Congress takes on budget, other matters - C&EN Global Enterprise

May 19, 1986 - The ceiling for health programs—which includes budgets for the National Institutes of Health and consumer and occupational safety and...
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Antitrust» (Hit. 4247-4250, S. 2160-2164) Administration plan for revising antitrust law

Congress takes on budget, other matters This year's running of the Congressional budget mar­ athon has officially started, with Senate passage of the first concurrent budget resolution for 1987. That reso­ lution, which is nonbinding, sets budget ceilings for 21 separate budget functions or categories ranging from national defense to undistributed offsetting re­ ceipts. In general, the resolution calls for higher spend­ ing for civilian R&D programs than the Administra­ tion requested. As approved by the Senate, the budget authority ceiling for general science, space, and technology is $10.2 billion, 8% more than the Administration requested. That category includes the budgets of the National Science Foundation, the National Aeronau­ tics & Space Administration, and the Department of Energy's general science programs. The ceiling for health programs—which includes budgets for the National Institutes of Health and con­ sumer and occupational safety and health programs— is $38 billion, 7% more than requested by the Admin­ istration. The Senate approved a floor amendment, which subtracts some $90 million from Congress' own budget for newsletters and adds that amount to the health budget for research on acquired immune defi­ ciency syndrome (AIDS) and Alzheimer's disease. The energy ceiling is set at $4.5 billion, 2% above the Administration request, and includes at least a $100 million increase in budget authority for research in such areas as clean coal technologies, alternative fuels, and renewable energy. The budget resolution must still be approved by the House, which undoubt­ edly will come up with a different set of numbers, and then by a House-Senate conference committee. Next it will be up to the appropriations committees to make the first attempt to parcel out the funding with­ in each budget category. The fiscal 1987 budget still has a long way to go before it becomes reality. Despite the focus on the budget and taxes, Congress has had time for other matters. For example, the Sen­ ate Governmental Affairs Subcommittee on Civil Ser­ vice, Post Office & General Services is holding hear­ ings on legislation, S. 1727, that would allow federal agencies to set up alternative personnel management systems, including higher pay levels, for scientific and technical personnel. And subcommittees of both the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee and the House Science & Technology Committee are planning hearings in the near future on legislation (S. 1967 and H.R. 4452) specifically regulating bioengineered organisms whether they are released into the environment, used in manufacturing, or distributed in commerce. Janice Long, Washington 32

May 19, 1986C&EN

Authorization. (H.R. 4428, S. 2199) Set ceiling on DOD's fiscal 19β6Α&0 budget at apout $42 bilKon ψ^#ΐγ£ΡΦ.ρ °^ψ*ψ*ψϊ&γ«& ***&&*$&' :» »** *5*» *?ψ?&*&&^**&*τ&*νί

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ftesearcfc. (lift* 3773) AHows fédérai laboratories to enter into cooperative research agreements ^ p r i v a t e organizations

TiâféSu 91.H. 3ÉS8) Simplifies tax laws by eliminating most credits, deductions, elusions; broadens tax base, reduces fates Trade. {&& 4750, S. 1860, 1866) Require sanctions against countries that engage in unfair trading practices and/or tabor practices (H-R. 4747, S. 1869) Set forth procedures for determining that U.S. intellectual property rights have been infringed by foreign firms, set penalties

House committee

House floor

Senate committee

Senate floor



Judiciary. Energy & Commerce

Judiciary. Began hearings 3/21/86

Enactment possible

Armed Services, R&D Subcommittee concluded hearings 3/12/86

Armed Services, Concluded hearings 4/30/86

Enactment certain

Science & Technology. Subcommittee on Science Research & Technology approved for full committee action 3/19/86

Commerce, Science & Transportation. Subcommittee on Science, Technology & Space held hearings 5/15/86. Labor & Human Resources. Concluded hearings 3/26/86

Enactment certain

Science & Technology. Subcommittee on Space Science & Applications approved for full committee action 4/17/86

Commerce, Science & Transportation. Subcommittee on Science, Technology & Space concluded hearings 5/8/86

Enactment certain

Judiciary. Subcommittee on Crime held hearings 5/11/86

Judiciary. Reported, amended 11/21/85 (S. Rept. 99-196)

Amended, passed 12/8/85

Enactment possible

Energy & Commerce. Subcommittee on Health & the Environment held hearings 4/28/86

Labor & Human Resources. Reported, amended, 12/18/85 (S. Rept. 99-225)

Debate began 5/8/86

Enactment possible

Energy & Commerce. Merchant Marine & Fisheries. Judiciary. Public Works & Transportation. Ways & Means. Reported, amended (H. Rept. 99-253, Pt. 1-5)

Amended, passed 12/10/85

Environment & Public Works. Reported, amended 3/18/85 (S. Rept. 99-11). Finance. Reported, amended 6/23/85 (S. Rept. 99-73). Judiciary. Concluded hearings 6/10/85

Amended, passed 9/26/85

Conference began 2/26/86

Enactment likely

Public Works & Transportation. Reported, amended 7/2/85 (H. Rept. 99-189) Energy & Commerce. Reported, amended 6/11/85 (H. Rept. 99-168)

Amended, passed 7/23/85 Passed 6/17/85

Environment & Public Works. Reported 5/14/85 (S. Rept. 99-50)

Amended, passed 6/13/85 Passed 5/16/85

Conference began 3/26/86

Enactment likely

Report filed 5/5/86 (H. Rept. 99-575

Enactment likely

Environment & Public Works. Reported, amended 5/15/85 (S. Rept. 99-56) Agriculture, Nutrition & Forestry. Markup scheduled for 6/4/86

Enactment possible

Environment & Public Works. Plans June hearings

Enactment likely

Education & Labor. Subcommittees on Health & Safety and Labor Standards began markup 5/14/86

Labor & Human Resources. Subcommittee on Labor began hearings 5/15/86

Enactment possible

Judiciary. Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties & the Administration of Justice held hearing 2/19/86

Judiciary. Subcommittee on Patents, Copyrights & Trademarks approved, amended, for full committee action 3/11/86

Enactment possible

Energy & Commerce. Subcommittee on Commerce, Transportation & Tourism continuing hearings. Ways & Means Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations began hearings 3/13/86

Commerce, Science & Transportation. Plans further hearings

Enactment possible

Agriculture. Subcommittee on Department Operations, Research & Foreign Agriculture plans markup 5/14/86 Energy & Commerce. Subcommittee on Health & the Environment concluded hearings 5/7/86

Science & Technology. Reported, amended 12/5/85 (H. Rept. 99-415)

Passed 12/18/85

Commerce, Science & Transportation. Reported, amended 4/21/86 (S. Rept. 99-283)

Enactment possible

Ways & Means. Reported, amended 12/7/85 (H. Rept. 99-426)

Amended, passed 12/18/85

Finance. Ordered, reported with an amendment in the nature of a substitute

Enactment probable

Ways & Means. Reported 5/6/86 (H. Rept. 99-581)

Finance. Subcommittee on International Trade began hearings 5/13/86

Enactment possible

Judiciary. Subcommittee on Courts, Civil Liberties & the Administration of Justice approved for full committee action 4/29/86

Finance. Subcommittee on International Trade began hearings 5/15/86

Enactment possible

May 19, 1986 C&EN