Theodore J. Williams. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1970, 62 (2), pp 28–40. DOI: 10.1021/ie50722a007. Publication Date: February 1970. Cite this:Ind. Eng. Chem...
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Evolution continues in this fast moving technology

Comput Process s one of the newest but fastest moving technologies of this A remarkable age, the computer and process control field has always shown a strong and steady rate of development from year

to year as previous versions of this Review have shown. However, it must be said a t the same time that this development has generally been in the nature of an evolution rather than a revolution. No spectacular new developments have appeared on the horizon for some years now and none are immediately in sight. This year has again been no exception. Important items to be noted this year have been the rapid acceptance of the minicomputer, the beginnings of a major effort in the standardization of process control software, a continued rapid growth of computer control applications in all types of industries, and a slow but steady rate of progress in automatic control theory. This latter is now apparently concentrated in the process identification and dynamic optimization fields. I n the computer peripherals area, the cathode ray tube (CRT) has begun to assume the proportions of a major man-machine communications tool with the appearance of a group of very capable but low cost CRT consoles. The Minicomputer

T h e so-called “minicomputer” mentioned in last year’s Review

[IND.END.CHEM., 61, (l), 76-89 (1969)l has continued to be by far the most popular topic for discussion a n d indeed application in the on-line computer use field during the past year. Models of these computers have continued to proliferate until a recent issue of a popular automatic control trade journal carried advertisements from 28 separate companies in that one issue alone. These machines, because of their advertised low-cost and the major publicity accorded them along with their acknowledged highcapability, have brought the concept of computer-based automation to many areas and uses undreamed of only two or three years ago. The rapidity and breadth of the spread of these applications have astonished even those engaged in promoting the field. No letup in this growth is yet in sight. T h e very nature of the sales effort carried out on these machines and the concepts of their use which have popularized them have brought problems, however. This latter relates to difficulty of their programming. I n order to achieve the low costs desiredi.e., minimum core configurations-no mass memory, and only minimal input-output equipments are mandatory. This relegates the programmer in most cases to the use of the teletypewriter and/or punched tape input and the use of a n assembler type of programming a t best. Two methods have been used by manufacturers a n d users to help circumvent these limitations. T h e first of these comprises the use of a so-called “emulator.” This is a program which permits a larger computer to act programwise exactly like the small minicomputer--i.e., it permits it to accept instructions written specifically for the small machine and from these produce a n output code which will run on the small machine. A very important example of this is the use of such a n emulator for the most popular model of the minicomputer on one of the nationwide time-shared 28


systems of large computers. Thus, any customer of this service has the possibility to use this method for programming his own small computer. A second method of approach, adopted by other manufacturers, involves the use of extra memory but in the form of a less expensive, read-only core memory. The program for the FORTRAN or BASIC compiler or such other programming aids as are to be used are coded into the extra memory by the manufacturer and are unalterable by the user. With this facility available, the user now codes his program in the relatively simple compiler format rather than the more complex and cxtensive assembler code. The computer then operates on this compiler-type program in the interpretive mode--that is, it recompiles the program code line by code line every time the program is run. This results in a major increase in program execution time for the small computer along with a considerable lowering of the efficiency of operation of the machine. This is usually not critical, however, because these machines are often not taxed to their full capacity by the jobs to which they are applied. I n addition, this second method of programming has the very important advantage that the lineby-line type program can be very easily changed or corrected should the need arise. This is especially so in the case where a n inexpensive card reader can be added to the system and the program is punched into regular computer cards. Then changing a line of code involves altering and substituting one card in the deck. Where one or the other of the programming aids mentioned above is not being used, there is a serious danger of users making the same misjudgments that were often made with the larger machines during the early history of the computer control field. At that time, there was major dissatisfaction with many computer control projects due to the fact that the user’s evaluation teams grossly misjudged the programming effort required to complete the project or the hardware and memory requirements to satisfy its needs. As a result most projects were very late in coming on line and in addition usually accomplished far less than had originally been desired by management. Hopefully, this lesson is now well-known by vendor and user alike. Software Standardization

