Compressed Liquid Density and Vapor Phase PvT Measurements of

Dec 22, 2017 - Construction Technologies Institute, National Research Council (ITC−CNR), 35127 Padova, Italy. ‡. Department of Industrial Engineer...
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Compressed Liquid Density and Vapor Phase PvT Measurements of trans-1-Chloro-3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-ene [R1233zd(E)] Laura Fedele,† Mariano Pierantozzi,‡ Giovanni Di Nicola,‡ J. Steven Brown,*,§ and Sergio Bobbo† †

Construction Technologies Institute, National Research Council (ITC−CNR), 35127 Padova, Italy Department of Industrial Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, Marche Polytechnic University (UnivPM), 60121 Ancona, Italy § Department of Mechanical Engineering, The Catholic University of America, Washington DC 20064, United States ‡

ABSTRACT: This manuscript presents for trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1ene [R1233zd(E)] 94 compressed liquid density data and 60 vapor phase PvT data. The compressed liquid density data were measured along nine isotherms in increments of 10 K from 283.15 to 363.15 K for pressures from near saturation to 35 MPa. The vapor phase PvT data were measured along seven isochores for temperatures from 308.15 to 373.15 K for pressures approximately from 167 to 693 kPa. The paper also includes correlations for saturated liquid density, compressed liquid density, and PvT in the vapor phase.

has an estimated ozone depletion potential of 0.0005,17 and is estimated to have a GWP less than 14.17 This paper completes the characterization by the authors of R1233zd(E) by presenting 94 compressed liquid density (ρ) data measured with a vibrating tube densimeter along nine isotherms in increments of 10 K from 283.15 to 363.15 K for pressures from near saturation to 35 MPa. The data were measured at the Istituto per le Technologie della Construzione del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ITC−CNR) located in Padova, Italy. In addition, simple correlations for saturated liquid density (ρs) and compressed liquid density were developed from the measured data and are presented herein. The manuscript also presents 60 vapor phase pressure−temperature-specific volume (PvT) data for R1233zd(E) measured using a constant-volume sphere along seven isochores for temperatures from 308.15 to 373.15 K for pressures approximately from 167 to 693 kPa. The data were measured in the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale e Scienze Matematiche of the Università Politecnica delle Marche (UnivPM) located in Ancona, Italy. Just as was done for ρs and ρ, a simple correlation for the vapor phase PvT data was developed and is presented herein.

1. INTRODUCTION This manuscript furthers the work of the authors to characterize unsaturated halocarbon low-GWP (low-global warming potential) working fluids by measuring their vapor pressures, normal boiling point temperatures, liquid densities, and PvT data in the vapor phase, and by providing simple correlations of the measured data which can easily be used by researchers and practitioners to further societal goals to lessen the global climate change impact of refrigerants and working fluids. These data and correlations are much needed since more “traditional” refrigerants and working fluids, such as HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons), are increasingly being regulated and phased-out of use through the implementation of regional and international agreements. For example, recent European legislation1 implemented a phase-down schedule for HFCs over the period 2015−2030 and the recent Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer2 has adopted a phase-down schedule for HFCs beginning in 2019. The former allows the consumption of HFCs in the European Union in 2030 to be only 21% of its 2009−2012 average consumption, and the latter requires by 2036 that consumption of HFCs in a particular country to be only 15% of its average consumption for the period 2011−2013. The low-GWP working fluids that the authors have already fully characterized are R1234yf,3−6 R1234ze(E),7,8 R1243zf,9,10 R1234ze(Z),11,12 and R1225ye(Z).13,14 This paper will complete our characterization of R1233zd(E) as we have previously published vapor pressure data for this isomer.15 R1233zd(E) has a relatively high normal boiling point temperature (291.1 K)15 and is being considered as a working fluid in chillers, high-temperature heat pumps, and organic Rankine cycles.15 It possess an ASHRAE A1 classification (nontoxic and nonflammable),16 © XXXX American Chemical Society

