Constitution and Stability of Complex Ions from Solubility Minima - The

Constitution and Stability of Complex Ions from Solubility Minima. C. A. Reynolds, and William J. Argersinger Jr. J. Phys. Chem. , 1952, 56 (4), pp 41...
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PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY (Registered in U. 8. Patent Office)

(Copyright, 1952, by the American Chemical Society)

Founded by Wilder D. Banwoft



APRIL 16, 1062


CONSTITUTION AND STABILITY OF COMPLEX IONS FROM SOLUBILITY’ R1INIR.IA BY C. A. REYNOLDS AND WILLIAMJ. ARGERSINGER, JR. Department of Cheniislry, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas Receiued 4jfarch I , 1961

.I simple new method of determining both the constitution and stabilitg of certain complex ions from measurements of solubility minima is presented. Applications of the method are discussed and calculations of stability using lit,eraturedata are given.


The use of solubility data in the determination of the formula and dissociation constant of complex ions has been described in several reports in the literature.l-12 In this paper an alternative direct method of treating such data, based on the position of the minimum in the solubility curves, will be developed and applied to data from the literature. Minima in the solubility curves of,slightly soluble salts, curves in which the solubility of the salt is plotted as a function of the stoichiometric concentration of the added anion common t.o the salt, mere first reported in 1911 by W. D. Harkinsg and Maurice Barre.13 The general shape of such solubility curves is similar to that shown in Fig. 1.l0 The initial decrease in the solubility of the salt is caused by the common-ion effect, but the minimum and subsequent increase can be the result of two independent causes. A decrease in the mean activity coefficient at high total concentrations will increase (1) W.Erber and A. Schuhly, J. prakt. Chem., 168, 176 (1941). ( 2 ) G. S. Forbes, J. Am. Chem. Soc.. SS, 1937 (1911). (3) A. B. Garrett, ibid., 61, 2744 (1939). ( 4 ) A. B. Garrett and R. E. Heiks. ibid., 69, 562 (1941). (5) A. B. Garret.t and A. E . Hirschler, ibid., 60, 299 (1938). (6) A. B. Garrett, 0. Homes and A. Laube, ibid., 62, 2024 (1940). ’ (7) A. B. Garrett, RI. V. Noble and 8. Miller, J . Clrem. E d . , 19, 485 (1942). (8) A. B. Garrett, S. Vellenga and C. M. Fontana, J. A m . Chem. Soc., 61, 367 (1939). (9) W. D. Harkins, ibid., 93,1807 (1911). (IO) H. L. Johnston, F. Cuta and A. B. Garrett, ibid., 66, 2311 (1933). (11) J. Kendall a n d C. H. Sloan, ibid., 47, 2306 (1925). . 121, 320 (1020). (12) H. Topelinnnn, J. p r ~ k t Chem., (13) Maurice Barre, Anal. C h m . Phys., 24, 148 (1911).

the solubility of the salt, but if the minimum occurs a t a concentration of the anion such that activity effects are negligible, the only phenomenon which will cause an increase in the solubility of the salt is complex-ion formation. A great number of examples of solubility minima have been reported since 1911,1--8,10-12,14--24 but in none of these reports map any special significance attached to the actual position of the minimum in the solubility curve. The position of the minimum determines two experimental data, the solubility of the salt a t the minimum and the stoichiometric concentration of the added anion at this point. From these two data and the solubility product of the salt, it is possible to calculate for the complex ion the number of complexing anions per central atom, and the dissociation constant. Garrett and his co-workers made a number of very reliable solubility studies4-8 in an attempt to (14) J. B. Chloupek and VI. 2. Danes, Collectton Czechoslou. ChernConmun., 4, 8 (1932). (15) H . D. Crockford and D. J. Brawley, J. Am. Chem. Soe., 66, 2600 (1934) (16) D. N. Craig, G. W. Vinal and F. E. Vinal, J . Research, L’. S. Bureau o/ Stand., 11, 709 (1936). (17) A. E . Hill and J. H. Wills, J. A7n. Chem. Soc., 60, 1047 (1938). (18) M. Huybrechts and Andrault de Langeion, Bull. 8oc. chim Bele., 89, 43 (1930). (19) M.Huybrechts and H. Romelot, ibid., 85, 239 (1926). (20) J. Piater, Z . anorg. allsem. Chem., 174, 321 (1928). (21) A. Pinkus and N. Berkolaiko, J. Cham. P h y s . , 27, 364 (1930). (22) A. Pinkus and A. M. Tirnrnerrnans, Bull. soc. chim. Belg., 46, 46 (1937). (23) A. Pinkus and R4. Haugen, ibid., 46, 603 (1936). (24) Soidcll, “Solubility of Inorganic and hktallic Compounds,” Vol I, 3rd Ed., D. Van Nostraiid, Ncw York, N. Y.,1940.