I n our previous Review, we also mentioned the desirability of the standardization of the programming methods to be used in connection with control computers. Since the time of that writing some very great strides have been made in this direction. A group known as the Workshop for the Standardization of Industrial Computer Languages has been formed by representatives of most of the vendors (both the computer manufacturers and the process control systems houses) as well as a very large proportion of the major users ( a total of 57 companies and 91 individuals). I t has now held two separate meetings, each a week long and has made major progress in its work [see Contr. Eng., 16, (7), 77-81 (July 1969)]. While this work has appeared too late to be included under the regular period of time covered by this Review and thus to be included in the Bibliography, it is our desire to report it here because of its very great importance to the field and



Subject Automatic Patching in Analog Computers Communication System Considerations Computer Circuit Noise Prevention Computer Generated Speech Techniques Computers for Circuit Testing Description of Large Computer Systems Design of Peripheral Equipment Economics of Large Size Computers Fourth Generation Predictions High Speed Computer Techniques Integrated Circuit Uses Logical Design Memory System Design Considerations

THEODORE J. WILLIAMS the speed a t which this effort has progressed to date, and prior to the next reporting period of this Review. Workshop members have approved a proposal for the specifications for a series of extensions to USASI Standard FORTRAN (X3.9-1966) in the form of subroutine calls. If approved and implemented later by the vendor companies themselves these calls will permit almost all process control functions to be carried out on any process control computer with the same program. Not only will it free the user from dependence upon one particular vendor’s specific product and greatly reduce his programming workload but it will, a t the same time and more importantly, make it possible for the vendor to develop a new computer system without the tremendous personnel and economic burden of completely reproducing his former software offerings or an equivalent set for the new machine. Extensions approved include subroutines for activating, delaying, and terminating an active program; provisions for the calling of subroutines for analog and digital inputs and outputs; and an extensive set of procedures to establish and handle files of data in memory. Because of their concern that all proposed extensions should be easy to implement, the group made no proposals concerning the handling of computer priority interrupts. Even though this latter is one of the most important of the functions of a process computer, it is handled in a number of different ways by the different manufacturers. Thus, any proposed method would cause severe hardship to some manufacturers while being very easy for others. Second, the workshop outlined a proposal for completing the definition of a common problem-oriented language. This language is being planned to include the major benefits of the presently existing problem-oriented typelanguagessuch as IBM’s PROSPRO and GE’s BICEPS, CDC’s AUTRAN, and a host of others already available or in final preparation stages by the several vendors. I t should be able to accept information concerning the process in the form of tables of analog and digital inputs and outputs, process block diagrams including the proposed control calculations, or logic flowcharts to express the combinational and sequential logical relationships during both normal and emergency process conditions or combinations of these. I t must be used and documented in three forms: a longhand form for the programmer, a shorthand form to be filled in by the process or instrument engineer to specify a system, and a publication form for describing its operation in the literature. The workshop has also begun the development of the functional requirements for the ultimate form of a procedural or compiler type language for process control in the future. I t is expected that this latter work will be completed by early next year. Also under study are the features which should be associated with data communications, with the kinds of data to be handled, and the support to be given for run-time software packages. Less glamourous but equally important for the ultimate success of standardization is the fact that this group has approved a preliminary version of a glossary for industrial computer programming. I t is expected that each of the proposals mentioned above will be finally approved at a third meeting of the Workshop now scheduled for the first week of March 1970.

Military and Space Computer Systems Minicomputers Optical Character Recognition Optical Memory Techniques Reliability and Maintenance Time-sharing USASCII Code


References 30A, 32A, 56A 37A, 52A, 54A 17A 16A, 5QA 55A 6A, 41A 7QA,26A 13A 27A,28A,50A,60A,61A 25A 7A, ZA, 14A, 24A, 3QA, 4QA,57A 3SA QA, 72A, 20A-22A, ZQA, 43A, 53A, 5SA 3A, 70A, 40A 15A,33A-35A,45A 46A 7A 4A, 5A, 3A, 78A, 37A, 43A, 51A 2 3 A , 3 6 A , 4 2 A , 4 4 A , 47A, 6ZA, 63A 11A




Algebras BASIC Compilers for Hybrid Computers COBOL FORTRAN ILLIAC IV Software Instruction Streams Operating Systems Process Control Software PL/l Program Testing Programming, General Software Packages Syntax and Grammars Translation

6B 32B 16E 20B lQB, 21B-24B 278 2QB QB, 17B, 38B 4B, 1ZB, 25E, 3 0 8 , 37B, 3 3 8 , 34B 3B, 138, 36B 14E 3E, 7B, 26B, 2 8 8 ZB, 5 8 , IOB, 7 l B , 78B 7B, 15B, 3 5 8 , 3QB 37B

