Conducting Polymer Blends: Polypyrrole and Poly(viny1 methyl ketone)

Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620. Received February 11, 1992; Revised Manuscript Received May 21, 1992...
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Macromolecules 1992,25, 6179-6184


Conducting Polymer Blends: Polypyrrole and Poly(viny1 methyl ketone) Hsing-Lin Wang and J a c k E. Fernandez. Department of Chemistry, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33620 Received February 11, 1992; Revised Manuscript Received May 21, 1992

ABSTRACT Blends of polypyrrole (PPy)and poly(viny1methyl ketone) (PVMK)have been prepared both chemically and electrochemically. Hydrogen bonding between PPy and PVMK has been verified by infrared spectroscopy. No significantchange in conductivityoccurs on stretchingthe blends over 2005%. PPy/PVMK blends prepared chemically and electrochemically exhibit threshold conductivities near 10% PPy. X-ray diffractionspectrasuggest that crystallinity does not vary with PPy concentrationin the blend. Conductivity vs temperature and conductivity vs moisture are reported as measures of environmental stability. TGA shows that blends are stable to temperatures of 325 O C (chemically prepared) and 280 OC (electrochemically prepared). Differential scanning calorimetryof the blends shows a single TBat 158 "C with 8% PPy prepared chemically. SEM is used to examine the morphology on both sides of the f i i made chemically and electrochemically. Introduction The principal problems encountered with the practical Infrared detector utilization of conducting polymers are their poor processibility and their environmental stability. Blending insulating polymers with conducting polymers is an attractive route to improvingtheir mechanical properties without losing conductivity. Several have reported that the electrochemical polymerization of pyrrole can be made to occur on an electrode surface that has been coated with ordinary nonconducting polymers to form conductive polymeric film alloys. Interaction between the two blended polymers can --* Film sample greatly influence the conductivity and physical properties of the filmsin terms of percolation theory.4 At sufficiently low concentrations, where there are no connected paths, the conductivity is zero. As the concentration of the conducting polymer is increased above the percolation threshold, the conductivity becomes finite and increases as the connectivity increases. This model suggests that optimum conductivity would occur in a homogeneous Infrared source (molecular) dispersion of the conducting polymer in the insulating polymer medium, i.e., in a true solution. Figure 1. Schematic drawing of stretching device. Further, classical percolation theory for conducting polymer globular aggregates in an insulating medium preIn the present work we continue our studies of the dicta a percolation threshold a t a volume fraction of 0 ~ 6 . ~ relationship of blending homogeneity and threshold conPercolation at volume fractions near 0.16 has been observed ductivity. We also examine the effect of stretching the for conducting polymer blendse5 Recently, we have blends on hydrogen bonding and on conductivity. reported homogeneous blends of poly(bispheno1 A carbonate) (PC) and polypyrrole? which exhibit a precolation Experimental Section threshold near a volume fraction of 0.07. The homogeneity Materials. Pyrrole (99% ;Aldrich)was distilled under vacuum is attributed to hydrogen bonding between the carbonyl before use and stored under nitrogen. Acetonitrile (HPLCgrade, group of PC and the N-H group in polypyrrole. Toppare Aldrich) was stirred over CaH2 for 24 h and then fractionally et al. have confirmed this result with poly(N-methylpyrdistilled under a nitrogen atmosphere. Tetrabutylammonium role)/PC and PPy/p~ly(N-vinylcarbazole).~~ fluoroborate (TBAFB) was prepared as described.6 Ferric For rodlike structures,the percolation threshold depends chloride (Aldrich) was used as received. on the excluded volume per fibril and can be much lower Apparatus. Standardfour-probeconductivitymeasurementa were made with a Keithley 600B electrometer connected to a than that for globular morphol~gies.~J~ The percolation Signatone S-301-4apparatus with four osmium tips. Infrared of molecularly dispersed rods has been observed for spectra were obtained with a Beckman FTll00FTIR spectrompolydiacetylene in toluene solution, where the formation eter with a resolution of 4 cm-l. SEM (scanning electron of a connected mechanical network occurs at a volume micrograph) were obtained with a Hitachi HHS2R instrument. fraction of O.04.l1J2 An in-house-madestretching device that can fit in the infrared Coleman and his group have applied infrared spectrosmounting rack is shown in Figure 1." TGA measurementa were copy to hydrogen bonding between different polymers13-16 performed on a Du Pont 2100 instrument. DSC data were and show evidence of molecular-level mixing.16 obtained with a Perkin-Elmer DSC7 series instrument.



