Conference on Computers in Chemical Education and Research

Conference on Computers in Chemical Education and Research. J. Chem. Educ. , 1971, 48 (3), p 206. DOI: 10.1021/ed048p206. Publication Date: March 1971...
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Conference on Computers in Chemical Education and Research A Conference on Computers in Chemical Education and Research will be held July 19-23, 1971, a t Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, Illinois. The Conference, designed to bring together both resertreh chemists and chemical educators to consider the impact of the computer on Chemistry, is eo-sponsored by the ACS Division of Chemical Education and the Department of Chemistry, at NIU. The National Science Foundation has been approached for partial funding of the Conference. Professor Peter Lykos, Illinois Institute of Technology is chairing the Steering Committee. The five day program will feature morning, afternoon, and evening sessions of invited and contributed papers. Among the topics to be included are "Chemical Curriculum Development," "Computer Assisted Instruction, "Data Acquisition and Refinement," "Computer Control of Experiments," and "Computer Applications to Complex Spee tra, Kinetics, Structure Determination, and Theoretical Chemistry." Publication of the Conference Proceedings is planned. More detailed information snd a call for papers will he forthcoming. Inquiries regarding the conference should be directed to: Dr.,F. M. Miller, Department of Chemistry, Northern Illinois University, DeKslb, Illinois 60115.



Journal of Chemical Education