TABLE I I I. COMPUTER CONTROL AND RELATED TOPICS Subject Batch Reactor Systems Chemical Plant Control Computer Control, General Control System Techniques DDA’s as Process Control Computers Direct Digital Control Fossil and Nuclear Power System Con. trol Hierarchy Systems Management in Computer Control Minicomputers for Process Control Paper Mill Control Petroleum Refinery Applications Pipeline and Terminal Operation Product Testing Production Control Related Analog Instrumentation Software for Process Control Traffic Control

References QC, 25C 77c, 7 7 c , 2QC IC, 2C, 3C, 2OC, 26C, 28C, 3IC, 34C, 42C 5C, 27C 23C 22C, 43C, 51C, 53C, 54C 72C, 33C, 35C, 3QC, 50C 37c, 44c, 4 7 c 52C 41C, 4SC 4C, 32C 7C, 8C, 13C, 45C 75C, ISC, 7QC,.30C, 36C, 40€, 4QC 6C 16C, 21C lOC, 46C 38C 14C, 24C

AUTHOR Theodore J . W(1Iiams is Professor of Engineering and Director of the Purdue Laboratory for Afiplied Industrial Control, Purdue University, Lafayette, Ind.

VOL. 6 2









Automated Drafting Chemical Reactor Design Compressor and Compressibility Computer Aided Design-General Condenser and Cooler Design Control Systems Design Distillation and Extraction Design Fluid Flow Linear Programming Logic Design by Computer Mathematical Techniques Optimization Techniques Process Flowsheet Simulation Program Flow Chart Generation Project Network Analysis Spectral Analysis

200, 390,400 6D, 2 8 0 , 4 0 0 , 4 7 0 310, 430 1 0 , 50, 80, 1 1 0 , 1 7 0 , 2 5 0 , 2 6 0 4 0 , 240 QD,3 2 0 3 0 , 700, 1 3 0 , 2 1 0 , 2 3 0 , 2 9 0 , 4 6 0 160, 3 0 0 380 360, 440,450 150, 1 S 0 , 3 3 0 , 3 7 0 , 4 2 0 , 500 7 0 , 120 270 180, 3 5 0 140, 3 4 0 2 0 , 220, 410,480

TABLE V. ANALOG-DIGITAL CONVERSION, PLANT DATA HANDLING, TELEMETRY, AND RELATED TOPICS Subject Analog to Digital Conversion Data Transmission Techniques Interface System Design Multiplexers Priority Interrupt Systems Sample Scanners Signal Transmission

References 5E, 6E, 7 E , 11E, 17E 4 E 3 18E, 1QE 3E, 8 E 1E 16E 12E ZE,QE, IOE, 13E-15E



Analytical Instrumentation Techniques Automated Testing Communications Design Computer Automated Laboratory Delay Lines Density Electronic Measurements Flame Control Flight Variable Monitoring Flow Measurement and Control Hospital Variable Monitoring Moisture Measurement and Control p H Measurement and Control Pressure Measurement and Control Sampling Temperature Measurement and Control Thermal Conductivity Torque Measurement Turbidity Valve Positioners and Boosters




26F, ZgF, 31F-33F, 42F, 62F 5F, 7F, 72F, 28F, 35F, 46F, 54F, 56F, 5QF 48F 6F, ZOF, 23F, 36F, 41F, 43F, 4QF 3F 17F 4F, 1$F, 16F, 22F, 25F, 40F, 50F 38F, 51F 73F, 24F IF, lgF, 52F, 55F IOF, 11F SF, 58F ZF, 37F, 53F 30F, 44F, 4517 18F 9F, 27F, 34F, 47F, 57F, 61F 6OF 15F 27F 3QF



