Compounds of Argon. - Journal of the American Chemical Society

Compounds of Argon. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1895, 17 (5), pp 422–422. DOI: 10.1021/ja02160a019. Publication Date: May 1895. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite thi...
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through a iiiixture of the gas ivith three volumes of electrolytic liytlrogeii. T h e contrnctioii produced i i i the latter case could be i:icasiired 1 ) ~ .cul)ic ccntiiiieters. and water used as an absorbcnt of tlic niiiiiioiiia colorctl red litiiiiis paper deep blue, besides giviiig a stroiifi aiiiiiioiii:~wactioii \\.it11 Xessler's reagent. Ii'ith tiiliite Ii!~tlrcichloric acid :is ail a1)sorl)ent there was obtainetl :in n 1) II ii (1 n i 1t p I-eci 1)it n t t' ( ) f a 1111i I m i 11 i n platinic chloride. I 11 :t Geissler tube under :i pressure of IO""" ant1 less the gas affordetl tlie fluted spectruiii of nitrogen with great brilliancy.'' " Throughout the whole list of analyses i!i which nitrogen has been estimated the most striking feature is the apparent 'relatiou betweeti it aiid the ITC,.. 'Phis is especial!y iiiarketl i i i the table of Norweginii uraninites recalcnlatetl, froiii wliich the rule iiiiglit aliiiost be formulated that, gi\wi either nitrogen or l'O,J the other can be fouiid b y simple calculation. The s:iiiie ratio i.; not f o u i i d ill the Coiiiiecticut varieties, but i f the deteriiiiiiatioii of nitrogen in the Rranchville inineral is to })e depciidecl 011, the rule still holds that tlie higher tlie 1.70, the higher likeivise is the iiitrogeii.' ' Cowfioimds U f A~yoz.-Berthelot finds that argon co~iihines with the vapor of benzene under the iiifluence of the silent elcc-. tric discharge giving a yellow resinous odorous sul)staricc coilcleiisetl on the surface of the two glass tubes 1)ctweeii ivliirli tlie electric action is exerted. This substance, when heated, is tlecoiiiposetl, leaving a bulky carbonaceous residue. T h e \rolatilc products of decomposition turn litinus blue, iiidicating that nn alkaline substance is contained in them. ( Proni a translation of Herthelot's article i n the Chem. ;'r'eii~s. 71, 1 5 r . 1 EKKATA.--Iii tlic


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1% o r Ycnable's article i n the Fe1)ruary num1)er oi \-ic.tor Meyer occurs i n several placcs. It shoultl reat1 T,oth:ir