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AB,; let us assume that the dissolved A,B, is completely dissociated, and that all activity coefficients are unity. Let S be the solubility of A,B, in moles per liter in a solution of B ion containing C moles per liter. For the sake of simplicity and clarity, all charge notation on ions will be omitted. In the system at equilibrium the fact that both species, A and B, must be conserved leads to the equations



and (€3)

+ (AB,)



+ q(AB,) = nS + C



Furthermore since the solution is in equilibrium with excess AmBn, we have the expression for the solubility product K ,


(A)*(B)" = K B



Finally, the dissociation constant expression for the complex ion is given by

-TI 0 NoOH

(A)(B)*/(AB,) = KD

+ Ba(OH),

I n Equations 1 4 parentheses are used to indicate molar concentration. For the sake of simplicity, let


(B) = x

0.00 Fig. 1.-The

0.04 0.08 0..12 Normality of alkali. solubility of silver oxide in solutions of alkali.10

(A) = Y (AB,) = z

With these substitutions, Equations (3) and (4) ascertain the stabilities of the complex ions present may be solved for y and z as functions of x; when in the systems investigated. Their method of at- the results are substituted in Equations (1) and (2) tack, in a t least one investigation,'O was t o measure we obtain the slope of the ascending branch of the solubility curve and from this to calculate the dissociation constant of the postulated complex ion. I n other reports, e.5,' the formula and dissociation constant of the complex ion were determined from a linear Equations (5) and (6) may be regarded as the plot of the logarithm of the solubility versus the logarithm of the concentration of added salt, the parametric equations of the usual solubility curves usually justifiable assumptions being made that all in which S is plotted as a function of C . In most dissolved salt is present as complex ion, and the ac- cases it is impossible to eliminate the parameter z tual concentration of anion is equal to the concen- from these equations, but for our purpose such elimination is not necessary. We need only recognize tration of added salt. The alternative method of 'calculation herewith that a t the minimum in such a solubility curve presented requires no assumption as to the formula dS/dC = 0. Differentiating Equations ( 5 ) and (6) with reof the complex ion or the nature of the related equilibrium, nor need any approximation be made spect to C , and setting dS/dC = 0, we obtain for the various equilibrium concentrations. The only assumptions necessary are that activity effects are negligible in the concentration range in which (7) the solubility minimum occurs, that the dissolved and salt is completely dissociated and that one particular complex ion predominates in causing the minimum. The particular complex ion thus identified is normally that with the smallest number of coor= 1 (8) dinated anions. The experimental data required for the application of this method consist of an accurate .where xm and C , are the values of x and C a t the determination of the position of the minimum in the minimum. solubility curve, an equally accurate determination Since the quantity in brackets in Equation (8) is of the solubility in pure water from which the solubility product is determined, and analysis of the com- certainly not infinite, then (dz/dc)c,c, is not equal position of the solid phase in equilibrium with the to zero, and, therefore, the quantity in brackets in solutions. A method of correcting for incomplete Equation (7) must vanish. Hence, we have ionization of the saturating salt is also suggested. Derivation of Relationships.-The salt A m B n dissolves in a solution of B ion to form the complex ion


April, 1952

Substituting this result back into Equations (5) and (6) we find and

cm= 2,


With this relationship Equation (10) may now be solved for q, the number of anions coordinated to the cation The same substitution for z, in Equation (9) leads to the result