0 1992 American Chemical Society

Macromolecules, Vol. 25,No.23,1992

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1500 E"'

Figure 4. IR spectra of PPy and PVMK blends in the c--O region with various weight percents of PPy in the blends: (a) 4, (b) 6, (c) 7.8, (d) 9.7,(e) 15%. (Chemically prepared.) (0


Figure 2. IR spectra of PPy and PVMK blends: (a) electrochemically prepared (b) chemically prepared.













I 1"'

Figure 5. IR spectra of thin film PVMK in the c-0 region, taken with various stretching ratios: (a) original, (b) 1.5, (c) 2.0, (d) 4.0,(e) 5.0. 1




I 17M





Figure 3. IR spectra of PPy and PVMK blends in the C - 0 region with various weight percents of PPy in the blends: (a) 0, (b) 3, (c) 6.5, (d) 11%. (Electrochemically prepared.) Polymerisation. Electruchemid Polymerization. Electrolym were carried outasdeacribed previously.e The Pt working electrode ww maintained at 1.1 V versus Ag/Ag+ Pt reference electrode. Chemical Polymerization. In a typical reaction, 300 mg (4.3"01) of PVMK and 100 mg (0.62"01) of ferric chloride were d w l v e d in 30mL of acetone. The solutionwas evaporated i iwas poured 20 in a PTFE Petri dish (100 mL). Onto this f mL of an aqueous pyrrole solution (67 mmol). Within a few

,minutes, the film changed from brown to light blue, after which it darkened on standing overnight. The f i i was washed with hot water to remove iron d t s and dried under vacuum for more than 24 h. The composition was determined by elemental analysis.

Results and Discusrion We chose PPy and PVMK aa candidates for a homogeneous conducting polymer blend because both polymers are incapable of forming intramolecular hydrogen bonds. Thus, no ambiguity would exist in identifying site-specific hydrogen-bonded interactions. Figure 2 shows the infrared spectra of the conducting polymer blends. Electrochemically prepared blends have

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Conducting Polymer Blends 6181 I

103 1

ratio of stretchedloriginal

X 100%

1lwo im lI88 im Figure 6. IR spectra of PPy and PVMK blends in the C - 0 region, taken with various stretching ratios: (a) original, (b)1.5, (c) 2.0.









J 'r! I I




















ratio of stretchedloriginal




x 100%

Figure 9. (a) Conductivity vs stretching ratio (horizontal) of PPy/PVMK blends. (b) Conductivity vs stretching ratio (vertical) of PPy/PVMK blends.

Figure 7. Weight percent VB log conductivity of PPy/PVMK blends. (Electrochemicallyprepared.)



2 3




04 180

::- 1;













0 0








Figure 10. (a) Temperature vs resistance curve for the PPy/ PVMK blend. (b) Resistance of the PPy/PVMK blend w time of exposure to water. attached to the stretching device and stretched to 6 times

the original length. ThisStretchingresulted in no obvioue change in the C 4 band during elongation, ae shown in

6182 Wang and Femandez

Macromolecules, Vol. 25,No.23, 1992

Figure 11. SEM micrograph of PPy polymer growth (chemically) in the PVMK matrix after extracting with acetone

