consultants bureau enterprises, inc. - ACS Publications

Continuous duty motor, enclosed fan. Speed control ... complete line of light and heavy duty stirrers. S INSTRUMENT. CO R P . 13 ... Arthur H. Thomas ...
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by Soviet



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photograph a n d prices. Arthur H . T h o m a s Co. {Bull. 893Jt-B). L-47


C h r o m a t o g r a p h y Jars. T w o bulletins describe c h r o m a t o g r a p h y jars and t a n k s distributed b y t h e company, along with available accessories; prices i n ­ cluded. A r t h u r H . T h o m a s Co. {Bull. 3675 & 3682-A). L-48

This publication of t h e A c a d e m y of Sciences, USSR, presents original articles on e x p e r i m e n t a l a n d theoretical work in analytical chemistry; on new chemical and physicochemical methods; a n d on t h e application of analytical chemistry in different spheres of metallurgy, geochemistry, biochemistry, etc.

Porcelain Sinks. Twenty-page bro­ chure tells how t h e company's chemi­ cal porcelain sinks a r e made, a n d d e ­ scribes t h e full line available, includ­ ing fittings, t r a p s , and porcelain piping ; illustrated. U . S. Stoneware Co. {Bull. L-SR). L-49

A N N U A L S U B S C R I P T I O N : 6 issues, $80.00. B A C K I S S U E S : 1952-1958, $80.00 p e r y e a r .


Jar Rolling Equipment. Bulletin covers complete line of j a r mills a n d grinding jars, tabulating t h e specifica­ tions; 16 pages, illustrated. U . S. Stoneware Co. {Bull. J M-200). L-50

In this journal, o u t s t a n d i n g Soviet scientists p r e s e n t original p a p e r s on n e w a n d i m p o r t a n t theoretical a n d experimental work in general, inorganic, physical, a n d analytical chemistry. Will b e of special interest to chemists, engineers, technicians a n d professors.

Ceramic Items. T w o bulletins cover the company's line of high t e m p e r a t u r e swageable thermocouple tubing, boats, crucibles, covers, pedestals, inserts, a n d sleeves. Saxonburg Ceramics, I n c .

A N N U A L S U B S C R I P T I O N : 12 issues, $45.00. B A C K I S S U E S : 1957-1958, $45.00; 1956, $160.00; 1952-1955 (6 issues p e r y e a r ) , $80.00 p e r y e a r .

Tables of contents upon



Spectra Indices. T w o bulletins dis­ cuss methods of identifying organic compounds b y infrared a n d ultraviolet spectrophotometry, a n d describe t h e company's index card service. T h e Sadtler Research Laboratories. L-52

CONSULTANTS BUREAU ENTERPRISES, INC. 227 W e s t 1 7 t h S t r e e t


New Y o r k 11, Ν . Υ .

Circle No. 169 on Readers' Service Card



LINE STIRRERS # 1 0 4 1/18 H.P.-High torque Speeds from 100 to 7500 RPM.

# 1 0 3 1/12 H.P. Variable speeds to 12,000 RPM.

The most powerful and versatile labora­ tory stirrer available. Two shafts permit stirring of heavy, viscous pastes, glues and oils as well as high speed stirring of emulsions and suspensions. Continuous duty motor, enclosed fan. Speed control by taper wound rheostat which can be used on table or mounted by dovetail clamp to laboratory support. Precision true running 5 / 1 6 " chuck. Gray hammertone and black enamel finish.

$58.00 Ideal where high speed and torque are requisite ( emulsions, suspensions, etc. ) continuous duty 1/12 H.P. ball bearing motor, enclosed fan. Motor runs at 7500 RPM delivery rated H P - s p e e d s to 12,000 RPM with lesser loads. Speed adjustment from 500 RPM. by specially designed taper wound rheostat with calibrated dial which may be used on table or clamped to laboratory support. Precision true running 5 / 1 6 " chuck. 6 " stainless steel support rod. Modern gray hammertone and black finish.


Write for descriptive literature on our complete line of light and heavy duty





I N S T R U M E N T C O R P .


Circle No. 171 on Readers' Service Card 122 A





R a d i o i s o t o p e Data. Large wall c h a r t shows m a n y charts and tables of d a t a : dosimetry of radioisotopes, decay tables, typical g a m m a spectra, alpha and b e t a particle ranges, o p t i m u m counts chart, g a m m a r a y absorption of various m a ­ terials, b e t a r a y shielding, a n d m a n y others. Baird-Atomic, I n c . {RadioIsotope Data Chart). L-53 Atomic Instruments. Catalog of 64 pages describes t h e company's line of atomic instruments a n d systems, i n ­ cluding t h e basic a n d advanced labo­ ratories, analytical scintillation systems, special medical systems, and individual instruments. Baird-Atomic, I n c . (Cat. L-54 A-4). Automatic Titrator. M a n u a l discusses the principle of t h e Stone automatic t i t r a t o r a n d gives instructions for i t s operation a n d m a i n t e n a n c e ; illustra­ tions a n d diagrams. E . Leitz, I n c . (Manual for the Stone Automatic Ti­ trator). L-55 IR Photoelectric Scanner. Single page describes miniature T y p e SA-1R unit, which is a proximity sensor; includes specifications, photograph, a n d draw­ ing. F a r m e r Electric Products C o . (Bull. 260). L-56