conducts training courses throughout the nation. These comprehensive ... Division maintains the largest and best trained sales-service-training organi...
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Mass spectrometry... the proven answer to complex problems Today, the mass spectrometer is as necessary a tool to the organic chemist as the microscope is to the pathologist. For only with mass spectrometry may absolute structural identification of virtually every organic substance, natural or synthetic, be obtained. As the pioneer and leader in mass spectrometry, CEC has had an opportunity to perfect many new techniques for both qualitative and quantitative analysis. Consequently, approximately 90% of all existing data has been secured with CEC instrumentation. Until recently, however, many prospective users of spectrometers avoided requesting these instruments in the belief that they might be too complex to master. To dispel this concern, CEC conducts training courses throughout the nation. These c o m p r e h e n s i v e courses include the operation of all mass spectrometry equipment as well as on-the-job instruction of operators at time of installation.

Some famous members of CEC's Mass Spectrometry Family:

2 1 - 1 1 0 8 Mass Spectrometer

The 21-110B is the most versatile mass spectrometer in existence. Widely used for structural determinations in organic chemistry, the 21-110B is also the ultimate choice for advanced work in biological chemistry, solid-state physics and natural products research. Optional features include a Knudsen cell, surface ionization ion source, combination p h o t o p l a t e / e l e c t r i c a l detector, and automatic data handling equipment. Resolution: 1/30,000.

Furthermore, C E C will update or modify any of its existing equipment so that no CEC Mass Spectrometer need ever become obsolete. In addition, where standard instrumentation is not available to meet specific requirements, CEC will create custommade equipment to meet the need. Or, will supply any standard components for users who prefer to build their own instruments. As a result, CEC's Analytical & Control Division maintains the largest and best trained sales-service-training organization in the field today. ·


2 1 - 6 2 0 A Mass Spectrometer

The 21-620A was designed for extreme flexibility at low cost. Its fields of application include such diverse uses as routine composition analysis, petroleum studies, respiratory analysis and computer-governed process control analysis. The 21-620A is also noted for its exceptional reliability and ease of operation. Mass range: m / e 2-4 and m / e 12-150. Sensitivity: threshold detection of 50 ppm easily attainable. For complete information on all CEC Mass Spectrometer instrumentation, call or write for CEC Bulletin Kit 9030-X3.

2 1 - 1 0 4 Analytical Mass Spectrometer

The 21-104 is the ideal general purpose analytical tool for university laboratories, research service groups, routine analyses in organic chemistry and as a monitor of gas chromatograph effluents. Circle No. 46 on Readers' Service Card

80 A

Resolution: adjustable to 1 part in 2500. Mass range: m / e 2-2000.


Analytical & Control Division