Figure 12. SEMmicro~raphofaPPgandPVMKpolymerblend before washing. Figure 5. In the low PPy concentration blends, stretching produced rather dramatic changes: the band at 17091712 cm-'broadened when the blend was stretched 50%; stretchmg100% producedanewbandat 1698cm-'(Figure 6). We suggest that these changes are due to increased opportunities for C=O- - -H-N hydrogen bonding when thepolymermoleculesarealigned. This result isconsistent with Belfiore's work on blending PVMK with poly(vinylphenol) (PVPH),'B in which a shoulder at 1700 cm-' arises on the band at 1710 em-'. Blends become hard and brittle at high PPy concentrations. The threshold conductivity at about 10% (Figures 7 and 8) lies between those of the blends of PPy/polystyrene (ca. 20 7%) and PPy/ poly(bispheno1 A carbonate) (ca. 7%).6 The higher threshold conductivity of PPy/PVMK may be explained

by ita lower miscibility compared to that of the polycarbonate blend. Stretchingdoesnot seem toaffectconductivity, as shown by the conductivity of films stretched to over 200% measured in boththe paralleland perpendicular directions ina conductineIoolvmerblend with low PPvconcentration . (Figure 9a,b). Temperature also seems to have little effect on conductivity over the range from 200 K (2.7 X 10-5 S/cm) to 395 K (1.27 X l(r S/cm). This represents less than 1 order of magnitude over the range studied (Figure loa). Figure 10b shows that moisture also has little effect on conductivity. These studies suggest that these blends exhibit good environmental stability. The SEM micrographs of PPy/PVMK blends prepared chemically differ substantially from those of blends prepared electrochemically. The two sides of the chemically prepared blends (Figure 11)are not the same. The bottom side is flat with larger holes than the top side. The edge shows twolayers. The bottom layer hasaspongelike structure about 200 mm thick covered with a thin layer of blanketlike structure about 15 mm thick. The PVMK in chemically prepared blends can be extracted with acetone; however, PVMK cannot be extracted from electrochemically prepared polymer blends even after extraction with chloroform, acetone, or DMSO in a Soxhlet apparatus for more than 1week. PVMK was removed from the surface of electrochemically prepared blends by etching in concentrated nitric acid. The electrochemically prepared blends differ substantially from those prepared chemically: Figure 12 shows the edge of the electrochemically prepared blend before extraction of PVMK. In this SEM photomicrograph, no phase separation is in evidence. Figure 13 shows the electrochemically prepared blend after extraction of PVMK.

Macromolecules, Vol. 25,No.23,1992

Extraction seems more complete on the solution side than on the electrode side of the blend. Figure 14 shows the

Conducting Polymer Blends 6183 edge of the same sample looking down from the electrode side after extraction. All the evidence suggests that PPY in the blends has a uniform structure; Le., it appears the same on the solution and on the electrode side. The threshold concentration was taken to he the concentration of PPy at which the conductivity was 10-5 S/cm from the plot of conductivity vs weight percent of PPY.~Accordingly, our PPylPVMK blends prepared chemically and electrochemically exhibit threshold conductivitiesnear 10%PPy. Theelectrochemicdyprepd blends seem to exhibit a steeper rise in these curves than the chemically prepared blends, which suggests a sharper percolation threshold. This difference may be due to the different morphologies shown in the SEM photomicrcgraphs. The greater intimacy or homogeneity would also explain the differencein ease of extraction of PVMK from the two blends. Our X-ray diffraction studies show no crystallinity differences between chemically and electrochemically prepared blends and between samples that have different amounts of PPy incorporated in the blends. DSC shows a single Tgat 158 "C which is different from the Tgof PVMK (ca. 115 "C). The PVMK melting point of 133 "C is also no longer seen in the blends. Polymer blends in which the PPy concentration is more than 10% exhibit the Tgof PVMK but no signs of a melting point. The 8%PPy polymer blends prepared chemicallyexhibit single-phase behavior with a TBof 158 "C (Figure 15). TGA shows that blends are stable to temperatures of 325 O C (chemically prepared) and 280 "C (electrochemicallyprepared). These valuesvarywithPPycomposition. TGA analysis indicates that PVMK is thermally stable to a temperature of 360 O C ; however, only 4 % of the sample was left at 500 "C. The PPy/PVMK blend prepared electrochemically with 17% PPy decomposed at 325 O C , but 37.4% of the original sample was left at 800 "C. The



Figure 14. SEM micrograph of PPy polymer growth (electrachemieally) in the PVMK matrix after extracting and etching: (A) edge of the film, (B) magnification of part 1 in A, (C) magnification oP part 2 in A, (D) magnification of part 3 in A.

