Computer system for individual homework. Keycard assembly, grading

Apr 1, 1971 - Select a CAS section from the 5 main topical divisions below: ... Computer system for individual homework. ... The author describes a sy...
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N. Doyal Yaney Purdue University Calumet campus Harnrnond, Indiana 46323

Computer System for Individual Homework Keycard assembly, grading, and grade summation

A s implied in the title, thissystemof programs begins with the printing of custom individualized homework assignments. Subsequent programs introduce the student to utilizing the computer to solve the homework and allow the student to verify the results before entering them on cards for grading. Several grading options are available which allow the comparison of alphabetic and numeric results with key answers. Finally, the graded results are automatically punched into cards for record keeping and summation of grades a t any time during the term of study. The programs constituting this system have been written in Fortran. Version I1 was used so the programs could be utilized a t older installations as well as those equipped with Fortran IV compilers. The preliminary programs were written for the IBM 360 Model 20 with 8 k memory in RPG, the report program generator language, and subsequently modified and expanded in Fortran 11. In addition to access to a computer, it is necessary to have a keypunch, and if mark-sense cards are used, a mark-sensing punch in a reproducer or other mark-sense reader. An interpreter, sorter, and collator are also desirable. Many of the operations may also be performed on an IBM 407 maehine by proper wiring of panel boards. For student responses, several types of mark sense cards have been used as well as Portapunch cards which do, not require mark-sense reading. Among these are the Tenn. Tech. cards, IBM 1166887, with 27 mark-sense columns, and IBM 883795 which also has 27 mark-sense columns. I have also printed a 54column mark-sense card utilizing both sides of the card. Using binary column division, it is theoretically possible to encode 108 multiple choice answers per single mark sense card. Utilizing 50 full columns gives us full alphabetic and numeric capability so that an instructor is not limited to a fixed number of multiple choices, but in fact may write questions without giving numeric or even, for that matter, alphabetic abbreviation or word choices. Printed copies of each source program, or eard decks of either a source or object program, or a detailed description of the programs may be obtained upon receipt of a $1 handling charge plus postage. Custom Homework Assembly. The program allows the preparation of custom tailored homework for each student, assigned in a random manner from a library of questions and the simultaneous punching of the appropriate answers in a eard bearing the identification of the student and his assignment for subsequent maehine grading of answers. Any number of questions may be contained in the pool or library, with answer lengths variable from 1 to 9 alphabetic and/or numeric char276

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acters each. The homework consists of several questions until the total number of answer positions exceeds a predetermined value based on the capacity of the answer card, i.e., 27 positions for one side of a marksense eard, 40 positions for a Portapuneh card, or 50 positions if both sides of the card are used for mark sensing. Student Calculations. This program allows students to use mark-sense cards to obtain computer solutions to homework by entering numerical values to be multiplied and divided. Four numerators alternate with three denominators totaling 27 digits, the capacity of one mark-sense card. The denominators are each 4 digits as are two of the numerators. The other numerators are 5 digits and 2 digits, respectively. All are integral values with decimals assumed to be a t the right end of the numbers. The answers are printed as 15 digit numbers with the decimal positioned 5 places from the right. Percentage Grading of Numeric Results. This program allows proportional credit for answers to homework, quizzes, experimental lab results, and can be adapted to averaging and partial weighting of grades, etc. Custom Grading of 50 Single Character Answers per Card, Unique/Student. This program compares and counts the number of correct answers in a student answer card versus an individualized keycard for each student. I t has alphabetic and numeric capability and can be used to grade the custom homework results as produced in programs above. It can be used for multiple choice questions or table matching, ete., using letters or numbers or both. Individualized tests may be made by using additional cards for answers in excess of 50, or 40 for Portapuneh. The range is unlimited as any number of sets may be graded separately or collated for tests of up to 3 cards per test. The scope of possibilities is revealed by an example from qualitative analyses. Cation and anion symbols may be punched into keycards which can be used both for printing unknown assignment rosters and for grading answer cards prepared by students upon completion. Grading of 50 or Less Single Character Answers per Card. This program compares and counts the number of correct matches in each student's card versus a single keyeard per group of students. It surpasses conventional multiple choice tests; it allows writing chemical formulas. There is no limit on the number of cards. Set one might be graded while students answered set two or three. Alternatively, students seated adjacent to each other may be given d i e r e n t sets of the same test initially, turning in each card

before working on the next and thus be discouraged from copying from a neighbor. Grade Summation from Punched Curds. This program reads scores punched into cards bearing student ID numbers and optionally, name, course, etc., and sums them for each student, counting the number of scores, and averaging the scores. The printed report itemizes each score, the number of scores, average, and total points accumulated. Summary cards are punched for each student containing identification, and all the totals, averages, and number of scores as printed. At the end of a group the number of students and the group average and standard deviation is printed. Chromatographic Peaks Analysis of Area for Percent Cmposition. This program is intended to introduce

students to the applications of computers for data analysis. Students measure the base widths and halfheights of chromatographic pe&s obtained experimentally for entry on mark-sense or Portapunch cards "10% with response factors for each component. Conversion of Portapunch to Regular Format Cards. This program transfers the numbered machine punched positions (cc 1,3,5,thru cc 61) of Portapunch cards into the contiguous columns 1thru 30 of a regular punch card and also transfers the even-numbered handpunched positions (of cc 2, 4, 6, etc, thru cc into the card columns of the same regular card from oolumn31thru80, I wish to thank the E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co., Inc. for partial support of this work through the ChemicalEducationDivision, A.C.S.

Volume 48, Number 4, April 1971