2. EXPERIMENTAL SECTION 2.1. Materials. The R1233zd(E) (trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoropropene, (E)-CF3−CHCHCl, CAS number 102687-65-0) sample was supplied by Central Glass Ltd. to both laboratories (ITC−CNR and UnivPM). While the manufacturer reported the sample purity to be greater than 0.995 in mass fraction, both Received: September 20, 2017 Accepted: December 8, 2017


DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00841 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Table 1. R1233zd(E) Sample Description chemical name


initial mass fraction purity


Central Glass, Ltd.



final mass fraction purity

purification method several cycles of freezing, evacuation, melting, and ultrasonic agitation

analysis method



Table 2. Critical State Property Values for R1233zd(E)23

laboratories subjected their respective samples to several cycles of freezing, evacuation, melting, and ultrasonic agitation to further reduce any remaining noncondensable gases. Table 1 describes the R1233zd(E) sample. 2.2. Experimental Apparatus and Procedure for Compressed Liquid Density. The compressed liquid density was measured at CNR-ITC using a stainless steel vibrating tube densimeter (Anton Paar DMA 512). Because the experimental apparatus, procedure, and calibration are described in detail in previous papers18,19 and the apparatus has been used to report similar measurements for five other unsaturated halocarbon refrigerants, namely, R1234yf,6 R1234ze(E),8 R1243zf,10 R1234ze(Z),12 and R1225ye(Z),14 we will provide only a very brief description below. The period of oscillation of the vibrating tube is related to the sample density using a calibration equation which is a function of pressure and temperature. In order to determine this calibration equation, the oscillation period of the densimeter’s U-tube was measured while under vacuum and filled with water, which was chosen as the calibration fluid because of the availability of the high-accuracy equation of state of Wagner and Pruss.20 The sample pressure was measured with a piezoresistive transducer (Druck DPI 145) and its temperature was measured with a Pt 100 Ω thermometer. The uncertainties at the 95% confidence level for pressure and temperature are 10 kPa and 0.05 K, resulting in an expanded uncertainty at the 95% confidence level for the compressed liquid density of 0.8 kg·m−3. For the actual R1233zd(E) measurements, the period of oscillation of the U-tube was recorded after the desired set pressure had been obtained by action of a syringe pump and after stabilization of the sample temperature. The sample pressure was varied from around saturation to 35.0 MPa in steps of 0.5 MPa up to pressures of 2.5 MPa and in steps of 2.5 MPa thereafter. 2.3. Experimental Apparatus and Procedure for Vapor Phase PvT. The vapor phase PvT data were measured at UnivPM using a rigid stainless steel sphere, where the total volume of the test cell, tubing, and associated instrumentation was estimated to be 273.5 ± 0.3 cm3 at 298 K. Because the experimental apparatus, procedure, and calibration are described in detail in previous papers21,22 and the apparatus has been used to report similar measurements for five other unsaturated halocarbon refrigerants, namely, R1234yf,4 R1234ze(E),8 R1243zf,10 R1234ze(Z),12 and R1225ye(Z),14 we will provide only a very brief description below. The sample pressure was measured with a pressure transducer (Ruska 7000) and its temperature was measured with a Pt 25 Ω thermometer. The uncertainties at the 95% confidence level for pressure and temperature are 1 kPa and 0.03 K, resulting in an expanded uncertainty at the 95% confidence level for the vapor phase specific volume from 0.00003 to 0.00013 m3·kg−1. For the actual R1233zd(E) measurements, a known mass of refrigerant [varying from 2.4883 to 9.2261 g] was charged into the evacuated test cell. The discharged mass was calculated by determining the tare mass of an evacuated canister using an analytical balance possessing an accuracy of ±0.3 mg. Pure refrigerant