in A u t o m a t i c C o n t r o l Theory

The most active fields of research with a wide breadth of endeavor will vary their areas of major emphasis with time due to any of several factors, such as a major new development in one particular branch of the field, the availability of funding for investigating one or more specialized problems, or a disappointing lack of progress i n still another area. The field of automatic control has probably undergone as many or more such chanqes in emphasis than any other comparable field of modern research. I n the field of automatic control, we have two excellent means of following these changes. First, the Joint .4utomatic Control Conference (JACC) has been held each year since 1960 by the American Automatic Control Council. Annually, the approximately 100 papers selected for presentation a t the conference have been published in a volume of preprints. I t is the collection of these volumes of preprints for those individuals or organizations fortunate enough to have them which provide evidence of the history mentioned above. Unfortunately, one of the principles of organization of the Conference requires that the “Volume of Preprints” should be just that-a set of preprints. They should not be classified as a publication and thus reproduced in sufficient quantity for general sale to nonattendees of the Conference. The papers from the Conference are, therefore, not listed in this Review but instead are recorded only after they appear in one of the technical journals of the Societies which make up the Council. Thus, those who do not have the opportunity of studying the JACC preprints may be a b k to follow the trends mentioned above through reviews such as this and those in other similar journals. Unfortunately, these reviews are delayed by one to two years because of the time required to achieve publication of the original papers and then of the Review itself. The second way of reviewing the changes in emphasis of research i n the automatic control field is through the Proceedings of the Triennial Congresses of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC). I n relation to the JACC, the Congresses suffer the disadvantages that they take place only once every three years and that final publication of the Proceedings is usually delayed for two years or more after each Congress. O n the other hand, they usually each include over 300 papers prepared by researchers from all over the world and thus give a reading for the whole world instead of for just the United States. Study of these as a group shows the continuing popularization of the field of optimal control, particularly the area of dynamic optimization as expressed by Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle and/or the techniques of Dynamic Programming, particularly the former. Beginning in the early 1960’s, interest in this ficld has continued until the present day. This work was fostered strongly by the obvious needs of the space program for these availability of funds for their development, of making contributions in a new area of applied mathematics. As we have mentioned previously i n these reviews, all specialists in this area have looked for practical applications of the resulting procedures in various areas of the civilian economy. Unfortunately, the vast majority of potential application areas investigated has proved to be technically possible but economically and computationally impractical because of the vast amount of computer time necessary for their solution. We all have high hopes for the eventual development of some type of shorthand technique for these computations but so far, except for some specialized cases, nothing has developed. In the middle sixties, there were a large number of papers prepared on the subject of learning control systems, that is, those systems where a computer was to sample the process and use the resulting data to develop the form and magnitudes of a mathematical model which would determine the control of the process before any serious’excursion of its variables had occurred. Recently, discussion of these complete systems has practically ceased and instead we find concentration being placed on a much simpler but much more practical and important topic, that of system identification-i.e., the determination and tracking of the coefficients of a prespecified form of the mathematical model of a process. This is due to a realization that the computational capabilities required to carry out a full learning system study were

TABLE V I I . PROCESS LOOP COMPONENTS AND INSTRUMENTATION HARDWARE Subject Accelerometer Survey Analog Computing Elements Analog Controllers Bridge Network Uses Chromatographs Digital Voltmeters Electric Motor Applications Electrical Conductivity Electrolytic Capacitors Flexible Membranes Flow Measurement and Control Elements Fluidic Applications Graphical Recording Integrated Circuit Applications Level Measurement Logic Elements Moisture Measuring Elements Operational Amplifiers Optical Based Sensors Panel Board Design Position Measurement Potentiometers Power Control Elements Pressure Measurement and Control Program Timers Radiation Gauges Recorders Relays Shift Register Bibliography Temperature and Energy Measurement and Control Valves Vibratory Feeders Viscometer

References 5G 31G, 61G, 6ZG, 74G, 81G, 103G 64G, 106G 25G, 66G, 79G, 94G 59G 1 1G, 704G 47G-43G, 46G, 50G, 73G 30G 80G 75G 7G, 2ZG, 34G, 35G, 47G, 49G, 56G, 58G, 68G, 70G, 82G, 86G, 91G, 1OOG 26G, 28G, 36G, 51G, 53G, 54G, 71G, 72G, 89G, W G , 107G 07G 30G, 52G, 63G 40G, 99G IOG, 23G, 29G, 87G 95G 6G, 37G 2G, 27G 20G, 76G, 83G 44G, 78G 1G 32G, 60G 18G, 38G, 45G, 48G, 55G, 77G, 85G, 96G, 1O2G 88G 3G 8G, 24G 4G, 105G 84G 12G, 33G, 65G, 67G, 69G, 93G, 98G 13G-17G, 19G, 21G, 9OG 57G SG

