Consumer drug index

drugs both ethically (prescription drugs) and socially. There are abundant quick reference sources for commonly abused social drugs. The purpose of th...
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Jimmy C. Stokes and W. Glenn Esslinger West Georgia College Carroliton. 301 17


Consumer Drug Index

Drugs and drug abuse is a topic of frequent discussion in many of our classrooms. The types of drugs discussed are not limited to those commonly abused, hut include all classes from ethical to hallucinoeenic. Without fail. almost every instructor, particularly those in science disciplines, is confronted with numerous auestions concernine the use of drugs both ethically (preicription drugs) a i d socially. There are abundant quick reference sources for commonly abused social drugs. The purpose of this paper is to provide a source for the most freauentlv ethical drum ?orescribed . which can he used by teachers as a quick reference t o identify drugs. The index compiles the information provided in the "Physicians Desk Reference" ( I ) and lists the 100 most frequently prescribed ethical drugs as published in "Chain

Store Age-1974 Pharmacist's Reference Issue" (2). The index does not provide all of the information concerning these drugs, but will provide in tabular form a hrief introduction to the nature of each drug. Drugs are listed by trade and generic names, and ranked in descending order of use for 1973. Also shown are the most popular manufacturer, drug actions, uses, and most common mode of dispensing. Further information may he obtained hy consulting the "Physicians' Desk Reference" (I), the "Merck Index" (3), the "Merck Manual" (41, or any dictionary of pharmacology. Literature.Cited (1) Phyairions' D e d R&encs. 1 "7fdP

28th Edition. Medical Economicn Company. Orsdeii. N.


(21 Chain Stnre Ape-1974

Pharmacists Reference Issus. 49: 13.72 119711,

The Consumer Drug Index was prepared independently by the authors and was not commissioned by the Journal of Chemical Education.

Trade Name


Generic Name

*bvaiium, 5 mg Tetracycline. 250 mg

Diazepam samed

'Empirin wfcodeine. 30 mg 'Dsrvon Compouna-65 Achromycin-V 250 mg

aspirin. phenacetin, caffeine. codeine propoxyohene hydrochloride tetracycline HCi

Lasix V-Ciliin-K, 250 mg Percodan 'Librium 10 mg 'Lomotii

Roche Searie

tranquilizer, relief o f anxiety and tenrion treatment o f diarrhea


tveatment o f respiratory, rkin, and r o f t tissue infectionr of mild t o moderate Severity anaige~ic.reiief o f revere pain, tension, anxiety

Burroughs Wellcome Liily Lederle


treatment of gout, rheumatoid arthritis, orteoarthritis, bursitir,joint inflammation, pain


antibiotic, infections caused b y a wide variety of microoloanilml tranquilizer, neatment of tenrion and anxiety antibiotic, treatment of infectionr due t o gram Positive and gram negative microorganirmr oral contraceptive, progertogen potent, non-steroidal drug w i t h anti-inflammatory, antipyretic (fever reducing) and analwsic main reliever1 d r w la number of warnings accompany t h i "re of this drug) antitussive and expectorant for control of cough treatment o f cough due t o cold or allergy

diazepam tetracycline HCI

Roche Squibb

norgestrei indomethacin

Wyeth Merck. Sharp, and Dohme

Benyiin Expectorant

diphenhydramine HCI, otherr

Parke Davis

'Phenergan Expt. wlcodeine Ilosone. 250 mg

Dromethazine HCI, codeine



ChlOrDheniramine maleate


Prednirone. 5 mg

triproiidine HCI, DIeudoephedine HCI atropine, scopolamine. phenobarbital, and belladonna alkaloid$ same

Hydrodiuril. 50 mg

hydrochlorothiazide MSD


784 /


tranquilizer, reiief of tension and anxiety antibiotic, treatment of infectionr due t o gram Positive and gram negative organirmr relief of pain of ail degrees of severity u p t o the level of morphine analgesic. relief of mild t o moderate pain antibiotic, bacteriortat against gram poritive and aram neaative bacteria diuretic, treatment o f high blood pressure treatment of mild t o moderate infectionr due t o microorganisms sensitive to Penciilin G relief o f moderate t o moderately revere pain




Journal of ChemicalEducation


HOeChSt LiilY penicillin mixture o f 5 drugs. principally Oxycodone ChiordiaLeDOXide HCI diDhenOxYlate HCI wlatrooine

