Constitution of Binary Alloys. - Journal of the American Chemical

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stances) in an Alternating Electric Field; Chapter XIV. Including information published up to 1955-1957, the Relations between Cohesion and Constitution; Chapter XV. book has been organized along general lines similar to those Ordered States of Organic Substances; Chapter XVI. of the first edition. The systems are presented in alphabetiColloid Chemical Problems in Organic Chemistry; Chapter cal order according to chemical symbol, but are indexed XVII. The Chemical Bond; Chapter XI’III. Theory of separately under both elements of a given combination. Reaction Velocity; Chapter XIX. Reaction Velocity The chronological literature survey for each system is Constant and Constitution; Chapter XX. Reacton Velocity presented in condensed form and detailed discussion leading and Equilibrium, to a particular conclusion has been omitted to save space. As can be seen from the foregoing list, the present trans- Significant data, techniques by which obtained, purities of lation of the 7th German edition of “Theoretische Grund- materials and other pertinent information are given so that lagen der organischen Chemie” covers essentially the same the reader, whether he agrees or not, may have some apground as did its predecessors. In the course of the nearly preciation for the basis on which interpretations are made. thirty years that have elapsed since the first edition was pubWhere areas of uncertainty exist, these are clearly indilished, the book has been considerably extended and ex- cated. The discussions are well referenced and annotated, panded, but the result is still not entirely successful. The and the authors have been scrupulous in giving proper recogdiscussions of the various physical properties of organic nition to significant contributions by various investigators. compounds seem unnecessarily wordy, and they are freA departure from the earlier edition has been the presenquently not clear. This difficulty may be partly, but is tation of data on an atomic rather than weight percentage probably not entirely, due to the clumsy translation, which scale, a decision based on consultation with sixty metalis little if any better than that in the preceding volume. lurgists in various organizations, This is a welcome change The coverage is also not ideal. For example, there is a for those interested in principles of alloying. Procedures, rather detailed discussion of the Kerr constant, which has tables and helpful hints for conversion from atomic to weight never been found of great use in organic chemistry, but other per cent. and vice versa are given and quite frequently tick more important, and equally relevant, topics such as con- marks, in addition to those a t 10 wt. % intervals, are informational analysis and nuclear magnetic resonance are cluded a t the top of the diagrams to facilitate construction either slightedor entirelyignored. Both the molecular-orbital on a weight per cent. basis, if desired. and the mesomerism (resonance) approximations to the Also presented are Fahrenheit-Centigrade temperature quantum-mechanical treatment of valence are mentioned, conversion tables, structural data of the elements and but neither is described in sufficient detail to give the reader crystallographic data on intermediate phases, including a firm idea of either its usefulness or its limitations. The symmetry, type of structure according to “Strukturbericht” author leaves the impression that he regards the molecular- designations and lattice spacings. Whenever possible the orbital viewpoint the better of the two but, as frequently authors have used Bngstrom units rather than the smaller happens in the current literature, he usually invokes the Kx. units, which are converted to Sngstroms when multilanguage of mesomerism when he wishes to make a difficult plied by 1.00202. Although lattice parameter changes of point especially clear. The simple and easily understand- solid solutions are not specifically given, references containiilg able free-electron molecular-orbital approach is not men- the information are recorded. Of necessity, the type is tioned. small, but not uricomfortably so and the paper quality and In summary, this reviewer feels that the second volume of weight are substantial. “Theoretical Principles of Organic Chemistry” cannot be In summary, it is possible t o say that the quality and highly recommended. I t contains an enormous amount of scope of this book should make i t a requirement for every excellent material, but there are other presentations that metallurgical laboratory and library. are clearer, better balanced, and more up to date. These DEPARTNEST OF METALLURGICAL ENGINEERING other presentations are to be preferred. NEWYORKUNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY HAROLD MARGOLIN NEW YORK53, N. Y. OF CHICAGO UNIVERSITY G. W. WHELAND CHICAGO 37, ILLINOIS Methoden der Organischen Chemie (Houben-Weyl). Vierte, Vollig Neu Gestaltete Auflage. Band XI, Teil 2. Constitution of Binary Alloys. Second Edition. By Dr. Stickstoffverbindungen I1 and 111. Edited by EUGEN phil. MAX HANSEN,Managing Director, hletallgesellMULLER,Tubingen. With 0. BAYER Leverkusen, H. schaft, A.G., Frankfurt-Main, Germany; Formerly MEERWEIN, Marburg, and K. ZIEGLER, Mulheim. Georg Manager, Metals Research Department, Armour ReThieme Verlag, Herdweg 63, Stuttgart, Germany. 1958. search Foundation, Chicago, Illinois. Prepared with the xlviii 840 pp. 18 X 26 cm. Price, $36.80 (subscripcooperation of Dr. rer. nat. KURT ANDERKO, Research tion price, $33.20). Metallurgist, Metallgesellschaft, A.G., Frankfurt-Main, This volume in the classic series concerns some of the Germany ; Formerly Research Metallurgist, Metals Research Department, Armour Research Foundation, organic nitrogen compounds, others having been treated earlier. The first chapter of 222 pages discusses converChicago, Illinois. McGraw-Hill Book Company, Inc., sion of amines. Other chapters treat 1,2- and 1,3-alkylene330 West 42nd Street, New York 36, N. Y . 1958. xix imines (46 pages), amino acids and their derivatives (242 1305 pp. 16 X 23.5 cm. Price, $32.50. pages), lactatns (76 pages), quaternary ammonium salts (54 The study of phase equilibria is not fashionable research. pages) and nitrogen-sulfur compounds (112 pages). More frequently than not constitutional investigations are The literature of the chemistry in each of the sections is carried out for use in engineering programs rather than to not exhaustively treated but is, rather, selected. Detailed elicit principles of alloying. However, whether or not methods of synthesis and isolation are liberally placed they conduct research in this area, metallurgical labora- throughout the text and have evidently been carefully tories are concerned with phase diagrams as background chosen. The book contains also many tables, and some information or as some point of departure for other investi- of these should be highly useful to chemists active in these gations. Thus a compilation of the “Constitution of fields. The many tables of physical properties (mostly Binary Systems” has general metallurgical interest. melting points) of the derivatives of the amino acids may be This book represents a complete revision of “Der Aufbau of special interest. der Zweistofflegierungen” published in 1936. The authors The book is handsomely printed on a good quality paper. point out that “Whereas ‘Der Aufbau der Zweisstofflegier- The contents of this volume suggest that it may be a valued ungen’ covered 828 systems and contained 456 diagrams, possession by many chemical specialists who will not purthe present work includes 1334 systems and 717 diagrams. . chase the entire series. The nv,mber of references has increased from 5,500 to about 9,800. When the endeavor usually required in making a CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT ASD literature survey for one investigation is considered, the OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTE magnitude of the effort involved in this undertaking can be FLORIDA SIDSEY W. Fox STATE UNIVERSITY appreciated. FLORIDA TALLAHASSEE,


