Condensed Norms: ACS Cooperative Examinations - ACS Publications

Condensed Norms: ACS Cooperative Examinations. JCE Staff. J. Chem. Educ. , 1972, 49 (3), p 216. DOI: 10.1021/ed049p216. Publication Date: March 1972...
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R - W S q High School Chemistry Form 1971

Condensed Norms: ACS Cooperative Examinations

Maximum possible score

A 80

B 80

?b-groupsD 80 80



Entire group 80

Six new tests were published by the Examinstions Committee in 1971: Instrumentt~l Andysis Form 1971, Brief Organic Chemistry Form 1971B, Organic Chemistry Farm 1971, Inorganic-Organic-Biologicd Chemistry Form 1971, High School Chemistry Form 1971 and Graduate Level Placement in Organic 1971-0. ~ h e m i s t rForm i Although data for Instruments1 Analysis Form 1971 are still being collected, the norms for the other 1971 tests are presented.' I n addition, the Quantitative Analysis Form 1970 norms and the rarnlruliltion of t,he General Chemistrv Form 1970 norms also

Graduate Level Placement Examination Organic Chemistry Form 1971-0

Maximum possible score Percentile ranks 99 95 90 8.5

Group one Group two (used (used 2 hr time limit) 90 min time limit) 70 70 Raw scores 62.7 52.6 48.0 44.8

Raw scores 57.2 51.7 46.6 43.0

Organic Chemistry Form 1971

Maximum possible

Reliability coefficient 0.928 0.942 Characteristics of the groups 258 116 Number of students Number of institutions 17 5 Year in school First-year graduate Second year or more Unspecified Area of concentration 12.1% 6.9% Analytical 15.1% 19.8% Biochemistry 6.2% 0 Biological 11.3% 6.1% Inoreanic 29.9% 26.7% 0rgLnic 15.1% 15.5%. Physical 0 19.8% Other 10.3% 6.2% Unspecified Scoring formula used was R - W/4. Iteliahility coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson FormulaNo. 21.

Condensed norms for other currently used American Chemical Society Cooperative Examinations have been published in THIS J o u n ~ a l ,37, 166 (1960); 38, 211 (1961); 39, 151 (1962); 40, 144 (1963); 41, 166 (1964); 42, 1970 (1965); 43, 217 (1966); 44, 243 (1967); 45, 273 (1968); 46, 182 (1969); 47, 321 (1970); 48,487 (1971). 1



Javrnol o f Chemical Education


Part I 40

Part I1 30

Total 70

Percentile ranks

Raw scores

Raw scores



Reliability 0.848 0.816 0.901 coefficient The scoringformula used was R - W/4. The relishility coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula. No. 21. The group consists of 1717 students from 54 institutions who took the test a t the completion of a. two-semester course in Organic Chemistry. Freshmen (1.3%), Sophomores (46.9%), Juniors (36.1%), Seniors (12.6%) and Graduates (3.1%) composed the group. The lecture hours per week ranged from 3 to 4 with a mean of 3.1. Laboratory hours per week ranged from 0 to 8 with a mean of 4.4. (Continued on page 818)

Inorganic-Organic-Biological Chemistry Form 1 9 7 1 Subtest I. Inorganic , Part B Total Part A 60 20 40 ~ r--.. cm Raw Raw -P -. .-t-i l ~ Raw ranks scores 99 29.6 95 27.4 90 25.6 85 24.2 80 23.3

Maximum possible score



70 65 60 5.5

20.3 19.4 18.1 16.9



45 40 35 30

14.6 13.2 12.2 11.2



Subtest 11. Organic Total Part A Part B 20 60 40 Raw



Subtest 111. Biological Total Part A Part B 60 40 20 Raw

Raw scores 17.6 15.4 13.0 12.0 11.2

Raw Scores 54.6 46.7 44.6 40.8 37.9

Percentile ranks 99 95 90 85 80




9.5 8.8 8.3 7.8

34.2 32.6 30.8 29.1

70 65 60 55




6.9 6.5 5.8 5.1

25.6 23.5 22.4 20.5

45 40 3.5 30




20 3.9 16.6 20 8.9 15 3.2 14.6 15 7.3 10 2.6 11.6 10 5.9 5 1.2 8.2 5 4.2 1 0.0 1.4 1 0.1 Reliability Reliability coefficient coeffic~ent 0.905 Number of students 484 676 664 Number of institutions 13 19 17 Year in school Freshman 82.8% 68.6% 73.2'7' Sophomore 10.5% 21.2% 18.6% 4.4% 6.9% 6.3% Junior 2.1% 2.9% 1.1% Senior Lecture hours per week 2 4 2 4 2-4 Range 3.2 3.1 Mean 3.1 Laboratory hours per week 1.5-4.0 1.5-4.0 1.5-4.0 Range 2.7 2.7 Mean 2.8 Class sessions* devoted t o subject matter 20-72 1P60 11-58 Range Mean 50.5 35.8 27.1 Reliability coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula No. 21. Scoring Formula used was R - W/3. The "typicaln course consisted of three lecture hours and three laboratory hours per a Laboratory hours counted as one class session. week or a total of 4 class sessions per week.

