Computer Programs for Gas Laws and Stoichiometry Drills

The following programs in Basic are available as print-out listings or on punched paper tape in ASCII from the author cited below. Although of wide ap...
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Computer Programs for Gas Laws and Stoichiometry Drills The following programs in Basic are available as print-out listings or on punched paper tape in ASCII from the author cited below. Although of wide applicability, they would be most useful for those having ASR interactive terminals.

GASI: This program contains 14 questions pertaining to the ideal gas laws and Avogadro's Principle. A sub-mutine containing random-number generators assures that different numerical values occur in the questions each time the program is executed. Data from speed-limit violators and the Soviet space-probe Venera are used. Slide-mle accuracy is accepted. STOIClr This program contains 10 problems dealing with the mole concept and stoiehiometric relations among elements and eompounds in balanced equations. A sub-routine containing random number generators assures that not only different numerical values occur each time the program is executed, hut also different eompounds hecome the subject matter of the questions. Slide-rule accuracy is accepted and the clock time is printed a t the beginning and end of program execution. S T O I C 2 This program contains 11problems of higher complexity than STOICI. The concepts of oaidation/reduction, equivalent weight, electron change and the agreement between balanced equations and experimental fact. The sub-routine described in STOIC1 is invoked here t o assure that numerical values, molecular species, and equations are not repeated each time the program is executed. Slide-rule accuracy is accepted and elapsed time for program execution is printed. Macon Junior College

Macon, Georgia 51206



Journal of Chemical Education

David F. Dever