluble. If that is the case the sulfate complex must form a t once, but the chloride one only slowly, since the appearance of solid in the chloride case is slow and depends on (Cl-). Although a systematic study of the roles of some anions on precipitation of tetrazole complexes has been made only with Cu++ and CN&, one must point out that it seems t o be quite general for metal ions and tetrazoles. Acknowledgments.-The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the U. S. Atomic Energy Commission under contract number AT( 11-1)-399. N.A.D. thanks E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Co. for the fellowship held during 1959-1960.




Chelate Stabilities of Certain Oxine-type Compounds. 111. Schiff Bases‘ BY T. J. LANE, C.S.C., AND A. 3. KANDATHIL RECEIVED FEBRUARY 18,1961 The acid dissociation constants for three types of Schiff bases structurally similar to 8-hydroxy uinoline have been determined in 50% v./v. dioxane-water at 2b0 and the chelate stabilities of these ligands with Cu?Il), Ni(I1) and Cd(I1) have been obtained by Calvin-Bjerrum potentiometric titration technique. The differences in values obtained for the basicities of the ligands have been explained by electron donating tendency of the substituents and by hydrogen bonding. The formation constants of these ligands with the metal ions studied are lower than those of the corresponding 8-hydroxyquinoline chelates due t o unfavorable steric factors but are higher than those of the 4-hydroxybenzimidazolesbecause of more favorable nitrogen-oxygen distance. The stability constants for the metal chelates of the Schiff bases increase with increase in ligand basicity except when the size of the metal chelate ring or the presence of adjacent groups affects these values.

In the previous papers2@a the chelate stabilities of 4-hydroxybenzimidazoles, 4-hydroxybenzoxazoles and 4-hydroxybenzothiazoles with divalent metal ions have been reported. In the present paper are presented and discussed the stability values obtained for the metal chelates of three (1) Presented in part before the Inorganic Chemistry Division York, N. Y., September, 1960. (2) T.J. Lane, A. Sam and A. J. Randathil. J . Am. Chcm. Soc.. 82, 4462 (1960). (3) T. J. Lane and A. Sam,ibid., 88, 2223 (1961).

of the 138th National Meeting of the A.C.S. at New

types of Schiff bases represented by the formulas where R = H , CHs, OCHs and OH. Compounds of type A are structural analogs of 8-hydroxyquinoline and contain the same chelating system -0-C==C-N=, the difference being that the nitrogen atom is not part of a ring. Type B and type C compounds have been included to study the effect of varying the size of the chelate ring and of introducing an ortho substituent, respectively. Materials.-N-Benzylidene-o-hydroxyaniline (compound

I, Table I), N-(4-methylbenzylidene)-o-hydroxyaniline