For a simple 1-1 salt Equations (12),and (13) reduce, of course, t o and

KD = ( q - 1)Ck


The results of many accurate solubility determinations are reported in the literature. Unfortunately, however, most of these fail to satisfy one or another of the previously discussed requirements for data t o which this method is applicable; in many cases the composition of the solid phase was not indicated, and in many others the solubility in pure water was not reported. Work is nom in progress in this Laboratory on several systems for which the requisite data will be obtained. The data of Johnston, Cuta and Garrett'O on the solubility of AgOH in OH- solutions show the position of the solubility minimum very accurately, as is seen in Fig. 1. The solubility minimum occurs a t 0.015 M alkali, and the solubility a t that concentration is 6.0 X 10-6 M ; the solubility in pure water is 2.22 X M . With these data the value of q calculated from equation (14) is 2.20, indicating the complex ion Ag(OH)2-. The value of the dissociation constant for the equilibrium Ag(0H)z-


+ 20H-

is found from Equation (15) to be 2.3 X Johnston, Cuta and Garrett reported 3.80 X 10-8 as the value of the constant for the equilibrium AgzO

+ 20H-


+ HzO


but it is not possible to fix the position of the minimum with sufficient accuracy t o apply the present method of calculation. It is well known that certain systems may form more than one complex ion, such as PbClz in solutions of C1- ion, for example, where the complex ions PbC13- and PbC14= have been found and studied. If no one of the several complex ions predominates strongly in the region of the minimum, the present method is incapable of determining both the constitution and dissociation constant of the complex ions; this limitation follows naturally from the fact that the experimental data consist essentially of only two numbers, the solubility of the salt and the concentration of added ion, both at the minimum point in the solubility curve. The fact that the curve is known experimentally to exhibit a minimum, not a maximum, constitutes a third (but only qualitative) factor which has been found of very little use in the analysis. If one of the complex ions does predominate strongly, however, the present method gives the properties of this one ion. In some cases where two complex ions exist, the formula and dissociation constant of one may be known from independent sources. It is then possible to determine the formula and dissociation constant of the other complex ion by a simple extension of the solubility minimum method. By the use of essentially the same method as before it is easily shown that a t the position of the solubility minimum, the actual concentration of the complexing ion is equal to the stoichiometric concentration of the anion solution which has been saturated with the salt. In the notation previously defined, with the addition of K , and r as the dissociation constant and number of complexing anions, respectively, for one of the complex ions, presumed known from independent sources, the treatment leads to the following results for the other complex ion


nSmC;Im r C: q =

K; /m &/n


- KAIm - C : . r (Fq

K, =


- 1)c; - 1)s





Thus if r and K , are known, it is possible t o calcuIt may be shown that the two equilibrium constants late q and K , from the experimental values of S, and C,. It is interesting to note that if one comare related by the expression plex ion is extremely unstable, so that K , becomes KS KD very large, these expressions approach those devz rived earlier for q and K , for systems containing no in which K G is the constant reported by Johnston, second complex ion. Cuta and Garrett. If K D is calculated from the In a number of instances strong indication of inreported value of KG, the result 2.5 X lo-* is ob- complete ionization of the saturating salt may be tained. observed, and the assumption of complete ionizaSimilar calculations have been made with the tion, therefore, becomes untenable. At every condata of Chloupek and Danes'4 on the solubility of centration of added anion the solubility exceeds AgZS04 in NazS04solution. The calculated value of that previously calculated by an amount equal to q is 1.05, indicating the complex ion AgS04-, and the concentration of un-ionized solute. Now, if the the dissociation constant is 1.2 X 10-1. activity coefficient of the weak electrolyte may be The extensive data of Garrett, Vellenga and Fon- assumed constant over the concentration range contanas on the solubility of the several lead oxides in sidered, then the concentration of un-ionized solute solutions of alkali indicate a minimum solubility, is also constant over this range. The previously de-



rived relations for p and KDare corrected merely by subtracting this concentration of un-ionized electrolyte from every solubility value. If independent data exist from which the solubility product may be determined, then the concentration of un-ionized saturating salt is easily calculated. In the absence of such data, it must be obtained from the solubility results. It may be shown that in general if the ascending branch of the curve of solubility versus concentration of added anion. be extrapolated to zero concentration, the intercept is just the concentration of un-ionized solute. When

