Computer test construction - Journal of Chemical Education (ACS

The authors share the strategies of generating exams using a computer. Keywords (Audience):. General Public. Keywords (Pedagogy):. Computer-Based Lear...
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Computer Test Construction Since 1972the Chemistry Department a t Middle Georgia College has been using an interactive computer to supplement its traditional curricula. Middle Georgia College is one of 32 institutions whieh make up the University System of Georgia. A central site known as the Office of Computing Activities (OCAI operates a CDC CYBER 70, Model 74 computer and other hardware which are accessible in batch or interactive modes by 33 institutions which comprise the University System Computer Network (USCN). In the fall of 1976the OCA announced the availabilitv of a eomouter assisted test construction svstem (TCS) that would

Typical of the eighteen subject areas represented are chemistry, accounting, astronomy, biology, business, data processing, economics, history, marketing, mathematics, physics, and psychology. There are four inderine fields associated with each test item. These are: content category (what subieet, ex.. chemistry. and whor arraof rhnt sut+cr, e.g., rherm~.dynamic~,, rognlrgt e 1ut.d tremll, npplicatim. ~ntprprrlation,prohlem sul\,ingl. i l r m f ) p (true-false, ~ multiple-choice, short answer, wsay,, nnd d,/jdrulr) I r : e ~ c d i ymcdrratclv , dift~culr,aiiiicultl. The TCS s r r v m a l s o provides n computer pnlprsm fur test *coring and a n a l y h vln optical smnners and itar~sflrnl packages. The statistical package prepares an %page report whieh includes about twenty types of analyses (mean, standard deviation, reliability, standard error of measurement, summary graphs, range of scores, percentage of responses to each choice, difficulty index, discrimination index, T-scores,raw scores, percentiles, etc.). The statistical package defines all terms used in the analysis and explains how each analysis should be interpreted. Dr. John Edwards of the Division of Education and Technical Support of the USCN has offered ta cooperate with anyone interested bv sharine our material (files and software) and nrovidine technical advice. His address is: Office of Comvutine time, postage and handling. Abstracted from a paper presented a t the 1977 Two-Year College Chemistry Conference, New Orleans, Louisiana. The full paper is available by request. Middle Georgia College Cochran, 31014

Ronald A. DeLorenzo

Volume 55, Number 6, June 1978 / 377