May 17, 2012 - CONNECTICUT INSTRUMENT CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (8), pp 99A–99A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60176a741. Publication Date: July ...
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New Clip Permits the Handling of Cavity and Sandwich Cells Without Fogging Them

. . . And Makes Filling and Cleaning Them Easier.

Refrigerated centrifuge, Model PR-2, is capable of swinging more than 7 0 different accessory combinations. Volumes up t o 4 χ 1000 m l . can be swung. Maximum speed is 5 1 0 0 r.p.m. for 6 χ 100 m l . , giving forces of 4 2 4 0 χ G. Speeds to 19,000 r.p.m. for 6 x 7 m l . t o give force of 2 5 , 0 0 0 χ G are possible with multispeed attachment. International Equipment Co. P-7

Microwave spectrum analyzer, Model SA-84T, covers thé frequency range from 10 to 4 0 , 8 8 0 mc. and is capable of a number of operations: detection and identification of spurious signals, testing microwave oscillators, measurement of frequency difference of two RF signals, and others. It is transistorized, weighs 7 0 lbs., and takes either 12-volt battery or 115-volt a.c. power. Polarad Electronics Corp. P-8

Survey M e t e r

Portable Model 7 Juno instrument measures the intensity of alpha, beta,

It Snaps Reproducibly the Spectrophotometer.


New lost cost Infrared Cells feature short pathlength, reproducibility The new CIC Sandwich Infrared Absorption Cells are fashioned from two polished plates of infrared transmitting material cemented together with an epoxy resin insoluble in nearly all organic solvents. Precise spac­ ing is obtained with Teflon spacers. Pathlengths currently available are 0.025, 0.05 and 0.1 mm. Volumes are less than 10 microliters. Both the Sandwich Cells and CIC's well-known Cavity Cells are in­ terchangeably mounted in a newly designed holder which greatly facilitates handling and permits reproducible mounting in the spectrophotometer. Cavity and Sandwich Cells, together with their new mount, are as convenient to use for all applications as conventional cells and are less than a quarter the price. We will be pleased to send you a complete catalogue on these cells and other CIC products.


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Circle Νo. 14onReaders' Service Card VOL. 33, NO. 8, JULY 1961

99 A