Concentration by Fractional Condensation. - Industrial & Engineering

Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1925, 17 (9), pp 984–984. DOI: 10.1021/ie50189a048. Publication Date: September 1925. ACS Legacy Archive. Note: In lieu of an abst...
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I n tlic ~ C I L I Sjust preceding the war bruinidea of every descri,,. tion wcrc lieiug manufactured a t ?didland. ?'tie progress toward isolation of calcium and magnesium chloride from thc raw hriiic was then in its carly stagps and by the c10s.r of 1014 there lollowed larye sales of magnesium chloride for use in stucco. During t h e early years of the war, The

Don Chemical Cumpmy manufactured several products for Frsrice and lor other ioreigii coutitries---foi eraiiiple, phenol, diiiitrochlorohrnzei,~, and other organic compounds. Later i n this puriod thc outp u t of pl~cnolreached a s moch 8s 40 tons per day. Oi particular importancc also were the efforts of the company lookiiil: toward indigo manulactoi-e, a process ior which vas finally prrIected arid tlie indigo paste actually p k e d m i the market in December, I'JIG. This was the first indigo synthesis in a large way io America. Tlie advatitage of indigo t o The Dow Chemical Comvany lay primarily in the possible utilizatioii of broniine lor the preparation of bromiiiatrd indigos, superioi- in fastness and brilliance to all othw blur dycs saw. in some respects, the inor indanthrcne blurs. Sulxeq.quetitt o the mamiiacture of i h w u l by The Dow Chemical Compaiiy was the niaiiuiacture of salicylic acid a i d all salicylates. Gradually the compiiny viilaiged its uharmaceutical field and rnterrd ~ I S Oupoil the manufacture Celtaiil l,errume bit Furthermore, with a slowly growing demand lor mctnllic magnesium, the company was soon engaged in the preparatioii of this metal by electrolysis. A sinall plant lor the production of mrtallic magiiesiuui was in opwutioii by l!4lX, ilnd vnlvs began i n that

Concentration b


From a sinal1 begiiiiring The Do,\- Chmmical Company has grown as the years have advanced. The scope of niarrufac turt', outside oi the simple briiic components, has bcrn kept closely within the natural lirnitations-namely, caustic un the oiie hand, and lirrlogeiis oil the other. These two types may be portrayed as t h c guiding lines enclosing t h e Dow field of chcrnicnl cndeavor. They take their origin iii tlie D o w electrolytic cell BS tlw rcrtex oi an angle. Tlic otilieation t o the last inoinent of all I,v-iroclucts throurh " definitc and intcrlimking pro scciiiiis tlie field nlrcady cncomd. As thesc lines catrnd fronl t l r i s vertex, record is steadily $1 I of greater arai grrater yr"