not available and would not be anytime in the immediately foreseeable future. At the same time, it was recognized that the findings obtained from the latter, apparently much less ambitious projects, were a necessary preliminary to the former, while actually being challenging projects in themselves. Again, in contrast to the unsolvable problems posed in the earlier papers, significant results are being obtained here. Of particular importance here will be the application of these techniques to the development of adaptive control systems where the process variable tracking capability mentioned above provides the key to accomplishment of the required control. A necessary requirement to accomplish this desired marriage of adaptive control and identification techniques is a knowledge of the proper mathematical models for the processes involved. We are fortunate that many researchers who formerly concentrated on theoretical and mathematical studies are now turning to the development of models of industrial processes. If there is a new trend developing at present in the automatic control field it is a dramatic increase in the interest of university and other theoretical investigators in industrial, transportation, and similar real life systems instead of the purely general and extremely simple systems previously studied. This trend, if it develops further, is our best hope for an eventual narrowing of the so-calIed “applications-theory gap” which has been a popular editorial topic for several years now. General

We have made no attempt to comment specifically on the papers listed in the Bibliography and categorized in the several Tables, since, as we stated in the Introduction, this year’s progress has apparently been only evolutionary and no strikingly new findings have come to this author’s attention. Instead, we have chosen to comment on the status of the automatic control and computer fields in general, especially their area of intersection-computer based process control. The Tables and Bibliography have been organized this year in the same manner as in previous years. The reader can thus

TABLE V I I I . PROCESS DYNAMICS, PROCESS MATHEMATICAL MODELING, AND SYSTEM IDENTIFICATION Subje6t Chemical Kinetics Classification of Chemical Plant Models Correlation Functions Dynamic Characteristics of Electromechanical Systems Dynamics of Basic Plant Models Electronic Circuit Models of Transfer Functions Fourier Transforms Linear Graph Techniques Models of Analog Controllers Pulse Rate Techniques Sensitivity Analysis of Nonlinear Systems System Identification Methods


References 3 H , 24H 19H 21H 7 H , 8 H , 14H l H , lOH, 73H 11H 9H, 15H, 26H 18H 12H, 16H 4 H , 6 H , 22H 2OH 2 H 2 5 H , 17H, 23H, 25H


Subject Absorption System Simulation Analog Computer Techniques Batch Distillation Simulation Chemical Reactor Simulation Control System Simulation Crystallizer Dynamics Digital Computational Techniques Digital Simulation Languages Distributed Parameter Systems Hybrid Computer Programs Hybrid Interfaces Hybrids for Optimal Control Studies Offshore Pipeline Simulation Power Plant Control System Simulation-General Steam Ship Cargo Operations System Timing Time Delays Warehouse Simulation



Subject Absolute Stability Batch Reactor Predictive Control Controller Tuning Design Methods Digital Controllers General Theory Topics Fouiler Transforms of Impulse Responses Integral Transforms Inverse Z-Transforms Nyquist Plots Root Loci Signal Flow Graphs Stability Considerations Stochastic Approximation Algorithms

References 29J, 31J 1J 24J, 25J l Z J , 1 9 J , ZOJ, 2 8 J , 3 2 J S J , 1OJ, 14J, 3 5 5 2 J - 4 J , SJ. 1 l J , 7 6 J , 3 4 5 17J 36 J 275 5J 6J, 37J 225 7 J , 13J, 15J, 18J, 2 3 J , 2 6 J , 335 2 7 J , 30J

TABLE X I . PROCESS CONTROL THEORY-ADVANCED CONCEPTS APPLICABLE TO PROCESS CONTROL Subject Adaptive Control Automata Controllability Digital Techniques Distributed Parameter Systems Lyapunov Functions Multivariable Systems Nonlinear Systems Popov Criteria Predictive Control Sampled Data Systems Stability Considerations-General Stability of Nonlinear Systems Stochastic Systems Systems Synthesis Turing Machine

References 14K, 27K, 45K, 47K, 49K, 50K 25x7 48K 34K, 60K 2K, 28K 4 K , SK, 21K, 30K, 42K, 61K 3 K , 6K, lOK, 17K, 1SK, 36K, 3 9 4 52K, 5 6 K l K , 7 K , 12K, 37K, 32K, 35K, 43K, 4 4 4 4 6 K , 57K 16K 29K 8K, 23K, 38K, 53K, 54K, 58K 24K, 26K, 40K, 55K I I K , 13K, 15K, 18K, ZOK, 59K 33K, 41K, 51K 5 K , 37.7 22K