Table 3. Constants for Equation 115 A1








Figure 1. Compressed liquid density ρ data for R1233zd(E). Data also provided in Table 4. ●, 283.15 K; ○, 293.15 K; ▼, 303.15 K; Δ, 313.15 K; ■, 323.15 K; □, 333.15 K; ▲, 343.15 K; ∇, 353.15 K; +, 363.15 K; , Mondejar et al.24

was then charged into the canister after which the mass of the canister was once again measured. Refrigerant was then discharged from the canister into the evacuated isochoric sphere which was immersed in one of two isothermal baths. The mass of the canister was then measured once again, and the sample mass in the isochoric sphere was determined to be the difference between the measured canister masses and the estimated refrigerant mass remaining in the connecting tubing. The uncertainty in the mass was estimated to be lower than 0.9 mg. The desired set temperature of the sample was then obtained by allowing the isochoric sphere and associated instrumentation to achieve thermal equilibrium with one of two silicone oil baths: one isothermal bath operated over the temperature range from (210 to 290) K and the other one operated from 290 to 380 K. The sample temperature was varied from around saturation to 373 K in steps of 5 K.

3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 3.1. Critical State Properties. The critical temperature (Tc) of 439.6 K, critical pressure (Pc) of 3623.7 kPa, and critical density (ρc) of 480.23 kg·m3, all taken from REFPROP,23 are used in eqs 1−5 to reduce the measured data. The values are summarized in Table 2. B

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00841 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Table 4. Compressed Liquid Density Measurements ρ for R1233zd(E) Where Relative Deviations e = 100·Δρ/ρ = (ρcorr − ρexp)/ ρexp of the Values Calculated (ρcorr) Using Equation 3 (Tait) from the Experimental Data (ρexp)a T/K








283.15 283.15 283.16 283.16 283.15 283.15 283.15 283.15 283.16 283.14 283.15 293.15 293.14 293.14 293.14 293.14 293.15 293.14 293.14 293.15 293.16 293.14 293.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.15 303.16 303.16 303.16 303.16 303.16 303.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.15 313.14 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15 323.15

0.133 0.500 1.000 2.500 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 29.999 35.000 0.151 0.499 1.000 2.500 5.000 9.999 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 35.000 0.151 0.250 0.501 1.001 2.499 5.000 10.001 15.003 20.002 25.001 30.000 35.000 0.351 0.501 1.000 2.500 5.000 10.000 15.000 19.999 25.000 30.000 35.000 0.500 1.000 2.500 5.000 10.000 15.000 19.999 24.999 30.000 35.000

1297.8 1298.7 1300.0 1303.7 1309.8 1321.0 1331.4 1341.1 1350.1 1358.6 1366.8 1274.3 1275.3 1276.7 1280.9 1287.6 1299.9 1311.3 1321.7 1331.4 1340.6 1349.2 1274.3 1250.3 1251.2 1252.7 1257.4 1264.8 1278.4 1290.7 1301.9 1312.3 1322.0 1331.1 1225.4 1226.0 1227.8 1233.1 1241.3 1256.4 1269.9 1282.1 1293.4 1303.8 1313.5 1199.9 1202.0 1208.0 1217.4 1234.3 1249.2 1262.7 1274.9 1286.3 1296.8

−0.004 −0.005 −0.005 −0.005 −0.005 −0.004 −0.002 −0.003 −0.005 −0.004 −0.011 0.002 0.004 0.004 0.004 0.002 0.000 0.002 0.002 0.001 −0.005 −0.005 0.002 0.000 −0.001 0.001 0.001 0.003 0.009 0.014 0.021 0.025 0.028 0.029 0.005 0.007 0.006 0.005 0.008 0.013 0.020 0.025 0.027 0.030 0.032 −0.001 −0.003 −0.005 −0.007 −0.009 −0.008 −0.016 −0.025 −0.036 −0.049

333.15 333.15 333.14 333.15 333.15 333.15 333.14 333.14 333.14 333.14

0.500 1.000 2.500 5.000 10.000 15.001 20.000 25.003 30.002 35.000

1172.6 1175.1 1182.0 1192.7 1211.7 1228.2 1242.9 1256.2 1268.3 1279.5

−0.086 −0.071 −0.061 −0.052 −0.041 −0.033 −0.025 −0.017 −0.013 −0.009

343.15 343.15 343.15 343.15 343.15 343.15 343.15 343.15 343.15 343.15

0.700 1.000 2.500 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.003 25.000 30.001 35.002

