Nov 5, 2010 - An advisory group on export packaging has been authorized by the Packaging Institute, New York, to include representatives of various ...
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CONTAINERS AND TRANSPORTATION Export Advisory Group Set Up by Packaging Institute An advisory group on export packaging has been authorized by the Packaging In­ stitute, N e w York, to include representa­ tives of various associations and organiza­ tions that are interested in improving the packaging of U. S. goods shipped to for­ eign markets. Such organizations include the Armed Forces, export groups, and trade associations concerned with the manufacture of goods for export, con­ tainers, packaging materials, and the like. Invitations to appoint cooperating representatives have been issued by the institute so that the export advisory group will have a complete r^p/csentation on all aspects of export packaging problems and become an effective clearing house for existing knowledge of export packaging or the assignment of unsolved problems for study by appropriate technical committees of the Packaging Institute. A policy making committee, known as the export packaging policy committee, headed by M. J. Odell, packaging consult­ ant of Manchester, Mass., and comprising the division chairmen of the institute's technical committees will coordinate and exercise general supervision of the new

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activity. By taking this step the Packaging Institute indicates its willingness to collect, develop, and disseminate on an industry wide basis, information on export pack­ aging. It also creates a focal point for in­ formation on physical and climatic condi­ tions or moral hazards to b e met by pack­ ages en route to or in export markets, and methods that have succeeded and failed in solving these problems.

F M C Acquires Simplex Packaging Machinery, Inc. Food Machinery and Chemical Corp., San Jose, Calif., has announced the acqui­ sition of Simplex Packaging Machinery, Inc., Oakland, manufacturers of bagmaking and packaging machinery. Ac­ cording to Clarence M. Frazier, FMC vice president, the newly acquired com­ pany will be operated as an integral part of Stokes and Smith Co., an FMC sub­ sidiary at Philadelphia, Pa.

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\ Research Pioneers in Products from



Applications of Polyethylene Bottles The polyethylene bottle manufactured by Plax Corp., Hartford, Conn., has been adapted to many uses due to its unbreakability, flexibility, and light weight. The bottle is being used by Enthone, Inc., N e w Haven, Conn., as a package for an acid solution used to test alkali cleaning solution for the metal finishing and electro­ plating industry. Believed to be the first application of the bottle in this field, the bottle does not react with regular testing solution, consisting of strong sulfuric acid, or alkalies used to test acid pickling solu­ tions. The flexible bottle has been de­ signed with capillary tube extending through a sealed cap, thereby offering a means for pumping the test solution from the bottle. Splashing of the solution is avoided and drops may be counted easily. Before use, the end of the tube is sealed, making the 8-ounce bottle a completely ^akproof package suitable for shipping. Another application of the bottle as a iispenser of dry lubricant, or friction-re.ucing additive, has been adopted b y Moly-Lube Products, Great Neck, N. Y. Moly-Lube, purest grade of molybdenum disulfide, may be sprayed from the 4 ounce plastic bottle where needed, due to its flexibility. Equipped with an attached cap that fits snugly over the closure, the polyethylene bottle permits none of the dry powder lubricant to spill when not in use.

G r a v i t y Fillers Feature Vertical Adjustment

A Refined Naturally Occurring Amino Acid kvmlMe

Simplex Packaging Machinery, Inc., is an acknowledged leader in the bag-mak­ ing machinery field, serving packers of candy, dried fruits, fresh produce, tea, and various other products which are packaged in bags. The company's prin­ cipal product line includes two types of equipment. One is machinery which pro­ duces bags from transparent film at rates of 50 to 125 per minute. The second type of equipment automatically forms, fills, and seals transparent film bags at 40 to 50 per minute.


Straight line gravity filling machines manufactured by MRM Co., Inc., are now equipped with a gravity feed tank as a part of the filling machine. The tank is controlled with its own individual float control mechanism and is adjustable for height so that in filling some of the more sensitive or foamy materials, the tank can be lowered to a height where the slightest amount of pressure is exerted. This elimi­ nates almost any foam overflow, states the manufacturer. The spout is made of two sleeves without any packing, thus elimi­ nating danger of contamination and per­ mitting the filling of hot materials which are rather troublesome in spouts containing packing. Machines with 5, 8, 10, and 1 2 spouts are available, and containers from fractional ounces to two-gallon capacities can be handled. C 1 AND