Constant Velocity versus Harmonic Drive Friction Measurements

Dec 18, 2000 - Constant Velocity versus Harmonic Drive Friction Measurements. V. Pasquier1, J. M. Drake1, ... ACS Symposium Series , Vol. 781. ISBN13:...
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Chapter 9

Constant Velocity versus Harmonic Drive Friction Measurements Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on September 9, 2012 | Publication Date: December 18, 2000 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2001-0781.ch009




V. Pasquier , J. M. Drake , and J. Klafter 1

Exxon Research and Engineering Company, Route 22 East, Annandale, NJ 08801 School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel


In this article we investigate atomic force microscope friction ( A F M ) measurements at the S i O / S i O interface. We use two approaches which differ in the way in which the surfaces are driven relative to each other in contact. The silicon tip of the AFM is driven at constant velocity or harmonically. The resulting response corresponds to either the tribological or the rheological properties at the contact. Here we bridge the gap between the two approaches which do not always lead to the same conclusions. 2


Nanoindentation and nanotribology have been active research topics since the introduction of experimental tools such as the surface forces apparatus (SFA) and the atomic force microscope ( A F M ) . These tools allow for detailed investigations o f frictional properties o f confined molecular systems at nanometer length scales(7,2,3,4J). Two approaches have been used to investigate frictional forces in confined systems: the tribological, where a constant drive velocity is applied(6), and the rheological, which applies an oscillatory external drive: X(t)=Ax sin Out (7,8). When the oscillatory drive is applied, the response o f the system is analyzed in terms o f complex moduli (9). The rheological analysis o f the moduli enables to distinguish between the elastic and viscous components o f the response. The viscous part is directly related to the energy dissipation in the system. A few interesting questions arise: • What is the relationship between these two types of drives? • Are the frictional properties obtained using a constant velocity drive and an oscillatory drive the same? • To what extent is the velocity defined in rheology ν=Δχ ω meaningful? Here we try to address these issues by comparing the tribological and rhelogical methods in the case of dry friction at a S i 0 / S i 0 interface. We show, by using an 2



© 2001 American Chemical Society In Interfacial Properties on the Submicrometer Scale; Frommer, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

A F M , that the friction coefficients obtained by the two approaches are similar, provided that the rheological velocities Δχ ω are higher that some transition value of velocity. The relationship between tribology and rheology of confined molecular systems has been investigated theoretically for models that mimic SFA(70,77).

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Description of the experiment. The principle of the atomic force microscope ( A F M ) consists in rastering the sample surface with a sharp tip -about 10-100nm of radius- that is placed at the end of a -200μιη long- cantilever driven by a 3-dimensional transducer. A laser beam is reflected off the backside of the cantilever onto a 4-quadrant Position Sensitive Photodetector (PSD). The output photocurrent signals enable the torsional and normal bendings of the cantilever to be measured, which are proportional to the lateral and normal forces experienced by the tip in contact with the surface (72,13,14,15,16). The same cantilever is used in both tribological and rheological methods. We used a pure silicon bar-shaped cantilever. Knowing the metrics, measured using optical and scanning electron microscopes and the Silicon Young modulus, the spring constants were calculated. The normal spring constant is 0.31 ±0.0 IN/m and the torsional spring constant is 24±8N/m The constant velocity drive is created by applying a sawtooth voltage ramp to the lateral piezoceramic transducer. The second method is achieved by applying a harmonic drive to the piezo making it extend and retract cyclically. The lateral torsion of the cantilever, while the tip is sliding at constant velocity under a constant load, is averaged over the sliding distance and analyzed in term of friction force. If the input modulation drive is a harmonic sine wave, we use the phenomenological theory of linear viscoelasticity to describe our output in term of storage and loss moduli giving an insight into the dissipative and elastic modes of the system (17,18).

Constant velocity sliding measurements. One commonly measures of the friction force at a constant velocity using the friction loop. The tip is forced to slide in the lateral direction by the cantilever. The friction force makes the cantilever twist by an angle that is proportional to the friction force. When the movement is reversed and the tip slides in the opposite direction, the cantilever bends by the same but opposite angle. This friction loop corresponds to the difference of the lateral force signal between the back and forth scans. Therefore, the friction force equals half the amplitude of the friction loop. We used the friction loop method to probe the friction at the S i 0 / S i 0 nanocontact. We measured the averaged friction force by scanning at a constant velocity of ΙΟμιη/s over a ΙΟμπι χ 3μπι area at constant load. Then, the measurement is repeated for another constant load and averaged over the same surface area. The normal force between the tip and the surface is maintained constant when scanning with an electronic feedback loop. A compromise has to be found in order to set the feedback parameters high enough to keep the normal force constant without introducing parasitic vibrations that might impact the friction force measurement (19,20)· 2

In Interfacial Properties on the Submicrometer Scale; Frommer, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


Figure 1 shows the sliding friction dependence on the total normal load. The result is analyzed using the Amontons' law that states that the friction force and the load are related by a porportionality constant, the friction coefficient, F



= τ

( 1 )


where F is the frictional force and L , the total load is Downloaded by UNIV MASSACHUSETTS AMHERST on September 9, 2012 | Publication Date: December 18, 2000 | doi: 10.1021/bk-2001-0781.ch009


L=F„+ Fa*.


