10, 1026
and these through years of critical observations can prove the permanence and nontoxic qualities of amalgam. Respectfully,
New Text
Construction News
The Cleveland Dental Mfg. Co. Cleveland, Ohio July 22, 1926
Solid H e l i u m Κ very gas known to chemists has now been prcpaied in a solid form. T h e last to succumb is helium, t h e gas u^ed m support modern dirigible air ships. In a report t o the scientific j u.rmil, Nature, Prof. W. H. Keeson, of t h e University of Leyilen Hol land, announced t h a t with a temperature of 457 degrees !.clowzero Fahrenheit, helium becomes a solid under a pressure of twenty-six times that of ordinary air. At a temperature of about seven Fahrenheit degrees above the absolute zero, a pres sure of 140 times t h a t of the atmosphere was needed to make the liquid gas become solid. It was at the same laboratory in the University of Leyden t h a t helium was first m a d e into a liquid. This was done in 1908 by the late Prof. Kammerlingh Onnes. So difficult was this accomplishment t h a t since t h a t time a t only one other laboratory in the world has it been repeated, t h a t having been a t the University of Toronto, C a n a d a . Though Prof. Onnes was able to get a temperature of less than a degree and a half above absolute zero, with liquid helium, t h e pressure was not sufficiently great to make it a solid. This is t h e lowest temperature t h a t has ever been reached. At a still lower temperature the liquid would freeze with no higher pressure than t h a t of the atmosphere, or 15 pounds per square inch, b u t this achievement has not yet been reached.
G o v e r n m e n t Positions The United States Civil Service Commission announces open competitive examinations for Junior P a t e n t Kxaminer and Junior Physicist for which applications must be on file by October 9. T h e positions pay from $1X60 to $2400 per a n n u m . T h e former position is in the P a t e n t Office and the latter in the Bureau of Standards. Full information and application blanks may be obtained from the Commission.
Wood Flour
The Oxy-Hydrogen Mf0 Χ 1 f>0 ft., a t Miami, Fla.. on Ancona Avenue, for the erection of a proposed new branch plant for the manufacture of tloor and wall tile products. The initial pottery will be one-story, reported to cost close to S.'iO.OOO. A list of presses and other equipment to be installed will soon be arranged.
-—what Is it? —wmat is η ion
Wood Flour is sometimes known by one of these names: 1—Wood Pulp (never confused w i t h t h e wood pulp used for m a k i n g paper; 2—Wood Meal 3—Pulverized Wood 4—Powdered Wood
Wood Hour is finely powdered wood made from soft white pine lumber. There are three grades, each is always uniform in quality and color. Can be colored any desired shade. Low in moisture. Packed in 10O-1K bags—easy to handle and store. Unlimited supply available. I t is an ideal filler for m a n y purposes, and is used in large quantities by manufacturers of Inlaid L i n o l e u m C o m p o s i t i o n Flooring P h o n o g r a p h Records Rubber Filler Ornaments (moulded) Artificial Wood Oat-Meal Wall Paper Hand Soap Filler
Radio Moulding Compositions Electrical M o u l d i n g s D y n a m i t e (as a b s o r b e n t for Nitro glycerine) Plastic Moulding Compositions (all k i n d s ) M a n y other m i s c e l l a n e o u s uses, a s polisher for t i n and o t h e r m e t a l s , pin c u s h i o n filler, etc., etc.
These are some of the industries that are effecting great economies with Wood Flour. Give us an idea of what your product is, and we will give you the benefit of our experience. sample*
B E C K E R , M O O R E & CO., I n c . Largest
of Wood Flour
N O R T H TONAWANDA, N. Y . ( n e a r Buffalo)
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