1145.0 1146.6 1154.6 1166.8 1188.1 1206.2 1222.1 1236.4 1249.4 1261.5

−0.012 −0.011 −0.018 −0.018 −0.019 −0.021 −0.021 −0.035 −0.045 −0.078

353.15 353.15 353.15 353.15 353.15 353.15 353.15 353.15 353.15 353.15

0.801 1.000 2.500 5.000 10.000 15.000 20.000 25.000 30.000 34.999

1114.4 1116.5 1125.4 1139.8 1163.9 1184.3 1201.7 1217.2 1231.2 1243.9

0.057 −0.009 0.023 0.001 −0.023 −0.055 −0.060 −0.080 −0.096 −0.116

363.15 363.15 363.15 363.15 363.15 363.14 363.15 363.15 363.14

1.200 2.500 5.000 10.000 15.001 20.001 25.001 30.000 35.000

1085.8 1095.5 1112.1 1139.5 1161.9 1180.8 1197.5 1212.5 1226.2

−0.012 −0.024 −0.043 −0.065 −0.087 −0.095 −0.120 −0.146 −0.171

a Expanded uncertainties in temperature T, pressure P, and compressed liquid density ρ with 95% level of confidence are U(T) = 0.05 K, U(P) = 1 kPa, and U(ρ) = 0.8 kg·m−3, respectively.

3.2. Vapor Pressure Correlation. Because the development of the saturated liquid density correlation (eq 2) and the

Tait correlation (eq 3) for compressed liquid density both require saturation pressure as an input, we first present the Wagner vapor C

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00841 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


pressure correlation (eq 1) developed elsewhere by the authors.15 Equation 1 fitted the data of the authors and that of Mondejar |P − P | et al.24 with a AAD% of 0.20, where AAD% = ∑1n 1n expP corr × 100, corr Pexp is the experimentally measured vapor pressure, Pcorr is the vapor pressure calculated using eq 1, and n is the number of data points. Tr ln(Pr) = A1τ + A 2 τ1.5 + A3τ 2.5 + A4 τ 5


where the constants are provided in Table 3. The variables Tr (= T/Tc) and Pr (= P/Pc) are the reduced temperature and reduced pressure, respectively, and τ = 1 − Tr. 3.3. Compressed Liquid Density Data. Figure 1 and Table 4 provide the 94 compressed liquid density data for R1233zd(E) measured along nine isotherms in increments of 10 K from 283.15 to 363.15 K for pressures from near saturation to 35 MPa. 3.4. Saturated Liquid Density Correlation. The 94 compressed liquid density data were used to develop the saturated liquid density (ρs) correlation provided in eq 2. In particular, the compressed liquid density values were fitted as a function of pressure for pressure values less than 5 MPa for each isotherm and then coupling these with the vapor pressure correlation provided in eq 1. ρs = ρc (1 + B1τ1/3 + B2 τ 2/3 + B3τ + B4 τ 4/3)

Figure 2. Deviations (Δρ/ρ = (ρcorr−ρexp)/ρexp) in compressed liquid density ρ between values calculated using eq 3 (ρcorr) and the experimental data (ρexp) of Figure 1 and Table 4. ●, 283.15 K; ○, 293.15 K; ▼, 303.15 K; Δ, 313.15 K; ■, 323.15 K; □, 333.15 K; ▲, 343.15 K; ∇, 353.15 K; +, 363.15 K..


with the constants provided in Table 5. Table 5. Constants for Equation 2 B1








3.5. Tait Correlation for Compressed Liquid Density. The 94 compressed liquid density data were used to develop the Tait correlation25 provided below in eqs 3 and 4. ⎡ ⎛ β + P ⎞⎤ ρ−1 = ρs−1⎢1 − C ln⎜ ⎟⎥ ⎢⎣ ⎝ β + Ps ⎠⎥⎦


β = Pc( −1 + aτ1/3 + bτ 2/3 + dτ + eτ 4/3)


Figure 3. Pressure P, specific volume v, and temperature T data in the vapor phase for R1233zd(E). Data also provided in Table 7. ●, v = 0.110 m3·kg−1; ○, v = 0.068 m3·kg−1; ▼, v = 0.051 m3·kg−1; Δ, v = 0.046 m3·kg−1; ■, v = 0.042 m3·kg−1; □, v = 0.035 m3·kg−1; ▲, v = 0.030 m3·kg−1; , Mondejar et al.24

where ρs is provided in eq 2, the coefficient β is provided in eq 3, and the constants for eqs 3 and 4 are provided in Table 6.

