Condensed norms: ACS cooperative examinations - ACS Publications

Provides norms for the 1966 ACS high school, inorganic, instrumental analysis, and quantitative analysis chemistry tests...
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Condensed Norms:

ACS Cooperative Examinations

I n the spring of 1966 five new tests were relessed: Quantitative Analysis Form 1966; Instrumental Analysis Form 1966; Inorganic Chemistry Form 1966; High School Chemistry Form 1966ADV and High School Chemistry Form 1965s. The condensed norms are selected from a larger body of data which can be obtained from the Examinations Committee, American Chemical Society, Theo. A. Ashfard, Chairman, University of South Florida, Tamps, Fla. 33620. Condensed norms far the currently used ACS Cooperative Examinations may he found in J. CHEM.ED.,34, 144 (1957); 35, 244 (1958); 36, 148 (1959); 37, 166 (1960); 38, 211 (1961); 39, 151 (1962); 40, 144 (1963); 41, 166 (1964); 42, 170 (1965); 43, 217 (1966).

High School Chemistry Form 1966ADV

Maximum possible scare

SuhGroups Bb A* 90 90

Inorganic Chemistry 1966 Entire Groupe 90

Percentile Rank

Maximum possible score

Percentile Ranks 99 95 90


15 10 5 1 Reliability coefficient

3.5 1.6 0.0 0.0 0.964

27.9 23.2 15.4 7.1 0.940

11.3 7.1 3.2 0.0 0.972

The scoring formulas used were R-W/4, 2R-W/4 for Part I and Part I1 respectively. The figures given are raw scores. The reliability coefficient was estimated by the Knder-Richardson Fam.nla No. 21. a Sub-groilp A consists of 153 Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors (81% Juniors) who have had no c o l w e in Physics, 2 semesters of Chemistry, and 4-6 semesters of i\lathematics (If = 5.5) prior to taking this chemistry course. Sub-group B consists of 256 Juniors and Seniors (98.9% Seniors) who have had 2 semesters of Physics, 4 semesters of chemistry, and 6-10 semesters of Mathematics (M = 8.0) prior to taking this chemistry course. The Entire Graun, consists of 541 Sonhomares. Juniors. and Seni~rr.whr, Iwvr. hnd 0-2 .mm.trr. t i I'hy-ics, 2-1 ..rmritrr; of h e n I I I f i I 7.1 ~,ri,lr to taking this chemistry course. Norms are hased on scores received from 41 High Schools. All students were tested a t the end of a two-semester advanced placement course in high school chemisbry.



61.7 45.2 42.8 36.5 33.4 30.4 27.8 25.6 23.9 22.8 21.7 19.8 18.2 16.4 14.5 13.3 12.2 11.0 8.8 5.2 1.9 0.908

80 75 70 65 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 1 Reliability coefficient The scoring formula used was RW/3. The figures given are raw scores. The reliability coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula. No. 21.

The group consists of 181 students in 20 institutions. All schools required a prerequisite of at least 4 semester hours in physical chemistry with a mean of 8.9. All but one school had a prerequisite of a t least 4 semester hours in physics with a mean of 8.2. All schools required st least 6 semester hours in calculus with a. mean of 8.9. Lecture hours ranged from 3-6 with a mean of 3.3. Laboratory hours ranged from 0-6 with a mean of 1.9. Volume 44, Number 4, April 1967

/ 243

Quantitative Analysis 1966

Instrumental Analysis 1966 Maximum possible score


Percentile Ranks


Reliability coefficient The swrina formula. used was R-Wl4 The figuresgiven are raw scores. The reliability coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula No. 21. The group consists of 206 students in 26 institutions. All but two schools specified one or two semesters of physical chemistry. At least twa-thirds (2/a) specified one semester of quantitative chemistrv. ~resumablvall have had some. All schools reauired a t least Ge-year of ph&s with a mean of 9.3 semester ha& and a t least 6 semester hours in mathematics with a mean of 10.4. Lecture hours ranged from 2-3 with a, mean of 2.2. Laboratory hours ranged from 4-8 with a mean of 6.0.

Program of the Examinations Committee Five new tests have been published for 1967:

General Chemistry Form 1967. A 105-min modern examination covering: atomic and nuclear structure, molecular structure and bonding, stoichiometry, states of matter, kinetics, thermodynamics, acid-base theory, equilibrium, electrochemistry, and descriptive chemistry. Brief Qualitative Analysis Form 1967. A 50-min test for one semester qualitative analysis students or may be given as a supplement with any test in general chemistry.

Organic Chemistry Form 1967B. An 80-min test covering the subject matter of a brief course, such as nomenclature, functional group reactions, analytical deductions, and some theoretical concepts.

High School Chemistry Form 1967. An 80-min test designed to test the students who have had some stress placed on the learning of skills, principals, and concepts in the first year chemistry course. Graduate Level Placement Ezarnination in Physical Chemistry Form 1967-P.



Journal of Chemical Education

Maximum possible score


Percentile Ranks

1 Reliability wefficient The scoring formula used was R W l 4 . The figuresgiven are raw scores. The reliability coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula No. 21.

The group oonsists of 216 students in 15 institutions. All schools required at least 8 semester hours in chemistry prior to taking this wurse. AU but three schools specdied at least one year of mathematics, presumably dl have had some. Lecture hours ranged from 2-3 with s mean of 2.4. Laborstory hours ranged from 3-8 with a meen of 5.5.

The following tests also are featured this year: General Chemistrv. .. Forms 1965. 1963 Qualitative Analysis, Form 1960 Brief Qualitative Analysis, Forms 1964, 1961 Quantitatiue Andysis, Forms 1966, N Instrumental Andysis, Form 1966 Organic Chemistry, Form 1964, 1962 Brief Organic Chemistry, Form 1961B ~ioehemistry,Form 1959 Physical Chemistry, Form 1964, L Inorganic Chemistry, Form 1966, 1961 High School Chemistry, Forms 1965, 19655, 1963, 19635 High School Chemistry Advanced Placement, Forms 1966ADV, 1963ADV Graduate Level Placement Examinations in Analytical Chemistry, Form 1964-A, 1961-A Inorganic Chemistry, Form 1965-1 Organic Chemistry, Forms 1965-0, 1961-0 Physical Chemistry, Forms 1964-P, 1961-P These tests are confidential and are available only to members of educational institutions. For further information and a brochure describing the tests write to the Examinations Committee-ACS, University of Sooth Florida, Tampa, Fla., 33620.