Computer programs for calculating equivalent ... - ACS Publications

Lists several computer programs available for calculating equivalent conductivity and dissociation constants. Keywords (Audience):. Second-Year ...
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Computer Programs for Calculating Equivalent Conductivity and Dissociation Constants A number of computer programs have been developed by the author for calcule.ting equivalent conductivibies and both classical and thermodynamic dissociation constants from experimental data. The Elliot 4120 wibh 16,384 words of store was available, and Algol was used to construct the programs. The following tnble shows the type of program available. Further information concerning these programs is available from the author. Program label


Ex@erimentaldsta needed

Dissociation constant of weak monobasic acid IM,ermination of classical dissociation comtant and equivalent canductivity using Debye-Hiickel-Onsager equations As CBEXd2

lyte using ~alkerhagen'sequation ' As CBEX44 Determinstion of Equivalent conductivity using Falkenhagen's mad~ficstionof the Debye-Hiickel equation Eauivnlent conductivity of uni-univalent electrolyte using Pitts' equation



cell eomtant

no = equivdent conductivity at infinite dilution




n = viscosity

A = equivalent conductance

A , B, B,, &




Onsager Constants

Journcll o f Chemical Educofion

T = absolute temoereture: t = temoerature "C. =

dielectric constant

p = mobility function

a = ionic diameter parameter