3.7. Martin-Hou Equation of State for Vapor Phase PvT Data. The 60 vapor phase PvT data were used to develop the Martin-Hou (M−H) equation of state (EoS)27 provided below in eq 5

Table 6. Constants for Equations 3 and 4 C











Note: Equationss 2−4 were developed using nonlinear curve fitting capabilities in SigmaPlot 11.0.26 Figure 2 shows the deviations (Δρ/ρ = (ρcorr − ρexp)/ρexp) between eq 3 (ρcorr) and the experimental data (ρexp). The deviations vary from −0.171 to 0.057 % and the AAD% is n 1 |ρexp − ρcorr | n ρcorr

0.027, where AAD% = ∑1

A + B3T + C3e−5.475T / Tc A + B2 T + C2e−5.475T / Tc RT + 2 + 3 2 v−b (v − b) (v − b)3 A4 B5T + + (v − b)4 (5) (v − b)5

where the constants are provided in Table 8, and P is in kPa, v is in m3·kg−1, and T is in K. Again, eq 5 was developed using nonlinear curve fitting capabilities in SigmaPlot 11.0.26 Figure 4 shows the deviations (ΔP/P = (Pcorr − Pexp)/Pexp) between eq 5 (Pcorr) and the experimental data (Pexp). The deviations vary from −0.273 to 0.272 % and the AAD% is 0.099

× 100.

3.6. Vapor Phase PvT Data. Figure 3 and Table 7 provide the 60 vapor phase PvT data for R1233zd(E) measured along seven isochores 0.111, 0.068, 0.051, 0.046, 0.042, 0.035, 0.030 m3·kg−1 for temperatures from 308.15 to 373.15 K for pressures approximately from 167 to 693 kPa.

n 1 |Pexp − Pcorr| n Pcorr

where AAD% = ∑1

× 100.

3.8. Comparisons with Literature Data. The literature contains three data sets of compressed liquid density,24,28,29 two D

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00841 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Table 7. Pressure P, Specific Volume v, and Temperature T Measurements in the Vapor Phase for R1233zd(E) Where Relative Deviations e = 100·ΔP/P = (Pcorr − Pexp)/Pexp of the Values Calculated (Pcorr) from Equation 5 (M−H) from the Experimental Values (Pexp)a T/K








308.15 313.15 318.15 323.15 328.15 333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15 358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

167 170 174 177 180 183 186 189 192 195 198 202 205 208

0.1100 0.1101 0.1101 0.1101 0.1101 0.1101 0.1102 0.1102 0.1102 0.1102 0.1103 0.1103 0.1103 0.1103

0.062 −0.040 −0.042 −0.023 0.059 0.043 0.037 0.021 0.032 0.032 0.031 −0.042 −0.026 −0.028

338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15 358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

415 423 431 439 447 455 463 470

0.0461 0.0461 0.0462 0.0462 0.0462 0.0462 0.0462 0.0462

−0.129 −0.133 −0.100 −0.084 −0.053 −0.068 −0.044 −0.009

323.15 328.15 333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15 358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

274 280 285 290 296 301 306 311 316 321 326

0.0684 0.0684 0.0684 0.0685 0.0685 0.0685 0.0685 0.0685 0.0685 0.0685 0.0686

0.103 0.008 0.013 0.031 0.043 0.035 0.056 0.081 0.088 0.060 0.057

343.15 348.15 353.15 358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

458 468 477 486 494 503 512

0.0419 0.0419 0.0420 0.0420 0.0420 0.0420 0.0420

0.196 0.180 0.161 0.163 0.165 0.139 0.165

348.15 353.15 358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

550 562 573 584 594 605

0.0349 0.0349 0.0349 0.0349 0.0349 0.0349

−0.155 −0.247 −0.249 −0.242 −0.182 −0.195

333.15 338.15 343.15 348.15 353.15 358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

