May 16, 2012 - CONNECTICUT INSTRUMENT CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1960, 32 (10), pp 96A–96A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60166a793. Publication Date: ...
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NEW BOOKS Nuclear Spectroscopy. Fay Ajzenberg-Selove, Editor. xxi + 621 pages. Academic Press, Inc., I l l Fifth Ave., New York 3, Ν. Υ. 1960 $16.

Type "C" Cavity

Cell and Wedge-Cavity

Cell in an Infrared


"WHY WEREN'T THEY THOUGHT OF SOONER?" So say those who have used the new cavity infrared absorption cells recently introduced by Connecticut Instrument Corporation. The Cavity Cell pictured above in the sample beam is fash­ ioned from a single block of crystal — as a result it is tight, has a low volume (down to one microliter) in the micro models, has no metal in contact with the sample, is readily cleaned and buffed and, believe it or not, costs no more than a single window for a conventional absorption cell. In the reference beam is the unique new Wedge-Cavity Cell that eliminates the need for matched cells. This cell is a really practical variable space cell that is as versatile as it is in­ expensive. Its unique construction simplifies cleaning—the Wedge-Cell may even be used for sampling. Both cells are ideal for the new low cost spectrometers, like the Infracord and the IR-5. Cavity cells are available in all infrared trans­ mitting materials.

For full information on Cavity Cells and other C.l.C. products, write for C.l.C. Newsletter.




Circle No. 188 on Readers' Service Card

96 A



This book is written for graduate students preparing for experimental re­ search in nuclear spectroscopy, as well as for specialists in one area of the field wishing to acquire broader under­ standing of the whole field. As such, it should be understandable to those who have completed graduate-level courses in quantum mechanics and nuclear physics. Thirty-five authors have joined in contributing monographs to the book, which is divided into two parts. The first part, subdivided into four sections, covers the spectroscopy of charged particles, gamma ray spectroscopy, neutron spectroscopy, and other top­ ics, including photonuclear reactions, measurement of very short lifetimes, and measurement of electromagnetic moments of nuclear states. Part Β is subdivided into two sec­ tions dealing with nuclear models and with the theoretical analysis of data. This part offers a total of 12 mono­ graphs. The book is well illustrated and includes extensive reference lists arranged at the close of the appropriate monographs.

Proceedings of the International Symposium on Microchemistry held at Birmingham University, August 20th to 27th, 1 9 5 8 . D. W.

Wilson, Editor, xxvi + 583 pages. Pergamon Press, 122 East 55th St., New York 22, Ν. Υ. 1900. $15. Texts of 60 papers presented at the International Symposium on Microchemistry held at Birmingham Univer­ sity in August 1958 are presented in this volume. The book also covers the discussions which followed presentation of the papers. The speakers represented a broad spectrum of interests and a wide geo­ graphical area (25 countries). The general categories of topics pre­ sented include : qualitative micro-anal­ ysis, decomposition of organic matter, weighing, determination of elements and groups, determination of physical constants, biochemical methods, chro­ matography and ion exchange, polarography, radiochemical methods, spectrochemical methods, titrimetry, complexometry, industrial applications of microchemistry, teaching, apparatus, and Great Britain's contribution to the field.