Quantitative Analysis Form 1970

Brief Organic Chemistiy Form 1 9 7 1 B

Maximum possible score 50

Maximum possible score 72 Percentile ranks

Raw scores

Percentile ranks

Raw scores

Reliability coefficient 0 89 The scoringformula used was R - W/4. The reliability coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson Formula No. 21. The group consists of 652 students from 14 institutions who took the test a t the completion of aane-semester conrse in Organic Chemistry. Lecture hours ranged from 2 t o 4 per week with a mean of 2.8. Laboratory hours ranged from 2 to 6 per week with a mean of 3.5. Freshmen (I.%), Sophomores (59.5%), Juniors (23.5%), Seniors (13.5%) and Graduate Students (1.8%) composed the group.

Percentile ranks 99 95 90 85 80

Raw scores 36.8 29.7 26.4 24.2 22.3

Percentile ranks




70 65 60 55

19.9 18.9 17.4 16.3



45 40 35 30 20 15 10 5 1


Reliability coefficient 0.810 The scoringformuls used wrts R - W/4. The reliability coefficient was estimated by the Kuder-Richardson~ormula~o,21, The group consists of 156 students from 10 i?stitutions who took the test a t the end of a one-semester course m Quant~tative A n d ~ s i s . Freshmen (14.6%), Sophomores (14.6%), Junlors (58.0%) and Senmrs (12.7%) composed the group. The lecture hours per week ranged from 2 to 3 with a. mean of 2.7. Laboratorv hours per week ranged from 1 t o 8 with a mean of 5.0. (Continued on page 220)



Journal of Chemical Education

General Chemistry Form 1970

Maximum possible score

1971 Group 60

1970 Group 60

Percentile ranks

Raw scores

Raw scores


the: Kuder-Richardson

Examinations Commiitee-ACS Spring Testing Program The testing program of the Examinations Committee-ACS continues a. high level of activity. Fifteen of the seventeen suhcommittees are currently engaged in writing new tests. The 1972 spring program features new tests in Inorganic Chemistry, Biochemistry, and Advanced High School Chemistry. In addition, a scrambled version of General Chemistry Form 1970 is now available and Form 1972 of the Graduate Level Placement Test in Physical Chemistry will he released July 1. In all, the 1972 program offers 40 examinations in high school chemistry, college placement, undergraduate college, and graduate level plscement.

220 / Journal o f Chemical Education

Imnolganie Chemistry Form 197%: This 115-min examination has been written under the chairmantnship of Mike J . Sienko of Cornell University. The test consists of two parts. Part I has 60 ohjec tive items and Part I1 consists of five structured essav auestions.

ments and compounds. The structured essay questions cover structure, bonding, thermodynamics, coordination chemistry, and synthesis. Biochemistry Form 197b: This 90-min emmination was developed under the leadership of Eugene H. Cordes of Indiana. University. The test consists of 83 objective questions which focus on the areas of macromoleculitr chemistry, intermediary metabolism, biosynthesis of macromolecules, and biochemical synthesis. Advanced High School Chemisby Form 1978ADV: This 80-min examination was constructed under the leadership of Gerard A. Kass of Northport High School (N. Y.) and Joseph C. Maurer of Lyndenhurst High School (N. Y.). The test consists of 60 items in two parts. Part I of the test includes 40 questions in areas such as electrons in atoms, chemical bond, thermodynamics, kinetics, acid-hue chemistry, redox and electrochemistry, and chemical periodicity. Part I1 of the test consists of 20 quantitative problems on stoichiometry, kinetics, thermochemistry, redox, solutions, molecular and aqueous equilibria. The examination is intended for honors or advanced courses in high school chemistry and may also he used for college placement. Gradwle Level Placement in Physical Chemistry Form 197s-P: This 120-min examination is being completed under the leadership of Richard M. Noyes of the University of Oregon and Robert L. Scott of the University of California at Los Angeles.

Reliability coefficient 0.899 Characteristics of the aroup

Credit hours Range 6.7-10 Mean 8.4 Lecture hours per week Range 2 4 Mean 3.1 Laboratory hours per week Range 2-6 Mean 3.2 Year in college Freshman 72.3% 24.8% Sophomore Junior 1.1% Senior 1.8% Scoringformula used was R - W/3. Reliability coefficient was estimated Formula No. 21

N w tests published in 1978

Additional testsfeatwed this year General Chemistry, Forms 1970,1970S, 1967 and 1965 Brief Qualitative Analysis, Form 1967B Qualitative Analysis, Form 1969 Quantitative Analysis, Forms 1970, 1966 Instrumental Analysis, Forms 1971, 1966 OrganicChemistry, Forms 1971, 1968, 1964 Brief Organic Chemistry, Forms 1971B, 1967B Physical Chemistry, Forms 1969, 1964 Brief Physical Chemistry, Form 1968B InorganicChemistry, Forms 1969,1966 Biochemistry, Form 1968 Inorganic-Organic-Biologicd Chemistry (for Paramedical Programs), Form 1971 Regular High School Chemistry, Forms 1971, 19718, 1969, 1969S, 1967 Advanced High School Chemistry, Forms 1970ADV, 1968ADV Graduate Level Placement Examinations in Analytical Chemistry, Forms 1969-A, 1964-A Inorganic Chemistry, Forms 1970-1, 1965-1 Orgsnic Chemistry, Forms 1971-0, 1968-0 Physical Chemistry, Form 1967-P These tests are strictly confidential and are available only to authorized administrators and faculty members of chemistry departments. Far further information and a brochure describing the tests, write to: Examinations Committee-ACS, University of South Florida, Tampa, Fla. 33620.