372 380 387 394 401 409 416 423 430

0.0508 0.0509 0.0509 0.0509 0.0509 0.0509 0.0509 0.0509 0.0509

0.294 0.147 0.149 0.151 0.157 0.109 0.129 0.141 0.156

353.15 358.15 363.15 368.15 373.15

639 654 667 680 693

0.0297 0.0297 0.0297 0.0298 0.0298

0.308 0.101 0.063 0.068 0.063


Expanded uncertainties in temperature T, pressure P, and specific volume v with 95% level of confidence are U(T) = 0.03 K, U(P) = 1 kPa, and U(v) = 0.00013 m3·kg−1, respectively.

Table 8. Constants for Equation 5 Tc (K)

R (kJ·kg−1·K−1)

439.6 A3 (kJ·m6·kg−3) 2.115086 × 10−4


b (m3·kg−1)

3.770155 × 10 B3 (kJ·m6·kg−3·K−1)

A2 (kJ·m3·kg−2) −4

−2.260779 × 10−7


−7.986801 × 10 C3 (kJ·m6·kg−3) 5.471514 × 10−3

data sets of vapor phase PvT,24,29 and one data set of saturated liquid density.30 The data set of Mondejar et al.24 includes 106 compressed liquid density data over the temperature range from 215 to 444 K with 63 of them being over the temperature range from 270 to 390 K, that is, the range of validity of the Tait correlation. The deviations vary from −0.116 to 0.056 % n 1 |Pexp − Pcorr| n Pcorr

and the AAD% is 0.043, where AAD% = ∑1

B2 (kJ·m3·kg−2·K−1) 1.591347 × 10 A4 (kJ·m9·kg−4) −1.054784 × 10−7


C2 (kJ·m3·kg−2) −3.330228 B5 (kJ·m12·kg−5·K−1) 7.534237 × 10−14

over the range of validity of the Tait correlation. The deviations vary from −0.131 to 0.014 % and the ADD% is 0.050. The data of Tanaka29 includes 67 compressed liquid data though only 14 of them are in the range of validity of the Tait correlation, that is, the majority of them are in the near-critical point region. The deviations over the range of validity vary from −0.486 to −0.364 % and the AAD% is 0.421. Note that the AAD% is 0.516 if the 26 data for Tr ≤ 0.96 are considered. Figure 5 shows comparisons of the three literature data sets to the Tait correlation over its range of validity. The data set of Mondejar et al.24 includes 43 vapor phase data for pressures up to 2 MPa for temperatures from 350 to

× 100.

Note that the AAD% is 0.174 if the 100 data for Tr ≤ 0.96 are considered. The other six data are too close to, or above, the critical temperature, where the Tait equation is no longer valid. The data of Romeo et al.28 includes 30 compressed liquid data E

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00841 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


Figure 7. Deviations (Δρs/ρs = (ρs,corr − ρs,exp)/ρs,exp) between saturated liquid density ρs values calculated using eq 2 (ρs,corr) and the experimental data (ρs,exp) of ●, Hulse et al.30

Figure 4. Deviations (ΔP/P = (Pcorr − Pexp)/Pexp) between pressure P values calculated using eq 5 (Pcorr) and the experimental data (ρexp) of Figure 3 and Table 7. ●, v = 0.110 m3·kg−1; ○, v = 0.068 m3·kg−1; ▼, v = 0.051 m3·kg−1; Δ, v = 0.046 m3·kg−1; ■, v = 0.042 m3·kg−1; □, v = 0.035 m3·kg−1; ▲, v = 0.030 m3·kg−1.

Figure 5. Deviations (Δρ/ρ = (ρcorr − ρexp)/ρexp) between compressed liquid density ρ values calculated using eq 3 (ρcorr) and the experimental data (ρexp) of ●, Mondejar et al.;24 ○, Romeo et al.;28 □, Tanaka.29

Figure 8. Comparison of compressed liquid densities Expanded uncertainties in temperature T, pressure P, and compressed liquid density ρ between measured data for R1233zd(E) and modeled values for R1234yf,23 R1234ze(E),23 R1234ze(Z),23 and R1225ye(Z)13,14 for an isotherm of 283.15 K. ●, R1233zd(E); , R1234yf; ---, R1234ze(E);  (bold), R1234ze(Z); --, R1225ye(Z).

