Condenser System for Fractional Distillation - American Chemical

CondenserSystem for Fractional Distillation. ELDON A. MEANS AND EDWARD L. NEWMAN, The Eldon A. Means Co., Wichita, Kans. THE condenser described ...
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MAY 15, 1936


principle which places nearly its entire weight inside and below the rim of the vessel, so that it will remain securely in position even while the flask is being shaken. Thus far three sizes of this cover have been successfully used and a careful inspection of the cut of the No. 3 size singly and in cross section as closing a 300-ml. Pyrex Erlenmeyer flask will show that it is capable of being used upon a wide


range of flask sizes-e. g., No. 1 may be used to close orifices from 11 to 19 mm. diameter, No. 2 those from 16 to 29 mm., and No. 3 those from 21 to 39 mm. Other sizes may be made if desirable. The apparatus described in this article may be secured from Eimer & Amend, New York, N. Y. RECEIVED March 19, 1936.

Condenser System for Fractional Distillation ELDON A. MEANS AND EDWARD L. NEWMAN, The Eldon A. Means Co., Wichita, Kans.


HE condenser described here .has the advantages of flexibility and greater efficiency over the conventional types, being better insulated and providing an arrangement whereby almost any cooling medium may be used. The illustrated apparatus has given great satisfaction in condensing vapors from fractional distillations. It greatly resembles the top of a Podbielniak column (8). An evacuated glass jacket, silvered for efficient heat insulation, surrounds the bwet and condenser. The condenser itself is a metal cylinder fitting into the top of the glass jacket and is insulated from the glriss by means of an asbestos cord. The cooling medium is run down into the condenser through tube A and escapes at D. Compressed carbon dioxide is very satisfactory, although liquid air or water may be used, according t o the condensing range. The inner tube or condensingtube is of metal and contains a spiral strip extending down t o the buret and dividing the tube into two compartmients. Thus the vapors coming in at B pass down one side of the tube, condense, and fall into the buret. Displaced air must pass up the other side of the dividing strip and emerge at C, losing condensable vapors in transit. The metal condenser tube is connected t o the glass buret by soldering to the platinized glass ( I ) . This provides an air-tight seal between the metal and glass. Thiis apparatus is particularly useful in the distillation of gasoline. Lighter fractions and gases can be condensed by

use of a low-temperature cooling medium such as c a r b o n dioxide or liquid air. The condenser is well adapted to vacuum distillation, the vacuum connection being made a t C and liquid extracted a t E b y a n y of t h e conventional methods for extraction of liquids during vacuum distillation.



Literature Cited (1) Frary, Taylor, and Edwards, “ L a b o r a t o r y Glass Blowing,” p. 97, New York, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1928. (2) P o d b i e l n i a k , IND.ENG. CREW,Anal. Ed., 3, 177

(1931). RECEIVED March 9, 1936,

Dithizone as a Reagent for Dissolving and Determining Spray Residue Lead WAYNE E. WHITE, Western Reserve University, Cleveland, Ohio


H E readiness wjt,h which dithizone fdiphenylthiocarba-

zone) reacts with minute amounts of lead even when the lead is in such insoluble compounds as the sulfate and arsenate leads to the thought that this reagent might be made to assume a dual role in the analysis of spray residues for lead. The reagent might serve as the solvent for the removal of the lead from the analyzed fruits as well as in its ordinary capacity as colorimetric reagent. Were this possibility borne out by experimental investigation, and were there no other complicating factors, we should have an analytical method superior to any of those in present use in respect to speed and simplicity (1, 2). After considerable investigation of this problem the writer desireri to announce the following results and conclusions : 1. Lead is dissolved from the surface of fruits by a solution of dithizone in chloroform in the presence of an aqueous solution of potassium cyanide, ammonia, and citric acid. I n order to effect a rapid and complete removal, a number of wa&ings (two to six. depending on the amount of lead and tQb tenacity with which it is held) are necessary. 2. The dithizone color change due to the presence of lead occurs just as in the ordinary procedures. The contact with

the organic matter of the fruit skins does not seem to affect the reagent. As in other dithizone methods of spray residue analysis, there are no probable contaminants which will interfere in the lead determination. An occasional turbidity due to undissolved, suspended matter does not appear to be particularly detrimental to a close comparison of colors. 3. The multiple washings prevent the expected economy of time and materials and may decrease the accuracy and precision of a determination. Further work may reveal a way of increasing the solvent power of the dithizone solution and thereby the most serious obstacle to the success of thia direct method of spray residue analysis will be removed.

Literature Cited (1) Wichmann, H.J., e t al., J . Assoc. Ofic$dAgr. C h . ,17, 130-6 (1934). (2) Winter, 0.B., Robinson, H. M., Lamb, F. W., and Miller, E. J., IND. ENG.CHEM., Anal Ed., 7,265-71 (1935). I ~ E C E IDecember V ~ D 2, 1935. A more detailed discussion of the applioation of this method was presented under the title “A Field Method for the Estimation of Lead as Spray Residue” before the Division of Food and Agricultural Chemistry a t the 90th Meeting of the American Chemical Society, Ban Francisco, Calif., August 19 to 23, 1935.