CONTAINERS AND TRANSPORTATION The struggle to find strong but light containers for packaging corrosive materials appears to be at a n end . . . Film liners for cans d o the trick '-p'HANKS to the ingenuity of a g r o u p of •*• men in widely different fields, a metal container h a s just been developed that will dispel t h e theory that corrosives cannot be shipped in metal. T h i s container, designed to eliminate b r e a k a g e .
For further information on any item or process mentioned here, see coupon on page 1421 reduce space requirements, a n d cut shipping costs, is now in use- on a production line basis. T h e new package is a tin can, metal pail, or drum lined with tough, chemically inert Visqueen film. Designed by George Pfeiier, it was jointly developed by E d w a l Laboratories, General Electric X-Ray Corp., and Visking Corp. Assisting in t h e development were the Traver Corp. which fabricates the Visqueen bags and Crown Can Co.. which furnishes the tans and sealing equipment. E d w a l Laboratories markets photographic and other chemicals, using Visqueen-lined metal cans, pails, and drums ranging in capacity from 4 ounces to 55 gallon for liquids, and fiber drums with Visqueen liners for dry chemicals. T h e first shipment of the Dental DualPack, according to Visking, shows 4 0 % saving in weight. 33'/t saving in space,
p tiE M P T DIE l l\ 'El
and up to 6 6 % saving in shipping costs, the latter because the package may b e shipped parcel post. T h e package lends itself to high speed processing. Visqueen film bags w i t h wall thickness of 0.O02 inch are inserted into cans of the proper capacity, and t h e cans are filled b y multispout liquid dispenser. A small square of the film is placed over the month of the can, and above this is the metal cap. Cans then go to t h e crimping machine for closure (see photograph) after which a hot bar removes surplus film. Next t h e cans are lahcled, packed, a n d shipped. W h e r e packages larger than t h e quart or five-quart cans are used, closure is made b y several different types of sealing covers. T h e Visqueen not only acts as a gasket but prevents any chemicals from touching rubber sealing rings on closures which use these for added safety. In very large packages, a double-wall bag is contemplated. C 1
M e t a l D e t e c t i o n Exhibit Metal detection in packaging operations will fc>e demonstrated for visitors to the American Management Association's 19th National Packaging Exposition a n d Conference being held in Chicago from April 2 4 t o 27. T h e demonstration will he presented by Radio Corp. of America and Eriez Mfg. Co. The s\ipersensitive but invisible "fingers"' of this instrument spot—electronically— a.nd signal the presence of metal particles that have b e c o m e e m bodied in materials being processed a n d in p a c k a g e d goods. The movement of any such contaminated units on a conveyor line can be automatically arrested or diverted to a reject table o r receptacle, after w a r n i n g by light or bell. Eriez Mfg. Co. will also display a 12inch magnet, a 12-inch model X magnet, and a stainless steel trap, These nonelectric permanent magnets are used to extract tramp metal, such as tramp iron, from nonmagnetic material in process in the plant. C 2
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5 & 13 gallon sizes to comply with ICC-1 A. Available in 61h gallon size to comply with specification /CC7D.
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A n e w stainless steel chemical container has been developed by Steel Cooperage Co., division of Industrial Stamping and Mfg. Co. M a d e of Armco T y p e 304 stainless steel, the containers are said to be strong, long lasting, easily cleaned, and easy t o handle. They can b e used for a wide variety of liquid chemicals, food sirups and flavors, oils a n d extracts. Known as the Lee stainless container, they have a capacity of 15 gallons a n d weigh only 27 pounds. They are designed for rough handling yet their light weight make t h e m especially easy to handle. T h e chimes a r e designed for solid stacking with resultant space saving in t h e warehouse and in shipping. C 3