Conformationally restricted creatine analogs and ... - ACS Publications

Conformationally Restricted CreatineAnalogues and Substrate Specificity of Rabbit Muscle Creatine Kinase1". Robert F. Dietrich,1 Robert B. Miller, Geo...
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Biochemistry 1980, 19, 3 180-3 186

Conformationally Restricted Creatine Analogues and Substrate Specificity of Rabbit Muscle Creatine Kinase? Robert F. Dietrich,$ Robert B. Miller, George L. Kenyon,* Thomas S. Leyh, and George H. Reed


Several conformationally restricted analogues of creatine have been both synthesized and examined as potential substrates or inhibitors of rabbit muscle creatine kinase (EC When a n asymmetric center was included in a creatine analogue in the position CY to the carboxyl group, the enzyme had a pronounced preference for the R enantiomer. Thus, whereas (R)-N-amidinoazetidine-2-carboxylic acid (7) has been shown to be a good substrate ( K , = 72 mM, K , = 39 mM, and V,,, = 29% relative to that of creatine) for creatine kinase, the corresponding S enantiomer 6 showed only barely detectable reactivity ( Vmax(rel). University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. Philadelphia. Pennj! Ivdnia 19101 (T.S.L. and G.H.R.). Rereiced Drzeniber /?. 19'9. This work U P S supported b! U S . Public Health Service Relearch Grant5 .A\l I7323 (G.L.K.) and A31 17517 ( G H.R.). Thi, projea \\as ~ 1 x i3u p ported by the Divisisn of Research Resources. hational Institutsi of Health Grant R R 00892-01.-21 to the UCSF Magnetic Resonance Liborator). A preliminar! report of this work \\as presented a t the 63th Annual \leetin@ of the American Society of Biological Chemisti. ;\IIdnta, GA, June 1-8, 1978 (Dielrich 8: Ken!on. 197x). *Address corrcspondence to this author at the Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistr!. L'nivcr,it! of California Recipient of d Research Czreer Development Xuard, :\51 00014, from the Kational In,titute Arthritis, 3letabolism and Digr.sti\e Disea,es. 1975- 1980. 'Sational Institutes of Health Predoctoral Trdince. 19-6 -19'9 (Training Grant G31 00728 td the Department af Pharm.i;eutical Chemistr! ). Prcscnt address Department df Cheni:,tr!. Pccns!ltaniz State Lnitersit!. L'nivcrsit! Pirk. P:\ IhhO2

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