VOL. 6 2 NO. 2






TABLE X I I . OPTIMIZATION THEORY AND TECHNIQUES Subject Adaptive Systems Chemical Reactor Optimization Discrete Processes Distillation Column Control Distributed Parameter Systems Dynamic Programming Economic and Business Systems Iterative Techniques Linear Programming Model Order Reduction Modified Maximum Principle Multiprogramming Nuclear Power Plant Optimization Optimization Theory-General Parallel Algorithms Riccati Equation Sampled-Data Systems Sensitivity Analyses Stochastic Control Suboptimal Control Time Delays Time-Optimum Feedback Control Water Storage Reservoirs

References 47L, 57L l L , 8L, IOL, 28L, 43L, 44L, 58L 16L, 37L, 53L 6L 9L, 22L, 23L, 49L, 50L 5L, 14L, 27L, 31L, 51L, 52L 34L, 42L 31L 3L, 40L 20L 3QL 17L 24L 4 L , 7 L , 26L, 30L, 36L, 38L, 41L, 54L, 56L; 59L, 61L, 62L 73L 35L 2L 15L, 18L, 19L, 25L, 55L 60L 1 l L , 21L 12L, 45L, 46L, 48L 29L 33L

TABLE X I I I . INSTRUMENTATION AND CONTROL APPLICATIONS OTHER THAN COMPUTER CONTROL Subject Air and Water Pollution Batch Polymerization Cement Manufacturing Chemical Plant Control Control Systems-General Distillation Column Control Economic Evaluation of Control Systems Furnace Controls Gas Test Facility In-line Blending Materials Handling Paper Stock Consistency Control Power Plant Control System Rocket Test Stand Transportation Systems

References 6 M , 2 2 M , 2 3 M , 29M 17M, 27M 5M I M , 1OM 14M, 2 0 M , 2 6 M , 28M 4 M , 19M, 2 1 M , 31M 12M QM 16M 18M, 30M 2 M , 3 M , 25M 8M l l M , 24M 15M 7 M , 13M

Analog Computer Review Apollo Control Systems Automatic Control Advances Automation-General Computer System Planning and Selection Computers-General Computers in a Small Firm Diagnosis Techniques Dictionaries History Information Retrieval Information Systems Laser Applications Legal Aspects of Software Logic Mathematics Review Obsolescence Personnel Operations Control Pilot Plant Management Process Control Experiments Software Management Standards Systems Engineering Theory of Measurement Time Sharing in Future Urban Traffic Control USASCII Code

Subject Calibration Computer System Maintenance Drying Instrument Air Effect of Computer Systems on Management Magnetic Tape Maintenance Planning Procurement Testing of Computers Reliability and Fail-safe Design






Advanced Techniques Applications Buyer’s Guide Check-Out Systems Descriptions of C R T Systems Design Considerations Display File Compiler Fluidic Systems Man-Machine Interactions Specification of Display Systems

7 0 , 3 0 , 6 0 , 1 1 0 , 160 8 0 , 1 2 0 , 1 5 0 , 1 7 0 , 180 100 90 20, 190,200,210,220 50 250 230 4 0 , 70, 1 3 0 , 240 140

-~ ~

References 14N, 15N, 18N 2 N , 8N 71v 7 N , 12N, 16.V 5 N , 6N 3 N , 4 N , 10N, 17N 19N 9 N , 1 I N , 13N



4P l P , 22P, 67P 46P, 7QP 48P 2P 23P, 69P 12P, 13P, 28P, 45P, 60P,61P, 65P, 80P 24P, 78P 11P 16P 6P 5P

make his own comparisons of the trends remembering of course that the material presented here has been biased by the reviewer’s selection of approximately 800 references from the 1800 or so which were collected for final analysis concerning their inclusion in this survey. Acknowledgmanl

The author acknowledges the valuable assistance of Mrs. Judy A. Smith and Mrs. Pamela H. Machaj for their aid in the preparation of the Bibliography of this review and in the typing of the manuscript. He thanks them here publicly for their most loyal help.




