Nov 5, 2010 - At the bag factory, Heavy-duty multiwall shipping sacks are produced for manufacturers of plaster, cement, gypsum, lime, talc, and crush...
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CONTAINERS AND TRANSPORTATION Mill and Conversion Plant The pulp and paper mill of St. Marys Kraft Corp. and t h e new conversion plant o f Kraft Bag Corp. are now in full opera­ tion at St. Marys, Ga. At the bag factory, Heavy-duty multiwall shipping sacks are produced for manufacturers of plaster, cement, gypsum, lime, talc, and crushed stone products; fertilizers and feed mate­ rials; insecticides, plastics, manganese ore, pigments, and silica, among others. The mill converts slash pine into pulp and turns out Kraft paper for sacks and other products. T h e mill and conversion plant comprise a unit of Gilman Paper Co., which operates a similar unit at Gilman, Vt.

B o t t l e Dispenser f o r Surface Agent A re-usable all-polyethylene bottle dis­ penser is the new container for the Emil Greiner C o / s Aquet, surface agent for cleaning laboratory glassware and utensils. The emptied bottle can b e used as a laboratory dispenser or wash bottle for any chemical reagents in the laboratory, since polyethylene resists all chemicals including hydrofluoric acid at room t e m ­ peratures. Space is provided on the label for indicating new contents. Aquet is said t o cut grease and leave o n l y a slight film of water, allowing glass­ ware t o dry clean in t w o minutes. N o w i p i n g or drying is required, according to t h e manufacturers. Aquet is nonionic and therefore stable in the presence of acids a n d bases. It is nontoxic and nonsensitizi n g to the skin.

lication, "Containers and Packaging In­ dustry Report/* A digest of local con­ tainer trends a n d current economic con­ ditions in various areas of the country as reported b y department field offices is also included. C 1 For f u r t h e r i n f o r m a t i o n on a n y i t e m o r process m e n t i o n e d ,

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M u l t i w a l l Bags The Arkell a n d Smiths' packaging labo­ ratory has recently designed and de­ veloped several new types of bags in the multiwall paper bag field. Arkell and Smiths do not manufacture paper but buy raw stock from the various paper mills and convert for their own use. Their Shur-Close valve bag, stitched across the top, is filled through a valve on the gusset side. Tests with fertilizer companies indicate that the bag prevents sifting and escape of contents; this less­ ens waste of material in transit. Quicker filling is also claimed as the special con­ struction of valve allows rapid escape of air. The company's Sta-Stak multiwall bag


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Folding P a p e r b o a r d C a r t o n s Robert Gair Co., Inc., has announced the production at its Cleveland cartons plant of Tuf-Bord cartons for packaging durable goods such as automotive parts. Said to be extra strong ar»d rigid, t h e fold­ ing paperboard cartons are used for goods with unusual shapes and with studs and sharp corners. Manufacturers have reported that the board sustains Mullen, tear, tensile strength, and rigidity tests with good re­ sults, and the surface is reportedly adapted for high gloss printing. The cartons are available in different sizes, printed t w o colors on 0.024-inch material. C 3

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Industry R e p o r t Available data indicate that the 1949 physical volume of container business will b e reasonably close to the high level of 1948 and that the outlook for the spring o f 1950 is good, according to the U. S. Department of Commerce. Demand picked u p in the third and fourth quarters of this year after having slackened in the four preceding months.» The year saw more container users b e ­ c o m i n g increasingly conscious of the n e e d f o r distinctive packaging, and it is ex­ p e c t e d that in 1950 users will demand more attractive packages to stimulate con­ sumer interest in their products. Plastic a n d transparent flexible packaging prob­ a b l y received the most attention during 1 9 4 9 b u t other types of packaging, such a s attractive window paper bags and boxes, highly colored paperboard con­ tainers with laminated finishes, mesh bags, n e w t y p e tin and glass containers, and many others received increasing attention. Current trends in each segment of the containers and packaging trade are re­ v i e w e d in the commerce department p u b ­

is m a d e with irregular rough crinkles o n the outer sheet to prevent shifting and sliding in a car. Palletization is said t o be efficient because of this roughness fea­ ture, which also gives greater resiliency and added strength to the bag. Uses are in chemical, fertilizer, sugar, and salt companies. T h e Plasto-Pak bag is polyethylene kraft construction to give moistureproof protection to hydroscopic materials. Bags lined with Plasto-Pak sheet are acidproof for use with strong chemicals. A feature claimed to b e unique with this bag is the Electro-Seal which closes off t h e needle holes at the bottom on t h e bag. This bag as well as the Sta-Stak are available in various sizes beginning at 50 lb. and dependent o n the bulk of t h e material to be packed. C 2

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