Erythrocin stearate. 250 mg fPhenaphen w/codeine, 30 mg Butamlidin Aika

"Valium. 2 mg Sumycin, 250 mg


antibiotic, upper and lower respiratory tract. rkin. and r o f t tissue infectionr relief d t sneezing, running nore, weeping and Other rymptomr of nasal congestion antihistamine, treatment of narai congestion due t o allergy or common cold sedative, treatment of ulcer, motion ricknerr. cystitis

LillY Smith. Kline. and French BUrrOUgh6 Welicome Robinr

Merck. Sharoe, and Dohme Roche


cortisone insufficiency. rheumatic disorders. collagen diseases, allergies asthma, otherr diuretic, treatment of hypertension Sulfonamide, urinary infectionr

Tvade Name

Dimetapp Elixir

Vibramycin Hyciate. 100 mg *Liblax


Generic Name



antihirtamine, treatment of allergy common cold, and sinusitis illness

brompheniramine maleate, phenylephrine HCI. phenylpropanolamine HCI. alcohol doxycyciine hyclate

antibiotic, treatment of infections due t o gram positive and gram negative microorganilmr




infections ErYthrocin Ethyl succinate Cleocin HCI. 150 mg

Clindamycin HCI hydrate


'Darvon. 65 mg Premarin, 1.25 mg

propoxyphene HCI conjugated estrogens

Liily AyerSt

Dimetaup Exten Tabr


Diurii. 500 mg

Merck. Sharpe. and Dohme Lilly

*Seconal. 100 mg

sodium recobarbital

Lanoxin. 0.25 mg


*Phenergan VC Exp wlcodeine

promethazine HCi, codeine phosphate, DhenvleDhrine HCI m i ~ r o b i l m i t e ethoheptazine , citrate with aspirin nystatin

'Equagelic Mycostatin Vaginal Tabs V-Ciilin-K Oral Sol.. 250 mg Fiorinal "Nambutal. 100 mg A m Gantririn Pen-Vee-K. 250 mg 'Meprobamate.

Dotarrium phenoxymethyl penicillin butalbitai, caffeine, aspirin. uhenacetin sodium pentobarbital sulfi60xazole phenazopyridine HCI potassium phenoxy methyl penicillin

Burroughs Wellcome Wyeth Wyeth SqUlbb Lilly Sandoz AbbOtt Roche Wyeth

400 mg

Penicillin G Potassium. 250 mg Actifed Syrup



triprolidine HCI pseudoephedrine HCi methyldopa

Pentid6 Syrup. 400 M U

potassium penicillin G

Burroughs Weiicome Merck, Shame. and Dohme Squibb

'Talwin, 50 mg Keflex. 250 mg

pentamcine H C ~ Cephalexin monohydrate

Winthrop LillY

Ampicillin Oral Surpenrion, 250 mg Ovule"-21


'Valium. 1 0 mg Benadryl. 50 mg Poiyclliin. 250 mg

ethynoaiol diacetata wlmertranol diazepam diphenhydramine HCI ampicillin trihydrate

~ i g o x i n 0.25 , mg

extract of opium same triamterene, hydrochlorothiazide same

Combid Spanruier 'Tenuate


tranquilizer, treatment of muscle rparmr and nevvous headache treatment of fungal and yeart infectionr antibiotic, treatment of infectionr sensitive t o penicillin G relief of Dain where analseric and sedative actionare required w i c k acting sedative, urea as pre-anesthetic medication urinary infectionr complicated by pain treatment of mild t o moderately severe infectionr due t o penicillin G renritive organisms t r a n ~ u i i i z e r treatment . of anxiety and tension. promotidn o f sleep severe infections caused b y penicillin G len6itive organisms antihirtamine, treatment of nasal congestion due t o ailerav or common cold treatment of &ere hypertension (high blood pressure) mild to moderate infectionr due t o penicillin G sensitive microorganisms relief of moderate t o revere pain


# Smith, Kline, and French


Myrteclin-F. 250 mg same caramiphen edirylate, chiorpheniramine maleate. phenyipropanoiamine HCI prochlorperarine maleate. ilopropamide iodide diethylpropion HCi

antihistamine, relief of cough, Sedative

oral contracep6ve


Erythromycin. 250 mg

diuretic. causes excretion o f sodium and chioride ions, management of hypertension short acting redative, treatment of insomnia. preoperative Sedation treatment o f congestive heart failure

