Conference Leaders and Lecturers A.C.S. Institute - C&EN Global

Ind. Eng. Chem., News Ed. All Publications/Website. Select a .... A. S. RICHARDSON, Procter & Gamble Co., hydrogenation of vegetable oils. C. J. BROCK...
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June 10, 1928





Conference Leaders and Lecturers A. G. S. Institute J u l y 23 to A u g u s t 18, 1928

Hall of S c i e n c e ( C h e m i s t r y ) , N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y , with Lake M i c h i g a n in t h e R e a r

C a m p u s View, N o r t h w e s t e r n U n i v e r s i t y , S h o w i n g H a r r i s Hall a t Left a n d U n i v e r s i t y Hall a t R i g h t

In addition to the speakers previously listed [NEWS EDITION, 6, 8 (May 10, 1928)] the following have been secured for the first week: S. W. Parr, C. A. Browne, James Slayter, of the Kalkite Company, makers of products from corn cobs and other farm wastes, and H. E. Howe.

the names of all speakers, should write to the Executive Secre­ tary, C. D Hurd, Chemistry Department, Northwestern Uni­ versity, Evanston, Ill.


R. E. BURK, Western Reserve University, expert on catalysis, studies by modern physical-chemical methods. A. S. RICHARDSON, Procter & Gamble Co., hydrogenation of vegetable oils. C. J. BROCKMAN, electro-organic chemistry. V. R. KOKATNUR, consulting chemist, New York, organic peroxides. LLOYD V A N D O R E N , Mayer, Warfield & Watson, New York, chemical patent practice. R. T. K. CORNWELL, University of Pittsburgh, organic microanalysis. THOMAS M I D G L E Y , JR., recent developments in synthetic rubber. C.£ C. H U B B A R D , National Association Institute of Dyeing & Cleaning, Washington, D . C , modern developments in dry cleaning. H. N. ALYEA. Princeton, N. J., mechanism of inhibition of oxidation. W. L. SEMON, B . F . Goodrich Co., antioxidants. H. A. CURTIS, Yale University, the cruise of " L u e t z o w , " and the world nitrogen situation. SPEAKERS F O R T H I R D W E E K

Β. Τ. BROOKS, petroleum hydrocarbons. GUSTAV E G L O F F , oil emulsions.

W. F. F A R A G H E R , petroleum research. R. H. KIENLE, General Electric Co., glyptal resins. L. V. REDMAN, phenol resins. M. J. CALLAHAN, E. I . du Pont de Nemours & Co., lacquers. D. B. KEYES, University of Illinois, lacquers. W M . BLUM, Bureau of Standards, hazards of electroplating. C. E. K. M E E S , the photographic image. M. X. SULLIVAN, U. S. Public Health Service, chemistry and health. C. B. WOOD, A r m y Medical School, chemical sterilization of drinking water. ELLICE M C D O N A L D , University of Pennsylvania, chemistry and life processes. SPEAKERS FOR FOURTH W E E K

Invitations have but recently been sent out to those who have been asked to serve as speakers for the fourth week, and t o date the following acceptances have been received : F. W. M O H L M A N , Sanitary District of Chicago, sewage disposal. W. LEE L E W I S , chemistry a n d the packing industry. WILLIAM HOSKINS, industrial chemical developments in t h e Middle West.

Those who are interested in receiving a complete program of the Institute, giving all lectures and. conferences, together with.

Hotel A c c o m m o d a t i o n s S w a m p s c o t t Meeting Raymond S. Stevens, 30 Charles River Road, Cambridge, Mass., chairman of the Committee on Hotels for the Swampscott meeting, wishes us to state that, contrary to the impression that appears to prevail, rooms are still available at the New Ocean House, which is general headquarters for the Swampscott meet­ ing. Details regarding hotels will be found in the May 20 NEWS EDITION.

Attention, however, should be particularly drawn to the fact that the Rubber Division will hold its meetings at the Hotel Preston, Swampscott, and that the Paint and Varnish Division will hold its meetings at the Deer Cove Inn, Swampscott. It is accordingly desirable that members of these divisions should write direct to these hotels for accommodations. All three of these hotels have been reserved exclusively for those attending the meeting. It is especially important that officers, heads of divisions, and others who expect to be active, make their reservations promptly. Other arrangements have been made in and near Swampscott, so that there is every reason to believe that everyone attending the meeting will be taken care of well. In writing to the Hotel Preston and Deer Cove Inn, it is desirable to state that you are coming especially to attend the meetings of the Rubber and the Paint and Varnish Divisions. Be forehanded! Decide now to go to Swampscott! There are still plenty of rooms available.

Wendt Resigns f r o m B a t t e l l e I n s t i t u t e Gerald Wendt, who was recently appointed director of the new Battelle Memorial Institute for scientific and industrial research at Columbus, Ohio, has resigned from that position after completing the plans for the laboratory and the award of the contracts. He has been appointed assistant to the president of the Pennsylvania State College, where he has for four years been dean of the School of Chemistry and Physics. He will continue as acting dean for a year, but will devote himself primarily to research administration and the development of the large research program of the college.