17P-21P3 72P, 73P 54P 26P, 27P, 62P, 63P IOP, 49P, 50P,51P, 52P, 71P 8P,64P,74P 47P, 55P, 66P, 76P 14P, 59P 56P 9 P , 53P 3 P , 57P, 77P 75P 68P, 70P 75P 7P 25P, 58P 29P-44P

Analog, Digital, a n d Hybrid Computers

(1A)Andrews, D. H., “An Array Processor Using Large Scale Integration,” Computer Des., 8, (l), 34-43 (1969). (2A) Anonymous, “ Fast-Computer Market at Stake in Emitter-Coupled Logic Race,” Electronics, 41, (26), 109-110 (December 23, 1968). (3A) Baechler D. 0 “Trends in Aerospace Digital Computer Design,” Compufer Group iVeio5, (7),‘i8-23 (1969). (4.4) Bail, Michael, and Hardie, Fred, “Redundancy for Better Maintenance of Computer Systems,” Computer Des., 8, (l), 50-52 (1969). (5A) Bail, Michael, and Hardie, Fred, “Self-Repair in a T M R Computer,” ibid., 8, (Z), 54-57 (1969). (6A) Barnes, G. H., Brown, R. M., Koto, ?vias> Kuck D . J. Slotnick D. L. and Stokes, R. A,, “ T h e ILLIAC IV Computer, IEEE’Trans.’ Computer:, C-17: ( 8 ) , 746-757 (1968). (7A) Blue, M. D., and Chen, D., “Optical Techniques Light the Way to MassStorage Media,” Electronicr, 42, (5), 108-113 (March 3,1969). (8A) Bujnoski, Frank “ On-Line Memory Integrity Evaluation and Improvement,” Computer Des.: 7, (121, 31-34 (1968). (9A) Cadi, G., Marcon, :;, Jr., and Rosborough, J. R., “Read-Only Memory Loads Process Computer, Contr. Eng., 16, (Z), 89-91 (1969). (10A) Charney, H. R., Lambert, D. W., and Stanten, S . F., “System Design of a General Purpose Aerospace Computer,” Computer Des., 7, (71, 33-41 (1968). (11A) Clamonr, E. H . , ”USASCII-8-Interchange Code Adds an Eighth Bit,” Contr. Eng., 15, ( 7 ) , 76-78 (1968). (12A) Conti, C. J., “Concepts for Buffer Storage,” Computer Group N m s , 2, ( 8 ) , 9-13 (1969). (13A) Cox?, J. R., Jr., “Fkonomy of Scale and Specialization in Large Computing Systems, Computer Des., 7, (111, 77-80 (1968). (14.4) David, C. A , , “High-speed Fixed Memories Using Large-Scale Integrated Resistor Matrices,” ZEEE Z’rans. Computcrr, C-17, ( 8 ) , 721-728 (1968). (15A) de Castro, E. D., Burkhardt, Henry, and Sogge, R. G., “Nova Can’t Lose Its Instructions,” Electronics, 41, (25), 76-82 (December 9, 1968). (16A) Dickerson, J. A , , “ A Digitally Controlled Formant Generator for a Terminal Analog Speech Synthesizer,” Computer Des., 8, (3), 56-59 (1969). (17A) DiGiaromo, J. J. “Computer Circuit Noise Immunity and System Noise,” rbid., 7, (4), 88-93 (1’968).


(18A) Dorrough D. C. “ A Methodical Approach to Analyzing and Svnthesizing a Self-Repairing’Comp;ter,” IEEE Trans. Computers, C-18, ( l ) , 22-42 (1969). (19A) Fitzgerald, Tom, “Poles and Zeros in Peripherals,” Computer Des., 7, (12), 36-43 (1968). (20A) Fraser, A. G., “Integrity of a Mass Storage Filing System,” Computer J., 12, (l), 1-5 (1969). (21A) Gange, R . A. “Cryoelectric Hybrid System for \‘ery Large Random Access Memory,” Proc. I k E E , 56, (lo), 1679-1690 (1968). (22A) Hodges, D. A,, “ Large-Capacity Semiconductor Memory,” ibid., 56, (7), 1148-1161 (1968). (23A) Ho::nes, G. E., and Hellerman, Leo “An Experimental 360140 for TimeSharing, Datamation, 14, (41, 39-42 (1968’). (24A) ,Hudson, D. M., “ T h e Applications and Implications of Large-Scale Integration, Computer Des., 7 , (61, 38-48 (1968). (25A) Hyatt, G. P., “High Speed Computer Mechanization,” ibid., 7, ( 7 ) , 26-32 (1968). (26A) Hyatt, G. P., “Universal Control Lo ic for Photoelectric Punched