Roche Parke Davir Bristol


Ampicillin. 500 mg

antibiotic. upper and lower respiratory tract. skin, and soft tissue infectionr o f mild to moderate severity antibiotic. treatment o f infections due t o strsp. staph, and pneumococci microorganirmr analoesic. relief of m i i d t o moderate w i n trea&eni of menopausal syndrome and portmenopause 10-12 hr continuous antihirtamine effect o f common cold and allergies

Smith, Kllne. and French Smith, Kline. and French Merrell


*Doriden. 500 mg Afrin Naral Spray

giutethimide N F oxymetazoline HCI


Benadryl Elixir

diphenhydramine HCI

Parke Davir

tre atment o f congestive heart failure, atrial flutter, etc. an:tibiotic, treatment of Infections due t o a wide variety of organisms mund-the-clock relief o f r y m p t o m r o f upper respiratory mucoral congestion antibiotic. treatment o f a variety o f infectionr. canaidal compiicatianr upper and lower respiratory tract, skin, and soft tissue infections of mild t o moderate severity PIompt relief of coughing, upper respiratory congestion and hypersecretion arrociated w t h common cola and sinusitis treatment of peptic ulcer, irritable bowel syndrome diet drua. treatment of oberitv. .. dietary manaikment treatment of insomnia relief of narai congestion, prevention of middle ear infection antihirtamine, treatment of allergy reactions and motion ricknerr

Volume 52, Number 12. December 1975 / 785


Trade Name


Generic Name


Acfion-Ura treatment of mold t o moderate mfect onr a m 10 penlcl Inn G rcnrnwe organ6mr

norethindrone wlmestranol norethindrone w/mertranol ruifamethoxazole

0,s mntraceotwe, nyoermenorrnea

Antivert. 12.5 mg

Meciizine HCi

Actifed-C Expectorant * 400 mg Terramycin 250 mg

triprolidine HCI pseudoeohedrine HCI meprobamate owtetracycline HCI

Dalmane. 30 mg V-Cillin-K Oral 125 mg Flagyl Oral 'Phenobarbital 15 mg E-Mycin. 250 mg

flurazepam HCI potassium Dnenoxymathyl penicillin metronidazole same erythromycin

Ampicillin Oral


*Librium. 5 mg Dilantin Sodium. 100 mg Ritalin. 10 mg

chlordiazeooxide HCI diphenyihydantoin sodium methylphenidate HCI


Phenergan Expectorant Pediamycin. 200 mg

Dromethazine HCI erythromycin ethyl ruccinate

Wyeth ROSS

Darvon-N w1ASA

proDoxYOhene naorylate, aroirin atropine, rcooolamine. phenobarbital and belladonna alkaloidr diphenhydramine HCI

P a w e Davis



tolbutamide betamethalone valerate Oxyphenbutazone

Upjohn Schering Geigy

acetominophen. codeine DhoSDhate


'Donnatal Elixir

Orinase Valisone Cream. 0.1% Tandearii

a C = Capsule. T = Tablet. 5 = Solution. Cr = Cream. = Habit forming. C # = Drusr commonly produced b y most drug manufacturers. %me = Generic name same ar trade name.

Burrough$ wellcome Wveth

old1 Conlraceotwe, hyoermenorrnea rudonam~de,treatment o f L r f n a r y tract m f e u m n r , otner ~ n l e c t m n r ~ r c e o t l b l eto S J fonamldo antihirtamine, management of motion Sickness, vertigo antihistamine, treatment o f narai congestion due t o allergy or common cold tranquilizer, relief o f anxiety m a tenrion antibiotic, infectionr due t o a wide variety of

depressant, treatment of insbmnia, ui&, etc.. antibiotic, treatment of rtrepto m a rtaohylO C O C Cas~ Iwell ar other types o f infectionr antibiotic, treatment of infectionr due t o gram wsitive and oram neaative tramuilizer, relief of anxiety and tenrion control of grand ma1 and prycharnotor seizures treatment of minimal brain dysfunction in children treatment o f cough due t o cold or allergy antibiotic. treatment of infectionr of the "Doer and lower respiratory tract, skin. ana soft tissue o f mild to moderate severity tranquilizer, relief o f tenrion, anxiety, and low level pain sedative. treatment of ulcer, motion sickness. cystitis potent antihistamine, treatment o f allergy reactions, sedation treatment of Dyeloneohritir, pyeiitis, and cystitis treatment of diabetes, lowering of blood sugar relief o f skin inflammation relief o f arthritis, gout, thromboDhlebitir, and severe inflammation enhanced analgesia (pain relief), treatment of common cold rvmDtoms