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q - n/m = 1, the ascending branch is very nearly linear, and the extrapolation is extremely simple; in other cases, the ascending branch is not linear, and the extrapolation is more difficult and uncertain. When the contribution of the complex ion to the solubility in very dilute solutions of added anion may be neglected, the appropriate modifications of Equations (5) and (6) may be solved either numerically or graphically with experimentally determined solubility data to determine both the solubility product and the concentration of un-ionized electrolyte .



BY J. H. SI MONS'^ AND J. B. HICK MAN'^ School of Chemistry and Physics, The Pennsglvania Slate Ccllege, State College, Pa. Received March l d , 1951

It has been possible to correlate the energy of vaporization per niolecule of the gas of non-polar substances at 298.2”M. on the basis of polarizability, interpenetration and entropy of fusion. The resulting expressions have been generalized as to temperature. Energy of Vaporization of a limited number of polar substances can also be correlated by means of a similar expression; however, in this case the dipole moment must also be taken into consideration.

I. Introduction The energy of vaporization of a pure substance can be used directly to calculate its vapor pressure a t a given temperature, and is involved in expressions permitting estimation of the viscosity and surface tension. More importantly, energy of vaporization is a measure of the forces acting between molecules of the same species, and as such is intimately concerned with solubility behavior, If energy of vaporization could be independently related to measurable physical properties and structural features of a substance, it should be possible to consider mutua,l effects on energy of vaporization in a binary mixture, and hence to predict the escaping tendency of each component. This article is concerned with seeking such a relationship. The Clapeyron equation, Trouton’s rule and Hildebrand’s modification thereof for pure substances and Raoult’s law and the Hildebrand solubility equation for the components of a binary mixture superficially appear to represent the desired type of relationship. However, the data upon which they operate are themselves derived from experiments involving the vaporization process, hence these expressions, very useful in furnishing numerical approximations, are powerless to indicate why a particular material has a given energy of vaporization. The concept of interpenetration, recently formulated by Simoiis and Dunlap2 furnishes a picture of the vaporization process which has been used herein as a basis for the empirical development of expressions connecting energy of vaporization and other (1) (a) J . H. Simons, College of Engineering, Vniversity of Florida, Gainesville, Fla.; (b) J. B. Hickman, Dept. of Cheniistry, University of West Virginia, Rlorgantown, W. l’a. (2) J. H. Simons and R . D. Dunlsp, J . CAcm. Phvs., I S , 3 3 3 ( lY 50).

physical properties, free from the limitations mentioned above, Simons and Dunlap2 found that pentane and pentforane, although similar in those physical properties (such as energy of vaporization, polarizability and molar volume) considered to be critical in determining solubility behavior, formed mixtures deviating widely from Raoult’s law. The deviations from Raoult’s law were explained by assuming that pairs of hydrocarbon molecules intermesh or interpenetrate, while fluorocarbon molecules interpenetrate in a relatively negligible amount, either with one another or with hydrocarbon molecules. A quantitative evaluation of the distance of interpenetration, entirely consistent with the dimensions of the molecules, was shown to account for the observed deviations from Raoult’s law. As applied to the vaporization of pure substances, the concept of interpenetration indicates that the total energy of vaporization of a significantly interpenetrated material such as a hydrocarbon must involve both the energy required to transport the molecule permanently into the vapor, and an initial expenditure of energy to extract the molecule from its interpenetrated condition. Since only the former quantity is involved in the vaporization of non-interpenetrated materials such as. rare gases, fluorocarbons and symmetrical halides, they should represent the simplest cases for application of a theory of energy of vaporization. Thus the first service of the interpenetration concept was to indicate a method of approach to the problem. No attempt is made herein to derive equations from a fundamental law of forces between molecules. Rather, the data are examined empirically in the order suggested by the concept of interpenetration. In order to limit the number of variables