Figure 6. Deviations (ΔP/P = (Pcorr − Pexp)/Pexp) between pressure P values calculated using eq 5 (Pcorr) and the experimental data (ρexp) of Mondejar et al.24 for P ≤ 1 MPa.

440 K with 30 of them being for pressures less than 1 MPa, that is, the pressure range of validity for the M−H EoS. Figure 6 shows a comparison of the literature data to the M-H EoS over its range of validity. The deviations vary from −0.075 to 0.168 % and the AAD% is 0.094. Note that the AAD% is 0.228 if all data are considered with the deviations varying from −0.075 to 1.262 %; however, 79% of all the data have absolute deviations less than 0.200%. The data set of Tanaka29 includes 33 vapor phase data with all of them being in the near-critical point region and thus outside the range of validity of the M−H EoS. Hulse et al.30 report 13 saturated liquid density data for saturation temperatures from 243 to 293 K. Figure 7 shows a comparison of the data of Hulse et al.30 to the saturated liquid density correlation provided in eq 2. The deviations vary from −0.144 to 0.212 % and the AAD% is 0.072. 3.9. Comparison with Other Hydrofluoroolefins (HFOs). In order to provide a visual sense to the reader of R1233zd(E) compared to other well-characterized halogenated unsaturated working fluids possessing low GWP values, Figures 8 and 9 show comparisons of measured data for R1233zd(E) with F

DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00841 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


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Figure 9. Comparison of vapor phase pressure P, specific volume v, and temperature T between measured data for R1233zd(E) and modeled values for R1234yf,23 R1234ze(E),23 R1234ze(Z),23 and R1225ye(Z)13,14 for an isochore of 0.068 m3·kg−1. ▼, R1223zd(E); , R1234yf; ---, R1234ze(E);  (bold), R1234ze(Z); --, R1225ye(Z).

modeled behavior for R1234yf,23 R1234ze(E),23 R1234ze(Z),23 and R1225ye(Z).13,14 In particular, Figure 8 shows comparisons for compressed liquid density values for an isotherm of 283.15 K and Figure 9 shows comparisons for vapor phase PvT values for an isochore of 0.068 m3·kg−1.

CONCLUSIONS This paper presents for trans-1-chloro-3,3,3-trifluoroprop-1-ene [R1233zd(E)] 94 compressed liquid density data along 9 isotherms in increments of 10 K from 283.15 to 363.15 K for pressures from near saturation to 35 MPa. The compressed liquid data were fitted with a Tait equation. The deviations (Δρ/ρ = (ρcorr − ρexp)/ρexp) between eq 3 (ρcorr) and the experimental data (ρexp) vary from −0.171 to 0.057 % with an AAD% of 0.027. In addition, the compressed liquid density data were extrapolated to saturation conditions to estimate saturated liquid densities. This paper also presents 60 vapor phase PvT data for R1233zd(E) measured along 7 isochores 0.111, 0.068, 0.051, 0.046, 0.042, 0.035, 0.030 m3·kg−1 for temperatures from 308.15 to 373.15 K for pressures approximately from 167 to 693 kPa. The vapor phase PvT data were fitted to a Martin−Hou equation of state. The deviations (ΔP/P = (Pcorr − Pexp)/Pexp) between eq 5 (Pcorr) and the experimental data (Pexp) vary from −0.273 to 0.272 % with an AAD% of 0.099.


Corresponding Author

*Tel. +001 202 3194738. Fax +001 202 3194499. E-mail: [email protected]. ORCID

J. Steven Brown: 0000-0003-4914-7778 Notes

The authors declare no competing financial interest.

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ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors thank Central Glass Ltd. for donating the sample. REFERENCES

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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00841 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX

Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data


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DOI: 10.1021/acs.jced.7b00841 J. Chem. Eng. Data XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX