John G. Jewett, James J. Breeyear, Jay H. Brown, and C. Hackett Bushweller ... Richard D. Adams and John H. Yamamoto , Agnes Holmes and B. J. Baker.
Sep 17, 2016 - pounds VI-IX an Hp research chromatograph (Hewlett Packard) equipped with flame ionization was used. Nmr Analysis. Nmr spectra of all ...
Department of Chemistry, Worcester Polytechnic Institute,. Worcester, Massachusetts 01609. Received April 25, 1969. Abstract: Variable-temperature nuclear ...
I. Chair-boat eauilibration in duplodithioacetone. C. Hackett. Bushweller. J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 1967, 89 (23), pp 5978â5979. DOI: 10.1021/ja00999a060.
Sep 4, 1970 - Growth period 35 days within the dates June 10- ... Slow Pseudorotation in the Twist .... and fast tetrathiane pseudorotation, Hâ and He' or Ha'.
Howard S. Bilofsky,Ib Helena Ruben,Ic David H. Templeton,*Ic and Allan ZalkinIc ... Massachusetts 01 609, and the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory and ...
Slow s-tetrathiane chair-to-twist, chair-to-chair, and twist-to-twist interconversions. X-ray crystallographic studies. C. Hackett Bushweller, Geetha Bhat, Leo J.
Contribution from the School of Chemical Sciences, University of East Anglia,. Norwich, England, and the Department of Chemistry, College of General. Education, University ... W equatorial NH conformation of piperidine to be preferred by ca.
Dec 1, 1972 - William H. Hersh, Ping Xu, Cheslan K. Simpson, Jonathan Grob, Brian Bickford, Mohammad Salman Hamdani, Thomas Wood, and Arnold L.
Feb 20, 1974 - by the Ford Motor Company. Iwish to thank Pro- ... Robert A. Rouse. Contribution from the .... Rouse / Substituent Effects on Primary Ozonides ...
Figure 2. Low-temperature infrared spectrum of the carbonyl region after 50-min irradiation' of l-methoxybicyclo[3.2.O]hepta3,6-dien-2-one (111).
ketene carbonyl band at 2118 cm-' (Figure 2)51* which could be observed after 2-min irradiation and which reached a maximum at 1-3 hr. The intermediate was stable in the dark for 12 hr at