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the blends. SEM studies reveal differences in the morphologies of the blends prepared chemically and electrochemically. Electrochemically prepared blends appear to be more homogeneous than those prepared chemically. DSC spectra of the polymer blends exhibit a single Tg, indicating homogeneous single-phase behavior.


I n.m

a.10 iim




in.* im.m -(e)



iwm m a



m m


Figure 16. DSC of the PPy/PVMK polymer blend (weight

composition 8% PPy in the blend).

PPy/PVMK blend prepared electrochemically with 197% PPy decomposed at 305 OC, but 28% of the original sample was left at 800 OC. We believe that these results can be explained as follows: Not only is PPy prepared chemically more thermally stable than PPy prepared electrochemically, but also the morphology of PPy in the blend prepared chemically has a spongelike structure which is more likely to protect the PVMK from decomposition since some of the PVMK dispersed in the blend is surrounded by a PPy matrix. Of course, copolymer formation due to hydrogen-bondinginteractions between the polymers may aid in preventing thermal degradation. On the other hand, the greater degradation of electrochemically prepared polymer blends with less weight left at 800 OC probably occurs because the PVMK is more exposed to the environment and subject to thermal decomposition. Conclusion PVMK/PPy blends prepared chemically and electrochemically exhibit differences in their morphologies; however, hydrogen-bonding interactions are evident in both blendsas shownby infnved spectroeoopy. Stretching the film can induce orientation that enhances the hydrogen-bonding interactions, although the conductivity does not changesignificantly. The slight conductivity increase noted is consistent with the stretchable polypyrrole reported by Yamura in 198ge20The conductivity of our PPy/PVMK blend is environmentally stable. Threshold conductivities near 10% have been observed for both chemically and electrochemically prepared blends. The conductivity increases greatly with the amount of PPy in

Acknowledgment. We thank Professor Ural Akbulut of the Middle East Technical University for helpful discussions and encouragement and NATO for providing partial support for this work. We also thank Timothy Postlethwaite (University of North Carolina) for determining DSC scans and Dr. John s. Compton (University of South Florida) for help with X-ray diffraction analysis. References and Notes (1) Niwa, 0.; Tamamura, T. J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun. 1984, 817. (2) Niwa, 0.; Kakuchi, M.; Tamamura, T. Macromolecules 1987, 20, 749. (3) De Paoli, M.; Waltman, R.J.; Diu, A. F.; Bargon, J. J. Chem. SOC.,Chem. Commun. 1984,1015. (4) M e n , R.ThePhysics ofdmorphow Solids; John Wiley New York, 1983, Chapter 4. (5) Hotta, S.; Rughooputh, S.D. D. V.; Heeger, A. J. Synth. Met. 1987,22, 79. (6) Wang, H. L.; Toppare, L.; Fernandez, J. E. Macromolecules 1990,23,1053. (7) Geibler, U.; Hallensleben, M. L.; Toppare, L. Ad. Muter. 1991, 3,104. (8) Gehler, U.; Hallensleben,M. L.;Toppare,L.Synth. Met. 1991, 40,239. (9) Andreatta, A.; Heeger, A. J.; Smith, P. Polym. Commun. 1990, 31, 216. (10) Balberg, I.; Anderson, C. H.; Alexander, 9.; Wagner, N. Phys. Rev. B 1984,30,3933. (11) Sinclair, M.; Lim, K. C.; Heeger, A. J. Phys. Rev. Lett. 1983,51, 1768. (12) Kapitulnik, A,; Lim, K. C.; Casalnuovo, S. A.; Heeger, A. J. Mucromolecules 1986,19,676. (13) Moekala, E. J.; Howe, S. E.; Painter, P. C.; Coleman, M. M. Macromolecules 1984,17, 1671. (14) Moekala, E. J.; Varnell, D. F.; Coleman, M. M. Polymer 1988, 26,228. (15) Coleman,M. M.;Lichkus,A. M.; Painter,P. C. Macromo~ecu~es 1989,22,686. (16) Painter, P. C.; Tang, W. L.; Graf,J.; Thomaon,B.; Coleman,M. M. Macromolecules 1991,24,3929. (17) Kakudo, M.;Kasai, N.X-Ray Diffraction by Polymers; Kodan-

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