Here F is the applied normal force and F dh is the adhesion force. n


The slope in fig.l provides a friction coefficient which here is μ=0.108±0.001. We have chosen to consider the total load instead of the commonly used applied load, F . The measured adhesive force obtained from the intercept of the friction versus applied load plot is F dh=3.9±0.8nN. Assuming an ideal Hertzian contact area, we estimate that the surface energy equals 18mJ/m , which is consistent with the value of 13mJ/m observed for the dry sliding of silica on silica (27). n




Figure I .Load dependence of the friction force at a constant sliding velocity of 10pm/s (Φ loading, β unloading) This observation of the friction coefficient provides the averaged frictional property at the nanocontact. Indeed, the observed Amontons' law suggests that the contact between the silicon tip and the surface is actually a multiasperity contact, or that the contact is somehow wearing out during the process.

In Interfacial Properties on the Submicrometer Scale; Frommer, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

Harmonie Drive Measurements.

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We now study the sliding contact properties using the rheological approach. The lateral stress is applied using an oscillatory external drive. Assuming that the system adopts a viscoelastic behavior, the strain can be investigated in terms of complex moduli (9,22,23,24). Measuring the in-phase and out of phase responses allows a direct measure of the storage and loss components of the sliding contact and therefore provides additional information about the dissipation. The harmonic drive approach which is basic in rheological experiments was first implemented by Colchero et al. (25) for an A F M . The basic idea couples a lock-in technique with the lateral force microscope and has been essentially used for measuring the lateral contact stiffness (26,27). If the tip is modulated periodically in successive back and forth scans the lateral force signal is periodic too. The lock-in technique is particularly appropriate to analyze a signal in reference to another signal of the same frequency. The first step consists in establishing the experimental procedure which essentially means the choice of the appropriate modulation frequency. The modulation frequency must be chosen so that it reduces unexpected correlations and avoids damped response or over-enhanced noise. We have focused our investigation in the frequency window from 0 to 1kHz since the ultimate frequency needs to be well below the resonance frequency of the transducer to insure the linear response of the lateral drive.






Frequency (Hz) Figure 2: The average cantilever frequency responsef sweep, and the free resonance spectrum in contact (frequency chosen to drive the cantilever laterally.

) to a lateral modulation -). The arrow indicates the

In Interfacial Properties on the Submicrometer Scale; Frommer, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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We have measured the frequency response of the lateral mode of the cantilever while sweeping the drive frequency of the voltage applied to the piezoceramic transducer (figure 2). Below 180Hz the spectrum shows frequencies for which lateral vibrations seem to be totally damped. It is important to notice that these frequencies do not correspond to any of the free vibrational modes present in the system. We have searched for a frequency that does not exhibit any overdamping or resonant properties. We noticed in the spectrum (figure 2) a plateau between 180Hz and 270Hz, where the cantilever response is constant and independent of the modulation frequency. Therefore, we have chosen the modulation frequency of 213Hz. As it has already been pointed out (28) the frequency response of the cantilever is quite complex and reveals coupling between normal and lateral modes. Therefore, we checked the magnitude of the coupling by looking at the orthogonal modes of the cantilever. We found that when the modulation is applied at 213Hz, the normal lateral coupling occurs at harmonic modes of 213Hz and also at higher frequencies. The energy transfer between normal and lateral vibrational modes of the system creates a non-random noise in the normal force and consequently in the friction force. These force fluctuations represent as much as 10% of the forces observed in the friction measurement. First, in order to validate the modulation technique we compared the results with the constant velocity measurememt. To do so, we chose a sawtooth drive voltage, so that the lateral displacement takes place at constant velocity. While the tip is oscillating in the transverse or lateral direction, the cantilever is brought into contact by extending the Z-piezoceramic transducer at constant speed by a known distance and is then retracted to its initial position. The friction force is proportional to the amplitude of the tip's lateral displacement analyzed by the lock-in technique. Measuring the lateral component while varying the load achieves in one step the measurement of the friction versus load. Figure 3 shows the total load dependence of the friction force measured for modulation amplitudes of 50nm and lOOnm. The contact location was arbitrarily chosen on the same surface. Both curves are described by the same Amontons' law. The friction coefficient defined by the slope of the linear fit is μ=0.087±0.001. When plotted as the friction force versus the total load, the intercept is zero. It is important at this point to specify that the error associated to the friction coefficient arises from the fitting analysis of our data, which therefore, determines the precision of the experiment and not the overall acuracy of the experiment. Indeed, the main source of uncertainty in our measurements originates in the precision in the cantilever metrics measured by optical microscopy and S E M which is of the order of 3% to 5%. Some other sources (19,28), like the position of the laser spot on the backside of the cantilever affects the absolute accuracy of the friction measurements to an extend that is difficult to evaluate. We expect the overall accuracy on the friction measurement to be less than 60%(28). Nevertheless, since the crucial experimental conditions were optimized and kept constant from an experiment to the other, the comparison remains valid.

