Conjugate and nonconjugate reduction with LiAlH4 and NaBH4

California State University. Carson. CA 90747. Conjugate and Nonconjugate with LiAIH4 and NaBH4. G. Richard Meyer. The College of Charleston, Charlest...
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California State University Carson. CA 90747

Conjugate and Nonconjugate with LiAIH4 and NaBH4 G. Richard Meyer The College of Charleston, Charleston. SC 29401 Most organic textbooks, whether hepinning o r advanced, discuss the use of complex metal hydrides as reducing agents. This discussim, especially in beginning texts, is often limited to a consideration of the action of lithium aluminum hydride and sodium honrhydride. In a n apparent attempt to simplify the topic, virtually every author who considers the phenomenon d"cr1njugate reduction" of n,/3-unsaturated carhonyl compounds with these reagents seriously misrepresents the data t o he found in the chemical literature ( 1 1. Some errors in the presentation of the reducing action of sodium borohydride have heen noted recently (21. Aunarentlv the errors with reeard t o coniueate .. . .. reduction arise from (a) a feeling that sodium horohydride is more selective than lithium aluminum hydride and ( h ) a desire to make such selectivity more or less universal. Thus, t h e most common error is t o state or implv that. while sodium horo-

tims-e.g., by changing the temperature i:i,3) or the solvent (5)or by employing inverse addition ( 4 I. Conjugate reduction can he amiided by the use 01aluminum hydride 16) or diisoI~utylaluminumhydride (7) as the reducing agent. o,o-unsaturated carhonyl compounds with strong electron withdrawing groups attached to the n-carbon atom are not considered here. I( is typical for only the carhon-carbon double bond to he r e d u c d hy both lithium aluminum hydride (8) and sodium hmohydride ( 9 )in such systems. In summarv, it is to he noted t h a t in most m.8-unsaturated systems (i.e., aldehydes and ketones) other than cinnamyl, lithium aluminum hvdride txedominantlv reduces onlv the carhonyl group, while sodium horohydride has a greater tendency t o reduce the carhan-carbon d ~ ~ u h hond le (at least the reduction uf this functional grouping



Thus, one may read in one text t h a t lithium aluminum hydride is a ". . . powerful reducing agent. Will reduce C=C if conjugated with C=O" and in another t h a t ". . . lithium aluminum hydride often reduces double h m d s which are in conjugation with C=O honds, as well as reducing the C=O honds." One may also read t h a t sodium horohydride is more "selective" than lithium aluminum hydride and catalytic hydrogenation in that it ". . . has no effect on C=C honds" and ". . . sodium hnrahydride, NaBHd, does not reduce carboncarbon douhle honds, not even those conjugated with carhmyl groups, and is, therefore. useful for the reduction of such unsaturated carhonyl compnunds t o unsaturated alcohols." One also finds t h a t ". . . neither lithium aluminum hvdride nor sodium borohydride reduces alkenyl drluble honds" and that ". . . t h e reduction of'2-butenal. CH.,CH=CHCHO, must he carried out a t low temperatures in order to avoid reduction of the douhle bond." Unfi~rtunately,none of these statements corresponds to the experimental facts. T h e experimental data involving the reduction of o,o-unsaturated compounds (limited primarily t o aldehydes and ketones) are presented in the accompanying tal~le. T h e erroneous notion t h a t lithium aluminum hydride produces conjugate reduction is apparently based on studies of the cinnamyl system (e.g., entries 19-23), With b u t few exceptions (e.g.. entries 16 and 171, this is the only system i n is o b s r r w d with lithium olumiwhich ~ ~ n j u g ( zreduction te nurn h.sdridr. T h e tendency of sodium horohydride t o reduce the conjugated carbon-carhon douhle hond is also well documented, a s can he seen in the tahle (e.g., entries 1,s.6,8-14, 16-18, 20-23). T h e tabulated results record, except where noted. "normal" lithium aluminum hvdride idiethvl ether solvent) and sodium horohydride (alcohol solvent) reductions a t room temperature. It is eenerallv. . possible t o alter t h e product ratios tahulated hy changing the reaction condi628

Journal of Chemical Education

Literature Cited I l l A nimhteex~.~~tirm


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