In Interfacial Properties on the Submicrometer Scale; Frommer, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Figure 3 .Load dependence of the friction force measuredfor an oscillatory motion at constant speeds (lateral displacement amplitude 50nm and lOOnm at frequency 213Hz)

Figure 4 shows the difference between the drive (periodical sawtooth) and the lateral force experienced by the cantilever.

Figure 4: The shape of the friction loop obtainedfor an oscillatory drive at constant velocity.

In Interfacial Properties on the Submicrometer Scale; Frommer, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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After a sticking time the tip starts to slide, and the cantilever therefore bends under the effect of the friction force. Assuming that the steady state sliding regime is reached instantaneously (i.e. after a time short enough relative to the complete cycle), and that the friction force is constant over the covered distance the ideal shape of the response is a square wave. We recognize in the experimental response (figure 4) vertical jumps which correspond to the turning points and fluctuating friction force during sliding. The slight difference between the real and ideal shape introduces an additional source of error in the measurement since the lock-in provides the amplitude of the first component of signal decomposed into a Fourier series. We apply a correction coefficient defined by the ratio between the real friction loop area and the square wave area over the same half period. This coefficient tends to reach 4/π (25) for a lateral displacement amplitude o f more than lOOnm. For small lateral displacement, the correction factor is smaller and varies with the amplitude. We chose a suitable frequency range inside which the measurements are not affected by the mechanical coupling of the system. We checked the validity of our modulation approach by comparing two friction coefficients obtained by two different sliding drives at constant velocity. A harmonic drive voltage has been applied to the transverse piezo transducer. We increased the amplitude of the sine wave drive at a constant frequency, which led to a progressive increase in the the sliding velocity defined in rheological conditions by ν=Δχ ω . Figure 5 presents the lateral force, the friction coefficient and the loss tangent, as a function of the sliding velocity of the cantilever, ν=Δχ ω. The main feature in Figure 5 is the existence of two regimes. A t low velocities or small displacements, the friction force builds up towards a constant value. The same trend is observed for the friction coefficient that grows with ν and then becomes independent of velocity. In the local regime -small displacements, low velocities- the loss tangent increases significantly, indicating that sliding occurs at the contact. Indeed, i f the contact were not sliding, it would undergo elastic lateral deformation. The drive and the response would be in phase. Therefore the loss tangent would be constant and equal to zero. In addition, the slope dF/dx should provide a measurement of the contact stiffness (26,27). We have estimated the contact stiffness, knowing the tip radius, the elastic modulus of the tip and the subtrate. The lateral siffhess of the cantilever leads to a slope that would be much steeper than the one observed in the local regime, indicating that it would be observable for much smaller displacement or velocity that the ones probed by our measurement. We observe a transition regime between pure rocking and pure sliding. This intermediate transition regime suggests that the contact has not been steadily established yet. The loss tangent, which is a measure of the dissipation, is the only information that allows us to distinguish between the two regimes and identify when the steady state is reached. When defining the friction coefficient by the ratio of the friction force and the normal force, the curves that belong to different loads collapse into a single curve. This behavior has been recently observed in a theoritical spring model which mimics an SFA geometry (10,11). Although a friction coefficient can be defined for the whole range of displacements and velocities, we only refer to the range for which the friction coefficient fulfills Amontons' law, i.e. it is constant and independent of the velocity.

In Interfacial Properties on the Submicrometer Scale; Frommer, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.

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Figure 5: Velocity dependence of the friction force(a), of the friction coefficient (b) and of the loss tangent (c) for an increasing normal load at the Si0 / Si0 sliding contact In (c) shown are also loss tangent results under a different load condition (small circles). The lines are a guide to the eye. }


In Interfacial Properties on the Submicrometer Scale; Frommer, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.


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Figure 6 illustrates the load dépendance of the friction force in the steady state sliding regime when the tip describes an oscillatory motion at constant velocity . The friction coefficient defined by the slope is in agreement the friction coefficient obtained from figure 5.

Figure 6: Load dependence of the friction force force at constant sliding velocity (Φ 33.4pm/s m 133.8μπι/s) f

We have investigated the relationship between tribological and rheological measurements of friction coefficients. We have demonstrated that the friction coefficients, obtained using the A F M , are the same for different drives; namely constant velocity vs. harmonic drive. The meaning of the rheological velocity Δχ ω has been shown to exist for velocities higher than a transition velocity. A n interesting collapse of the friction coefficient results, as a function of velocity, has been observed as predicted theoretically. The two tribological and rheological methods resolve the friction over a large spatial scale length (ΙΟμπι-Ο.ΟΙμπι). They both provide the same information in terms of friction force or friction coefficient. They can be used in conjunction to establish the homogeneity or the inhomogeneity of the friction over these length scales. However, we have shown that the friction force measurement is not sufficient to determine whether or not the system is sliding. The loss tangent, measured using the rheological or modulation method, enables us to distinguish between an elastic and a dissipative response of the contact to a strain.

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In Interfacial Properties on the Submicrometer Scale; Frommer, J., et al.; ACS Symposium Series; American Chemical Society: Washington, DC, 2000.